Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Summertime and the Hodgepodge is Easy

Actually, in my opinion, the Hodgepodge is never easy... fact, some of the questions really make you think very hard!
But yes, summertime is officially here.
I do enjoy summer but to tell you the truth, I really prefer spring...
and I tolerate the summer until fall comes.

It's also Wednesday and time for Joyce's Hodgepodge...
where she asks the questions on her blog and we answer them on ours.

If you've never joined in, you should give it a try... just never know what you might learn about your fellow bloggers!
Here are this week's questions:
1. The first day of summer rolls in later this week. What are ten things you'd put on your list of  quintessential summer activities?
1. Visit my Tennessee Bunch...happening tomorrow!
2. Make and eat black raspberry pie and ice cream for Jim and Adam's birthdays.
3. Head to Ohio for a family reunion...happening next month.
4. Sit on the porch and listen to the rain.
5. Take a weekend trip to the Blue Ridge Parkway.
6. Eat some watermelon.
7. Head to the beach after Labor Day (when it's cheaper).
8. More porch sitting.
9. Anticipate the arrival of fall. (no doubt I will be ready for it)
10. Use up as many of the 80+ hours of accrued vaca as possible before September 30...or I lose it.

Will you try to manage all ten this summer?
I will do my best to accomplish these goals. ðŸ˜„

2. Do you collect seashells when you're at the beach? Sometimes, depending on how collectable they are. What do you do with them once you get them home? When the boys were little (or the grand boys) they have been known to put them in their fish tank, lizard habitat or whatever critter they may have had at the time. Years and years ago I made a wind chime out of some smaller shells. Usually they just stay in the plastic bag that I brought them home in. What's your favorite place to comb for seashells? You don't find many whole shells at our go-to beach (Carolina Beach) so I don't even try...but I might be on the hunt if I was at the Outer Banks.
Shells from Ocracoke

How many of these 'best beaches for hunting seashells' have you visited? Destin, Ocracoke and the Bahamas.

 Sunset at Miramar Beach, Destin, Florida
Beach at Paradise Island, Nassau, Bahamas

Which one would you most like to visit? Calvert Cliffs State Park (Maryland), Jeffrey's Bay (South Africa), Sanibel Island (Florida), Shipwreck Beach (Lanai Hawaii), Ocracoke Island (North Carolina), Galveston Island (Texas) and The Bahamas. I would go back to Ocracoke in a heartbeat but not necessarily for the shells. I love lighthouses and it's closer to home. Unfortunately, any photos that were taken are in an envelope somewhere with the digital camera in those days.
3. At a snail's pace, shell out money, come out of your shell, go back into your shell, drop a bombshell, happy as a clam, clam up...which 'shell' phrase could most recently be applied to some event or circumstance in your life? Explain.

It would have to be a combination of snail's pace and shell out the money. Home improvements can creep along like a snail and you can't do it without shellin' out the dough!

4. What summer activity do you dislike? Sweating. Why? I think you know why. And speaking sweat, I was playing around with my macro lens over the weekend and as I was trying capture the water drops on my rose bush leaves, something else came into view.

Who knew that a teeny-tiny sweat bee was so colorful? I have seen these annoying, bothersome little creatures all my life and I have to say that I was stunned by the beauty of it. I am so thankful that you can never grow too old to be amazed by God's creations!

5. What's something you see as quickly becoming obsolete? Kindness and respect. Does that bother you? Very much so.

6. Insert your own random thought here.
After 13 years, I may be getting a new 'ride' this week. It's kind of exciting! 😊


  1. I've never seen a sweat bee up close like that. Thank you for sharing that amazing shot! I agree with you about sweating. Seems like it is easier to bundle up in the winter to stay warm than cool down in the summer. Looks like you have a lot of fun plans for the summer!

  2. What a gorgeous photo! Your summer to-do list sounds like fun. There will be much porch sitting in my summer too, year round actually : ) Enjoy your Tennessee gathering!

  3. I love your beach photos and your thoughts about God's creation and that pretty little sweat bee! I'd love to visit the Blue ridge parkway again, but most likely my day trip will be Duluth.

  4. Love your are going to busy and on the go! Best wishes with the new ride. You'll have to share a photo with us. God bless your day. xo

  5. You have packed a lot of info into this post! That bee...a sweat bee you say? My goodness, he is much more attractive than some larger critters like elephants for example. Course now I'm trying to imagine a colorful elephant, but I digress.

