Monday, December 12, 2016

...with boughs of holly...

Deck the HOUSE with boughs of holly,
Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la...
(Do you think folks used to actually deck their halls?)

I was so excited to see my holly bush out back, heavy laden with clusters of red berries.
Some years there aren't any berries at all and I've often wondered why.

I already knew the part about only female plants will produce berries,
but only if a male is within a certain distance from her.

Well, once you have berries, you'd think you would have them every year, right?
I mean, it's not like these bushes just get up and move around...
...and away from said male or female influences.
Maybe the male and female bushes were just not getting along well that year.
I didn't know why...I am horticulturally challenged!


So I got curious and if you are interested, you can read more about holly right here.
Many of you smarty-pants friends already know these facts, no doubt.

There are other things that can interfere, such as the weather...too wet or too dry.
Regardless, I was pleasantly surprised to see so many beautiful red berries this year.
These red and green boughs just make everything look so Christmas-y!

When I was young and much more ambitious,
I made wreaths and centerpieces from real greenery just about every year.
I even tied boughs of evergreen together to make my own garlands.
I do love the old-fashioned look of them and of course, the aroma is heavenly!
Adding some holly to the mix just makes it perfection.

Do you have a holly bush in your yard or use real greenery for your decorations?

Today, I'm linking to

 Mosaic Monday

Won't you come over and check out everyone's lovely mosaics?


  1. Oh Christmas-y in deed! Those are lovely gracing your table.
    no I do not have a holly berry bush sadly to say, not sure if it would do well in this altitude I live in, we're about 8,000 feet up in the mountains.
    Thank you for sharing your beauty with us, Debby.

    Have a blessed week~~

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Those are so festive and pretty! What a blessing to have all of those red berries to decorate with, including the lovely leaves. Yes, we have wild Eastern holly, commonly known as winterberries, but the foliage is long gone so they are just red berries on a stick...highly coveted, though. And, yes, of course, they decked the halls! 😊

  4. There are lots of berries on our holly bushes this year, too. I love using real greenery in the house - it smells good and isn't plastic! I think "deck" had a different meaning back in the day! Enjoy your decorating!

  5. Sadly I do not have a holly bush, but my parents do I do so love all the greenery in the house at this time of year. Your home is certainly looking wonderful.

  6. So, love does not always run smoothly even with holly bushes. =) How fascinating. I have always loved the dark green of the leaves with the beautiful bright red berries.

  7. Oh, how pretty! You are so talented to do these things! I am so thankful you are enjoying this Christmas season, my friend. God bless you!

  8. Beautiful pics of the holly, they are real Christmassy. I have a holly bush outside my kitchen window but of course with it being summer here we do't get berries at Chritmastime.
    That was interesting reading about the holly bush, we have a female but I didn't know until tonight, haha. The male must be in the holly hedge just up the street.
    Merry Christmas.


  9. How lucky you are to have berries on your holly bush mine never produces any, guess her "other half" has gone walkabout!
    Once upon a time I was young and ambitious too creating wreaths and garlands from greenery, oh the swags I've made! Sadly these arthritic hands aren't up to the task any longer but there are some wonderful faux products out there and they can look almost as good with a bit of creative tweaking.
    Merry Christmas from Normandy hope to see you @ Mosaic Monday in the New Year.

  10. I love all of the natural greenery. And if you look close at my little bouquet of roses, you'll see holly tucked in the vase. I need to look for the berries! Hugs!

  11. I love holly. Such a natural Christmas decoration.

  12. Your halls are looking very decked out, Debby! I used to have holly bushes in previous house, but now I have East Palatka holly trees, which have pretty berries, and I have a Savannah holly tree, which is pretty, too. I've cut some of the branches and put in a vase to add some holiday cheer at my kitchen sink. Happy decking, Debby!

  13. Beautiful post.No,of course no holly in my area, but I do love the look of it.

  14. You are so creative! That last photo is amazing. Yes we have holly bushes but mostly way in the back. I need to go check out the berries. I often bring some branches in to have on the table and I'm having guests x 2 this weekend so I should start looking. Yes some years we don't have much but in recent years they are heavy laden. Enjoy the week!

  15. The red berries sure are pretty.
    No I don't have any holly bushes.
    Things looking very pretty around your house.

  16. My mother-in-law always had lovely holly bushes. Thank you for the memory.

  17. Oh lucky you to have that beautiful holly growing right in your yard. Makes for such lovely images.

  18. We do have some hollies, and the berry-eating birds love them.

  19. How special to use your own holly for your decorations.

  20. Beautiful!! I love your holly photos! (Those boughs are really photogenic, aren't they?)

    We had holly at The Farmhouse. And if it wasn't a good berry year, we could walk through the woods on our property or adjoining family property and find some. Here at Pineapple House...holly-less. Maybe I need to visit my mother-in-law and take a walk in the woods...

  21. No, we don't have any holly bushes ...
    You have shared some wonderful photographs and information, thank you.

    All the best Jan

  22. Hi Debby! I am certainly not one of your smarty pants friends, so this was fun information for me. That is weird, as you said, the bushes don't move around, so why the irregular growing patterns? Maybe it has to do with the weather too?
    Have a wonderful Christmas my friend. God bless you and yours!

  23. I keep meaning to try growing a holly bush in my yard. It would be so nice to have fresh holly to decorate with. Your photos of the holly are so pretty! Enjoy your holiday preparations, my friend!

  24. Your female holly bush is wonderful. I have a new friend who was looking for fresh holly to make wreaths this year.She settled on some wonderful greens and she made me one.
    I'll go back and read your article about holly bushes

    Merry Christmas

  25. Debby, your holly and berries are beautiful and a perfect touch for Christmas decorating. I don't have a holly bush. I noticed your holly graphics in your post and wondered how you got them there. I like them. Have a wonderful Christmas with your family. Hugs. Pam

  26. I've always liked holly trees and the berries are really beautiful. Your home looks so festive and your photos are lovely!

  27. So so beautiful!! :)

    Have a Merry Christmas :)

  28. How lovely that you have a holly bush, your decorations with it are gorgeous! I know nothing about holly's so your information was news to me too! :)

  29. Your holly bush is beautiful! And very Christmas-y! I wasn't aware of all the information on holly either, so thank you for sharing!

    We have gotten some snow with freezing -15 temps here! Been snug in the house all weekend. I think I needed a weekend of rest! Tomorrow we are heading to town to finish some shopping.

    If I don't get back on, I hope you have a very Merry Christmas Debby!


  30. Hi Debbie! Your holly is so pretty! I haven't seen a holly bush in a very long time and it certainly says "Christmas"! It also says 'ouch' if you poke yourself with those sharp edges of the leaves. :) Thanks for popping in to see me.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  31. Just beautiful! Holly is so Christmas-y.

  32. Sweet friend, what a simply lovely post! We don't have Holly here so it's a delight to see yours.

    Merry Christmas, dear Debby! Love and hugs to you

  33. Oh, Debby, the holly is just beautiful! I love the look and smell of real greenery and it is available at some nurseries, but it dries out so quickly and then makes a huge mess. So I guess I will stick with the faux!

    Warm hugs,

  34. It looks beautiful. Have a great new year xx


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