Monday, July 3, 2017

Stuff and Things

Well, I'm back!
I've been home nearly a week and haven't posted nary a thing.
I was counting on the Hodgepodge to get my two cents in for the week but well...
you hodgepodge...but that's okay.
So for the lack of coming up with something better,
I present to you some stuff and a few things.
When I last posted we were getting ready to visit the yungins in Tennessee.
And that we did.
What was predicted to be a rainy weekend turned out to be just gorgeous
with only a small shower or two on Friday.
This was also an occasion to celebrate Adam's and Jim's birthdays which are later this month.
For Adam's birthday, I had the idea to make a Waterlogue canvas print of their home.
I was able to sneak a photo off of his facebook page, "Waterlogue" it from my phone,
and then I had it made into a 16 x 24 canvas print.

I ordered it through Amazon and it was to be delivered to their home while we were there.
It actually came the day before we arrived and sure had them guessing where it came from!
Ordering something sight unseen online can be risky and I must admit I was a little nervous about it.

But they did and excellent job...Adam and Carrie were both thrilled with it!
They have some gorgeous purple cone flowers out front of their house
and you can almost always find butterflies or bees on them.

I had never seen a zebra swallowtail before and it was stunning!
Notice how it's wings are somewhat can see the color of the flowers through them.
(Please excuse the quality of these photos. The sun was so bright leaving a stark contrast... editing has left them a bit funky looking.)

Adam surprised Jim as well and gifted him (us) with a picnic table for his birthday.
He had it set up down by the creek (close to where we will be building) before we arrived.
Now that's the kind of gift I that I can enjoy too!

On Saturday we packed up a picnic lunch and spent a good part of the day across the road...
...talking over and planning the next steps that we will be taking...."X" marks the spot.

Here's a better look at it.
It's exciting and a little nerve wracking all at the same time.

I'm not sure what they were pointing at but I'm sure they did!
The kids had fun wading in the creek and catching crawdads.

It almost feels like you're in a different climate down by the creek...
so cool and refreshing and soothing to the soul.

Parker has learned to handle the 4-wheeler well and enjoys taking Olivia for rides in the meadow.

And no birthday of Jim's or Adam's is complete without the celebratory black raspberry pie.
Since their birthdays are in July, they usually share theirs.

There seems to be a running joke (a good joke) about my pies.
At one point in time, Adam started saying "This is the best pie you've ever made, Mom"...
...even when I know good and well when it's not...
...not enough sugar, the crust is too hard, the pie is too juicy, bottom crust is soggy, etc.
But I do have to say that this one was pretty darn good!
This has also become the favorite dessert of Parker and Olivia.
I see many more black raspberry pies in my future, as if their weren't already! :)
So back on the home front, a nearly ripe German Johnson awaited me when we returned.

This is the first time I had grown this kind of tomato.
They usually grow to be quite large...and they make for the best "mater sammiches" :)

And in other news, my trusty Jeep Liberty has a new home after 13 years.
I drove her off the showroom floor in 2004 and she has served me well.
But 230+ thousand miles is a lot of miles and it was time for something a bit newer.

It was actually a tad emotional for me to see her with a FOR SALE sign in her window.
But before I even had time to squeeze the first tear out, someone bought her up...
...ONE DAY was all it took sitting at the corner of Aaron's front yard!
I will miss her, maybe a little....BUT...

I really like my new-to-me Honda :)
I may be back tomorrow but if not,
have a safe and fun Independence Day!

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  1. The painting really is an excellent gift idea! Course picnic tables are nice, too. Sounds as if you had a fun time away. Glad that you were able to sell your jeep quickly. Your new vehicle is very nice. I just want to switch colors. 🙃

    I won't be back tomorrow so wishing you a wonderful Independence Day!

  2. What a lovely gift idea the painting, so thoughtful. Sounds like a great break away, enjoy your holiday.

  3. That pie looks amazing! I wish I had a slice to go with my coffee right now. There's just nothing like homegrown tomatoes. This looks like a nice big one. The picture of the creek is so lovely.

    Happy fourth of July, Debby.


    1. ps...I was just commenting on your post and went back over and saw your comment. Yes, great minds hehehe. : )

  4. What a lovely idea for a present.
    Oh I want a piece of that pie.

  5. Love, the canvas, love the new car and love the pie. It looks absolutely delicious! Enjoyable post!

  6. Hi Debby, I love the canvas you had made! That was a wonderful idea. The pie looks so delicious and is making my mouth water. Your new ride looks nice and I wish you many happy miles in it. Happy 4th to you!

  7. I love the house/photo/painting gift. It turned out so great! I am going to have to try this!

  8. I've wondered how the Waterlogue photos might look printed out! So awesome!

  9. I enjoyed this fun filled post. Great pictures to help tell the story. Have a great day tomorrow,July 4th.

  10. I've done something similar with waterlogged--isn't it fun. Your house water color turned out amazing! What a surprise gift! And the picnic table too. Now we had an old CRV the same color, but I think the Liberty made yours a bit squarer in shape. And now we have similar lovingly perused cars--though mine is a dark gray. Enjoy it! Love your header (as always!)

  11. That is a beautiful house and thoughtful gift from amazon. I love it! Congrats on your new car. How fun to see where you will be building and I do love the picnic table!
    We don't have coneflowers but I sure did love seeing your photos. So pretty!
    I hope you are enjoying this Fourth of July!

  12. Loving your new ride girl! SASSY and PRISSY looking! What fun pictures and I love the canvas piece. I cannot believe you got that big of print with that good of a quality with a cell phone! It turned out simply beautiful. Oh I bet marking that X sure is exciting too! And I gotta laugh at catching tad poles. What yungin don't like that? Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  13. Lots of excitement for you this summer! Such a special visit with your family in TN and how exciting to begin thinking about the upcoming building project! Love love love that little creek, and how wonderful for the kids to be able to find crawdads in it! Your Jeep Liberty looked new 13 years later, you are very gentle and kind to your vehicles, but I surely do love your new purty SUV too :) And that black raspberry pie, oh my, it surely did look amazing!!! Hugs to you today :)

  14. Love the house! Glad the Waterlogue came out well. I remember catching crawdads at our family reunion. We usually only had a paper cup or two to capture them.


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