Tuesday, November 15, 2016

A Happy, Happy Hodgepodge :)

It seems like it has taken forever for fall to settle in around these parts
but it is finally here, in full force and going to run right in to winter, I'm afraid.

We spent a long weekend with our Tennessee bunch and the weather was just beautiful.
It was the annual father/son/grandson hunt and the boys had a great time.
Now, I realize hunting is not everyone's thing so I will not post photos of their "results".
I will tell you that the freezer is full of venison...'nuff said :)

 As far as fall goes, this year hasn't been the prettiest we've ever had by a long shot,
but overall there has been a bit lovely color in some areas.

These are from my yard taken a couple of weeks ago.

Here are a couple from Adam's place in Tennessee.

This backyard view just takes my breath away every time...especially in the fall...

...at sunset.

The scene before me was ever-changing...

...as I stood there snapping away...

...until it faded away.

So today I'm participating in Joyce's Hodgepodge ...

...where she asks the questions on her blog and we write the answers on ours.
This a great way to learn a little more about our fellow bloggers and have a little fun,
 so how about popping over there and check it out.
Here we go!
1. Let's all think happy thoughts...share one of yours here. 
This season makes me happy. The cool, crisp air after a long hot summer...the colorful leaves even after they start to shrivel and fall from the trees...family get-togethers on Thanksgiving Day...and well, you all know what comes next :)

2. There's a Chinese proverb that says, "If you want happiness for an hour take a nap, if you want happiness for a day-go fishing...." What say you? If you want happiness for a day...
...I will grab my cameras and head for the country. If I don't see one other human being, that's even better. No, I am not a recluse but getting away from the distractions of everyday life, even for a few hours...or even better for a day...can be so refreshing to the soul. Taking in the wonders of God's creation makes me very happy.

3. Where do you go to decompress from the world around you? 
I think I just answered that in question #2 but if doing that is not a possibility, I might just retreat to my front porch and watch the birds and squirrels :)

4. What song never fails to make you happy? 
Oh...there are so many...how will I choose just one? "How Great Thou Art" will definitely have to be on the play-list. A more contemporary choice might be "Good, Good Father". There are SO many more :)

5. Wednesday is National Fast Food Day. Should that be a thing? Apparently it is, so tell us what's the last 'fast food' you consumed? If you were putting together your own version of a 'happy meal' what would you include? 
Who are the folks that think up these crazy National "Whatever" Days, anyway?? They may as well add this to the list, although I had never heard of this before. Fast food is a way of life for so many I guess so it would seem that they would celebrate this day everyday! The last fast food that entered my belly was an Egg McMuffin with a hash brown patty for breakfast on our way home from TN a few days ago.  My happy meal would probably include some form of chicken and squash casserole...with a little pizza on this side. And pie...I must have pie :)

6. In a few sentences tell us why you blog. 
When there is something inside of you that needs to come out, blogging is a great way to do so. I have always enjoyed writing and my love of photography was re-birthed after my cataract surgery at the end of 2012. I felt I needed an outlet to share my photos...with whoever might see them and enjoy them...and then the words came as a result of them. I never dreamed blogging would open up a whole new world, giving me the great blessing of "meeting" so many new friends from all over the world!

7. List seven things you're feeling especially grateful for today.
Today I am grateful for...my Lord and Savior, as I am every day.
                                       ...the way God is working in my family, as I am every day.
                                       ...the fall season and all of the wonderful things it brings with it.
                                       ...that the election is finally over. It's time for everyone to move forward.
                                       ...the HUGE rainbow that I saw yesterday...maybe that's a good sign! :)
                                       ...the comforts of home...especially after being away.
                                       ...the fact that I will NOT be eating fast food for dinner!

8. Insert your own random thought here.
Aaron informed me yesterday that he wants to have Thanksgiving dinner at his place this year. He had made a vow to himself a year ago (when he had to spend Thanksgiving and Christmas away from home) that he wanted to be "involved" with the holidays this year. After a tiny bit of a protest on my part, I conceded. So I will cook the turkey, dressing and other fixin's, he will cook the ham and his famous homemade mashed potatoes. There we'll all be, neatly tucked into the corners of his tiny little house...and four little dogs and two cats to boot! Now that I've had time to think about it, I wouldn't really want it any other way :)


  1. Your photos are spectacular,Being out in nature is so refreshing to body and soul.

  2. Beautiful photos! Sounds like new memories will be made at Thanksgiving and that's wonderful :-) Have a great week!


  3. Stunning photos. My heart skipped a beat when I read that Aaron wanted to host your Thanksgiving dinner, I am thrilled for him and of course for you. Uplifting.

