Wednesday, February 8, 2017

This Hodgpodge Will Floor You

Hey everyone...
It's HUMP DAY and time for HODGEPODGE...
...where Joyce asks the questions and we answer them on our blogs.

It's been a busy couple of weeks and in the words of my dearly departed mother,
my house "looks like it's been hit by a cyclone".
Does anyone use that term anymore?
Oh well, more about that are this week's questions.


1. What's the last thing you did that someone else thought was super? 

Maybe it was the chicken noodle soup that I made over the weekend. Do you think the words "really good" might translate into super...or soup-er??

 2. The last thing you ate that tasted superb? 

Even though the soup was pretty darn good, I wouldn't describe it as superb...but the meal that we ate after church this past Sunday was. We went to the Longhorn Steakhouse and I ordered the Parmesan Crusted Chicken with Maple Roasted Spaghetti Squash.... Oh. My. Goodness.  Jim had a steak and said it was one of the best he's ever had. It had been years and years since we'd eaten there but we had a gift card glad we did! They give you a whole split breast and I ate the other half for my dinner on Monday with broccoli :) Do you have Longhorn Steakhouses in your area?

3. Supersensitive, superstitious, superwoman, superambitious, supercilious, supervisor, superficial...pick a super word from the list and tell us how it relates to your life in some way recently or currently. 

I will say superambitious AND superwoman...and this is why my house looks like a cyclone hit it...I have been getting the house ready for new flooring...throughout. This means that EVERY closet has been purged and emptied of it's contents, EVERYTHING has been removed from the hutch and corner cabinet and among other things, EVERY nook and cranny has been dusted so the installers don't see all of my dirt! It will be bad enough when they start pulling up that 30+ year old carpet...I can only imagine what they might find. There is still much to do...all electronics, including TVs and/or anything else that is breakable must be moved off the furniture, etc., etc. They will be here Friday morning but we do have to live here until then. So for the past two weekends, Superwoman has showed up to do her thing...and she was only ambitious because she had to be! Here's just a hint of what she's been up to...
...and she'll be returning this weekend as she goes behind them, getting everything back in place. She's already exhausted just thinking will be way more fun! Another post for another day.

 4. Do you love easily? If you're comfortable doing so, explain why you think that is. 

Wow...this isn't easy to admit...but not always. Not like I should. Not like I want to. Not like I need to. I'm so glad God is not finished with me yet.

5. Valentine's Day lands on a Tuesday this year. Will you mark the day in some way? If you're celebrating with a dinner out somewhere will it be on Tuesday or will you celebrate over the weekend? 

By the time Valentine's Day gets here, I will probably feel like I got run over by a Mac truck. Jim is never off on Tuesdays (he stays at the group home when he's working) so no chance of going out or doing anything special. The flowers he got me last weekend are still looking quite beautiful. 

I am taking Monday off to get the house back in order but will be back to work on Tuesday. When I get home, I just may eat my dinner off of my shiny new floors. Needless to say, they will never be clean enough to eat off of again...never. I might even share a bite or two with Oscar and Tasha :)

6. What's something you are loving right now? 

The thought of having new floors :)


 7.  Write a three word (or less) phrase you'd like to see on a Valentine candy heart.

God loves YOU!

8.  Insert your own random thought here.

I'm between overwhelmed and excited right now...but it's gonna be SO worth it! And you just don't know how glad I will be to get rid of this ugly green kitchen floor.

If I don't get back to Blogland before next Tuesday,
I want to wish everyone 
Happy Valentine's Day!


  1. Happy Valentine's Day, Debby! I love your flowers, Your floors will be so nice and you will enjoy them. A couple of years before we sold our home we took up carpet and put down wood floors and I was HAPPY!

  2. How exciting to be getting new floors! Wish we could, right now I'm stuck with ancient church type carpeting.

    Happy Valentine's Day!

  3. How exciting to be getting new flooring! Can't wait to see pictures! We've been in our home for 11 years and I'm dying to get the hardwoods replaced. If we knew we were going to be here long-term, it might be worth the investment, but we don't. Beautiful flowers!

  4. Hope the Operation:Floor goes smoothly. That Chicken Soup looks positively delish. Have a great week.

  5. Your chicken soup certainly looks super! I can't say I've used the cyclone phrase, I usually rely on "It looks like a bomb's gone off in here"! New floors, how exciting and your preparation has inspired me to get busy and get some things organized that I've been putting off. Have a great week!

  6. The new floors will be so nice! But it sure takes a lot of work...from YOU! Enjoy your week...or try! Hugs, Diane

  7. Happy Valentines day to you too. Hope all goes well with the new flooring. It will be so worth all the hard work in the end.

  8. Prepping for new floors is an exhausting job! I know you'll love them once they're in. I am a big fan of homemade chicken soup. I thought the saying is true-it's good for the soul : ) Good luck with your home improvement project!

