Wednesday, May 17, 2017

I like my Hodgepodge a little on the salty side

Happy Wednesday to ya!
I trust everyone enjoyed a wonderful Mother's Day weekend...
...our weather here on Sunday was outstanding and it was a great day!
So....who's ready for some Hodgepodge?
Join me and a bunch of other folks over at Joyce's to find out their answers to her questions.

1. May 17th is National Pack Rat Day. Sidebar-should we be celebrating this? Hmmm... Are you a pack rat? Even if you're not a full fledged pack rat, most people have one thing or another they struggle to part with. Tell us what's yours.

What I think is this...the person or people that come up with these crazy "national" days have w-a-a-y too much time on their hands. I think every year they come up with more of them. With 365 days in a year, I wonder if they are all taken? I guess I should check that out. I don't consider myself a pack rat but I will admit to liking and collecting some things. I don't care much for bare walls or a lot of big empty spaces...I like cozy. Old mirrors are among those things that take my eye. This was my Goodwill find ($7.99) from over the weekend. It was absolutely covered with dust and spider webs...I guess they really wanted to get across the point that it was truly an antique. It is super heavy and looks like it could be 100 years old. A little Liquid Gold and some Windex later and well, here she is...

The mirror itself is somewhat cloudy and a bit distressed but that's adds to her charm if you ask me and after doing a little research into re-silvering old mirrors, I found out that sometimes people actually distress the old silver backing on purpose! I felt much better after knowing that...I didn't have to do anything to mine to make it look authentic! And of course you know I had to have a little fun with it.

The older I get though, the more sentimental I am about things that are connected with the past and the memories they conjure up. I have never been one to keep all my boys' school papers or things like that but I cannot part with a few items from when they were babies and some little clay and/or ceramic things they made in grade school. I'd say my biggest problem is getting rid of clothes that I plan to wear...right after I lose "that 20 pounds". I'm still waiting.

2. What are two things you know you should know how to do, but you don't?

After I read this question, a few things came to mind right would be using a pressure cooker and another is canning. I grew up with a mom who regularly did both of these things but after the pressure cooker exploded one day when I was a little girl, it kinda did me in on that one...and back in the day, I just didn't realize the goodness contained in those glass jars. More and more, I find myself  thinking about the old days and the old ways. But an old dog can learn a few new tricks, right? I haven't given up the idea just yet. Now...if I could only learn to keep my mouth me, Jesus....

3. Do you crave sugar? Do you add sugar to your coffee and/or tea Do you use artificial sweeteners or sugar substitutes?? When dining out is dessert a given?Are you someone who has slain the sugar dragon, and if so tell us how you did it.

Whoa...that's a doozie! Joyce, you could have just asked this five-part question and been done with the whole thing! So...yes, sometimes I do crave sweets and when I do, it's usually right after a meal but I only want a little bite. My usual cravings though are for a salty sumpin'-sumpin'...or better yet...a sweet/salty combo. When it comes to coffee and tea, I'll take sweetener in mine, and make that Splenda, please (it hasn't killed me yet) but if it happens be iced tea, then I'll take it unsweetened, no lemon. I don't use much sugar in most things unless I am baking something yummy, which is not something I do a lot of. This is what I mostly use for baking...unless I'm out of it, then sugar, it shall be.
Very seldom do we ever eat dessert out at a restaurant...where do you put it after the size of those meals? When we do, it is something that everyone can share. We will indulge on special occasions but most of everything we eat of a sweet nature is actually sugar-free....I said most. 😉

4. What's a trend it took a while for you to come round to, but now you can't imagine living without?

This one's easy, although I would consider it a bit more than just a trend. It would be me finally getting a smart phone. I've had my iPhone now for just under a year. I remember when I first got it, I thought I'd never figure out how to use it. Of all the things it is capable of, my favorite is probably having a cool little camera always with me and being able to share a photo on facebook or more recently, Instagram is fun as well. It's a little hard to utter the words, "I'd be lost without it" I won't. It might take a little while but I think I could find myself again.

5. What's a song that reminds you of a specific incident in your life? Please elaborate.
It's funny how immediately after I read this question, a really random memory (and song) popped right in to my head and I may even actually said out loud, "What in the world...?" It's funny how my crazy, silly the mind works at times. Who remembers this old song by Lou Christie from the mid sixties? Click and just may remind you of something.


The memory connected to it? You wouldn't believe me if I told you but I will anyway. It was a good thing for my mom that I had lots of big sisters growing up. Mom wasn't very comfortable discussing sensitive issues with us when we were young and so the older girls were given the responsibility of schooling us younger ones about "life" and what to "expect" as we started maturing...yeah, the ol' birds and the bees conversation. The day that I was becoming enlightened, I remember this song playing on the radio up in our room. Did it strike me like lightening? Naahhh...I had guessed most of it already. 😉

6. Insert your own random thought here.
I think that last answer is enough randomness for one post.

Enjoy the rest of your week, friends!