    A new car? Now that would be exciting!

    Have a fun time going through your least fav season. It's my second least favorite with winter being the least least fav. Still, it has its charms on those one or two perfect days. 🤓

  6. Love your macro shot! Did you get a macro lens for your photo or your camera? Sure works well! That photo you posted of Nassau makes me want to go back there...some of the prettiest water I've ever seen! Have fun with your "Tennessee bunch"!

  7. Your summer list is great...especially the black raspberry pie! Very nice picture of the sweat bee. I completely agree with your answer to #5. Everyone these days says you have to earn their respect, but if you ask me, the world was a much nicer place when we all respected each other on principle.

  8. Enjoyed your answers Debby and I love that portrait with the bee. Dang girl...that's not a picture but a portrait. So very pretty. Speaking of watermelon...I am so wanting me a good ole sweet water melon. Happy Wednesday. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  9. I'm like you, Debby, in that I much prefer spring over summer! Summers are too hot and humid here.
    I enjoyed your answers and the photos. The bee is fabulous!

  10. Oh your soo right...sweating is my LEAST favorite activity too, lol. And your also right...who would have known that a sweet bee was soo colorful and pretty! What a great picture you managed to get! Oh and finally...totally agree on the home project thoughts...snail pace...lots of money! lol Enjoy the rest of your week!

  11. Your list sounds fun! Such pretty pictures! Agree with your number 5, very disheartening. Enjoy your summer plans!

  12. Wow to the bee photo. And congrats on getting your car. Enjoyed all your answers! And yes, sweating season. We got a bit spoiled.

  13. You nailed it. Sweating is the worst thing about summer. Ugh.

    Your bee photo is gorgeous!! What a lovely capture!

  14. Hey, I dislike to sweat, too! lol

  15. Sweat was my answer too. Yuck! What a beautiful photo you captured. Great reminder of God's amazing creation. Enjoy your vacation time :)

  16. P.S. Very exciting about that vehicle! And you need to take a road trip to NW Wisconsin. Nice and cool here - no sweat. LOL

  17. Destin is a little over 2 hours from me and yet, we never go. But I hear the shells are great.

  18. That macro picture of the sweat bee is just amazing. I have never seen anything like that. Oh, the detail of God's creation!

    Have fun in Tennessee!

  19. That bee sure is a photo! And I agree about the sweating. I went to the park this morning but didn't last long. It was TOO hot! Hugs!

  20. Wow, you get the best photos and the one of the sweat bee and water droplets on the leaf is a perfect example. Interesting reading your thoughts and answers to the questions. Hope you get to enjoy many of your goals this summer.

  21. Always enjoy reading the hodgepodge answers...

  22. I always love your photos that accompany your answers, Debby! Hope you get your new ride...woohoo!!!

  23. Hello Debby - like you my favourite, or preferred season is Spring closely followed by Autumn (Fall).
    I enjoyed your post here and your photographs.
    Lucky you getting a new ride ... enjoy it.

    All the best Jan

  24. Oh, my, I had no idea those bees were so pretty, either! I have only ever seen them as terrible pests! Your photo skills are just truly looks like a photo in a magazine! Thank you for sharing and for always making this place so welcoming and fun! God bless you, sweet friend. :)

  25. Amazing macro shot of the water droplets...okay, and the sweat bee, even though I am not a fan of the second. I like your list of things you are planning on doing this summer. Spring tops my list for favourite, with autumn coming in second and summer third. New wheels, huh? Enjoy!!

    Have a wonderful week, Debby!

  26. Sounds like you have an exciting summer bucket list, I hope you get to do most of them! That was a gorgeous picture you took of the rose leaf and the sweat bee! Wow, how neat is that! Hope you are having a wonderful summer, and that the heat doesn't get too bothersome! Hugs :)

  27. This sunset is beautiful, Debby. I'm a morning person, so I often see the sunrises more than the sunsets, and don't get a chance to see the pretty sunsets like this one. What a stunning picture of the bee with the water drops on the bush leaf. I hope you're enjoying these warm summer days.



Thank you for stopping by today! Your sweet comments are such an encouragement to me.