Monday, January 30, 2017

Itty-Bitty Birdie Butts

It must be a slow day in the Land of Blog.
Am I getting desperate for subject matter, or what?
I started this post last winter one day when I was snowed in and never finished it.
The little birdies were just going crazy at the feeders.

My camera was set on continuous mode where you just hold down the shutter and let 'er rip.
I captured many different postures...but...these are special. (pun intended)

After going through the photos and catching many of them with their backsides to the camera,
I realized that our fine feathered friends just have the cutest little rear ends!

Seriously...have you ever noticed how cute their little butts are?

They are just adorable, don't you think?

And they never have to worry about what to wear...

I mean do you think a little birdie ever asks this question...

"Do these feathers make my butt look big?"

I think not.

Ah...such is the life of a bird!

So inspiration for a blog post can come from just about anywhere and anything...

...even from itty-bitty birdie butts :)

Have a good week!

Today I'm joining Maggie's...
Mosaic Monday


  1. All those butts! And not a single one overweight!

  2. My Gosh, Debby Ray! You take the most amazing bird pictures! You got some great shots here. xo Diana

  3. SO cool! I have had too many butt shots, but most were not as cute as the ones you got.have a fantastic week.

  4. Haha! 😂 This was certainly the cutest and funniest post I believe I have read of yours. Darling butts for sure.
    "Do these feathers make my butt look big?" That just cracks me up!
    Only you could make a precious post like this. Your photos always amazed me.

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. You make me laugh...birdie butts are adorable. And I am just amazed at all the different kind of birdies you have.
    I think you are right we CAN blog about anything! ;)

    Have a delightful week Debby!

  7. Yup, The title of the post just made me click to read, and I can hardly keep my eyes open. Butt those birdie butts were just so darn cute...
    Thank you I needed this before I go to bed! May the Bird of Paridise reside close to your home and camera LOL
    Love, Roxy

  8. I had to Pin these on my Bird Boards, this post just may get a ton of hits!! And yes feathers and bows can make a butt look bigger I think LOL

  9. Oh I don't know, there is oodles of inspiration in this fun post, Debby!! All those birdie cute. I love the sound of a camera with a button pressed down, capturing continuous photos; me thinks I must have one. =) Gorgeous birdies....gorgeous photos!

  10. It was a joy to visit today you certainly made me smile. Fantastic photos.

  11. Good Morning. Sweet, sweet pics and thx for the smiles this a.m. Enjoy your day.

  12. Beyond cute, Deb - too too adorable.

    I adore those birdie bums! ♥♥♥

  13. What a darling post, Debby, and with such adorable photos of birdie butts!

  14. What a cute post. My camera has been dormant lately. I need to fix that situation.

  15. Such great pictures. I guess a good lens is the way to see the detail of these beautiful creatures! You did a great job with photographing them!

  16. Hahahaha...I have noticed this about birds: they always seem to turn just as the camera clicks. So I have lots of bird bums in my folders, too. None this good and clear, though.

  17. How gorgeous and cute !!!!!! Love this post ..... the colors are beautiful !!!!

  18. Another enjoyable post Debby. I love taking pictures of birds, but never thought about about the butts. You always make my heart sing. Thanks for sharing your talents.
    Audrey Z.

  19. Loved this post! It's true that a blogger can be inspired by just about anything, however do you think these little feathered friends might trying to tell you to "butt out, we're busy here"!
    Thanks for bringing this light hearted story to MM this week.

  20. Aren't they the cutest...and not the least bit shy. I always have this problem when I photograph horses...not nearly as cute! hahaha! Hugs!

  21. Such a cute post. : ) A different look at the birds.

  22. Oh, the life of a bird! They truly do not worry about one, single thing! Our Heavenly Father provides all they need, and He sees each time one of them falls to the ground. How much more does He love you and me? Thank you for sharing the amazing photos. What kind of camera do you use? They are always so beautiful. Have a great day!

  23. Very very nice post!!! Love all the AMAZING pictures you took!!! Great job. Thanks for sharing:)

  24. What an adorable post, Debby! We have a bird feeder off our back deck and we get a lot of birds, too. I take photos of them through our back door so as to not scare them away. Yes, they do have some cute birdie butts. ;)

  25. Oh Debby, I couldn't help but laugh out loud at this post. You are just too cute and these sweet little birdie butts brought a smile to my face :)

    Happy hugs to you!

  26. I loved this post for so many reasons. You made me laugh, I love birds, I miss having bird feeders (we can't where we live now) and mostly because the other person in this house gives me such a hard time about all the 'butt shots' I get ... he was watching an osprey through binoculars the other day and as I raised the camera (according to him) the bird deliberately turned his 'back' on us. Ha ha -- I'm glad I'm not the only one that happens to!

  27. Cute butts! These are such great shots! They made me smile.

  28. So cute! And yes, I envy their sweet nonchalance about their butts!!

  29. I think you win the award for the most innovative post, Debby! This is just too stinkin' cute! I have quite a few pictures of my hens as they peck and scratch, and many captures have included the rear, lol! I had not ever thought of posting those like you have. Your pictures are amazing and clear! Amazing that you are able to take this many pictures from inside without the birds getting scared. Enjoyed this post with a big smile on my face today :) Hugs to you!

  30. A beautiful array of birdies going about their daily business, who couldn't care less about the size of their butts (unlike some other species!). Adorable shots, Debby!


  31. What an adorable post, Debby, and little bird bums are really cute!

    Warm hugs,

  32. Hi Debby! You are just too funny Debby! Might as well admire the subject of so many of your photos, right? I think I'm glad they have so many feathers :)

  33. Inspirational Debby ...
    Lovely to see all of the photographs of the "itty-bitty birdie butts" they do photograph well.

    Happy February to you

    All the best Jan

  34. I never tire of looking at your bird pictures, Debby. It's so funny because I just sent you an e-mail right now about the bird I saw at the park today, and wondered what it was? Then, I come over and see your wonderful bird post. And the red cardinal, oh my, isn't he a beautiful one! Your bird feeders are really busy with all these sweet birds coming to you to say hello.

    Happy February, Debby!


  35. Heh Debby..what a riot! I had to laugh as I read your post...really laughed.
    Loved the pix of all the birds. They sure have a hard time in winter.

    1. When it snows here, they come out of nowhere and they act as though they are having a blast!

  36. What a cute post and to think I almost missed it! Love "do these feathers make my butt look big?" LOL!! Have a wonderful afternoon and weekend, too!

  37. I just loved this! Such great captures and funny subject matter and yes their butts are cute as can be:)

  38. Absolutely lovely! These little buts are just adorable. I have noticed that I have a lot of bird butt photos as well.
    Gosh, I envy you for the cardinals! We don't have them here.

  39. its amazing... how could you take so many pictures of those little birds..? All the pictures are so beautiful..

    Please visit:

  40. Oh Debbi, love to read your childhood story about diaries... XOXO...big hug..

  41. Debby, thanks for the bird photos and the perspective on a bird's life. Sylvia D.

  42. I had to laugh, I had the very same thought. I take so many pictures and seldom post the butt ends. They are so cute though, you made me realize that I really should show some because, well I just want to fluff them. Especially the little ones. So adorable. Thank you for the permission to show birdie bums. Luv Janice

  43. Adorable pictures. I love our feathered friends.

    Thanks so much for creating such a fun post!


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