Monday, February 13, 2017

New "Under-standing" and Happy Valentine's Day

Many times at the beginning of a new year,
we find ourselves saying this..."out with the old and in with the new".
Our home was built in 1985 and the original carpet was still underfoot...
...if you do the math, that's 32 years, y'all!
It has certainly served it's purpose and then some but it was time to say buh-bye...
...W-A-Y past time!
It is a little surreal when I look around but I am thrilled with them...what a difference!
And somehow, it has increased the square looks so much bigger inside.
My fur babies were totally disoriented at first but they seem to be getting used to the change.
As I write this, Jim has yet to see the new flooring since this was his weekend to work...
...yes, I planned it that way.
It's always best to remove as many humans (and dogs) as possible at times such as this.
This is where Oscar and Tasha spent the better part of Friday.

Friday it barely made it out of the 40's but by sharing each other's body heat,
they seemed to stay toasty on the front porch in their crate covered in a thick quilt.
So I took today off to finish getting the place back together and still have much to do.
Here's a peek of what's been happening in my world.

Amidst all of the chaos, there was actually a moment when I felt kind of homeless.
I was stuck in a corner with no real place to go except outside but it was so windy and cold.
I tried to imagine what really being homeless might be like.
Of course I knew that this upheaval was only a temporary situation but still, it made me think.
Maybe it was just a fluke when I made my way to the kitchen sink for some water...

...and saw this beautiful dove perched atop the feeder.
Peace, be still...
Fluke? I choose to think not :)

Oscar, checking things out.

So...that was my weekend!
Tomorrow is Valentine's Day already...can you believe it?
And as I was going through closets preparing for the new floors,
I came across this at a most appropriate time... Adam made this for me in ceramics class many years ago.
It used to play "Let Me Call You Sweetheart" but the electronic music box doesn't work anymore.
That's alright, it's still adorable, don't you think?

And one last thing...
Someone posted this on my Facebook page which I thought was so cute.
Of course it would have better if the wiener had been a brown one :)

Happy Valentine's Day!

Sharing at...


  1. We went thought that a few years ago! Your floors looks so good and doesn't it make the rooms look so much bigger!

  2. Love the look of your new floor with the carpet runners on, your bedroom looks very chic! Happy Valentine's Day for tomorrow!

  3. Love your floors and yes it was time to bring in something new! It will take awhile to get use too, but oh man what a difference it will make. Your home looks warm and cozy!

    I love the ceramic Adam made and yes its perfect for this month!

    Beautiful dove...

    Glad you have today to reorganize and enjoy your home!

    Happy Valentine's Day Debby!


  4. Your new flooring is awesome. I live in a 55 rambler that has hardwood floors and love them. I have a couple of doggies too. They like the area rugs the best :)

  5. Debby Ray! Wow! Did this all happen in one weekend? What a great new look. Sweet capture of the dove. Happy Valentine's Day!

  6. Your new flooring is beautiful, worth all the upheaval and hard work.

  7. Amidst all the chaos of getting your new flooring in, you have thoughts of thankfulness, and that is a good thing. What a sweet Valentine that Adam made in ceramics class. And the dove is a special bird, indeed. I see them all the time around here. They are the most peaceful birds with a sweet call.

    Happy Valentine's Day, Debby. Hang in there with the flooring. Soon, you will get to look around and enjoy with a sigh of relief.


  8. Oh my what a huge undertaking in such a little amount of time. You must be exhausted, Debby! Your new flooring looks amazing. Your bedroom looks beautiful, such a romantic your dressing table. You must feel like you are living in a new home. Love the little dove.....peaceful indeed! May you have a most wonderful Valentine's Day in your 'new' home.

  9. Debby, It looks absolutely gorgeous!!! Did you put the flooring through the whole house? It looks fantastic!!! I do so love mourning doves -we always have a nest or two of them on our property.
    Happy Valentine's Day to you-hope you can get some rest. xo Diana

  10. Beautiful floors! It's good that the doggies approve! lol
    Happy Valentine's Day to you. xoxo

  11. Oh how nice to get those new wood floors. It is a dream of mine too.
    One reason I like taking a walk in the house on some icy days is that I'm wearing out the carpet and then I can get those wood floors. : )

  12. The new floor looks fantastic. I love the idea of a hard floor though put the housesit seems so much easier to keep clean.Having said that,I have too much carpet in my houses it means a lot of vacuuming.

