Sunday, March 12, 2017

A Meeting at the Moose Cafe

We meet the nicest people through our blogs, don't we?
When I started blogging back in June of 2013, 
it didn't even occur to me that I would gain so many wonderful friends.
You couldn't have convinced me that it would even be possible to meet one (or more) in real life.
Well, I have learned something over the past few years.
When we are like-minded and share our hearts with others and they do the same,
relationships are formed...regardless of geographical location.
Oh...there are so many of you out there in Blogland that I would love to meet!
And there is one very special lady in particular that I was almost able to meet a while back.
Unfortunately due to sickness and other circumstances we had to cancel...twice even!
If she is reading this right now, she knows who she is :)
Don't worry B------, this will happen...and SOON!
So a couple of weeks ago I got an email from Deborah from The Beautiful Matters
and she told me she was going to be in NC visiting with her son and DIL's in Winston-Salem.
I didn't even realize she had family there...I see I need to pay better attention. :)
Winston-Salem is only about a 45 minute drive so I was thrilled that she was so close!
Now just so you know, although I live fairly close to the big city,
I am definitely not a city dweller nor am I comfortable driving around in unfamiliar places...
so I set up a meeting spot about half-way for both of us,
a place right off the highway where Jim and I have eaten several times.

The Moose Cafe is a home cookin' restaurant located at the local Farmer's Market in Greenboro.
Little did I know at the time, Deborah had wanted to try some southern cuisine!
(You probably already read what she ate on her post.)
The timing was perfect I pulled into the parking lot, I called her to let her know I was there
and she had just gotten off the highway and was just minutes behind me!
Since it was my first time meeting a blogging buddy,
 I have to admit I was just a tad nervous (not really sure why) which quickly changed to excitement.
The moment she pulled up and when I saw her face-to-face as we met at her car,
it was like we were old familiar friends!
How does that happen?

Our waitress kindly took our photo together since I forgot my selfie-stick :)
She really is just as beautiful on the inside as she is on the outside...
and it seemed like we had known each other for years.
I know everyone says that but in a sense, we really have...
at least for as long as we have been reading each others' blogs.
She gifted me with an adorable and HUGE "Queen Bee" teacup and yummy honey spoons.
Isn't it just darling?! 

I would be inclined to say that I may need two tea bags for this cup!
Ms. Queen Bee (moi) can get her whole fist in there!

She informed me that our name tells us that we are likened to a bee...
and any of you other Deborahs who didn't know this can click here and find out why.

My husband has been right all along since he jokingly tells everyone that I am the!
Thanks for that interesting info, Deborah...I'll be sure to put it good use. :) 
When you visit the Moose Cafe, this is what you get as soon as you are seated.

They are also as big as your fist and are accompanied by their own famous apple butter.
(Sorry for the blurry photo...I pulled this from their website.)
Oh my, are they good...blurry or not!
The service was a little slow but our little waitress was very sweet and apologetic.
Deborah and I talked and talked as we got to know each other better 
and I don't think either one of us really cared about the wait.
It was past closing time when we finally left and I'm thinking they were relieved to see us go!
Needless to say, we both had plenty of leftovers to take back with us.
I wish we had been able to spend more time together but oh, what a fun evening it was! 
 What a blessing it was to meet you, Deborah! 
Our meeting at the Moose Cafe was most definitely the highlight of my week.
We do hope to meet again sometime whenever she is in the area.
Thank you so much, Deborah, for thinking of me and suggesting we meet each other...
...I had a blast!
I'm sharing with Maggie over at


  1. Two lovely Deborahs together enjoying special times. How lovely you were both able to meet and chat and chat till the cows came home. =) Yes, blogland is filled with gorgeous people, such as you. Love that Queen Bee mug, how bright and cheery it is.

  2. Yes, that was some good home cooking'! My son took my leftovers for lunch the next day! It was such a special treat to meet you Debby; you are just as sweet as a "honey bee!" Your blog will always be extra special to me from now on. xo Deborah

  3. Oh, I just love reading about blogger meet ups. I have had the pleasure of meeting at least five of my blogger buddies. One from England and we have been able to see each other three times!
    So happy for you and Deborah.