  4. Blessings to you all as you make new memories with Aaron at his home this Thanksgiving. Your menu makes me hungry!
    Your photos are stunning.
    Have a very nice day.

  5. Oh how beautiful Tennessee looks in Autumn. Gorgeous photos. I loved reading your answers to the questions. These days there seems to be a special day nominated for something or other. I often wonder who dreams up these 'special' days. Enjoy your Thanksgiving dinner. It sounds you will be making very special memories indeed, in his tiny little home. Enjoy.

  6. Beautiful pictures!
    Enjoy your Thanksgiving!

  7. Your plans for Thanksgiving sound great! :)

  8. Debby, reading your post and enjoying your beautiful photos was such a wonderful way to start my morning. I can see by your answers that we tend to think alike. I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving. I'm betting you will!

  9. I loved your random, what a special day you will have. :-)

    Wow, thank you for sharing the photos of Tennessee in Autumn. Beautiful!!
    Happy Thanksgiving

  10. Your photos are stunning!! Sounds like you're going to have a great Thanksgiving.

  11. Your last comment about Thanksgiving made my heart swell! How awesome that your boy wants to be so involved.....what a blessing! Beautiful scenery and words as usual my friend. Love and hugs!!

  12. Oh my goodness, Debby, I so loved seeing the views from Adam's backyard. I could stay there and look out forever! I loved reading your answers to the hodgepodge questions! Enjoy fixing the turkey and dressing to spend time with Aaron at his place. I'm leaving for Ohio to be with my mom and sister. Love and blessings to you.

  13. beautiful photos...our fall colors didn't seem like much either...it was like as soon as they popped, strong winds and rain blew them away too soon :(

  14. I am SO glad that you share your beautiful photos with us through your blog!! You have a gift.

    There is so much I could comment on here in this post, but as I have much to fit into my day, I am just going to comment on the "random thought" and say: How wonderful, that beautiful story of grace that is continuing to unfold!

  15. Sounds like a perfect Thanksgiving to me. We haven't had Thanksgiving in our home the last two years, and this is the first my mom will be with me in a long time. She usually sticks closer to home and goes to my younger sister's but my older sister and I convinced her to come to us this year. Enjoy your time with family and fall. Fall is my favorite too.

  16. Sweetest Debby, your photos always bring a smile to my face - what loveliness! Isn't it amazing that we can look at thy sky every day and find beauty it in every time. Only the Lord could create something that never gets old.

    Delightful post and hodgepode, my friend. Have a wonderful and blessed day. Hugs!

  17. Those first two photos are so scrumptious...glad that you decided to blog so that your photography could be shared. I'll be spending Thanksgiving with my son and family, too.

  18. Debby...I am so grateful that you take the time to share your beautiful photos with all of us. What a treat! I'm sure your Thanksgiving might not be as you'd planned, but being together with those you love is all the truly matters, right? :)

  19. When I clicked on the link from Joyce's post, I first saw your AMAZING photos. Girl, you have talent! I enjoyed reading all of your answers, but the photos. Took my breath away!

  20. I love this season too and your photos are great!

  21. Fall is my favorite time of the year. I love the picture of the sunset with the sun peeking through the trees! Beautiful! Keep up the good work!

  22. Leaves are all gone up my way. Still raking them up though. : )
    Beautiful Sunset.
    How nice that Aaron wants Thanksgiving at his house. How happy you must be. : )

  23. I agree with you, fall is the best time of the year. Your photos are stunning and I love TN as a backdrop for photos. We spend a lot of time in TN visiting the parks and campgrounds. Our fall enjoyment has been cut short this year by a massive wildfire near our home, the air outside is thick with smoke. The fire has been burning for a month with no end in sight. I enjoyed reading your responses and getting to know you today.
    Lori in Blue Ridge, GA

  24. Oh, that is so sweet that your son wants you all to come to his home! How wonderful that God is continuing to work wonders in his life, and I know your Mama heart is ever so grateful and proud. God is so good. May He continually bless you and your family!

