Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Sunflowers, Butterflies and a Hodgepodge

Is it fall yet??
Boy, it sure can't get here soon enough for me!
How about you...are you ready for it?

So while I'm waiting, I have to show these gorgeous sunflowers that my son grew in his garden.
He told me to come and get some photos because they were covered with butterflies.

If you compare the size of these standard swallowtails to the flower head,
you can see that they are absolutely HUGE and some are at least 10 feet tall or taller.

My dad used to grow these mammoth sunflowers in his garden too...

...and Aaron keeps his grandpa's memory alive by working in his garden like he did,
among many other things.
Just one more...
...and now on with Joyce's Hodgepodge,
where she asks the questions on her blog and we answer them on ours.
1. Are you watching the Olympics? Your favorite summer Olympic event? I read recently a list of the most iconic Olympic moments in history...what stands out in your mind as a great moment from some past summer Olympic games?

I pretty much describe myself as someone who is not a sports fan. However, when it comes to the Olympics, I actually do like to watch certain events...particularly, swimming, diving and men's and women's gymnastics. Winter Olympic favorites are figure skating, ice dancing and the sledding events. I will always remember the 1996 Summer Olympics when tiny powerhouse gymnast, Kerri Strug was injured on the balance beam and carried out by her coach Bela Károlyi.

2. Have you ever been to Rio? How about the place that started it all-Greece? Have you ever been to any of the Olympic Games in person? Is that something you'd like to do? Have you ever met an Olympian in person?

No to all the above :)

3. The ball's in their court (tennis), cross the finish line (track and field), on target (archery), make a splash (diving), on a roll (gymnastics), out of one's depth (swimming)...which Olympic-related idiom best applies to your life right now? Explain.

I guess my answer would be "the ball's in my court". Lately, I feel the Lord has sent so many blessings my way and I feel the need (and want) to outwardly give more back. Many times, I need to get Debby out of the way. Does that make sense? My answer could also be "archery" because I also think I miss the mark more often than not.  

4. What have you earned a 'gold medal' in recently?

Hmmm...self examination, maybe?

5. What is it (or who is it) that motivates you to eat right, exercise, and do what you can to be healthy?

Probably myself, every time I look in a full length mirror.

6. Are you young at heart or an old soul? Explain.

This one's easy to answer but complicated to explain. I am definitely young at heart...although my body is aging, I still see that child within me reappear quite good ways and in not-so-good ways. The not-so-good is what I'm working on and I've touched on it in answers 3 and 4. Can someone be young at heart and also be an old soul? I think so...I love the simplicity of how things used to be and if I could go back to many of the old ways, that would make me happy. I'm a deep thinker and sometimes I feel the need to escape the ways of the world that we live in today.
7. It's National S'mores Day (August 10th)...are you a fan? Will you celebrate with a s'more today?

I do love the flavor combo but can only handle about a half of one....they are so rich, they almost make my tongue curl. I seriously doubt I will be eating a S'mores today ...or tomorrow but maybe will shoot for one this fall over a campfire (hurry, fall, hurry!)

8. Insert your own random thought here.

It's almost lunchtime and I'm hungry!

So that does it for me...
...enjoy the rest of your week, my friends! 


  1. I love the quote because I am pas 60 which means I can be as child like as I please...hehe. We live with our son and family and often I see myself in my grandchildren. I long to romp and play endlessly but the body is not willing to romp anymore. But I can laugh and encouraged them as they romp. Lovely post, glad I stopped by.

  2. Oh my word, those sunflower and butterfly shots are gorgeous! I love a field of sunflowers : )

  3. WOW!!!! and again WOW!!!! So many butterflies in one spot.I absolutely love these pictures.I also like the idea that if I have not grown up by age 60,I don't have to.This means I don't have to try to grow not that I've been working hard at that.

  4. Those butterflies and sunflowers are amazing. Thanks for adding them to your hodgepodge. Love the poster about aging. I do understand the getting out of the way thought. I seem to get in the way a lot instead of going with what God is doing.

  5. Wow!! Gorgeous!! Thanks for sharing the photos!

  6. Hi Debby! Oh, my goodness! I've never seen such huge sunflowers! I'm just amazed at how tall they are! Good for your cute son keeping the tradition of these beautiful sunflowers alive! Thank you so much for popping in to see me.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  7. Those are the biggest and prettiest sunflowers I've ever seen and the butterflies just add to their beauty. I am so ready for fall and cooler weather...and it was I who vowed not to complain about the heat this summer. :)

  8. Absolutely gorgeous photos!! I so enjoyed them!!


  9. Oh Debby, your photos are stunning...absolutely stunning! They look like they came straight from a photography magazine or National Geographic :)

    Delightful post, my friend. Thank you for visiting my blog today as your comments always bless my heart. Hugs to you!

  10. Those butterfly and sunflower shots are gorgeous! So crisp and clear, and how considerate of those butterflies to pose so well for you!
    I'm not an Olympic fan, and I don't really want summer to end quite yet. We've had a coolish one this year. But I fully get your desire for things to cool down.

  11. Wow! Aaron's sunflowers and your butterfly shots are superb! The pictures are absolutely breathtaking! Wishing you a wonderful day. xoxo

  12. Those sunflower and butterfly pictures are amazing! I guess the birds will be enjoying the seeds next...or does he harvest the seeds for himself?

  13. I am ready for fall - my favorite season! I too, love the sunflowers and butterflies photos! I was taking photos of butterflies on my butterfly bush and they were not very cooperative! :)

    I liked this hodgepodge. I'm young at heart too!

  14. No, it's not fall yet. But I am ALWAYS ready for it. Summer and I are not BFFs. :)

  15. I'm right there with you, sweet friend! Fall is my favorite season, and I am so ready for it this year! God bless you today!

  16. Yep, I agree, hurry-up fall! I love your photos of the sunflowers and butterflies, so beautiful...I think next year I will try to grow some in our yard. Thanks for sharing!
    Lori in Blue Ridge, GA

  17. Love the sunflowers. I have some of them in my yard too, but I've never had that many butterflies on one flower before. Wow, terrific shots.

  18. Fun hodgepodge...and yes, I am ready for fall too!!

    Your sunflower/butterfly pictures are beautiful! It is wonderful that your son is carrying on his grandfather's gardening traditions.

  19. Wow, I've never seen butterflies so attracted to sunflowers. I'm so glad he had you come and see.

  20. Hi Debby! I'm still enjoying these lovely sunflowers! Thanks for popping in to see me and about my curtains, I made them! The fabric is from Waverly and I just adore it. I looked for about a year to find it. If I'd known I could have gotten them at Loews, that would have saved me a lot of trouble! ;)
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  21. Those sun flowers are huge!! Look at the stems on them! Your photos of the butterflies on the sunflowers are gorgeous Debby. Have a wonderful weekend. I hope you get cooled down a bit.

  22. Such lovely photographs of sunflowers and butterflies, a joy to see.

    I don't know how tall Aaron is but those flowers look very tall.

    Take care, enjoy your weekend

    All the best Jan

  23. Oh my goodness, those sunflowers and the butterflies are absolutley amazing! What a blessing to see them. I try so hard to grow flowers but I am struggling. So I seldom see butterflies anymore. You must be so proud of your son.

    Have a wonderful weekend. Thank you for your visit and well-wishes. Hugs. ♥

  24. The sunflowers and butterflies are a real delight, you captured some great pictures.

  25. Your Sunflowers and Butterflies are so pretty.


Thank you for stopping by today! Your sweet comments are such an encouragement to me.