Friday, August 12, 2016

Reflections of the Week That Was

I took this photo a couple of weeks ago when we were on our way back from Ohio.
When I glanced in my rear-view mirror and saw this scene, it nearly took my breath away.

It reminded me again of how good God has been to me and my family...
...that sometimes we just need to take a look back and count all of our blessings.
This past Sunday, Jim and I celebrated 40 years together.
I can't really be that old, can I??

'Fraid so.
Seriously though, it is a little hard for me to wrap my brain around!

We've been through it all...there were times when I didn't think we would make it.
But God is good and He's been right there with us the whole time.
Then on Monday, Dylan gave us all quite a scare.
As a young child he suffered with asthma, severe at times, and made several visits to the hospital.
Before this, the last one was over 7 years ago, when he had to be life-flighted to UNC.
Since that time, he hadn't had one asthmatic episode......that is until this week.
Between the poor air quality (mugginess) and doing a lot of work outside mowing and such,
I guess it took it's toll on him and he had to be taken by EMS to our local hospital.
After spending most of the day there, they transported him to UNC Children's Hospital,
where he spent two night in the PICU.

Here he is after getting the good news that he could finally get something to eat and drink.
Two days of nothing in the tummy due to continuous breathing treatments was tough to handle...
...especially for a growing boy!
I teased him saying that I was pretty sure he was the only patient in the PICU with facial hair :)
He was able to go home on Thursday and we were all grateful for the Lord's healing touch.

So that's the lowdown on the week that was.
I sometimes need to just drop what I'm doing and take a moment...
...a moment to just sit back and reflect on what a good, good Father our God is.
Have a blessed weekend, friends.


  1. You/we have so much to be thankful for. I din't get to celebrate 40 years of marriage,but I still have been so richly blessed,both in the past and each day.Glad that Dylan is ok.Praying that you keep on seeing God's hand in every day.

  2. Beautiful post and reflections, Debby. So glad Dylan is OK.

  3. I am so glad Dylan is okay! And sweet friend, congratulations on 40 years of blessed marriage - what a joy! I so enjoyed seeing you as a young bride :)

    Happy weekend! Hugs!

  4. Congratulations on 40 years. Yes we are getting that old, haha. My eldest daughter is 48 and my eldest grandchild is 30. Where did that time go. It seems like only last week they were babies. Oh well. p'm Pleased to hear Dylan is okay again and hoping for better days in the future.


  5. Dear Debby congratulations on this milestone anniversary! It is a good thing to reflect on the great mercies
    God has bestowed upon us along life's winding roads!
    We thank God with you for His hand upon Dylan too.
    I love all the photos you took for your header!
    God bless!

  6. Happy Happy Happy Anniversary and continued good Blessing to you and yours.

  7. Love your wedding pics! Don't the years fly by? Happy anniversary to you both!
    Rejoicing with you about God's hand on your grandson this week!

  8. congratulations on 40 years! wow! and glad your grandson will be okay!

  9. CONGRATULATIONS to the both of you! What a wonderful accomplishment in this "disposable" society! May God bless you both with many more happy years together. So thankful Dylan is doing better. That must have been a horrible scare. God bless you all and keep you always in His care!

  10. So glad Dylan is better and Happy Anniversary to you!! I always love your photos and your blog posts so much. They have such a sense of peace and goodness like you my friend! Love and hugs to you!!

  11. Thrilled Dylan is on the mend. Congratulations on your Anniversary, wishing you many more happy years together.

  12. Good news that Dylan is better. My late mom and several of my nieces/nephews have asthma. Happy Anniversary to you both. I love the wedding pics you shared. You have a gorgeous view from your porch. Wishing you a blessed evening. xo

  13. I do love that last photo where you're reflecting on life (and I love your tablecloth). It's amazing what can pop up in a week and make it one we didn't anticipate. But as you said. our heavenly Father knew and knows and cares and gets us through it. I had a kid with asthma and it's so scary. I think this is your grandson, and don't tell him but he is a cutie and has a grandma with a good sense of humor. :-) By the way, loved your first photo too. I was taking pictures of clouds today, they've been amazing the last two days. And we soon celebrate our 45th and like you, I just can't imagine it's possible.

  14. Happy Anniversary! God's grace is what helps us through those hard times. So glad your grandson is okay! I chuckled about him being in the picu.

    Beautiful photos!

  15. I'm so sorry that I haven't been keeping up with you. I didn't realize Dylan had had problems in the past and that he had had to stay in PICU. Oh my goodness. Please forgive me for not being more sympathetic. I know, right, where has the time gone??? I can't wrap my brain around mine either. Again, Happy Anniversary. Hope you have a great Lord's Day tomorrow.

  16. Happy anniversary!!! That is awesome!!! Sorry to hear about his asthma attack. Hayley suffers from it too and I know how scary that can be. Hope he is feeling better!!!


  17. Congratulations on your 40 years. That has taken a lot of work but then good things are never easy. Here is to another 40 years for you both.

  18. Congratulations to both of you! We've got you beat by a few nice when you make the right choice from the get-go! Happy to hear that your grandson is doing much better.

  19. Happy Anniversary! So glad that Dylan has been sprung. What a scary thing asthma can be.

  20. Yes, that first photo is wonderful ... what a marvelous view.
    I'm so pleased Dylan is doing ok now.

    But most importantly ... many many Happy Anniversary Wishes. Congratulations on your 40th anniversary

    All the best Jan

  21. Again, happy anniversary and prayers for many, many more years to celebrate together! And again - grateful for answered prayer for your grandson.

  22. Happy Anniversary!! Our 37th anniversary is on the First of September. Glad you grandson is doing better.

  23. What a view! Glad Dylan is on the mend. Nice to see you enjoying your lovely porch.


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