Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Holiday Hodgepodge

It's Hodgepodge time once again...
...where Joyce from Across the Pond provides the questions and we provide the answers.
Some of you (about 7 I think)  may have noticed that I jumped the gun just a little bit.
Yesterday morning I was preparing my post and had just copied and pasted the questions from Joyce...
...and then I evidently hit publish instead of save...lol!
Later on as I was going through my email, I noticed Hodgepodge by My Favorite Things on Bloglovin'!

According to my stats, only 7 people had viewed it and I quickly reverted it back to draft.
I'd say it's probably still out there floating around somewhere.
I'm not sure what happens to a post like that....does anyone know??
Oh well...
So I have taken down all of my fall decorations but have not brought out the Christmas stuff yet... 
...I have the house to myself this weekend and that's when I'll get things done :)
I did, however, manage to get my Christmas wreath hung on the front door.

We will be spending Christmas in Tennessee
but I still must do some decorating to get myself in the spirit.
It seems like more and more I am seeing folks decking their halls even before Thanksgiving.
And that's all good...I'm not judging...but I guess I'm just a traditional kinda girl :)
I have no new Christmas images to post at the present so I will share a few from Christmases past.

I can't tell you how many photos I have taken of this watch.
This is one of my favorites, not because of the quality, which isn't the best,
but because of the story it tells....Christmastime is here.

There's nothing that says 'Christmas' quite like a poinsettia...

...or the glow of a candle in a dimly lit room...

...or maybe it's a favorite handmade ornament on a brightly lit tree.
I am sure of one thing...we all have our own favorite things that remind us of this blessed season.
So let us get on with the business at hand....the Q&A.
1. Give us three rhyming words that say something about your Thanksgiving holiday (or your most recent holiday gathering if you didn't celebrate Thanksgiving). 

It was LATE (6:30 ish) when we ATE and you can bet I cleaned my PLATE! This was the first time we had eaten our Thanksgiving meal in the evening. Just let me say... this was way too much food that late in the day. I don't think I will be doing that again.

2. When did you last say, 'the more the merrier'? Did you mean it?

I really can't remember the last time I said those words...and I probably didn't mean it anyway.

3. What's one piece of advice you'd give someone who is your same age?

I would advise them that age is only a number and that by staying young on the inside, it will help you stay younger on the outside.

4. You're ordering a veggie plate, what four veggies are on it?

Squash...any kind, a sweet potato, green beans and probably cabbage.

5. Shop til you drop! Did you? Have you ever? Will you between now and Christmas?

No...never. I can't even remember doing it when I was younger...I get what's on my list and get out of the store. The Christmas shopping madness makes me sad...it's just not for me. I do most of my shopping on Amazon these days. There is one thing that I try to do every year...I go out on Christmas Eve to buy a few last minute stocking stuffers, even if  it's just to Dollar General or the local grocery store. There is something about doing it that makes me feel all "Christmas-y" and reminds me of a scene from the song "Silver Bells"... Strings of street lights, even stoplights blinkin' bright red and green as the shoppers rush home with their treasures.... :)

6. What's your favorite chair in your house, and why is it a favorite?

That would probably be the corner of the couch next to the end table and lamp where my laptop sits before me on the coffee table. I like it because everything I need is right within reach and I have a straight on view of the TV. I usually have one fur baby snuggled in on my right side and the other one at my feet.  Every now and then when I really need to put my feet up, I sit in Jim's recliner when he's at work :)

7. Share an early memory of faith, religion, or spirituality.

After some reflecting, a memory popped up of me being a wee little girl as I would attend the yearly foot-washing service (spectator only) at the church I was raised in,  the Old German Baptist Church...or Dunkards, as they were also known as. Of course this was for members only and little children did not partake in it. I remember wondering why the ladies were removing their stockings and washing others' feet as they passed a large wash basin and towels down the aisle of pews. Much later in life, in my 30's actually, I became aware first-hand of the significance of being a part of a humbling service such as this. Shortly after I became a Christian, the church we attended at the time practiced this ordinance every year on Maundy Thursday. It was one of the most moving services I have ever been a part of as I witnessed a room full of women loving, forgiving and being healed from past hurts and old wounds. I will never forget it as long as I live.

8. Insert your own random thought here.

I am nearly in disbelief that tomorrow is the first day of December. Anyone else??
So.... until next time....


  1. I agree that age is only a number, I look at lot younger than I am and people are always surprised when I reveal my age. I got great genes from my grandmother. Have a great week.
    Lori in Blue Ridge, GA

  2. Hi! HOpping over from the Hodgepodge!I love what you said - age is just a number! So true. Have a great day - I really need to get on my Christmas decorating!

  3. I'm decorating in stages this year, and never begin until at least the day after Thanksgiving. It will take me most of the month to get it all just so. I did my cards early this year though, because we have a new address and I was inundated with emails from people asking for it. Seemed easier to just go ahead and mail the cards : )

  4. Well that explains it! I always wonder. LOL

    Your Christmas theme is very pretty. Glad that you're not judging, even if I did ruin two breads and two pies trying to do it all. I learned my lesson.

    A Very Merry Christmas season to you!