  4. Oh how very special. I know just what you felt before meeting a blogging friend. I have met a couple and each time it was like we had been friends forever.I hope that I will have opportunity to meet a few more bogland friends.

  5. Slow service is a blessing at a blog meet! I do tend to get antsy if I must sit too long as I stiffen up like the old lady I am, but otherwise, taking one's time is perfect. Now I'm wondering how many meets Deborah has lined up for her break. Did it snow in your corner? I hope not. It is so time for spring.

  6. What a fun place for a blogger meetup. There's something so special about meeting other like-minded bloggers.

  7. Debby, when I first read Deborah's post and saw that it was YOU she was meeting I gasped! Oh what a blessing for the both of you!! I can visualize the both of you at your table sharing beautiful fellowship one with another.
    That mug is quite adorable, in size and all. Now that's a sit down and relax kind of mug. :)
    Fun times for sure ♡

  8. Debby, when I first read Deborah's post and saw that it was YOU she was meeting I gasped! Oh what a blessing for the both of you!! I can visualize the both of you at your table sharing beautiful fellowship one with another.
    That mug is quite adorable, in size and all. Now that's a sit down and relax kind of mug. :)
    Fun times for sure ♡

  9. So happy that you two were able to meet in person! Sounds like a lovely visit.

  10. I smiled immediately when I saw the picture of the Moose Cafe and continued to smile while reading your post. Delightful! Two lucky ladies get to meet! Great mug. Happy Monday!

  11. Sounds like the two of you got on like a house on fire, what a special day it was for you both. Oh the joys of blogging and making friends!
    Happy Mosaic Monday.

  12. I did read Deborah's blog about you two meeting and thought it was just great. I would to meet some of my blog friends. If you're ever in Georgia!

  13. Sounds like a perfect place to meet to give Deborah some southern cooking!

  14. What fun to have met Deborah! And what a fun looking cafe. :-)

  15. You had so much fun together!!! Moose cafe looks like a great place to visit. Have a great week:)

  16. Oh how fun to meet a fellower blogger, and sounds like the perfect place for a visit. Glad you enjoyed! And now as a fellow Deborah, I am off to read more about that name! lol Enjoy your week!

  17. The Moose Cafe sounds like the kind of place my hubby and I like to eat at for breakfast when we are traveling. So glad you had a good time, Debby.

    Warm hugs,

  18. Sounds like a great time. It is wonderful to meet blogging friends and I've met a few of them.

  19. This sounds like such a fun time...I have only met one other blogger...but how I wish we lived closer together cause we would have so much fun. And my brother and his wife go on vacations with friends they met on line...

  20. I always enjoy reading about bloggers meeting. Looks like a fun place for a rendezvous. Those are ginormous biscuits! The cup you were gifted with is very nice. Happy Mosaic Monday!

  21. Oh what a fun meeting at the Moose Cafe! Isn't it wonderful how interconnected we are through blogging, Debby? I was thankful to meet Deborah last March when she came to Texas for a wedding. I sent Deborah at teacup and you sent me one...such fun through Stephanie's dear teacup exchange. I know I would love the food at the Moose Cafe. What a darling mug you received! ❤️

  22. What fun to read about the two of you ( I read both of your blogs ) meeting up! :)

  23. Debby, how nice that you met your blog friend. I've been over to her blog a few times, and it's lovely. The Queen Bee cup is cute, and I've never seen the honey spoons, how delightful. Your breakfast looks Yummy. I smiled when I saw the apple butter, as my mom used to love it.
    I'm glad you finally got to meet up with her. I've only met one blog friend in person. She owned a vintage shop in the same town. Oh, I would love to meet many more, wouldn't you?


    1. What a wonderful post! So nice that you and Deborah were able to meet up! I've not had an opportunity to meet up with any blogging friends yet but it is certainly on my bucket list! The mug is sweet. Happy to hear you had such a nice time!

    2. What a wonderful post! So nice that you and Deborah were able to meet up! I've not had an opportunity to meet up with any blogging friends yet but it is certainly on my bucket list! The mug is sweet. Happy to hear you had such a nice time!

