Wednesday, April 19, 2017

A Beautiful Box of Loveliness

Yes, it's that time again!

It's that time. . .

Come on over to Stephanie's and check it out!
I do believe I'm going to need to do some rearranging in my cupboards...
...I seem to be running out of space to put my teacups!
I just may have to pay a visit to Pinterest for some inspirational ideas :)
This was my 4th exchange and once again I have 'met' a couple of very lovely ladies.
First off, I will show you what I gifted my exchange partner with. 
I sent my package to Cindy who blogs at none other than Creations by Cindy.
And what a sweetheart she is!
I had such fun picking and choosing what I would send her.
Cindy is an avid deer hunter and loves all things deer but I learned something as I was shopping.
Do you know that it is very difficult to find a dainty teacup with a deer on it?
Oh there tons of mugs out there but teacups, not so much.
And then wouldn't you know I got so excited that I forgot to take photos of what I sent her.
So I went online, found the items I had purchased and copied photos of them.
 Here is her lovely and very springy Lenox teacup that I chose.
There is a bee, a butterfly, a dragonfly, some pretty flowers...but no deer...
and of course a few other pretties for her tea party :)
I found out that Cindy just LOVES caramel when I was snooping reading her blog
so since I couldn't find a deer teacup I decided to focus on the caramel.
The great thing is, you can just about find caramel anything!
 So I went back and revisited the shelves where I had previously picked up these goodies...

Too bad I couldn't find any caramel tea although surely it must exist.
And now it's true confession time...
I was so tempted by the salted caramel biscotti that I got myself a box too.
Oh my....just let me tell you...they are SO DELICIOUS!
 Now on to my box of lovelies....and what a box of lovelies it was!
Even on the outside!

I was so excited as I dug into this beautiful package from Lea at CiCi's Corner.

Oh. My. Word.
I think it has to be one of the most beautiful teacups I've ever seen!

At first glance, I thought it was white and silver but upon further examination,
I realized it was an oh-so-delicate pink!

I don't know exactly how long our photo shoot went on...probably too long...

...but I just couldn't seem to capture all of her pink and silver gorgeousness!

The photographer in me kept snapping and snapping away...I just couldn't help myself.

My package was just filled with so many beautiful things.
I must say that dear Lea has exquisite taste!

There were heavenly smelling lavender soaps, an adorable box of fragrant drawer sachets
and sweet springy napkins...

...some lovely note cards by Vera...

...yummy tea, a beautiful fruity glass tray, a little bit of sweet and salty...
(now, how did she know that cheese straws are one of my favorite things??)

...and of course, CHOCOLATE!
Now tell me, have you ever seen such adorable Easter candy wrappers?

And not only were they the cutest things, they were also delicious.
I have yet been able to throw away one of those darling papers!

Yes, I'd say I was overjoyed with my box of goodies!
Thank you again, sure know how to make a girl feel special :)

And then right after I put my camera down, I opened the cookies.
They were oh so buttery and delicious...

...and you know I had to take a few more pics of my little tea party for one :)

What a beautiful box of lovelies, wouldn't you say?
I just can't even imagine the work that goes into putting together these exchanges, can you?
Thank you once again, lovely Stephanie, for helping to spread so much joy and the love of Jesus.
You are truly a blessing to me and to so many others all over the world...
God bless you for all you do!
 Hugs to all,


  1. Hi Debby, Your gifts from Lea are so very pretty. The tea cup is unique and so delicate! I love what the tea cup you gifted Cindy, too. Of course, anything with butterflies is a favorite of mine! Yes, Stephanie does a superb job with the tea cup exchange. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Lea is a long-time friend of mine and yes she is a lovely lady who knows how to do things well. Also enjoyed your recounting of your own gift package. This sounds like a delightful and rewarding gift exchange.

  3. Oh Debby, what a special gift package you received from Lea! The teacup is just a beauty and would be such a treat to sip tea from. All the other gifts were so thoughtfully chosen for you. Isn't it a small world, as I received from you the last time, and this time, I sent to Lea. Our friendships keep growing from our wonderful hostess, Stephanie! Enjoy all you pretty gifts!

  4. Debby, I LOVED my gift and have so enjoyed drinking from my darling teacup. Matter of face just yesterday I had a cup of Sage tea. I have so enjoyed getting to know you more. You are indeed a precious sister to me! received some wonderful treasures too. Love it all! This has been a true blessings. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  5. Wow, such a beautiful teacup she gave.. I can see why you couldn't dtop taking photos... such a wonderful things that Stephanie does. Happy Wednesday dear with love Janice

  6. Oh my, oh my, OH MY! What a delightful and oh-so-special package from Lea! I am IN LOVE with the tea cup and oh, what charming little chocolates! They are almost too cute to eat....almost :) Lea did a phenomenal job, my friend. Enjoy your tea goodies!

    And the parcel you sent to sweet Cindy is just as beautiful. I love how you focused on the caramel {{smiles}} I believe Stash Tea makes a salted caramel tea. Everything you send to Cindy was truly remarkable and lovely.

    Much love and sweet hugs to you, Debby!

  7. Stephanie is truly a blessing, you're right, sweet friend, and with this exchange has filled our days with the joy which only true friendship can bring !

    The goodies you sent and received are really so, so charming, thank you for sharing them with us today, you're filling my heart with some other gladness !

    Wishing you a most lovely remainder of your week

    XOXO Daniela at - My little old world - (Dany)

  8. It IS a beautiful teacup. I love the delicate pink! And you photographed it all beautifully.

  9. Popped over from Lea's blog, and oh what fun! The tea cup you received from her was just gorgeous! And your right...I haven't seen one quite like it. And the goodie box you sent was also such a delight! I may have to jump on this next time too. Enjoy the rest of your week!

