Monday, May 22, 2017

It's What's Inside that Counts

We've all heard it said... "It's what's inside that counts."

We live in a world that is totally consumed with outside appearances.
I mean, I find myself getting a little that way myself at times...
...just being real here.
I mean a girl's gotta do the best she can with what she's got...or hasn't got.


The LORD does not look at the things man looks at.
 Man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.
~1 Samuel 16:7

Of course, I know this to be true but I sometimes miss the mark.
That's why I need Jesus.

I have mentioned this before but even though I don't feel like I always deserve them,
Jim makes sure that I have fresh flowers about every other week to adorn the dining room table.
Most of the time they are a mixed bouquet of some kind, usually including roses.
Here lately, because the roses don't seem to last more than a few days,
he has been experimenting with finding different types that hopefully will last a bit longer.
One of my favorites that seems to last and last are the Peruvian Lily.

They come in such beautiful colors and can last for 2 weeks or more. 
 And one of my favorite things to do with any flower is get in really close with the camera.
There is so much going on deep inside of a flower that is so easy to miss.


Just look at the little surprises tucked inside these Pink Campanulas.

I've never had any of these until they were among the last bunch...
in fact, I didn't know what they were until I googled them.
They were all closed up at first and were quite slow to open.

 But when they did...

look what was inside!  
And they lasted for nearly two weeks!
Here's a little more beauty from within...

a purple rhododendron...

a tulip poplar bloom that had fallen from the tree...

 orange lily.

I don't know the identity of this one (below) that was also included in my flowers from Jim.
Before the petals unfurled, they looked like rolled up tissue paper.
I have googled it's description to no avail...

...all I got were photos of flowers that were actually made from tissue paper. 😐
What an amazing Creator we have.
Only the One True God would and could design gazillions of flowers...
...each and every one completely unique.
Just like us.
So let's just remember this...


Happy Mosaic Monday!

Sharing with Maggie at...

Mosaic Monday


  1. They look a little like sea creatures. I always laugh when I remember what Ree, aka PW, said once when taking macro shots of flowers..."whoa! That's a little too up close and personal." Your husband is a peach for keeping your home in flowers. Such a simple, tender, thoughtful thing to do!

  2. Wow! God's creations are spectacular, and that includes you and me, my friend. As the little sign I saw years ago said, "You are special, 'cause God don't make no junk."

  3. Stunning images. I always marvel at the intricate beauty of flowers, and what a beautiful world the Lord has blessed us with.
    Hope you have a lovely afternoon/evening. xoxo

  4. Wonderful depiction of inside beauty through your flower photos. And just when we fall short HE picks us up just as you did the tulip poplar flower. Thank you for sharing your thoughts of encouragement.

  5. I wish I could follow you around and see how you do this! You take the most beautiful flower photos...the close ups draw you in! We both have such sweet hubbies! Mine planted lots of rose bushes so that I always have several bud vases of red roses. Enjoy your afternoon! Hugs!

  6. Oh, what sublime photos of the flowers' inner gorgeousness. How sweet of your Jim to gift you pretty flowers. Our wonderful God dresses our world with the prettiest of pretties, doesn't He, for our enjoyment. Thank you for this lovely post, Debby, encouraging me to reflect upon what is not outwardly seen and the unique, inner beauty of us all. As for the donning of makeup to make me beautiful.....I am afraid there is not enough makeup to achieve that.=)

  7. Beautifully written post, Debby, I so agree our true beauty does come from within! I am so thankful our heavenly Father has shown us examples in his creations! The flowers you have shared are beautiful I think it is so awesome that your Husbands gives you flowers so often, and yes you do deserve them! Thank you for sharing.

  8. Oh what a wonderful post! Yes,God never ceases to amaze me, with the beauty He has created. What a thrill to be able to capture some of that. Thanks for sharing these details.

  9. God is in the details. You show this so well in these photographs!

  10. Oh how I loved this post! The pictures are just beautiful, and your thoughts about it all were soo good. Our God's creation is really soo amazing it is really hard to even try describing. But these pictures did a really good job! Soo gorgeous!

  11. Your eye and camera capture the most amazing shots, Debby, those are gorgeous! You have certainly shown forth the beauty and glory of God in this post.
    Beautifully written. ♡

  12. I LOVE THESE....all caps on purpose. Such beauty within....thankful for our creators creativity...and your camera skills!

  13. Stunningly beautiful flower captures, Debby Ray, such loveliness needs to be seen, thank you for sharing your bouquet with the MM crowd this week.

  14. So much beauty! Thank you for sharing.

  15. Just beautiful, sweet friend. :) Thanks for sharing!

  16. Beautiful images AND words, Debby! Exquisite macros of your hearty bouquet, and how sweet of your hubby to gift you with beauties so often. I'm pretty sure you deserve them, despite what you say. Love the quote at the end, about make up and inner beauty; must remember that one when I look in the mirror in the early morning!;)

    Have a lovely Tuesday!

  17. What a sweet hubby, your Jim is, Debby! You certainly deserve them, and you sure found the beauty deep within. Yes, outward appearance are one thing, but the inner beauty is what counts with Our Lord. Love and God bless you.

  18. Sweet friend, what a precious post . I loved everything you said and needed it this morning . I too need to be reminded that it's what is on the inside that truly counts . Your man is such a sweetie to bring you like flowers like that . Speaking of flowers , wow! Those are beautiful and you captured them perfectly . Thanks for this wonderful reminder today for me ! ❤️ Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  19. Love this object lesson, illustrated with God's creation and your wonderful photography!!

  20. Beautiful post, Debby! Good thoughts filled with truth, and gorgeous flowers!

  21. Love. Love. Love. Love everything about this post! Our Creator is amazing indeed!
    Funny...The post I just wrote, had a similar theme. :)
    Hope you're having a beautiful day!

  22. Stunning photography, what a lovely treat to read your post.

  23. Those are wonderful shots of the inside of flowers - fascinating worlds of their own. The reminder that what's on the inside is what counts is a good one in this day of focus on outward appearance. God looks at the heart.

  24. Beautiful images. There just is nothing like fresh flowers in the house. Lucky you that you have a hubby who brings you flowers. The beauty of a flower -- quite a wonder!

  25. Great shots, Debby! Do you have a micro lens? I'm thinking of getting one someday.

  26. Yes, such beautiful images and such truth! What a great illustration! Blessings!

  27. What a special post this is, Debby. And you take some of the best flower pics in blog land. These are incredible, and I think I like the bloom that fell from the tree the best. How interesting to see the blooms open like that. Oh, and if you want to get a long lasting flower, the Carnation is a good one. It's pretty and sturdy as well, and the smell is wonderful.


  28. A lovely post all the way around.

  29. Wonderful photography--and you use it to glorify the Creator! A beautiful post.


Thank you for stopping by today! Your sweet comments are such an encouragement to me.