Monday, March 20, 2017

If you can't paint it, wallpaper it!

This was my mother-in-law's hutch.
I searched high and low to find a photo of it and wouldn't you know that the one I found 
had a bunch of extra crap stuff on it that shouldn't be there...oh well.

This was my mother-in-law's corner cabinet that matches said hutch.

I would really like to paint said hutch and corner cabinet...BUT...
Jim would never have it.
Why is it that most men do not like painted furniture?
Now even though I am a pretty independent kinda girl,
I will not go against hubby's wishes..................most of the time.
Just kidding. Never.

So after emptying both of them when we got our new flooring a few weeks ago,
I was faced with putting it all back but it needed to be changed up some how.

I perused Pinterest for a couple of days to to find some ideas...
I was thinking wallpaper for the inside.
Oh, there were TONS of painted hutches with wallpaper inside but not many un-painted ones.
I needed something light in color and a pattern that wasn't bold or busy.
Then a light bulb went off.
I had a couple of partial rolls left over from another project.
Now y'all probably remember that I do like my wallpaper regardless what "they" say... house, my choice, right?
I recently saw that it's on it's way back in...oh goody!

You would think that wallpapering such a small area would be quick and simple.
Well, it turned out to be a little bit challenging.
Sometimes working in small spaces can be difficult but it wasn't too bad.
It took most of an afternoon after thinking it might take an hour...well, not quite.

But, hey...what do you think??

I am very pleased and think it made my dishes and glassware POP!

I didn't paper the base, just the back and sides,

It was almost like having two new pieces of furniture...I said almost.

Many of my teacups and dishes also came from my MIL. 

Jim got me the Crown Ruby Band set for my birthday last year.

I love this tea set...and now you can actually see it!

So...the thought of painting these cabinets quickly faded after adding the wallpaper.
Jim was happy with the look too.
But since he liked this so well, I wonder if he'll change his mind about the paint?

I'd say it's highly unlikely :)
Enjoy your week!
I'm sharing this with Maggie over at
Mosaic Monday


  1. Yes, I have been sitting right here waiting for you to post so I could pop right in. Ha!

    I have similar concerns about painting furniture. Sometimes I like the look and sometimes it seems a shame to cover perfectly good wood. You are a wise wife to yield to your husband's wishes, especially since the pieces belonged to his mother. I LOVE the wallpaper...what a splendid idea! Looks great, too. Wonderful collection of beautiful dishes you have!

  2. Ooooh, be still my heart. The tea cups, the doilies, the china dishes....all so lovely, my friend.

    And speaking of lovely, I love what you did with the wallpaper. I think it was the perfect touch :) You are a wise woman and a precious wife. Thank you for being such a sweet example.

    Love and hugs to you!

  3. I love the wallpaper! It brightened up the shelves and makes your lovely pieces show up so much better. What a treasure to have these two pieces and the sentimental pieces to display. You did a great job - that would be tedious work in a small space!

  4. The wallpaper is a fantastic idea. It really brightens up those shelves.Ys,like you say, the dishes really POP now. I felt the same after my son painted a built in china cupboard for me.

  5. I think it turned out fantastic and you can really see all the pretty dishes. I think it was a good decision not to paint this piece.

  6. So...first off, my hubby does not like painted wood furniture either! So, must be a guy thing. But, that wallpaper really made it pop with just the right color! I love how it turned out! All your pretty dishes look amazing! And your tea pot and tea cups...yes!

    Enjoy your week my friend!

    Hugs to you,

  7. Good choices, Debby! Both deferring to your hubby's wishes and the wallpaper. It is a pretty pattern on its own, but it doesn't command all the attention. It allows all of your lovely pieces to shine!

    Then I had to go back to find the post with your new floor pics! Sure enough, I was down with the flu when that post went up. So now I'm back to say . . . wow! Your new floors look fabulous. A bright, fresh new look!

  8. I love how this turned out! I love painted furniture but sometimes I like to leave the wood the way it is! The wallpaper is an inspired idea and the paper you used is just right I think!

  9. The wallpaper looks GREAT! My husband is the same about painted furniture, and since he built a lot of ours, I've promised that I won't paint anything he's created. But the china cabinet was fair game and I painted it about 5 years ago and am very happy I did. Before that I lined the back with old music paper and that lightened things up, too.
    Your dishes look so pretty against the creamy wallpaper.

  10. The wallpaper idea was an inspired idea, Debbie. It looks wonderful and I agree that it makes all your pretty pieces of china pop. Now about the paint thought....I am a gal who believes furniture looks so much better with a lick or two of paint. I have a feeling your husband would have a seizure if he were to step in my humble abode. =) Seriously though, your cabinet looks beautiful.

  11. Debby,I love your choice of wallpaper. It is not too busy and it's light. I also love the way you arranged everything in pretty! I do like painted wood but I am one of those that just can't bring myself to paint it.

  12. Oh Debby, the swirly wall paper pattern looks soooooo pretty and yes, your dishes certainly pop now. You've displayed everything so perfectly. I love the doilies that you've place about, on the shelves. You did a great job and everyone is happy! ❤️

  13. I love the natural wood tones and wouldn't paint something like this (you don't have to tell your hubby I'm on his side though! hahaha) But I know what you mean about the pretty china not showing up with the wood as the background. What a difference the wallpaper makes. It looks beautiful! A perfect compromise! And I love the blue and white china...oh and anything with roses! Hugs, Diane

  14. Wallpapering the inside of the cabinet was a good compromise, your beautiful collections display so well against that background. The very pretty yellow majolica egg shaped piece decorated with flowers and the blue and white china are my favourites.
    Thanks for being a part of Mosaic Monday again this week,

  15. Great idea !looks terrific ! Nice job !

  16. Debby, the wallpaper is elegant and pretty. You did a wonderful job on it! And I'm looking at all your tea cups and china pieces.....gorgeous! I have always thought that BLUE china was the prettiest, so that caught my eye right away. And that rose tea pot and rose egg, oh my, they are beautiful. Your mother-in-law's cabinet really looks nice, and what a treasure this is for you and husband.