  1. I feel the same way about pressure cookers. My mom was making homemade soup in the pressure cooker and it blew . . .and there were pieces of roast beef hanging from the ceiling!! Your the first person I've ever "met" who had a similar experience!!

  2. Oh the songs of the 60's! Nothing like them and I really enjoyed this one. And the memory association - loved it. No, our mothers weren't real comfortable with that sort of thing, but I probably wasn't either with my kids. Love the mirror. I also like to use mirrors in my decor. Great job! Have a good rest of your week.

  3. Love that mirror (and the bright bouquet in the pitcher!) and your answers were fun to read. I'm afraid of pressure cookers too. I have canned (the boiling water bath type of canning) but not for a long time.

  4. I have never trusted pressure cookers. I don't really like peeling food from the ceiling and walls. =) LOVE the mirror, $7.99 really; now that was a find. Ahh...the birds and bees talk; I think everyone remembers where, when and what was playing on the radio.

  5. Well I now won't be able to hear that song without thinking of you learning about the birds and bees. Lol. I'd say go out and get a new pressure canner. Canning is one of my greatest joys in late summer. The new canners have good pressure gauges and also you can get a little pressure release valve that never allows the pressure to get above a certain point. About that mirror, years ago I had one like that which was part of an old dresser. Even then it was old. I'd found it at a second hand store. I'll need to try Truvia for baking, which I also seldom do, except when company is coming. Have a good Wednesday, Debby!

  6. I love your song story. If there were a prize today, you'd win : ) I love the mirror-so pretty! Have a great day!

  7. I agree about the person/people who keep coming up with all these crazy holidays. Get a hobby! Ok, maybe that IS their hobby. :)

  8. Pack Rat day? Some people will celebrate anything! lol

  9. Oh. I am listening to the song and was going to tell you that I had never heard it, but then the whiny "lightning's striking again." I can tell you this: I hated that song and still do. Ha!

    Love the antique mirror! How in the world did you edit the photo to show color in the mirror and black and white on the other side? Cool.

  10. Oh my gosh! I've heard about challenges with pressure cookers. Having one explode would about do me in. The photos of the mirror with flowers are so pretty. Hope you have a nice week!

  11. The mirror is gorgeous! I don't know how to can or use a pressure cooker and I don't care! Hope you have a wonderful week, Debby.

  12. Well, I have a little time to play along with morning sweet friend.
    1. May 17th is National Pack Rat Day. Sidebar-should we be celebrating this? Hmmm... Are you a pack rat? Even if you're not a full fledged pack rat, most people have one thing or another they struggle to part with. Tell us what's yours.
    YES I am a pack rat! The thing I seem to struggle with the most when it's come to parting with would probably be my dishes! My name is Cindy and I am a dishaholic! LOL!

    2. What are two things you know you should know how to do, but you don't?
    Well, after reading your answer I must say that I can also say the same thing. But one thing that comes to mind is "Putting up fresh corn". Girl, I know it's GOOD but dang it's hard work!

    3. Do you crave sugar? Do you add sugar to your coffee and/or tea Do you use artificial sweeteners or sugar substitutes?? When dining out is dessert a given? Very seldom do we ever eat dessert out at a restaurant...where do you put it after the size of those meals? When we do, it how can you Are you someone who has slain the sugar dragon, and if so tell us how you did it.
    No I don't crave sugar, thank the Lord. I do use a sugar substitute for my coffee and hot tea. I use sugar for my tea but this old Southern Gal cut back on the sweet tea years ago and now it's made for Sunday dinners, and one night through the week. BUT NOW DIET COKE IS A WHOLE NUTHER STORY! LOL! We very,very seldom order dessert when eating out. But if I am forced's cheesecake baby!

    4. What's a trend it took a while for you to come round to, but now you can't imagine living without?
    Smart phone no doubt!

    5. What's a song that reminds you of a specific incident in your life? Please elaborate.
    LOL! I immediately thought about Three Dog Night! That was my very first concert I ever went too. "Joy to the World"

    6. Insert your own random thought here.
    I am ready for another cup of coffee! And a cookie! LOL!

    Hugs and blessings sweet Lady. Cindy

  13. My in-laws had a large garden and my mother-in-law did a lot of canning. But I was a "town girl" and such things weren't even on my radar! And then my niece had an incident with a pressure cooker which sealed the matter for me. (Pun intended.) In recent years, I have done a little water bath canning (because it doesn't require the pressure canner) and that has been enjoyable and rewarding.

    Love your mirror! What a bargain!

    Still giggling about your song memory . . .