  13. I so love how the new flooring is really, really nice.

  14. Glad that it has all come together so beautifully. The floors look fabulous!

  15. Gorgeous looking floors, but a lot of upheaval to get there! Sweet Valentine memories.

  16. Debby, What a lot of work but well worth it! Thanks for sharing. Sylvia D.

  17. Hi Debby! The color of the wood really warms up the space. It does look bigger! When we redid our kitchen, the space looked bigger too, even though we didn't add any square footage. There's just something about new beginnings that make everything look so clean, bright, warm and large :)
    I hope your husband loves the new changes, and that the fur babies are settling in.
    Happy Valentines Day!

  18. Oh how fun. I know you'll love the new floor. We just moved in Oct. we don't have a stitch of carpet and we love it!
    I loved Valentines dog. How cute. I hope you'll come over and link at The Fabulous Party. We are celebrating Love all month.
    Here's the link:
    Don't forget to comment to enter the giveaway.
    Happy Valentines Day.

  19. It surely looks so good! I know you feel like Christmas or something --- and the dove moment --oh my!

  20. Your new flooring looks marvelous! We need something new as our carpet is 20 plus years old. It's held up well for a lot of years, but it's very worn looking now and time to replace it and I'm thinking about hard wood floors, too. It's the moving of everything that is slowing me down! Don't know where I'd put everything. :) Have a nice week!

  21. Your world has certainly been turned up side down, but oh my the beauty that has transpired from it all! Your floors look gorgeous, Debby, and you are going to love them. With wood floors you seem to get more dust bunnies under the bed. Ha!!

    Have a wonderful rest of this day~~

  22. Your world has certainly been turned up side down, but oh my the beauty that has transpired from it all! Your floors look gorgeous, Debby, and you are going to love them. With wood floors you seem to get more dust bunnies under the bed. Ha!!

    Have a wonderful rest of this day~~

  23. Oh my, your new flooring looks great ...

    Lovely to see the Valentine Picture, and yes it is adorable.

    I hope you have a lovely week ahead

    All the best Jan

  24. The floors are beautiful! Your bedroom looks so amazing with the new floors as well!

    So very happy for you!

  25. Oh so pretty, Debby! The viewing of the dove was so appropriate, and I loved seeing the darling ceramics piece from your son. Hope you had a Happy Valentine's Day!

  26. Oh, how beautiful!!! I LOVE, love, love the new floors! And, your furniture is SO beautiful, the bedroom scene, it is so homey and welcoming. I hope your husband was happy with the results. He must have so enjoyed coming home to all of the new changes. God is so good! So thankful you have this ordeal behind you. :) Thank you for sharing your lovely home with us!

  27. What a delightful post, Debby. Love your new floors. What a beautiful dove with his peaceful message for your heart. Trust you've enjoyed a Happy Valentine's Day.


  28. It is looking absolutely beautiful, Debby! Worth all the trouble! And no, that beautiful dove was no coincidence!

  29. Wow! What a transformation! You sure have been one busy lady! I loved the before and after pictures, and oh those sweet doggies! Quite a bit of work for their noses too, you know, lol! Your bedroom is gorgeous, love how that wood floor looks, and that sweet Valentine made by your Adam, how very, very precious and wonderful to find! And that dove, just a beautiful sign from the Lord, indeed. He thinks of the most amazing and special ways to bless us! Hugs to you today dear friend :)

  30. My sweet and wonderful Debby, it's been way too long since I popped in for a visit....forgive me! My days seem to blur together with schooling and other activites so my blogging has been pushed to the backburner.

    You certainly have been a busy little bee and the transformation is truly amazing! Thank you for showing us.

    Wishing you a blessed Sunday! Love and hugs!

  31. Your new floors look amazing, Debby! I'm sure your fur-babies will get used to them soon enough.

    Warm hugs,

  32. Your new wood flooring look beautiful and the area rugs complement it perfectly. How time flies! Enjoy it, my friend!

    Poppy xx


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