Monday, April 10, 2017

Thank You Jesus

They seem to be popping up everywhere in my neck of the woods.

In fact, this one literally is in my neck of the woods...a.k.a my front yard.
I first heard the story (through one ear as I was preparing dinner) on our local news channel one evening,
saying to myself what a nice thing it was for this young man to do.
I didn't think much more about it until I started noticing these cheery, bright yellow signs.
Before long, they started showing up on front lawns all over the place.

This one is in my next door neighbor's yard.
I copied the link from our local news station's interview with him and you can read it here.
What started out as just the placement of a few homemade signs,
has become a nation wide Thank You Jesus Movement.
What a dedicated and inspiring young man Lucas is!
Like I mentioned, whenever I am out and about I see the signs everywhere.
Over the weekend, I took my camera with the zoom lens to see how many I could snap.
There were many more than I could actually capture due to obstacles and such,
but here are just a few.

(mine again)
I actually purchased my sign at one of our local Living Free Ministries Thrift Store.
The stores are a part of a wonderful ministry for the restoration of drug and alcohol addicted men.
They sell the signs for $2 more than the website does and the extra $$ helps to support the ministry.
Any one who knows me probably also knows that a ministry such as this is very close to my heart.
And I thank Jesus every day for what He has done and is doing in Aaron's life!
Easter is the perfect time of the year to thank Jesus for what He's done for us.
If it wasn't for Him dying on that cruel cross, we wouldn't even have a savior to thank, period.
Here's a song I hope you enjoy, simply titled "Thank You Jesus".

As I reflect on this Holy Week leading up to Resurrection Sunday,
I pray that I never take for granted, not for one single moment, that Jesus gave His life for me.
I am taking this opportunity to wish you all a most blessed Easter week.
Company's a comin' and I've got tons to do before their arrival Thursday evening.
If I don't get around to visit, I'll catch up as I can :)


  1. A beautiful post and so amazing what the young man has done. How pleasant it would be to drive around and see these pops of yellow signs bearing such a great message. Have a blessed holy week.

  2. That's amazing! What a neat thing. I had not heard of this.

    I'm so grateful to Jesus for his gift of eternal life through his death and resurrection!

    Thank you, Jesus!

  3. How awesome is that! I haven't heard of it either. We need more people out there doing the same thing. What an uplifting thing to see.

    God is good! And I Thank Jesus daily!

    Enjoy your Easter, company and all!

    Hugs, Amy

  4. Debby, I so enjoyed this post! These acts bring joy to my heart.
    I'm praying that your family time together over Easter will be a glorious time as you celebrate the life we have through Jesus Christ our Lord.
    Hallelujah what a Savior!

    Thank you for this beautiful music.

    Much Love to you ♡

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. Have a blessed holy week.

    Praise be to God! Hosanna in the Highest! Jesus has Risen!

    Hugs and prayers. ♥

  7. Wishing you and your family a blessed Easter.

  8. Oh what a simply brilliant idea. I love this initiative. All those signs reminding everyone to give thanks to Jesus for their lives. What an uplifting neighbourhood you live. May you have the most blessed Easter, lovely Debby, celebrating the love of Jesus with your loved ones. Xx

  9. What a great way to be a witness! Hope your Easter is a blessed and happy one,Debby!

  10. It takes courage to stand up for what one believes in. A public tribute to Jesus like this is beautiful and inspiring. Have a Happy Easter!

  11. Oh Debby, this truly ministered to my heart today. I love this. Happy Easter my friend. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  12. I LOVE this story! What a blessing it would be to drive around and see those signs. Just hearing about it all blessed me. Wishing you and yours a blessed Easter! He has risen!

  13. Oh, Debby! This is wonderful! What a neat and amazing thing! I LOVED seeing this. Thank you for sharing, sweet friend. God bless you!

  14. What a wonderful story and a wonderful movement.

  15. Awe, this is so neat and so inspiring. Love it!

  16. What a great idea to remind us all how much this simple quote can change our focus! May you enjoy this Holy Week!!
    Your a blessing to us all!
    Always, Roxy

  17. These signs are wonderful. Have a great Easter!

  18. Thank You Jesus! That is something we all need to say more often. I now that I have so much to be thankful for.Happy Easter to you.

  19. This is a wonderful post, Debby.

  20. Wow, that's a wonderful thing to do! A simple sign that says it all! Enjoyed all your captures of the signs in different places with hearts giving praise to Jesus! How awesome indeed! Praying that you have a blessed time with your family this weekend Debby :)

  21. These signs are wonderful. I have not heard of or seen these. I'm going to look into getting one for my yard. Maybe I'll start a trend here too. : )

  22. Hi Debby! Yay! Family's coming and I know you're excited and busy, have a wonderful Easter my friend. And thank you for sharing this story about the Thank You Jesus placards. What a fabulous idea, and I love that the money spent on them will go to such a worth cause.

  23. That is awesome to see all those signs! I don't know if we'd see that sort of thing up here but it is a good reminder that we do need to be thankful for what Jesus did for each of us and I think my neck of the woods could sure use that reminder! Have a blessed Easter weekend Debby. Enjoy. Hugs. Pam

  24. The sign just says it all, doesn't it? I love that you've shared photos of "Thank You Jesus" all around town and in your yard. Happy Easter blessings to you and your family, and have a joyous time with all of them.

  25. That is a wonderful idea and ministry. Blessings to you and your family this weekend.

  26. What a happy thing to drive around and see all those signs! I haven't seen any here, but they are perfect for this time of year, aren't they? Have a good time with your company Debbie, and have a blessed Easter! xo Deborah

  27. Wow that is really awesome.

  28. Indeed, we all have so much to thank Jesus for! I pray that these signs are used to turn hearts toward Him!

    Resurrection blessings to you and yours!

  29. Lucas' declaration, stretching distances, to reach as many as he can, is, indeed, a gesture that touches the hearts of those who are devoted to Jesus. I thank Him every day, but especially during this holy time, as I await His resurrection.

    Wishing you a peaceful and blessed Easter, Debby. Enjoy your visitors!


  30. I've not heard of this before but I do like unexpected blessings. An inspiring post.

  31. I'd not come across this before.

    Enjoy your visitors.
    Enjoy your Easter.

    All the best Jan

  32. Thank you, Jesus!
    Thank you, Debbie!

  33. That is a wonderful sign and a worthy cause!


Thank you for stopping by today! Your sweet comments are such an encouragement to me.