Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Hodgepodge and Heavenly Skies

It's Wednesday and time for Hodgepodge once again...
...where Joyce asks the questions and we answer them on our blogs.

Here in the south, you never know from one day to the next what to expect, weather-wise.
We went from 3 degrees to 73 degrees in a matter of five days.
The snow was pretty while it lasted and they say we may get more in a couple of weeks.
I don't mind the winter months because y'all know how much I like snow.
But even when there is no snow on the ground, there is just something about those winter skies...

...they seem to be especially heavenly in January.

They've been pink in the mornings and pink in the evenings.

Humor me as I insert some recent sky shots in amongst the hodgepodge questions.
And speaking of hodgepodge, let's get started, shall we?
1. ASAP typically stands for 'as soon as possible'. What else could it stand for in your life right now?
After pondering this question, I decided that the only way I could answer it honestly was to actually give two answers. The first is about the resolutions that I make every year and how I'm doing with them...thus my answer, ALMOST SNAIL-LIKE AND PROCRASTINATING. We have  also been in the process of some major home improvement projects for the past year or two all surely know those things can go...or NOT...and we are finally set up to get new floors. They were to come last Wednesday to measure so we could schedule installation and well, that didn't happen (some computer glitch...of course) so they are scheduled to be here today. It has been over two weeks since went and picked out the flooring. Need I say more? is going...AS SLOWLY AS PREDICTED.

2. Are you the last person to speak up in a group or the first to have an idea? Why do you suppose that is? Is it a good thing or no?

It really depends on who I am in a group with and what is being discussed. I tend to hold back somewhat and don't want to dominate the group or intimidate others who are sharing. I'm thoughtful like that :) I have been in groups (SS class comes to mind) where one person wants to have the floor during every discussion and it can really be intimidating and bordering on rude. Just like anything else, there should be a happy medium. If no one else chooses to speak then I guess someone needs to...but it wouldn't be me more than likely.

3. What do you remember best about being 12? 

Man, it's been so long...let me think...   Back when I was twelve, there was an innocence that doesn't seem to be there in this age group today, generally speaking. When I was twelve, I was still basically a little girl playing with dolls. I had a couple of Barbies and my sister who is next to me in age would have been over fourteen and she played with me. I also had one of those dolls that had the soft body and a face like a newborn. Long after I actually played with her, I kept her wrapped up and placed her on my bed along with my collection of stuffed animals. There was no make-up either, just a short little chubby girl enjoying my place as the baby in a big family.

4. January 18th is National Winnie the Pooh Day. Which character do you relate to the most, and why? If you're stumped go here for inspiration. 

I had no idea so I went "there". I'm Kanga...and I do love to camp :)

More heavenly skies on my way home from work last week...

5. What's an app you use that helps simplify or make life easier for you in some way? 

I am still getting used to using apps since I have only had my smart phone just a short time. I never had a GPS so that is great, I've tried the flashlight out a few times and it's also quite helpful (and fun) to have Google at my fingertips...just to name a few. 

6. San Francisco (CA), San Diego (CA), San Juan (PR) San Antonio (TX) Sanibel (FL) have an all expenses paid long weekend to one of these destinations. Which one do you choose and why?

It would be a toss-up between Sanibel Island, Florida and San Juan, Puerto Rico I think. Although I have never been to either place, a tropical paradise always sounds quite nice.

7. Share with us a song that makes you feel nostalgic? For what? 

Oh my gosh, Joyce...sometimes you ask the hardest questions! There are so many...but I cannot hear the song, "Time in a Bottle" by Jim Croce without remembering my wedding day and my sister singing it. There.

8. Insert your own random thought here.



  1. First of all, a huge AMEN to your random thought. Donald Trump has my full support and prayers...trusting he makes us all proud! I love what you shared about your 12 year old self. Again, your beautiful photos did not disappoint. Have a wonderful day, Debby!

