Wednesday, July 26, 2017

The Dog Days of Hodgepodge

Well, I have returned safe and sound from our whirlwind trip to Ohio.
It was as hot and muggy as it was down surprise there.
The weekend was crazy fun, running from hither and thither, 
seeing the faces of nieces and nephews I hadn't seen since 2010 at Mom's funeral,
and loving on my siblings, minus one.

We were able to Face Time my brother, Bob, who was. as expected, unable to be there.
One sister took her phone around to every person there, allowing him to talk to (and see) them.
We plan to get a group together soon to go visit him in South Carolina.
Meanwhile, back at the pool...

It's always fun to get a photo of all of the grands together.
They are all growing up so fast...Dacey and Dylan are young men already...
...they need to just slow it down a bit!
Oh makes this Mawmaw feel old.
The time went by way too fast as it always does and everyone had a great time!
So now, let's get on with the Hodgepodge...

...where Joyce asks the really hard questions and we answer them on our blogs.
Here they are:

1. We've reached edition number 315 here in the Wednesday Hodgepodge. So tell us, what were you doing at 3:15 yesterday? Is that typical? On a scale of 1-10 (with 1 being low and 10 being high) what's your energy level usually like at 3:15 PM?

Wow. Joyce...that is pretty amazing that you have hosted 315 hodgepodges! So, I am writing this on Tuesday and yesterday at 3:15 I was watching Judge Judy, waiting for President Trump to speak. Although I do find Judge Judy rather entertaining, I only watch her occasionally. but I do make a point to watch Mr. President when I can. To tell you the truth, I have never thought much about my energy level at that time of the afternoon. On a normal workday, 3:15 just comes and goes and all I am really thinking is that 5:00 isn't far away. I'm not really tired...or maybe I am...tired of sitting at my desk and ready to get home for the evening.

2. A frisbee, a tantrum, a towel, a party, a punch, or a curveball...which have you most recently thrown or had thrown at/for you? Elaborate.

My brain is still in vaca mode and this is a hard question. The first five are definitely out...I can't remember the last time I threw any one of those things or visa versa. Even though I can't be specific on dates and times, let me just say that life, in general, can throw us all a curveball at any 'ol time. Jesus has certainly caught His share of curveballs for me and for that I am thankful!

3. What are three things that would help you right now. Tell us how or why.

Only three?? Right now...this very minute?? Let's about the willpower, determination and the wherewithal...whatever you want to call lose the extra pounds that have been hanging around way too long. The older I get, the harder they are to lose and becoming more of a burden.

4. Do you think you're strong? Why or why not? What makes you strong? 

Yes, I would say that I'm strong. I've made it through many dark places and I haven't lost hope because I know who holds tomorrow...."and then he told me, My grace is enough; it's all you need. My strength comes into its own in your weakness. Once I heard that, I was glad to let it happen. I quit focusing on the handicap and began appreciating the gift. It was a case of Christ's strength moving in on my weakness." ~2 Corinthians 12:9-10, The Message 
5. Do you enjoy reading historical fiction? What's your favorite book set sometime in the past?

I do enjoy historical fiction and I remember being glued to the pages of East of Eden when I read it a while back. 

6. Insert your own random thought here.

August begins next week and Walmart will be filled with Christmas stuff...just one aisle over from the Halloween costumes. Here we go again. 😕


  1. Such a lovely photo of you and your brothers and sisters. It sounds as if you had a lovely time. Why is it so hard to shed the pounds as one gets older. Life and curveballs; thank goodness Jesus is there to catch them for us.

  2. I'm so glad you had a nice reunion, Debby. These kids grow so fast and are out of the house before you know it. I liked your quote from The Message. So true. I hope the rest of your week is good. Those dog days you mention are more like dog paddle days up here. This has been such a rainy summer.

  3. What a wonderful gathering of sibs! Hope that a contingent is able to go on a road trip. Your brother must have felt almost as if he had been there. In a sense, he truly was.

    You're fine at 3:15? Wow! My cap is doffed to you. Maybe I need a job...

  4. What a gift to be able to spend time together with your family, making new memories and celebrating the old ones! Isn't it a great thing how technology allows us to "visit"?

    The last thing I threw was a party. (With all the sickness that has been in our family this summer, I am amazed that we were able to squeeze a party in!)

  5. I love your family pictures and sorry your brother wasn't able to be there. I do hope some of you can go visit him in person before too long. Poor guy!

    Loved your answers and yes-Walmart doing Christmas will soon be full-force. ugh...xo Diana

  6. Well Debby, you had me grinning as I read your answers this week. Oh boy I'm shocked the aisles are filled with Back to School stuff already. Great shot of the grands!

  7. Hey there, lovely lady! What fun family pictures, my friend, though I am sorry your brother wasn't able to make it.

    Thanks for sharing such a wonderful and fun post. Hugs to you

  8. I've seen a couple of friends posting links to Christmas crafting and doing countdowns, etc. NO!! It's way too early. It's still the middle of summer. I really wish we didn't rush the holidays. I'm still in full on summer mode here!

  9. Interesting answers. I was in a Costco today and they already have the Halloween costumes outs well as the winter parkas. Let's get more of summer done first.

  10. What a joy to visit today and see you with your family, sounds like a wonderful visit.

  11. Loved your Hodgepodge answers and hearing about your reunion. I laughed at the last favorite resale shop just had a Christmas in July event. I afraid I just can't think about Christmas that early so I didn't go. Wish they would let us enjoy each season without pushing the next holiday on us much too soon.

  12. I'm sitting here sipping tea from the teacup you sent me from Stephanie's exchange and loving your pictures of the reunion. Wasn't that sweet of your one sis to let your brother talk to everyone at the event? How fun for all of you to get together. I loved reading the verse that helps keep you strong. I need to memorize that one!

  13. Aww...I am so thankful you were able to go to the reunion and have such a wonderful time. SO sorry your dear brother couldn't be there and hope you all get to go see him soon. It is so sweet that you were able to go around and let everyone say hi to him. God bless you, sweet friend. :)

  14. What a lovely way to spend the summer. And you must be pleased to be home, humidity and all.

  15. Debby so gloss you enjoyed your family on your trip. What wonderful memories made for you. A wise friend told me once , make all the memories you can because one day they will keep you company 😊 Hugs and blessings , Cindy

  16. I loved your answer to number 4, to God be the glory!
    Beautiful photo of you and your family.
    Those grand babies have a way of growing up way to fast, don't they? I know have a 13 year old grandson, how did that happen?!! :)
    Bless you~

  17. I loved your answer to number 4, to God be the glory!
    Beautiful photo of you and your family.
    Those grand babies have a way of growing up way to fast, don't they? I know have a 13 year old grandson, how did that happen?!! :)
    Bless you~

  18. Great photo of you and your siblings. I'm glad the weekend went well--even tho it was over a week ago. I'm late reading your hodgepodge--and there will probably be another tomorrow. I think I'm realizing the passing of time with how fast the grand kids are growing up. You just can't keep em little!

  19. Debby, first off, I love your header with the watercolors, so pretty. Glad you had a good visit with family, too. I'm ashamed to say the last thing I threw was a tantrum. After three nights of 2, 1, and 2 hours of sleep I felt like a two-year old in desperate need of a nap!! Love these hodge-podges, so fun to find out more about our blog friends. And yes, I would say you're a strong person. Love to you, Deborah

  20. Glad you are back safe and sound.
    Such lovely photo's you've shared. It sounds as if you had a lovely time.

    My good wishes

    All the best Jan


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