Saturday, December 31, 2016

The Year That Was

"Time is the most undefinable yet paradoxical of things;
the past is gone, the future is not come,
and the present becomes the past even while we attempt to define it,
and, like the flash of lightning, at once exists and expires."
~Charles Caleb Colton  
2016...the year that was.
How can this be?
When I was young, just the thought of putting a '20' in front of the year seemed like science fiction...
...and now here we are, seventeen years into it!
Every year I ask myself how in the world did this year fly by so quickly...
and every year the answer is the same.
It. Just. Did.
"Time is nature's way to keep everything from happening at once."
~Ray Cummings
I have started this post about five or six times,
Then I decided I wasn't going to post at all because I was running out of time.
Then I decided I would just forego all the of the photos and and links for the re-hash of 2016.
That's where I left it.

Yes, in 2016 there were vacations, family gatherings, the addition of a new fur baby,
a girl's weekend getaway at the beach, holidays to celebrate and many, many photo ops.
But I don't even have the words to express how grateful I am for the changes that 2016 brought.
Prayers that had been prayed for many, many years have been and are still being answered.
Everything else that happened in our family pales in comparison to that one big thing.
Of course, that one big thing is Aaron's sobriety.

I want to thank each and every one of you that have prayed for him, for me and my family.
And thank you for reading my posts and continuing to support me.
You guys are the best!
Oh...and this wonderful old watch...

...this one that you have seen throughout my blog since the beginning...

...well, it is finally with it's rightful owner.
Aaron was next in line to have this watch and then to pass down to his first born one day.
We have been safekeeping it for many years, as I'm sure you certainly understand why.

A week ago on Christmas Day, Jim gave the watch to Aaron.
It was pun intended. (well, maybe)

Although this is a wonderful thing, I'm going to miss it!
I really have enjoyed taking photos of it in different surroundings.
The bad news is time flies. The good news is you're the pilot.      
~Michael Althsuler
So my friends, another year has come and gone and although I say this every year,
I hope to make 2017 the best year yet!
Hey, if I can improve one just one thing, it will be better than the last!
It is my prayer that each of you have your best year as well.

♥♥ May God richly bless you in 2017♥♥

Much love and hugs,


  1. Happy New Year to you, Debby! I haven't been reading blogs much lately - or posting on my own, for that matter! Just too much to do, and too little time. I love your photography. I think we would have fun shutterbugging together. And I'm so glad to hear of Aaron's new life - the best Christmas present you could hope for. So, blessing to you in 2017! I'm already looking forward to your wonderful posts.

  2. I am so glad you decided to post this.Your posts are full of encouragement and a joy to read. God has a way of connecting us with those people who we need in life and I feel very strongly that that is the reason I have found you here.Thanks for being a blessing and a friend.May the year ahead be filled with blessings for you and your family.

  3. Always a joy to see your photography and hear your thoughts. Many blessings for the new year.

  4. I LOVE the new look of your blog...but, it is always so pretty here. You do such a great job here in your corner of the web. It always feels so pretty and warm and welcoming. Happy New Year to you, sweet friend. I SO look forward to the good things God has in store for all of us this year!

  5. I love the quotes you shared. Sometimes we don't fulling understand that we are the pilot and it's a good time to remember that and make changes where we need them. Love that you passed on the special! Happy new year!

  6. What a wonderful year of answered prayers, Debby. Also, what a special keepsake for Aaron to treasure. May 2017 hold many new blessings along the way. Love and God bless you.

  7. What a wonderful story behind the watch! (You may have to pick one up at the flea market...just saying.) Always love seeing your photography and the little surprises you tuck in like a watch hanging from a branch in the forest in winter. The Happiest of New Years to you and yours!

  8. Thank you for sharing! I am so thankful to hear of Aaron's sobriety. May you have a blessed and abundant New Year!

  9. Debby, there were tears as I read through this post. I am just so thrilled that the beloved watch has been able to be passed down to Aaron. I pray for his continued faith and wish you all a wonderful 2017.

  10. What a heart-warming, God honoring,faith filled post, dear Debby.
    To God be the glory for all His answered prayer.
    Blessings to you in this New Year♡

  11. Oh there are tears in my eyes as I type this.
    Especially warm ones for you and yours.

    2016 has seen many changes but Aaron's sobriety was just the best news, and now he has been handed down that most special watch - just so fitting.

    Sending warm, positive and very good wishes to you and yours.
    May 2017 be a very good year for you all.

    Take care my blogging friend, and thank you for all your lovely posts and photographs.