  2. Beautiful pictures and enjoyed reading your answers. I hope the floors get done.

  3. I'm a Kanga too! :)

    Your sky pictures are lovely! Such tranquil beauty.


  4. Your sky shots are wonderful Debby. So glad you included them. Wasn't the Winnie the Pooh quiz interesting. Good luck with your new floors! Amen to your random. Looking forward to Friday and the 'peaceful transition of power' (even as there are threats of the D.C. Metro being blocked to deny access and legislators boycotting the inauguration.)

  5. I agree with other comments - beautiful sunset pictures! I love to take pics too, and now with a good camera right on my phone it's great! (And I can delete the ones that didn't turn out.) I use my flashlight app too. It's VERY handy!

  6. Hi Debby! What gorgeous pictures! You are such a wonderful photographer. Hope your week is going well.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  7. Oh my...that last quote is SO true! Wish everyone would wake up and get on with it! And I love Kanga...very sweet! Enjoy your day sweet lady. Hugs, Diane

  8. Oh Debby, what beautiful sky shots! The touches of pinkmake my heart sing {{smiles}}

    I am not surprised that you are Kanga as the characteristics of Kanga totally fit are a sweetheart!

    Your post was simly delightful and it was a joy to visit you this morning. Hugs!

  9. I loved seeing the heavenly sky photos especially the moon shot!

  10. Great answers, Debbie. I am happy they are finally coming today to figure out the flooring needs. Those things always take so long once you get started--seems like you wait and wait and wait.

    Amen on that last quote--and Amen. Let's pull together and move this country forward instead of fighting it in front of the whole world. Just crazy. xo Diana

  11. Amen to your random thought. We need to be praying for our new president and our country.

    Loved reading all of your answers -- and those sky photos ... just beautiful!!

  12. Sending good juju and positive thoughts for your home projects, it wouldn't be a project without some bumps in the road...I worked on construction projects during my career as a project manager. I agree with your random thought, I plan on supporting the new president even though I didn't vote for him; we need to stand united.
    Lori in Blue Ridge, GA

  13. Sending good juju and positive thoughts for your home projects, it wouldn't be a project without some bumps in the road...I worked on construction projects during my career as a project manager. I agree with your random thought, I plan on supporting the new president even though I didn't vote for him; we need to stand united.
    Lori in Blue Ridge, GA

  14. Enjoyed your hodge podge. Agree with you on #2. And what weather we're having, eh? I was actually hot outside today. I'm glad to hear more snow is in the predicter.

  15. Amen. I like your nostalgic song choice. Beautiful photos :)

  16. Amen. Took a little break there to visit the App store. Now I have a handy dandy flashlight. Thanks!

  17. Hi Debby! I had no idea it was Winnie the Pooh Day, thank you for telling me that. Winnie was a great favorite of my mother, so if I get time, I think I'll put something on my FB page about it.
    Sanibel Island is beautiful. My parents used to winter in Marco Island, so one time my sister and I drove back to the airport via the island. Southern Florida is really lovely.
    I agree with the age 12 reflection. I was playing outside with my siblings, and competitively swimming year round. No time to hang out at malls and buy makeup!

  18. I love reading the hodge podge answers and I keep meaning to join in, maybe one day! Your sky photos are so pretty. We've had some beautiful skies this winter, but it seems I never have my camera when I need it. Your random answer is one I will say a big Amen to! I'm praying for Mr. Trump and hope the people on the other side will get over getting beat and give him a chance.

  19. I LOVE LOVE LOVE what you posted at the end!!!! I enjoyed reading your hodgepodge today!

  20. Amen!!! Oh, I did enjoy reading these. I have to say that I didn't know about Winnie the Pooh day...had always considered myself as Tigger and when I went and did the quiz, that is what it said, too.

    How I wish Jim Croce had lived...I loved so many of his songs...including Time In a Bottle, Photograghs and Memories, and Operator. (Of course, Bad, Bad Leroy Brown was what got me started.LOL I love the others much better)

    OH, beautiful sky shots!