  25. Sounds like a perfect way to spend Thanksgiving! Your photos are so beautiful. How Great Thou Are is one of my favorites too :)

  26. As always your photos take my breath away! Wow, those three as the sun was going down are magnificent.
    I'm happy to hear that your freezer is full, praise the Lord! Good job men.

    I loved your hodgepodge!

    Your Thanksgiving sounds like a delightful one, enjoy.

  27. As always your photos take my breath away! Wow, those three as the sun was going down are magnificent.
    I'm happy to hear that your freezer is full, praise the Lord! Good job men.

    I loved your hodgepodge!

    Your Thanksgiving sounds like a delightful one, enjoy.

  28. As always your photos take my breath away! Wow, those three as the sun was going down are magnificent.
    I'm happy to hear that your freezer is full, praise the Lord! Good job men.

    I loved your hodgepodge!

    Your Thanksgiving sounds like a delightful one, enjoy.

  29. So lovely to see your wonderful photo's - the colours are gorgeous.
    Thanksgiving will be good, and not long now!

    All the best Jan

  30. The setting sun and scenery is so beautiful, Debby. I think your Thanksgiving plans sound wonderful. My son just today said he was looking forward to ours. I told him that I'd just realized today that Thanksgiving was next week! How did that happen so fast? :) Enjoy the rest of your week, sweet friend!

  31. Hey Debby! I enjoyed this so much! Your photos are gorgeous and #8 made me cry. I'm so happy for your family. Have a wonderful day sweet friend!

  32. I see similarities in your answers and mine, yes! And such beautiful photos. I'm always happy to come here to look and to read. Your Thanksgiving plans sound super special!!!!

  33. I love to read these hodgepodge posts. Your photos are always so beautiful. I didn't realize you had cataract surgery. Were you not able to take pictures before that? Anyway, what a blessing to have our sight! The vista of hills and sunset from the TN home is spectacular. What a view.
    Sounds like a happy Thanksgiving planned. xo Deborah

  34. I dont like much about hunting i dont like it when I was young my uncle killed a young doe and the blood stunk so bad I threw up ober and over and that poor baby i was sickened .. I refuse to eat vension rabbit either.. Yuk... Lol your photos are lovely .. Happy Thanksgiving to you with love Janice

  35. Hi Debby! I didn't know you had eye surgery? What a gift to have your vision restored, and then to be able to truly appreciate nature around you. Your photos of the sundown and the reds in the sky are just gorgeous.
    I like to decompress by walking in nature, and I totally agree with the thought that I don't need to see another person on the path. It is a great time to just breathe and reset. I think maybe that's what photography does for you.
    Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours. I hope the fires are far from you,

  36. I'm also amazed by how much pleasure my camera gives me. It focuses the way I look at the world.

  37. Gorgeous images of autumn in your neck of the woods, Debby! Your upcoming Thanksgiving sounds ideal; nothing better than spending it with loved ones. What a lovely hodgepodge of replies, too! Enjoy!

    Have a wonderful week, ahead,

  38. We saw a lot of pretty color in the mts of NC while we were there. I was trying to take photos every time we got in the car to go anywhere! lol So I have a 'few' blurry ones and lots from our hikes. I love your banner. I always look at your banners and wonder how you did that! You need to do a tutorial for us. Enjoy your week! Sweet hugs, Diane

  39. Autumn still looks beautiful around your neck of the woods, and the sunsets are glorious. I like your answer to number 6, as we meet many wonderful people in blog land. Wishing you a very nice Thanksgiving, Debby.


  40. Beautiful photos Debby! I think you've had a much prettier Fall than my area of the world. With all the warm temps and now the cold, our leaves went from green to brown. I hope our trees don't die from the sudden change in weather.
    I didn't even get to see our states beautiful aspen trees change colors as it was just so warm this Fall. Oh well...maybe next year.
    Your Thanksgiving sounds wonderful with many memories to be made! Snug as a bug with the family sounds delightful!
    Enjoy it all!
    Happy Thanksgiving!
    Hugs, Amy

  41. Hi Debby, Oh how I enjoyed this post and your lovely fall photos. They are all something special and show our great creators art work. So enjoyed reading your answers to the questions. Wishing you a very special and Happy Thanksgiving with your dear family. Many blessing to you sweet friend. xo

  42. What a delightful view from your sons' home! Wow!

    And I am smiling big thinking of you all at your other son's home on Thanksgiving! Blessings beyond compare!


Thank you for stopping by today! Your sweet comments are such an encouragement to me.