  9. Anxious to see your new flooring! it will be beautiful! Great post, love your answers!

  10. Congratulations on the soon-to-be new floors! Let me know if you survive the work, because we have that coming up in our near future - putting hardwood throughout the upstairs. I think we keep procrastinating because of all that you mention in the prep work!!! I know you'll love your floors. Have a wonderful Wednesday, Debby. xo

  11. New floors!!! So exciting!!! You'll have to share the after pictures with us too. looks like you have been quite busy :-) Have a wonderful day!!


  12. My mom prefers hurricane to cyclone. I wonder why, we don't get either.

  13. Happy Valentine's Day, Debby! I enjoyed reading your Hodgepodge answers. Your flowers are beautiful and I will be looking forward to seeing your new floors. Oh, and the title for your post ... so perfect! Have a wonderful week!

  14. I'm excited for you! Your enthusiasm shines through. We did what you are doing 3-4 years ago but we got new carpet. My only advice is see if you can encourage them to vacuum up the dirt under your carpet. not sweep (it goes everywhere). Monday is coming!

  15. Hi Debby! That soup looked delicious. For some reason, now that I am older, I just love me a bowl of soup :)
    I think we did have Longhorn Steakhouses around here, but I don't see them anymore. No more Ponderosa's either. Hmmm. Wonder why? We do have Outback Steakhouses though.
    Your floor is going to look so awesome. I loved the photo of your kitchen, yes! The new floor is going to brighten your space and highlight those beautiful cabinets and countertops. (I remember when you redid them!) PLEASE take a photo of you eating off the floor!! Lol! I love that image.
    Get rest when you can my friend,

  16. Debby, how exciting that you're getting new floors! I think that's great that you are de-cluttering the rooms in your home. I bet it's a good feeling. Your pink roses are so pretty. Happy Valentine's Day, dear. And I love number 7. :)


  17. My husband and I ate at Longhorn on Monday! We like it there. That chicken is fab! Love it!

    I'm so excited for you and your new flooring! Can't wait to see it!

  18. I am feeling the excitement about new floors right along with you!! (I love house-y things . . . mine, yours, anybody's!) I can't wait to see the finished product!

    Enjoy your meal on the floor. I think I'd want to do the same thing. :)

  19. Oh it is so exciting! And it's all happening so soon now. Can't wait to see it. About your green floor? I like it. 😊 No eating from the floor now!

  20. That new floor will be so worth it.

  21. I really enjoyed reading these...wish I was getting new flooring. That was in the plans till Roger's it is on the back burner for a while.

  22. Oh Debby those new hardwood floors are going to be absolutely wonderful!! Why you'll be dancing with joy across those beauty's. :-)
    Sometimes things have to get ugly before the beauty arrives. It will be worth all the hard work.
    Your chicken noodle soup looks fabulous.

    Have a glorious day~

  23. Oh Debby those new hardwood floors are going to be absolutely wonderful!! Why you'll be dancing with joy across those beauty's. :-)
    Sometimes things have to get ugly before the beauty arrives. It will be worth all the hard work.
    Your chicken noodle soup looks fabulous.

    Have a glorious day~

  24. Oh Debby those new hardwood floors are going to be absolutely wonderful!! Why you'll be dancing with joy across those beauty's. :-)
    Sometimes things have to get ugly before the beauty arrives. It will be worth all the hard work.
    Your chicken noodle soup looks fabulous.

    Have a glorious day~

  25. How exciting to be getting beautiful new floors! I have an old ugly yellow linoleum kitchen floor and am just waiting for my husband to replace it with wood laminate, like he did in our previous house. Your soup looks delicious, especially since we are in the midst of a blizzard :)

  26. Happy Valentine's Day to you, too!! So happy for you and your new floors...such an exciting time!! God bless you and give you strength to do what you have to do. :)

  27. Those flowers are lovely.
    Happy Valentine's Day to you too ...

    So pleased about the new floors

    All the best Jan

  28. What a job Superwoman! I don't envy all the work, but I know you will be thrilled to have the new floors in, can't wait to see the pictures :) And the super meal sounds wonderful! We don't have a Longhorn Steakhouse up here, but I have eaten there and their food is great. Hugs to you today :)

  29. SUPER SOUP photo / made me hungry for dinner :)

    I went through that flooring thing a few years ago for my dining just brought back those exhaustion memories, lol

  30. Happy Valentine's Day to you too Debby! Your floor is gorgeous, you will love having wood floors! (I do)
    Your soup looks yummy and so cozy too!
    Beautiful flowers!
    My birthday is Valentine's Day, but we don't go out to celebrate until the weekend. Last time we went out, I said never again after waiting over 2 hours to eat. So, I'm looking forward to my birthday/date night on Friday with my hubby. ;) I told the boys we would create our own ice cream sundaes for Valentine's night.

    Enjoy your week!

    Hugs to you!

  31. My you've been so busy, Debby! I guess by now you are eating off that shiny, new floor.
    That soup of yours looks soooo tasty! Happy Valentine's Day and I hope you're not too tired after all that hard work. Getting new flooring is like moving! ❤️


Thank you for stopping by today! Your sweet comments are such an encouragement to me.