Monday, November 7, 2016

Rescuing "Sophie"

There I was, doing what I so often do...mindlessly rummaging through the aisles of the Goodwill Store. The store seemed way more crowded than usual with items, not necessarily people and I noticed quite a few large-sized donations had been made since I was there last. I was greeted by the sound of a child banging on an old piano followed by an adult (I assumed) actually playing a part of a song, which was quite beautiful. I thought to myself that I had never seen a piano before at a Goodwill store. As I walked over in that direction and made my way past a few large pieces of furniture, there she stood, in all of her glory.

I'm pretty positive I remember hearing myself gasp when I saw her. I immediately sought out that familiar bright orange price sticker and gasped again.

NO WAY....$30...ARE YOU KIDDING ME??!! I gave her a quick once-over and could tell she was in pretty good shape for her age, although there was some water damage to the veneer on top. The cabinet itself was in good shape and all of the drawers were intact. The treadle worked and the needle mechanism as well but was missing the belt. As you can see, she is well over 100 years old.

Temptation grabbed a hold of me and wouldn't let go. Does that ever happen to you? So I whipped out my phone, took a photo and sent it to Jim at work. I toyed around with the idea of just going ahead and getting it as I browsed the store, all the while continually glancing in the general vicinity of her make sure no one else was admiring her. Jim hadn't responded back to me so good sense won out and I left the store...without her, being the good little submissive wife that I am (um...yeah...that's me).  I could have kicked myself as I bid her adieu, looking over my shoulder as I exited. After I had been home for probably a couple of hours, Jim called me and wondered why I was sending him a picture of a sewing machine. I told him my sad story and he asked me why I didn't buy it. What?? You could have called me back before I left the store!!  So he told me to call and see if it was still there. I did and it was....YESSSS!! So off I went to rescue this beautiful piece of vintage workmanship.

Since then, I have been scanning Pinterest and YouTube for information about restoration and the like. At first I was mostly interested in the cabinet but after seeing so much on the web, I decided I wanted to get her back in working order like so many others have done. I also learned a few things about this model, in's what's called the Singer 66 Red Eye model. I supposed you already guessed where she gets her name. See all of those red eyes??

After I got her home, sprayed off and wiped down, I could actually start to see what I was going to be dealing with. The veneer on either side of the top of the cabinet were looking pretty rough and the very top was totally bubbled up...hmmm...more research. I came to the decision to completely remove the veneer on the top and just "doctor up" the sides. I didn't want to get into more than I could handle, plus I didn't want to remove all of her character.

The rest of her was in pretty good shape.

This also gave me a great excuse to go out and get me a new toy!

So after removing not one, but two layers of veneer, I finally got down to the solid wood top. I found out why they add that lovely veneer...the wood underneath left a lot to be desired but Mr. Mouse did a great job on it. I used boiled linseed oil with a fine steel wool on the cabinet base and drawers. It worked like a miracle.

I spray painted the iron frame black and used an antique walnut all-in-one finish on the top. This is after the first coat of the new finish...still a little more work to do but just a little bit of an improvement, wouldn't you say?

During my reading up about old Singers, I discovered that many people who restore these machines give them names. I wanted my girl to have a name too so I pondered and pondered what I might name her. I have always liked the name Sophie so that's what I'm calling her. I was thinking about maybe spelling it S-e-w-p-h-i-e. Nahh, probably not :)

So now the real fun begins, restoring Sophie, herself. The belts and most likely any part that might be needed are available on ebay, although I don't think it will take a lot. I happen to know a wonderful mechanic named Aaron who may one day need a rainy day project during his slow season :) I will also be doing a bit more research about bringing her complexion back to life and brightening up those red eyes of hers. That will be a different post on a different day, my friends. Don't hold your breath, as this may take a while :)
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  1. what an awesome find and an absolutely unbelievable price!!!! my mom had an old singer somewhat like that, but not a red-eye. :)

  2. Fun! You did a great job restoring her. I also love the name you picked.

  3. Oh, you lucky, lucky girl! Or maybe it is Sophie that is lucky. It may be a match made in heaven.

  4. Beautiful! Glad she was still there waiting for you. Such a worthwhile rescue, and you finished her so nicely.

  5. OMGoodness, Sophie is absolutely Beautiful! What a great find! I can tell she has found a wonderful home in her 'older' years! Blessings, Cindy xo

  6. What a wonderful find, and how lovingly you are taking care of her. Just think of the stitches she's made and the garments she's sewn. I wish Sophie could talk.

  7. This is certainly a labor of love for you.Enjoy the process and in the end, the finished product.

  8. Oh my my, Debby, what a beauty. I love the name Sophie too and that suits her nicely. When finished, she is going to be gorgeous!

