Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Deck the Hodgepodge

Welcome to another edition of Joyce's Hodgepodge...

...where she asks the questions and well, you know the rest :)
This week's questions are about all things Christmas...almost anyway.
I was able to get my decorating done over the weekend and it's always such a relief!
Being able to sit and enjoy them while watching a good Christmas movie is something I really enjoy.
I told myself I was not going to decorate as much since we will be out of town...
...well, that didn't happen.
One thing led to another and before I knew it, I put up as much as I always do!
So,  here are this week's questions...
1. Let's talk holiday decorating. On a scale of 1-10 where do you fall? (1=Scrooge and 10= Clark Griswold). What's your favorite corner-room-table-space to decorate? Is it done?

I am definitely not a Scrooge but I am a far cry from Clark Griswold...he went a little over the top if you ask me. I would probably put myself somewhere in the middle of those two...right around a 5...or maybe a 4. Remember, the more you put up, the more there is to take down...and if you feel like me, there is more joy in putting everything up...agreed? I do think that I have found a new favorite corner or table-space to decorate this year since I brought Sophie (my vintage Singer) in the house after sprucing up her cabinet.

2. Is there a nativity scene in your decorating somewhere? Post a picture or, if it's special to you in some way, tell us why. Or do both-it's Christmas!

Oh, I absolutely do. I call it Gracie's Nativity and you can read about it here and why it's so special. The past couple of years, I have not used the wooden stable as it has begun to fall apart. I tried something new last year and repeated it this year...until I come up with another idea. I arranged the characters on my hutch topped with a vintage lace table cloth (poofed up a bit) and stuck a string of white lights under it. I like the way the lights illuminate all of the figures, especially in a dimly lit room.

3.  Do you live in a social neighborhood? If so are you glad? If not do you wish you did?

I wouldn't call our neighborhood overly social. Our home is in a subdivision in a rural area but most of the houses are spaced a good distance apart due to the sizes of the lots...about an acre or more. There are a few families with young children but for the most part, the neighbors are in their 50's and 60's with maybe a few older folks. We are so spread out so this is just a guess since we don't know many of them except those who are right near our home. We are very close friends with a family who lives a block or so away at the entrance to the subdivision because we worship together and have known them as long as we have lived there. For many years, there was an annual neighborhood "pig-pickin'" that we soon discovered was basically one big drinking party and we didn't feel as if we fit in. We have enjoyed living in this quiet neighborhood for all of these years but we are looking forward to our future plans after retirement, God willing, of building our little farm house on Adam's meadow in Tennessee. I do hope to be quite social with the many animals who live in the petting zoo across the road and neighboring horses and cows :)

4.  As the saying goes, 'there's no time like the present'. How does that ring true in your life right now?

Especially during the busy holiday season, this should be my mantra. I think we all know that December is the shortest month of the year, even though it consists of 31 24-hour days, just like many others. I'm going to be honest here...I tend to be a procrastinator and I do my best work under pressure, but I wish I wasn't like that. Maybe one day I will get my act together and become as organized as I should be. Probably not though.

5. Do you dread Mondays? Why or why not?

I love my weekends but I also enjoy my job. I recently came across this on facebook and I borrowed it because this is pretty much the way I look at Mondays.

6.  Poinsettia, Christmas Cactus, Amaryllis-which on the list is your favorite holiday plant? Are any of these on display in your home right now?

Poinsettias, without a doubt, are my favorite go-to Christmas plant. I have them in red, and white. I don't have Christmas Cactus at home but have three in my office and they are all in bloom as we speak. I don't remember ever having an Amaryllis.

7. Share a favorite quote from a Christmas movie.

I didn't even have to think twice about the answer to this question. "God bless us, every one" from my all-time favorite movie, "A Christmas Carol"...the 1984 remake with George C. Scott. My Christmas just isn't complete without watching it.

8.  Insert your own random thought here.

I have a little over two weeks to get my shopping done. And as I sit here finishing up this post, a strand of lights on my Christmas tree flickered and finally went completely out! Oh my gosh, this happens every year! Pardon me while I go scream....AAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!


  1. Lovely nativity scene. Poinsettias are my favorite. Have a great day and God Bless!

  2. I love, love, love your sewing machine and the way you decorated it. I still use my treadle machine. The girls think I should try an electric machine, but I'm kind of stuck in my ways. :)

  3. Debby- What fun to read this and get to know you a bit better. I sure love that old Singer and it is fun to see it all 'gussied up' (as my gramma would have said) for Christmas.

    Love your sweet old nativity. I don't do the creche anymore either but set mine on that blanket of 'snow' with lights underneath it, too.

    My Christmas cactus is beautiful this year and your poinsettias are just lovely.

    Hope you have a wonderful Wednesday and I know I am weird but I absolutely LOVE Mondays. xo Diana

  4. Good morning, Debby! What you've done with your nativity set is really pretty. Truly makes a statement. I love the photos of your poinsettias...what a great eye you have! Thanks for sharing your talent with all of us.