  24. How fun! I've meet several blog friends in person and each one has been wonderful!

  25. Debby, What a lovely visit! Great food and like minded ladies is just a great combo. Have a great day. Sylvia D.

  26. Oh, how wonderful and sweet!!! I just love reading stories like this! God is SO good to bring us together with like-minded souls and kindred spirits. All glory to Him for caring so much about the details of our lives! Thank you for sharing with us here. :)

  27. How fun! I've noticed that with bloggers I've had the opportunity to meet 'in real life'--it's like we've been friends for a long time. Maybe our paths will cross one day!

  28. What a nice place to meet. Isn't it wonderful to have a bond with someone you just met. Like a divine appointment!

  29. Hi Debby-- new to your blog and enjoying it alot! That mug sure is adorable and wow there sure are alot of debs commenting on this post and here i am another one! Lol did yall get any snow or cold weather that way?? Its real cold here-- for us anyway! Covered our plants and seeds. Oh yes-- ive got some great blog friends And in the old days we "pen-palled" and i met quite a few of mine and we are still great friends! Blogging is alot like pen pals to me-- but you just press send-- no stamps or envelopes. I do still love to get old fashioned letters tho--- how about you??

  30. Oh what fun you must have had. The place is charming. Wish we could meet up someday too. Hope all is well in your world.

  31. Hi Debby! I loved reading about your meeting with a blogger, it looks like you had a really great time. The Moose Cafe looks AWESOME, and your friend looks so friendly. A match made in heaven for sure.
    I have had the joy of meeting two bloggers in my life, and like you, I never thought it would happen. It is like meeting old friends! I hope you can meet her again sometime soon :)

  32. Moose Café ... I love the name.
    But how lovely to meet up with a blogging friend, lovely to see all of your pictures.

    Enjoy the week

    All the best Jan

  33. Oh how lovely to be able to meet up!! that tea cup is adorable :-) I will have to take the girls to this place, looks so cute! We like finding new places to eat and I haven't heard of this before. Greensboro is about 45 minutes or so from us I think.... :-) Have a wonderful day!


  34. The food looks spectacular! Have a lovely weekend!

  35. Hi Debby,

    It IS very special, indeed, to have the opportunity to meet a fellow blogger, and it looks like you and Deborah had such a fun time, sharing a scrumptious meal, while getting to know one another a little better. The pic of both of you is so sweet!

    Happy weekend,

  36. It's so much fun to meet fellow bloggers in real life. I've met 4 and it was such a fun time and my first time, I was so nervous. :o)) Those biscuits look so yummy!

  37. How lovely! Bloggers never disappoint :-)

  38. And how much FUN is that!!! You are both such beautiful ladies and my favorite blog buddies! Can't go wrong with the Moose cafe too. You're making me crave buttermilk biscuits! Hugs!

  39. Hi Debby, I loved reading about your meet up with a blogging friend. Looks like a fun time at a neat cafe and those biscuits look yummy!
    Have a nice week! xo Cheryl

  40. What a delightful event to take place! We have a Moose cafe here in our area too, but I don't think they serve their own apple butter, biscuits slathered in apple butter, oh my! What a great visit the two of you must have had, and how wonderful that you were able to linger and visit! I agree with you, blogging friends are truly the best! And what a lovely cup she gave you, and how fun that you both share variations of the same name. Such a fun post! Have a blessed day :)

  41. How precious! I love it when we get to meet a sister blogger. That happened to me about three years ago or so with Debbie from Breathing in Grace blog. We went to Tn to stay a few days and we met at a Bass Pro Shop and have coffee and talked what seemed like forever. As soon as we spotted one another our spirits messed instantly as sister forever. I just love hearing stories like this. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  42. I was just visiting Deborah's blog and realized I had missed your meeting post so when I finished reading hers I just had to visit you to see if I had missed it on your blog and alas, I had!

    Oh, I'm so glad I came back and scrolled through your posts as it was a sweet blessing to read about your little get-together. The two of your are such precious ladies and I know your time together was extra special. Thank you for sharing with us :)

    Hugs to you!


Thank you for stopping by today! Your sweet comments are such an encouragement to me.