    When my parents had their estate sale and mom dad and I were cleaning out the house getting ready for the sale we came across their old singer machine just like yours that had been sitting in the garage for many years and dad wanted me to take it. Mmmm...I wasn't real sure I wanted to take it or even tackle it as she too needs some tender loving care, but, she's now mine and awaiting to be refinished.
    You have inspired me to go the distance and make her beautiful.
    Enjoyed your post, sweet friend~~

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  11. Wow, I am so impressed, she is gorgeous. What an amazing find and you have certainly done a great job on her so far. Stunning!

  12. Oh my goodness, what an amazing treasure and for $30!! Incredible!! Sophie is sweet, though Sewphie works for me. =) You and her were destined to be together. What a stirling job you have done in bringing her back to her former beauty. I wonder what stories she could tell of the beautiful creations that have been fashioned on her. You, lovely Debby, will write your own delightful stories with her.

  13. Oh my goodness Debby, what a treasure spoke to you in Goodwill! I'm so glad that Sophie was still there for you to rescue her and bring her home to love and restore. The cabinet looks fabulous and Mr. Mouse and you have done an outstanding job. What a bargain at $30, too!! Thank you for sharing Miss Sophie with us!

  14. Ah! Debby, I think I'm in love with Sophie. Both my mother and grandmother had Singers although not red eyes, and I inherited my mother's when she moved to Australia in 1971. Sad to say we parted company during one of my house moves and I've missed her ever since.
    You've done an amazing restoration job so far, can't wait to see how she looks after Aaron's worked his magic.
    Great to have both you & Sophie with us for MM this week.

  15. What an exciting find! Sophie is beautiful!

  16. I've been seeing Sophie on your fb page. She looks great on her way to restoration. I learned to sew on one around that vintage. AND we bought a cabinet of the same vintage, sans machine, at GW quite awhile ago. We used it in a variety of ways around the house and now eldest son has her in his front hall with a lovely piece of granite on top. Looks spiffy. Look forward to seeing what you will do to the machine! Love your new header.

  17. What a beautiful creation Sophie is. I can tell that you are quite smitten and will do all in your power to bring her back to good form. Wouldn't it be great to be able to sew with her?! Enjoy the process...

  18. I find this so wonderful. My grandmother used one of these and I remember it so well. I hope you will keep us posted on her progress.

  19. Great find at a great price. Nice that you are restoring it.

  20. I love are doing a great job!

  21. Wow!! What a find, You are doing an amazing job of restoring her!! Gosh what a joy to have saved her from a life of no name! My Mother sewed on one of these for years. They were built to last a life time.
    Thinking of you, I guess this Thanksgiving you will be counting your blessings!
    Hugs, Roxy

  22. wow, you go, girl!! Sophie looks ever so much better already, and she must be so happy to be lovingly taken in hand and so carefully restored. My mom is still sewing on her 1955 Singer, and likes it so much better than the fancy newer one she has. I hope you will be able to get her up and running. What a wonderful project. xo Deborah

  23. What a great find! You've already done a wonderful job on the cabinet. I hope you'll get the rest of Sophie brought to life. I'm sure Sophie is happy to be in your home. Take care, dear friend!

  24. What a fabulous find! Sophie is looking great. My grandma had a similar machine and I have such fond memories of her sewing.

  25. Hi Debby! I'm so glad that the machine was still there after you talked to your husband! Your patience was rewarded :) I love the finish it has now, so shiny and warm-colored. And you know someone who can help you with the machine works, so you are really in good shape!
    It takes an artist eye to see the beauty in an old, past it's prime sewing machine. You have made it into a Sophie! What a gift you are to her.

  26. How neat that you got the sewing machine Debby. You've done a good job restoring the wood and I'm sure Aaron can fix her up to work again. There is an old sewing machine at our son's house too. The workmanship in these machines is beautiful. Pam

  27. Oh wow what a great find. Sophie is gorgeous!

  28. What an amazing find! The restoration is looking great thus far. I can't wait to see once Sophie is in working order!
    Hugs, Amy

  29. You rescued a treasure! Grandmother spent hours a day on her Singer sewing machine that looked like that one. Glad your husband was in agreement.

  30. It's beautiful I love the old trim and the design just so charming and rich looking

  31. Now this is something very special.
    I'm so glad you spotted it, and I'm so glad you are taking time for the restoration.

    What a lovely post

    All the best Jan

  32. Oh Debby, how incredibly wonderful and special! Indeed, you rescued a sweet treasure :)

    Happy hugs to you!

  33. What a find. Growing up in the 50s one of my friend's mom had an old Singer with and we had so much fun with that pedal!

  34. Wow. I like vintage things. And a great one with a story.

  35. Oh, this singer sewing machine is a treasure. You did a fantastic job making it look nice. This sewing machine reminds me of my mom, who used to make many of my clothes growing up. So glad you restored this one.


  36. Sophie is absolutely beautiful and what a perfect name for her! You are so blessed to have found such a beauty at such a great price! I can just imagine that you were drooling all the way home. :)

    Have fun restoring her. I can't wait to see how she turns out!
    Have a blessed weekend.


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