Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Wednesday's Hodgepodge and Happy Mother's Day

 It's Wednesday and time for Hodgepodge...
...where Joyce asks the questions and we answer them on our blogs.
Come on over and join in the fun, won't you?

1. Share a favorite memory of your mother or share a favorite something from your own life as a mother. If you're a mother (or stepmom) tell us how your experience as a mom differs from your own mother's experience.

I have so many memories of my mom, just as I'm sure most of us do and I could write a book about my own journey... most of the chapters would be happy, some might be funny and others, sad. My mom was born in 1912 and that would make her 105 if she was still living. She was 42 years old when she gave birth to me. I don't have any memories of my grandparents since they had already passed on and some of the memories I have of my mom probably resemble those that some of you have of your grandmother. 
Just a little over a week ago on April 30th was the 7th year since her passing and I shared a post from my other blog on facebook that day. It's titled Her Crowning Glory... some of you have read it.

 It is probably my most precious memory since it connects my childhood memory of combing her long hair to the last day I saw her before she died...I combed her hair that day as well.

Me and my first little bundle, Aaron
I'd say there was huge difference since she had eight children between her early twenties and early forties...I. Can't. Even!... and I was finished giving birth while I was still in my twenties. She was old-fashioned in every way and in those days, I really wasn't at all. But all in all, we were very much the same when it came to loving and our children and doing everything in our power to raise them right...
Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.
Proverbs 22:6
2. In May we celebrate teachers (May 9) and nurses (May 6) both. Most every family has at least one in their midst, so tell us something (or a few things) you appreciate about the teacher or nurse on your family tree.

I have one niece that is a teacher and several of other nieces and great nieces that are nurses or soon will be. I think this is a wonderful thing because some of their parent's didn't have the opportunity to go to college, yet these girls made the decision to find a way to make it happen. Hooray for them!

3. Chicken salad, egg salad, tuna salad...which would you go for if all three were on the menu? On bread or a bed of lettuce? If you answered bread, what kind of bread would make it the perfect sandwich?

Yes, please! Actually I do like all three of these but chicken salad (especially the rotisserie kind) is my favorite. Although I love a slice of sturdy, grainy and seedy bread, I prefer my chicken salad on a bed of lettuce....OR...right out the bowl!

4. Do you have a desk? Is it organized? If so, share your secret to keeping it that way. If you don't have a desk, where in your home do you take care of family paperwork and business? Where do you normally sit to blog?
I do have a desk and currently it is organized for one simple reason...I haven't really used it yet. My office/project/craft/sewing room is still kinda a work in progress since we had the new floors installed in February. As you may have gathered by now, I use this excuse frequently when I'm not getting things done promptly. Oh yes...I have a plan, I have the fabric and I have gotten as far as arranging things where I want them which included multiple work areas. My old desktop PC is in there which I don't use much unless I need to print something so there's not a lot office work that I do in there. But since we are talking about it, I will give you a little sneak peek of my finished window treatment in that office/project/craft/sewing room.

But the desk that I use most often when I am home is the one that I carry everywhere with very own lap :)  I pay bills online and do most other business plus blogging on my the living room...on my "portable" desk. Sometimes if the sun isn't too bright you might find me on the glider on the front porch :)
5. When I was nine years old....

Hmmm...when I was 9 years old was in the 4th grade and the year was 1963. I was taking a spelling test when the announcement came over the loud speaker...President Kennedy has just been assassinated. I will never forget it. The other thing that I remember was that it was probably the only time in my life I had really long hair. I remember one of my sisters measuring my pony tail and it was nearly 14 inches long. Soon afterwards, I had my hair cut short and it has been short-ish ever since.....except that time I let it grow out just a little, to my shoulders...back in my Farrah Faucette days. 😉

6. Insert your own random thought here.

May you all have a blessed Mother's Day weekend!


  1. Such a sweet photo of your Mother and of you with Aaron. I wish you a very blessed Mother's Day. I LOVE your window cute!

  2. I laughed at your reference to Farah Cassette. I had that hair at one time too. Knowing where you where when JFK was assassinated reminds me that they're saying we'll all remember where we were when we heard that James Comie was fired. LOL good grief. A very sweet and touching tribute to your mother. My husband's mom had her last child when she was 45. Have a wonderful Mother's Day, Debby.

    1. Oh, good grief! Are they really saying that -- that we'll all remember where we were when the FBI director was fired? Trivializes big events like JFK's assassination and 9-11 just a bit, doesn't it? Glad I don't watch TV news.

  3. Hello Debby! I enjoyed reading the answers to your hodgepodge. My mom had 9 children, 8 who survived past 2 years old. My oldest sister died before she was 2. My mom had twins at 40 years old. Yikes. Love those black and whites of you and your mom! Blessings...