  17. I think that looks very difficult to wallpaper. I never paint wood seems so maintence free natural. One experience with chipping paint and I was done. I'm too practical....seriously for not a very good reason. Great project!

  18. One step at a time, Debby! You never know--he may agree to paint eventually. Meanwhile, a brilliant idea! It looks great!

  19. Debby, this looks wonderful.

  20. Oh, what a great idea. I really like the look and you didn't have to paint. My hubby doesn't like painted furniture either.
    Happy Spring.

  21. It turned out so well! And it does really highlight the dishes to have that light colored background. Mr.C. is the same way about painted cabinets and I'm pretty sure will never change his mind. I should try this once I'm ready to deal with the task of emptying the hutch first.

  22. Hi Debby! Oh my goodness, how I laughed at your first comment about the cabinet! Who doesn't have crap galore on flat surfaces??
    The idea of the gold paper is so inspired! I really lightens the area up and your dishware really does 'pop'. (Love the ruby lined glassware too...very retro looking.) You have such a great eye for decor.
    The angel that you have in the photos looks like an old friend to me. I have two of those myself!
    Keep lighting up your world my friend :)

  23. Wonderful china collection! The paper is the perfect color, too. Good choice.

  24. Oh, how pretty! You did an amazing job, and what a transformation it made! Thank you so much for sharing. God bless you, sweet friend. :)

  25. So beautiful!! I love the difference it makes and all your lovely dishes and glasses! Have a great day!


  26. I love how the wallpaper looks and makes the dishes really stand out more! We have some furniture that I would dearly love to paint but my hubby also says no. lol! Men! Yes, it's perfectly good wood but I've had it for years and would like a change. Oh well. (but you know I'll keep working on him about it.) xo Cheryl

  27. It was lovely to have you drop in at LAWN TEA in the post about BJ---aren't we lucky to have such a sweet kind funny friend? She's peeking in from time to time, and enjoying the comments of her friends today.

    I stopped first at your APRON STRINGS post, and was so touched and reminded of all the wonderful strong hard-working women in my own family--all those flour-sack and calico and checked-print and floral aprons covering their plain everyday dresses. After my Mother had been gone about a year, Daddy sold our family home in Mississippi to go live with Sis in Texas, in a lovely apartment he'd built above their enormous garage.

    We all gathered that Thanksgiving with moving trucks instead of our usual cars, and had a bittersweet time of reminiscence and packing and remembering the days and years in the house where we grew up. The very first thing I did when I started packing was to go to two drawers in the kitchen---her apron drawer, and the big deep one full of recipes clipped or jotted on scraps or envelopes, or those little fancy cards with 'fROM THE kITCHEN OF. . ."

    I upended each drawer into a box, taped it shut and loaded it onto our truck before we started on the china and kitchen and all the other memories of nearly sixty years of married life. Precious memories, indeed.

    I, too, have wanted to paint the old knotty pine hutch built by Daddy in the exact boards he paneled the dining room with. I envision it as a lovely cream, with all the pastels of dishes I've collected for years, but there it sits in all its FIFTIES glory, just as it did for decades in our house.

    Thank you for your sweet words, and I'm looking forward to delving into your own blogs.

    rachel and her friend Marthy

  28. Debby, I love the difference that the wallpaper made. WOW! Girl, you got yourself some pretty dishes too. I have some pieces of the Crown Ruby Band too and wish I had more. A friend of mine gave to me years ago. I love the fact that cabinet and hutch was your motherinlaw's. I am sure it's hold a special meaning for you too. If you would be kind enough to send me your email I would appreciate it. I tried to pull your email up but it would not come up for me. I need to thank you personally for my BOX OF WONDERFUL GOODIES! YOU ARE THE BEST! Hugs and blessings, Cindy is my email.

  29. WOW, what a transformation, Debby! My hubby is the same way about painting certain things. Neither of us are fond of wallpaper (got that out of our systems early on in our marriage), but I do like how you used really does make your dishes really pop.
    Hugs, Carol

  30. Hi Debby,

    Your idea to wallpaper was genius! You creatively turned an heirloom with restrictions (understandably so), into a bright and beautiful furnishing that really accentuates your charming collection of china into a win-win situation, so that both you and hubby are happy! I'd say that's some crafty compromise!

    Happy weekend,

  31. Well, I'm late to the party! But what a party it is! I LOVE your brilliant idea and compromise of going with the wallpaper. I know my husband wouldn't let me paint such an important piece of furniture either. I love the idea of wallpaper to lighten it up. Mirrors are also another option, but a lot more expensive. Your wallpaper choice is gorgeous! And all your amazing china, oh be still my heart! What a tea party you could have! I'm sure just looking at this happy spot now brings a big smile to your heart, it did to mine, just looking at the gorgeous pictures here :)

  32. Oh, Debby, I think it's a "man thing" for sure. My husband resisted us having our old ugly paneling (in our old house) painted for years and years. Finally he relented and when he saw how much light it brought into the house he absolutely loved it. I didn't say a word!!! Your cabinet looks so lovely and what a collection of cups and saucers you have! Pictures are just gorgeous!

  33. Oh yes I like the wallpaper in your cabinet, I also enjoyed seeing all the dishes in it

  34. Great job! It really does brighten things up in there.


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