  5. Ah the Christmas lights, sent they wonderful! LOL. Sounds like we could just trade lives. Although it's only winter that makes me want to live in a city. I love the lights under the Nativity and the gorgeous old Singer!! Have a beautiful day, Debby.

  6. Oh, this was a fun one to share! My Christmas cactus has it's first bloom this morning! And as much as we have in've mentioned my least favorite movie! lol If I could skip to the has the BEST ending! Enjoy your day! You might get something tomorrow in the mail! Hugs!

  7. Oh dear! You're right, every year, at least one strand foes belly up. Loved your post today beginning with the title! Your vintage new to you sewing machine makes a darling focal point for Christmas!

  8. What is it with the Christmas lights?!! Good grief.

    Sophie looks lovely decorated for Christmas! And I see that you are a procrastinator? I wouldn't have guessed that you were in that club. (I am a charter member.)

  9. There's always THAT! strand : ) This year ours is one of the outdoor strands and it is super annoying. We keep trying though! I love your nativity. I need to add something under mine, and I love the lights with yours. I might borrow that idea.

  10. A lovely post, I loved how you arranged the Nativity under the light, really makes it special. Your sewing machine table looks amazing.

  11. So funny! Those Christmas lights can be so annoying! Enjoyed your hodgepodge, and sharing of memories! Beautiful nativity, such a beautiful reminder of what Christmas is all about! Hugs to you today :)

  12. Very Nice!!
    Your decorations are beautiful.

  13. We always have one (or two) Poinsettia in the house at Christmas and always red!

    Lovely post

    All the best Jan

  14. Very interesting post.Looks like your home is filled with Christmas beauty.

  15. Hi Debby, Such a fun post to read your answers. Love your pretty decorating too. I have some poinsettias in the faux styles. haha Too many years trying with the real ones and I manage to shorten their life!! haha in other words, I don't have a green thumb for them. But the faux variety do great. haha.
    Blessings to you sweet friend. xoxo

  16. Good morning, Debby! Your Sophie looks so pretty all decked out in her Singer beauty! What a pretty vignette you've created for her to shine and for you to enjoy. Your nativity set looks so pretty and the lights underneath add to the sweetness. Enjoy the advent season...I wish it was longer! Love and blessings, Kitty

  17. Hi, sweet friend! Long time no are you? Please know that you are never far from my thoughts.

    Your post was truly a delight to read and my, what a beautiful Nativity set. I am so sorry about your Christmas tree lights....did they come back on?

    Wishing you a joyous Christmas season. Love and hugs!

  18. Hi Debby! We put up our tree (finally!!) only to have several strands out. Arg. It's a prelit, and I thought it would be so great, but it's turning out to be quiet a headache. I told my husband I just don't care, let's turn the tree so it has it's 'best face forward' and call it a day. At least we got it up!
    We spend Christmas Eve at my brothers house and we always watch the movie 'Elf'. I don't think it's my favorite, but I like it because of the tradition it's become.
    Your vintage creche is beautiful,

  19. Enjoyed your Hodgepodge answers and especially the photos. I'm joining in for the first time this week!

  20. Enjoyed your Hodgepodge post! Lovely photos as always. Your Nativity set is beautiful. When I was a young married in my 20s, my MIL bought one for me. This year I started to downsize my Christmas decor and passed mine on to my DIL :)

  21. Oh, your decor looks SO pretty! I LOVE the nativity and how you have run the lights through it with the lace doily. Everything looks so homey and warm and your sewing table, too! God bless you this Christmas season, my friend!!

  22. Enjoyed your hodge podge answers and seeing bits of your decorating. The old sewing machine is beautifully decked out!

  23. Loved this. My favorite Christmas movie quote is "Every time a bell rings an angel gets his wings". I have a Christmas cactus but I am not sure it will bloom this year for I set it outside this summer and it got sunburned really bad. Love your decorations. Merry Christmas!

  24. Great post, love your Nativity pieces! I like Poinsettias but with our animals they can be poisonous so I don't get the real ones anymore :-( Hope you were able to get your lights fixed. Have a wonderful weekend!


  25. Who says you have to take them back down? You just don't turn them on the rest of the year, maybe. The sewing machine is a classic. My grandmother used to have one.

  26. I love the way you put the lights and lace around your Nativity scene. That is just beautiful. :)

    I love that sewing machine cabinet and the old black Singer machines, too. They are absolutely beautiful! I've never had one but have always wanted one. My grand-aunt Mae had a treadle machine in her front room. It was the cause of many a swattings during my childhood. We couldn't resist that pedal. :)

    Have a blessed weekend!

  27. Hi Debby,

    Your snaps of all the Christmas coziness in your home evoke seasonal feelings of warmth and comfort.

    I can completely relate to your tendency to procrastinate, and especially to the notion of enjoying working under pressure; somehow it all comes together with superb spontaneity.

    Wishing you a lovely weekend and hope it's a bright one, too, aglow with your Christmas lights!



Thank you for stopping by today! Your sweet comments are such an encouragement to me.