  14. The mirror is beautiful! love it. Funny you should mention the pressure cooker as I have been thinking about getting one the last couple of days. My daughter in law used one to cook the ribs on Sunday and it was a dream. I've never had one. That song! I remember it well as it was a hit about the time I first started listening to music on the radio. Probably 6th or 7th grade. Funny how it transports you right back huh? Enjoyed this...have a good day!

  15. Interesting story behind your song memory.

    Yes, every day of the year is some type of holiday .. actually most of them have two or three different holiday options. Not that I celebrate them or anything.

  16. Gorgeous photos, my friend! I am in love with the second one here the flowers are colored in the mirror. Just stunning!

    Thanks for the delightful post. Hugs to you!

  17. I was not raised to cook from scratch or to can, but when we were preparing to serve overseas as missionaries, part of our training was to do canning. We then lived for six weeks without electricity. It was not hard because we had prepared. I've always been thankful for that training, as I have cooked from scratch ever since. I don't do much canning anymore but I have done peaches and jam since then!

    I'm with you on the unsweet iced tea, no lemon!

    I love that mirror!

  18. Hi, I love your mirror - that is so lovely. My brother once had a wall in his room covered with antique mirrors and it was very pretty and made the room nice and bright!

  19. That mirror is so charming, Debby. I've always loved the dark traditional wood. What a cool picture of the black and white and colored flowers. That's enchanting. : )


  20. Love the mirror and yes, I remember that song and singing along to it on the old transistor radio I had! lol
    Loved this post! xo Diana

  21. Love the mirror Debby, such character! And, your story about Lightening Striking Again is soooo cute and oh, I remember that song so well and can sing every word. Blessings abundant!

  22. I love that old mirror and all the charm that comes with it! What a great find :-) Have a wonderful evening


  23. What fun that was reading your answers, Debby. The picture of the flowers in your antique mirror is soooo pretty!! I certainly listened to the Lou Christie song and remember it...what memories you shared of you and your sisters!!!

  24. You always share such interesting hodgepodge thoughts! First of all, I love your new banner, the watercolor effect is so awesome! And I still don't have a smartphone either, but I bet if I ever do, my fav thing will be the camera too. There have been many times I have wished I had my camera with me, and all I have is my old flip-phone camera, lol. As for sweets, I agree with you on the salty.. that is my go-to snack, more than sugar. I eat very little sugar, although I love it in my coffee. And your random thought was hilarious, such a difference from the world we grew up in where things were hush-hush to today where private matters are shouted from the housetop... I wish life could be more simpler like it was then... Always a joy to visit with you my friend, have a blessed week :)

  25. Hi Debby! I loved your song and explanation for it. Of course I remember that song, the falsetto, the whole thing.
    I am a definite sugar addict, but I've only realized it in the last year. I can do well without it, but if I start, WHOA! Step back, because I'm eating it! Lol!
    Have a great day, and I'm glad Mother's Day was such a great time for you :)

  26. I loved reading this post...LOVE LOVE LOVE that old mirror and what you did with the flowers! Fun about the song and even sugar. But the whole time I'm reading, I'm telling myself not to forget to say something about your BANNER! WOW! Now I want to waterlogue something! heehee! Enjoy your day! Hugs!

  27. Such a fun read...and I love that mirror!

  28. That #5 is a trip! I did like that song a lot so it's good to hear it. Maybe I should pop that in Pandora and see what else they come up with. I love your mirror. I've never been good at canning but did often use a pressure cooker--though I was always a little afraid of them. Now they seem to be back in "vogue" again. Kind of amusing, I think, to see things "come back" as we grow older.

  29. I love the mirror! And the way you presented that photo with the flowers, etc. SO pretty! Your photos are always amazing!! I always love visiting with you, sweet friend. :) God bless you.

  30. This was fun! I love your answers and I especially love that mirror and THAT PRICE!!! Where did you find it??? No such luck here. I've got to get a new phone. Ugh! I My old smart phone is now obsolete and the photos are horrible. What kind do you have? I miss you.

  31. Your new mirror is beautiful, Debby! I love the flowers in the photo and now I want to know how you did that, please? This was a fun Hodgepodge and the song is one I haven't heard in a very long time! So fun to be reminded of it. Have a wonderful weekend!

  32. Like you, I find myself really appreciating the 'olden' days: the way people dressed, the way they communicated, the way they grew and cooked their food, just a simpler existence. Having said that, though, I am grateful for evolutionary comforts, like the internet and my smartphone as they allow me the luxury of seeing my loved ones that live far away, snapping pics and sending them in a matter of seconds across the world, and of course, blogging, all the way from my little village in the mountains!

    Enjoyed your hodgepodge today, as always. Have a wonderful weekend, Debby!


  33. Oh, Debby, I did enjoy reading these...


Thank you for stopping by today! Your sweet comments are such an encouragement to me.