    (Gheesh, Debby's never shopped until she dropped before...) < muttering to myself >

  5. Oh Debby, I loved this post. I've not seen a foot washing service, but I can imagine it being a humbling experience for everyone involved. Humility is greatly underrated in our self-centered, prideful society. I'm the same kind of shopper as you and I also like that one quick experience being out and among them. Thanks for reminding me of Silver Bells. I've always loved that Christmas song! Have a good evening. I think I ate too many carbs: Chicken Fettuccini with basil pesto. Sure was good but now I want a nap! LOL

  6. Oh Debby, I loved this post. I've not seen a foot washing service, but I can imagine it being a humbling experience for everyone involved. Humility is greatly underrated in our self-centered, prideful society. I'm the same kind of shopper as you and I also like that one quick experience being out and among them. Thanks for reminding me of Silver Bells. I've always loved that Christmas song! Have a good evening. I think I ate too many carbs: Chicken Fettuccini with basil pesto. Sure was good but now I want a nap! LOL

  7. Lovely to see all your photo's here.
    I especially like the poinsettia...

    Happy December Wishes

    All the best Jan

  8. Your blog looks so pretty...
    I am plum tuckered out after the big Thanksgiving we had...just got our dining room decorated...very light this year....have 2 parties to go to this week and one next week...putting up our tree and getting all the stockings hung tomorrow...maybe get the mantel done and I'll be finished. whew...busy time of year but...I love it.

  9. Enjoyed your answers, and yes I saw your post earlier but when I clicked on it said it had been removed. Love those shots with the tree lights in the background!

  10. Your Christmas photos are soooo beautiful, Debby. They should be on note cards or a calendar! I,always love reading your answers to the questions. December is such a busy month, and I wish we could make it last longer to enjoy it more!

  11. Ha! I was one of those seven who saw your empty page, made me think of myself, as I've done that a time or two, we'll actually more than that. :-)
    Your photos are stunning, Debby.
    I'm not a shop till you do kinds a girl either, it's in and out, but I too love gathering those stocking stuffers just before Christmas with all the hustle and bustle going on.
    Your foot washing experience sounds wonderful.
    I loved your advice on age, so very true.
    Christmas in Tennessee will be a joy I'm sure.

    Bless you~~

  12. Ha! I was one of those seven who saw your empty page, made me think of myself, as I've done that a time or two, we'll actually more than that. :-)
    Your photos are stunning, Debby.
    I'm not a shop till you do kinds a girl either, it's in and out, but I too love gathering those stocking stuffers just before Christmas with all the hustle and bustle going on.
    Your foot washing experience sounds wonderful.
    I loved your advice on age, so very true.
    Christmas in Tennessee will be a joy I'm sure.

    Bless you~~

  13. Ha! I was one of those seven who saw your empty page, made me think of myself, as I've done that a time or two, we'll actually more than that. :-)
    Your photos are stunning, Debby.
    I'm not a shop till you do kinds a girl either, it's in and out, but I too love gathering those stocking stuffers just before Christmas with all the hustle and bustle going on.
    Your foot washing experience sounds wonderful.
    I loved your advice on age, so very true.
    Christmas in Tennessee will be a joy I'm sure.

    Bless you~~

  14. I loved your post. So fun. And your photo's were gorgeous. Come over and link at The Countdown To Christmas. And come back and link all your Christmas posts!
    Merry Christmas!

  15. Is the link not there. It's blue just under #3 link at least that is what I see. There are 8 othe links posted.

  16. December 1st is here and I still can't believe it! I am taking this Christmas season a bit slower so I don't miss out on any of the excitement! I started to decorate a bit today with the help of my little elves. ;) We will put up the tree this weekend, if not my boys will be a bit upset with me. They decked their room with lights and bulbs and a mini tree...it looks so very festive!
    Your Christmas Past pictures are so very pretty! I just love the colored lights the most. They are so cozy and calming.

    I hope you have a delightful weekend, Debby!

    Hugs to you,

  17. I can't believe it is December 1st, either!! I love this time of year. We don't get caught up in the bustle at all, and it is so liberating to not feel the need to partake of the madness. We just enjoy sitting back, enjoying the real reason for the season, and worshiping Him. I enjoyed reading about your experience with the feet washing...it sounded so sweet and like a precious time of fellowship. God bless you, Debby!

  18. I totally agree with you Debby. I don't ever put up Christmas before Thanksgiving. I do less and less shopping every year and try to enjoy TIME with family and friends during the holidays. Oh, how I loved reading your story about the washing of the feet. No wonder that stayed with you in such a powerful way. Happy December.

  19. No Christmas decor here prior to Thanksgiving either ! In my mind it's just ridiculous :) I have learned over the years in Blogland to just ignore all of that / them ...

    I just loved the foot washing service memory...

  20. Hi, Debby! I can't believe I'm so far behind again. Too much going on this time of year--it's cramping my blogging style! LOL You did great with the #1 rhyme, and #4 sounds like what I would order. I'm truly enjoying shopping on Amazon (and other online shops) this year. It still takes a lot of time to do the research, but I'm not nearly as tired afterward. ;)

  21. Sounds like you're having a lot of fun, Debby, and great photos to go with it.

  22. Debby, your decorations are so pretty. Christmas is alive and beautiful around your home. I really like the gold bell. And that candle picture is perfect. Wishing you wonderful days leading up to Christmas. :)


  23. Hi Debby! I have been thinking of you in the midst of the news of the fires in Tennessee. I hope you and yours are all well and untouched by the disasters.
    I have also jumped the gun on 'publish' and boy, is that humbling!! Not the end of world of course, but I felt so bad.
    Your answer about 'the more the merrier' made me laugh!
    Hope you snuggle up tonight with your favorite fur baby in your fav chair my friend,

  24. Such beautiful reminders of the season. Poinsettia is really a sign of Christmas for me.


Thank you for stopping by today! Your sweet comments are such an encouragement to me.