    All the best Jan

  12. Debby, I'm so glad that the pocket watch went to the one who it was meant for. It's beautiful, and it reminds me of the pocket watch that was given to me when my dad passed away - only the cover on the watch broke. These treasures of the past are like sweet memories of our loved ones.

    May the new year be a bright one for you, Debby. And these pictures are so cool, especially that first one. :)


  13. Debby- I am newer to your blog so did not know about Aaron. I am so glad that he is living sober. Our own family has had some struggles with that over the years (on my hubby's side). There is so much shame involved that often people will not reach out for help. Our oldest son has not had a drink in over 5 years and it has been life altering for him (and everyone else).

    What a wonderful thing to be able to hand that watch down. I just gave my youngest son his great grandfather's watch because I know he will love it and take care of it.

    Happy New Year to you- xo Diana

  14. Happy New Year wishes to you and your family. How special to pass the watch on to Aaron. I know how your heart rejoices with the amazing steps he has taken. God is so good. This was surely a lovely post to read as we head into the new year.

  15. What a heartfelt post. This was a wonderful post. I know it was hard to write but I bet there is someone else that needed to hear these words. Congratulations to your son.
    I hope you'll come over to link at The Fabulous Party at Our Holiday Journey. This is a post that needs to be shared.
    Don't forget to comment, and follow by email to enter the Happy Birthday giveaway!
    There is a linky party every month. Come by often.
    Happy New Year!

  16. What a wonderful year of joy this has been for you. How appropriate to pass along the watch, and what a measure of love it would hold for your son. May 2017 be even better because God is always faithful and His grace is more than abundant.

  17. Happy New Year! I too remember as a child thinking that the 2000's were light years away. There was even a science show when I was young called Towards 2000 that highlighted the latest technology developments as if the year 2000 was going to see an incredible change.

  18. I am so glad to have been able to read this post! As to know that Aaron was given that watch made my heart so blessed! I have enjoyed seeing all your photos of that lovely time piece. I just want you to know that I have always enjoyed your post! I have had an unusually busy year and have not been able to comment as often as I use to. But as you said yourself this past year was filled with a very precious gift. I think of him every once in awhile.
    I pray your family have a wonderful and blessed New Year!
    Love, Roxy

  19. It feels nostalgic looking back. Happy 2017!

  20. Happy New Year, precious Debby! You have such a way with words and photos, my friend. Your words made me sit back and ponder 2016 and your photos made my heart go pitter patter with their unique loveliness. I truly hope 2017 is filled with joy, beauty, and blessings just for you.

    Much love!

  21. Oh, Debby, that is such good news about your son. I was wondering when I started to read this how that was going and hoping you would tell.

  22. Oh, and thank you for all your prayers for us...

  23. Oh, that is such a wonderful reason to be parting with your watch!

    Happy New Year to you! A new beginning is refreshing!

  24. The watch is beautiful, but is made more beautiful by the many hands that have touched it and will continue to touch and hold it dear. I'm guessing there were some teary eyes when your hubby passed it on to Aaron. Such a beautiful gesture.

    Warm hugs,

  25. I love the watch and I'm glad Aaron is still doing fine.. Happy New Year dearest.. may this one be even better.. ps. I somehow ended up on your other blog reading about your mom and aprons... a lovely post.. my mom will be gone three years this march... it is so hard.. love n hugs Janice

  26. I love everything about this post, Debby. It brought tears to my eyes. The wonderful news about Aaron, giving him the watch, and even your enchanting photos and Scripture. God is truly doing a new thing. May you have a blessed new year of 2017, and yes, it seems like science fiction to even be typing that number!! xo

  27. Oh what a beautiful post, Debby; beautiful images, beautiful quotes and the most beautiful sentiments. So, so happy that your Aaron is doing so well. God has him in the hollow of His hand, caring for him, nurturing him. I love the thought that we are the pilots as time hurriedly flies by. May you and yours have the most blessed 2017, lovely Debby!

  28. I agree that every year it seems that time marches on, faster and faster. I have loved all the pictures on your blog of that gorgeous watch, but what a testimony to share that you have put it into the hands of your son, whom the Lord has set from the chains of addiction. I am praising the Lord with you my friend! Hugs and Happy New Year to you :)

  29. Hi Debby! The thought of Aaron receiving that watch made me tear up a little. What a beautiful gift, and the thought and trust behind it makes it super special. What blessings for all of you.
    May God continue to bless you in this new year. I agree that the '2000's' sounds like science fiction, but let's make it the best year ever :)

  30. 2016 was a special year for you, Debby. I hope that 2017 will be full of new adventures and happy moments.


Thank you for stopping by today! Your sweet comments are such an encouragement to me.