  10. Hi Debby! Can it really be 10 years for the teacup exchange? You really put a lot of thought into your gift for Cindy, I bet she just loved each thing (I like caramel too...who doesn't?)
    Your gifts from Cici were so generous too. A tea party for one? Why not?? Those cookies and chocolate look divine ❤️

  11. Awe, Debby, what a fantastic post and pictures. I'm so thrilled that you enjoyed your box of happies! This was such fun and I am already looking forward to the next one. Wishing you a most beautiful day!

  12. Oh, I just love Stephanie's tea cup exchanges. Although I haven't participated yet, I still love to look at all the pretty tea cups. This pink one is gorgeous, and I just went to Home Goods this morning and saw one just like it. The lavender soaps are pretty, and the cookies look scrumptious. The gift you gave was lovely as well. I love those tea doilies, and who doesn't love Ghirardelli chocolates? Thank you for sharing your wonderful gifts, Debby. This is such a fun post.


  13. It has been fun seeing all the tea cups and mugs generated by Stephanie's exchange. Yours from Lea is simply uniquely pretty.

  14. Wow didn't you get a great box of goodies. Love the tea cups.
    What beautiful wrapped candy.

  15. WOW! Wonderful gifts you sent and also received.

  16. Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous! Have I said just how gorgeous that tea cup is? I too would have taken photo after photo of that beauty. When you mentioned "pink" I was all eyes checking those photos at a close glance.
    Such a delightful gift package, Debby. Those chocolates are beautiful in deed.
    Your tea cup and gift sent off to Cindy was also beautiful. Lovely tea cup even if it doesn't have a deer.

    Bless you♡

  17. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  18. OMGoodness, I know this is NOT the focus but those little Easter chocolate delights are Adorable!!! Now, both the teacup you sent and the one you received are gorgeous! Anyone would be honored to own either piece. Great choices! It's been a fun event and I'm so thankful that we both joined a while back so we could be partners and get to know each other! Blessings, Cindy xo

  19. Debby you sent such a pretty package. Wow you got some wonderful items. That teacup is gorgeous and those cookies look so yummy. Truly this is a wonderful event to be a part of.

  20. Indeed, that was a box of lovelies!! The pink and silver teacup is both beautiful and unusual. Your recipient was treated to some lovely things as well! It is fun imagining all of those teacups and goodies flying all over the world at once!

  21. What a beautiful tea cup! And all the lovelies! So fun!

  22. Oh, what a beautiful box of goodies! I can only imagine how nice the soaps smell! I have a thing about soap...I think it is an obsessions!! LOL! So thankful you enjoyed the exchange, sweet friend. :) God bless you.

  23. I thought the teacup was while and silver too Debby until you and your camera shared different angles - what a beauty! Lots of goodies included in your parcel and like me - out came the kettle to have some of the tea received and cookies.
    We were all blessed again this year with parcels of love and new friends.

  24. Lovely exchange, I think Stephanie organises this so well.
    I do not participate but so enjoy visiting the blogs and seeing the exchanges that you dear ladies have gifted and received.

    The goodies just look amazing.

    My good wishes for Friday and the weekend to come.

    All the best Jan

  25. What a gorgeous package! That tea cup is one to treasure, for sure! :) Enjoy all of your goodies!

  26. Hi Debby, such a wonderful package of goodies you received! The tea cup is just beautiful. I'd have to save those pretty papers, too! Have a nice Friday and weekend!

  27. Well, I would say your received a most delightful box of tea time treats. I love that cup and saucer...very different and so pretty. Thanks for sharing my tea time friend.

  28. Stephanie is such a sweetie! Debby, both your teacup gift package to Cindy as well as the one you received from Lea are lovely! A deer motif does sound challenging, but your choice of spring motifs is fabulous! Lea's choice is exquisite, and those chocolate Easter wrappings are adorable! Enjoy, my friend!


  29. I truly enjoyed getting to see what you received ! Everything was beautiful! The tea cup was so unique and beautiful! This exchange has been so much fun and blessing ! Hope you have a blessed week!

  30. Oh my word, Debby - your treasures are beyond amazing. That bird-themed teacup made me squeal with jealous delight and happiness for you. It's AWESOME.

    Your package was, too. Aren't these swaps fun stuff? Dear Stephanie is an angel for putting these together so that so many find friendships and joy.

    Have a wonderful weekend.

  31. That really is one of the most beautiful teacups, but then I also love the one you gave. Both are right up my alley!

  32. My goodness, so much pretty all in one place! Where does one start? I love the gorgeous package you sent to Cindy, those Lenox teacups are gorgeous! How funny that there are no deer on teacups, I hadn't thought about that but you are so right, but the cup you picked for her was perfect! And I LOVED that gorgeous silver/pink teacup you were gifted! Oh my, I do not believe I have seen anything like it either! It will look lovely in your newly done hutch on display, and in use... such a lovely assortment of teas too! Oh, this exchange has been such a delight, both in giving and in receiving! Hugs to you today :)

  33. Such lovely packages sent and received. I'm smitten with both the gorgeous teacups. The shot of the half-eaten chocolate made me smile.

  34. Oh, Oh!!! I LOVE that teacup! Just beautiful! And those chocolates wrapped in the vintage Easter designs! So cute. Do you know I have those doilies that you sent out?? I love them. Well, I was sorry to miss this exchange, I know how much fun they are. I'm just now starting my round of visits to catch up, and it is heart-warming to see all the love in our little corner of blogland! xo Deborah


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