  21. I loved all your beautiful sky shots today Debby, it was a pleasure to visit.

  22. I enjoyed reading your answers, Debby, and loved your gorgeous photos of the heavenly sky! I say an "Amen" to your random thought.

  23. It's always fun learning more about a fellow blogger, so I truly enjoyed the answers to the questions. My grandmother had a million expressions but one of her faves was "Pink sky in the morning, sailors warning, pink sky at night, sailors delight." We sometimes have what she called "buttermilk skies," but she would have thoroughly enjoyed your photos...she found joy in everything.

    Warm hugs,

  24. Oh wow...those skies ARE beautiful. Sometimes early in the morning and at sunset I catch beautiful skies in the wintertime. Most of the time it feels dreary, though! But I can't complain about the weather. Even though it was a little chillier today, it's still not even close to winter weather.

  25. Loved reading your answers to the questions, Debby. I can remember being twelve and thinking I could no longer play with my dolls as I had to be a big high school girl. I loved playing with my dolls. Your wintry skies are indeed, heavenly. As for Donald Trump, your random thought is so true, but I just don't know; he worries me.

  26. Your skies are gorgeous! I love the pinks in the sky, well actually, I love pink. :)
    I sure do enjoy reading about you and getting to know you better.
    I appreciated your answer to question number 2. You know I was just talking to my husband today about that very thing. While I was at my water aerobics today the ladies had much to say about a number of things, our president for one and many times I wanted to pipe in but found myself just listening instead. As I get older I'm finding that I learn and hear a lot more if I just listen. You also learn a lot about others as you let them do all the talking, not always good either. I don't have to be the one to talk, and I'm beginning to like it that way. :)
    I see you as a KANGA. :)

    Have a blessed weekend ~

  27. Your skies are gorgeous! I love the pinks in the sky, well actually, I love pink. :)
    I sure do enjoy reading about you and getting to know you better.
    I appreciated your answer to question number 2. You know I was just talking to my husband today about that very thing. While I was at my water aerobics today the ladies had much to say about a number of things, our president for one and many times I wanted to pipe in but found myself just listening instead. As I get older I'm finding that I learn and hear a lot more if I just listen. You also learn a lot about others as you let them do all the talking, not always good either. I don't have to be the one to talk, and I'm beginning to like it that way. :)
    I see you as a KANGA. :)

    Have a blessed weekend ~

  28. Beautiful thoughts, my friend. :) God bless you.

  29. A lovely post with beautiful photos as always and yes...we have this president now and we have a choice ...My own thought is that we are to pray for our elected leaders no matter who was elected that we may personally agree or disagree with

  30. Such beautiful skies, the colours are amazing.

    All the best Jan

  31. You wrote this post a few days ago, but the weather continues to be crazy here on the East Coast, doesn't it?!

    Gorgeous sky photos, Debby!

  32. Love your random thought!

    Remembering your dolls at age 12...that brought a huge smile! Dolls were important 'back in the day' it's all about games/texting on a phone for pre-teens.

    Great answers...beautful sky shots. And thanks for visiting today!

  33. Hi Debbie, I really enjoy your hodgepodge posts! And I love winter too with those gorgeous sunrise and sunset sky's. Just the other morning it was so amazing. My husband was leaving for work and called me to come and see. Fluffy pink white and blue clouds that lasted for all of 4 to 5 minutes. Clouded over and stay that way the rest of the day.

  34. Love the sky shots! Last winter I was constantly running outside for sky shots...this one? It has been gloomy and gray and rainy and just not very winter-y here so I have enjoyed yours!

  35. Love the sky shots! Last winter I was constantly running outside for sky shots...this one? It has been gloomy and gray and rainy and just not very winter-y here so I have enjoyed yours!


Thank you for stopping by today! Your sweet comments are such an encouragement to me.