  4. Happy Mothers Day to you Debby! Thank you for sharing your photos of you, your mom, and your son too. I just love seeing them :) Turns out we are very close in age, which doesn't surprise me much, we seem to be in the same place with kids and grands too.
    I love chicken salad with almonds and craisins. Yum. On a croissant please! And I have a desk, but I can't see it because it's piled high with papers, books and folders. Ugh. I am the worst at organization.
    Have a wonderful weekend, celebrating your motherhood!

  5. This is a nice Mother's Day post, Debby. These are treasured pictures of your mom. I smiled when I read that you combed her long hair even up to her last days. I, too, lost my mom and this quote is true.....our moms are smells, sounds, and everything in between, and they are with us always.

    Wishing you a Happy Mother's Day, my friend.


  6. Wonderful pictures of your mom. Moms are such important people in our world. As for desk at work and my desk at home stay a bit messy, but everything get finished!

  7. I so loved reading this post, dear Debby. I loved the memories of your mom, and the picture of you kissing her. The poem at the end, of the unknown poet, was so true it is!! It makes me so thankful that I can talk to my mom everyday and am looking forward to visiting her for her 88th birthday in June.
    Happy Mother's Day hugs are sent to you.

  8. Such a great post Debby! Such precious treasures... I loved seeing the pictures of you and your mom and then you with Aaron. So, so sweet!
    Us moms are like buttons, we hold everything together! :)

    Happy Mother's Day my friend!

    Hugs, Amy

  9. Such a lovely post, I am blessed that my dear Mum and indeed Dad are still alive. Mothers day here in the UK is March however I do wish you a wonderful Mothers weekend.

  10. Awww...sweet memories of your mother. I am your age and my grandmother was three years older than your mom. Lots of mothers had that twenty-year span of giving birth to little ones. John's mother came close to that. They built the country!

    Love your window treatment and can we talk about the header? Gorgeous!

  11. I am with Vee: I LOVE your header!!

    I also love the photos of you with your mom and of you with your own baby. Although I don't have eight children (only four), I can identify with the great age span of your mom's children. I had my first baby a few days before my 20th birthday, and my last baby at age 40 . . . 20.5 years between Kristin and Bekah. And what a blessing each one is!

    Hey, I have that same desk!! (The one on the lap.) :)

  12. I love your pretty new header and the photos. Sweet memories! I also love the pretty valance on your window, did you make it?


  13. Yes, Debby, the header is beautiful. I would love to learn how to do this. The pictures of you and your mom, and you with Aaron, are just beautiful also. Treasures.

    And the window treatment is so pretty. Love it! Are the loops at the top made from the same black/white checked fabric as the trim? They look it. I would never have the patience to sew loops that small.

  14. I can't imagine having eight children either. Where did she get the energy?!

  15. I love hearing about your mom! Precious memories. Happy Mothers Day to you sweet friend! Hugs, Sherry

  16. Such a sweet post, Debby. Mothers are so special, fathers, too. I enjoyed reading about how you combed your mother's hair. Such a tender memory.
    Have a wonderful Mother's Day.

  17. Always fun to read...I forget that we had these similarities: I was the last of 8 children. My mom was 40 when she had me.

  18. I was the only one my mom had and I think she was glad she had only one. : )

  19. Debby, it is obvious that the love you had and have for your sweet mother is so deeply embedded in your heart and soul. Your sweet memories of her are precious and, although different from ours, illustrate the connection and devotion we have with our own mothers.

    Wishing you a Happy Mother's Day; enjoy it, my friend!


  20. Oh, that is so precious...seeing your dear mother and you together. It has been 5 years now since my own dear Mom was called to Heaven. It is SO hard...especially at Mother's Day and her birthday. I don't suppose we ever stop missing them, do we? May God bless and comfort your heart. I hope you get to be with your dear children on mother's day. I am so looking forward to being with my dear, sweet husband and our precious son...every day and moment with them is like mother's day to me! God is so good.

  21. 'Tis very strange, but I only read this lovely poem this morning. I cannot imagine giving birth to eight children. Oh, the women of that generation were strong and just got on with life, didn't they. I can remember JFK's assination, too. I was five years old, walking to school with my brother and read the headlines on a billboard. It seems to me everyone remembers that day. May you have a wonderfully blessed Mother's Day, lovely Debby.

  22. Both my grandparents were teachers and to this day I hear stories from people who remember them and thank then for changing their lives. It is the best tribute possible.


Thank you for stopping by today! Your sweet comments are such an encouragement to me.