Monday, January 9, 2017

Red on White

Here in the south, we really either hate snow or we get really excited.
Since I'm not from these parts originally, I get excited because being from Ohio, I miss it!
You out there in the colder parts of blog land kind of just accept snow as part of normal life.
So I tend to find ways to celebrate our few and far between snowfalls.
Of course, one of the ways is watching the birds go absolutely CRAY over it!

We always have a pretty good assortment of birds throughout the year, including cardinals.

I love feeding and watching all of them but when there is snow on the ground,
there just aren't any that compare to those stunning pops of red against the brilliant white snow.

I was able to get most of the bird photos through my dirty windows.
It was bitter COLD out there!

There were so many birds that I decided to put out an extra container of seeds on the deck.
It didn't take long for them to find it...and fight over it.
I love how the cardinal seems to be telling the sparrow, "This is MINE...go get your own!" :)

But I did endure the freezing temps for just a bit to get out in that lovely white stuff.
I walked the dogs down the driveway and when I turned around back towards the house,
it was kind of like seeing the red cardinals against the snow...except....different.

Our formerly-brown-but-now-red-house really stood out against the ground covered in white.

Also, the night before the snow came, Jim went out to the store and brought me back flowers.
I'm sure you see where I am going with this...
...and surely you remember how much I like to play with flowers in the snow :)

 Kind of a crazy idea for a post, don't ya think?
Oh well, it's only the beginning of January...surely things will get better :)
By the end of this week, we are to have temps in the upper 60's again.
Welcome to North Carolina!
And surely you have guessed by now that I'm linking up with Maggie at
Mosaic Monday

Have a great week!


  1. I love red roses! And your house looks gorgeous with the snow. We're feeding a LOT of birds right now! Love watching them through the window. Have a beautiful day! Hugs, Diane

  2. Debby, these are gorgeous pictures! I love the contrast of red on white. And being from Oklahoma myself, I definitely get excited during the rare snowfalls we receive. We just had a beautiful soft snow this last weekend!

    Dani xoxo
    a vapor in the wind

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Hardly at all my dear, this was a fabulous past! Wow do you ever get the beauty of those cardinals! We do not see those here sadly to say. We do get the chickadees and stellar blue Jays that I feed daily. We have had 40 Blue Jays at one time. This year we seem to have more of the chickadees and less Blue Jays, not sure why.
    Strangely enough, we are getting rain right now!! The ski slopes will suffer, no powder to be had.
    This truly was a beautiful post, Debby. You could use it again for Valentine's Day. ♡

    Enjoy your snow~

  5. There is nothing prettier than a cardinal in the snow. I love all the birds but that pop of red is really special. Your home looks so pretty and cozy in the snow, too. Our little snow is melting a bit today. It's been bitterly cold but a warm-up has begun, but they say maybe ice this weekend. Hope they're wrong on that one! Enjoy your day!

  6. Love your red roses,Debby. The Cardinals are so pretty and stand out so against the snow.

  7. We are both seeing red today; in a positive way. I enjoyed each and every one of your reds but that cardinal 'talking' is too funny.

  8. That cardinal is definitely giving away a piece of his mind. Poor sparrow. Your home looks so pretty in the snow. I am sure that it always looks pretty, but in the snow...striking. And the 🌹 is beautiful, too. How else are we going to see such a photo if you don't take them and share them?

  9. Red on white really is lovely. Those got some fabulous shots. I don't think we get red cardinals here or at least I've never seen one around here. So striking and beautiful.

  10. THIS POST MADE MY HEART SING!!!! The snow, the red cardinal, and red roses, oh my! Debby, these are all the things I love, and your pictures are magical. It is my dream to see the red cardinal one day, as I've never seen it here in California. Your picture of the cardinal and all the sparrows is so interesting, and the red rose in the snow is beautiful. Thank you for sharing these pictures with us. They really are quite exceptional, Debby.


  11. Happy New Year Debby and what gorgeous red and white photos! I really loved seeing the cardinals as we don't have these pretty birds in the UK.
    Your home is just so pretty in the snow too! Love!
    Warmest wishes

  12. Oh, Debg, I love this post! Cardinals are our state bird (Ohioi) and they look gorgeous against your gorgeous snow. I ADORE winter, and wow are your pics good!

    I also think its crazy awesome you endured the low temps to capture your beautiful red rose ourside. Thank you for loving art enough to do that for us!

    Happy New Year and happy winter, ma'am! Hugs!

  13. That Cardinal does look bossy!! I always love seeing the birds that come to our feeders during the winter. You have some nice shots, here.

  14. Another good reason to paint your house red!! :)

    Such beautiful pictures, Debby! I can hardly believe you took such amazing shots through the window! Wow!

  15. Oh my goodness...those cardinals are beautiful Debby! And your house looks so pretty with all that snow. Really makes it stand out! The red rose!!! You sure do live in a beautiful area!
    We had horribly high winds today and now all our snow is gone. Tomorrow is suppose to be in the 60's too. Weird weather....
    I hope your week is a delightful one!
    Hugs to you,

  16. I love your images, Debby. They are stunning. And those birds are so beautiful and reminded me that God cares for each one of them and how much more He cares for us.

  17. I've only seen cardinals here once, and no one believed me! That's how uncommon they are here. They were just passing through and I didn't have a camera on me. I love those birds and red always looks amazing against white. Especially in nature.

  18. Beauty all around.I LOVE the Cardinals,perhaps even more so since I have not seen one in many years. Photographing roses in the snow is a great way to capture them.

  19. I think that I would go a little bit crazy too if I could look out at scenes like those. Love the cardinals they always make me think of my favourite Fannie Flagg book " A Redbird Christmas". Thanks for bringing them to MM this week to brighten up my day.

  20. Such an uplifting post. You are blessed with a beautiful home and it looks stunning in the snow. The bird photos in the snow are a real delight, along with the red rose such fun.

  21. Well, my mom was right, your post is stunning! The red on white photos took my breath away, dear friend. The still my heart! I know I have shared with almost everyone, but oh, how I love seeing Cardinals because they ere my grandma's favorite bird. They remind me of her.

    May I just say your house is oh-so-sweet and charming and I LOVE the red color!

    And the rose against the pure white snow is truly gorgeous. Thank you for sharing such beauty, my friend. Love and hugs to you!

  22. Such a pretty post. You could make Christmas cards from your beautiful images of the cardinals in the snow.... all set for next year! The rose in the snow is stunning. Happy New Year!

  23. What lovely red and white photos... oh my!

    Wishing you a beautiful new year, Debbie.

  24. I so love seeing these photos of the cardinals against the snow, Debby. They are beautiful photos! Your house looks very pretty nestled on the little hill in the snow too. And the rose pics are gorgeous. I can't believe your temperatures will be in the upper 60's later in the week. Lucky you. Here I was thinking that the 38F temperature here tomorrow will be nice and warm. lol We'll be back in the deep freeze again on Saturday. Have a nice week. xx Pam

  25. Wonderful captures of the birds and that rose in the snow is so pretty.

  26. Oh Debby, all three; the Cardinals, your home, and the roses are simply beautiful. Your posts are always so pretty and very interesting.

  27. Debby, Red birds, red house and red rose look great! Happy 2017. Sylvia D.

  28. Oh, how pretty! Both the birds and your house! Just stunning seeing the red against the white. God bless you in this new year, sweet friend!

  29. These photos are lovely! I especially love the contrast of colors. My sister lives a little north of Charlotte, and she had a fair amount of snow too. Thanks for sharing a little of your world with us. :)

    Thanks also for stopping by my blog for Ceil's interview. It's great to meet you. Have a good week!

  30. Your photos are beautiful! I love it when the cardinals land on the snow. It's just so pretty.

  31. Those cardinals in the snow are stunning, Debby! What a great collection of photos you took. Red and white make a lovely combination!

  32. Such gorgeous pictures. The Cardinals stand out so pretty in the snow. I also love your home. I look forward to sun later this week. We have light rain this morn but it did wash away the rest of the snow!

  33. Hi Debby! You really have an eye for nature my friend. Those photos of the cardinals are stunning! We've had some cardinals at our bird feeder, and when they come, the sparrow fly off FAST. I wonder if they have had some experience of losing out in a verbal altercation with them? Lol!
    Your new house color really 'pops' against the white of the snow. Just like the red roses. Maybe that's your theme today? Red and White...I like it!

  34. What a cheerful post! Love the red--in fact any photo looks better with a pop of red I believe. The roses are amazing! Your photo shoot came off very well!!!

  35. Our birds are quite happy too that we have the feeders filled in the snow for them. In fact I think they have decided to invite their friends! Girls had 3 days off and finally went back today now that all the snow has melted ;-) I'm loving here though... I'm happy to see sun today! Hope you have a wonderful week!


  36. All those pictures are so pretty, I'm glad you braved through the elements to take them! It's wintry days like those that I love to curl up under a blanket and read books all day whilst sipping on hot cocoa. I hope you have a splendid week!

  37. Oh my, I loved seeing your pictures of the cardinals! I have never seen cardinals here, they are just gorgeous, and how funny to see the interaction between the cardinal and the sparrow, lol! Your house is so pretty, love that red, and set against the bright snow, so charming! And how sweet of your husband to get you some roses to play in the snow with :) He knows and loves you well! Hugs to you today :)

  38. Beautiful pictures! I love the color contrast. We had the same thing here in Tennessee--snow last week at this time and 60+ degrees this week. It's just crazy!

  39. OMG. What a gorgeous creature. Love the color and its appearance in general.And looking good against the white backdrop.

  40. Your photos are beautiful! I really do love snow and seeing the birds against its backdrop. Your home and the flowers are equally lovely in the snow. We had bitter cold and snow for a few days then yesterday it was 67°! Back to cold this weekend.

  41. I love your red house! So cute!

    And I love cardinals! The most beautiful color!

  42. I like the color on your home too. Your snow pix are so pretty and those birds really stand out. You are so good with the camera. Happy Sunday. You may have the snow we can't get rid of...too much ice.

    1. Thank you, Linda! Our snow days were pretty short lived. It went from 3 degrees last weekend to 73 by this past Friday...crazy weather! I hope you have a great week :) ♥

  43. Isn't red a most warming colour ... perfect for the month of January.
    Lovely photographs you've shared, thank you.

    May the rest of January be good for you and yours.

    All the best Jan

  44. I thought I'd stop by again and see this wonderful post. :)


  45. Beautiful photos, Debby. I really love that very first one of the cardinals in the tree/bush in the snow. But all are pretty wonderful!

  46. Lovely, lovely post, Debby! I'm always in awe of your beautiful photography, and this post was no exception. I love how you captured the cardinals and other stunning. And, yes indeed, your home looks gorgeous against all the white.

    Warm hugs,

  47. Debby, this is absolutely gorgeous. :-) I love the red with the snow. Here in Central Texas it has been a long time since we saw much of the white stuff - enough to be really photo-worthy. I enjoyed your bright, cheerful post and I plan to share a link to it for my own readers this week, Lord willing. :-)

    Cardinals hold a special place in my heart since they are associated with several people that I love, including my husband. :-)

  48. Beautiful pics! Esp love the red rose in the snow. Great job.


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