Wednesday, August 2, 2017

In my mind...

No, in my mind I'm not going to Carolina, as James Taylor sang about...
y'all know I'm already there.

But here lately, my imagination seems to be in overdrive.
More and more I find myself daydreaming about our future move to Tennessee.
In my heart of hearts, I know this will happen only in the Lord's perfect timing.
But if His timing and our timing happen to coincide, we may be there next spring or summer.

In my mind...

...I see a little white (or gray) farmhouse with a red tin roof nestled in the corner of a meadow.
It looks something like this, only fresh, new and pristine.

The house plan is a one-story pyramidal, hip-roofed style that was popular in the 20's and 30's,
particularly in the rural areas of the deep south.
This is the actual house plan.
In my mind...

...I am trying to imagine what it will be like to see so much open sky for a welcome change.

Although I have mostly enjoyed living in the woods, there are a few draw backs...
...especially if you are a cloud watcher like me.
We will have to create much of our own shade so the front and back porches will be perfect.

In my mind...

...I am wondering I how I am ever going to live in something like this for several months...

(google image)
...or know how construction projects go. 😒

Now, I'm sure you must be thinking,
"You're going to live in a camper for possibly six months to a year?"

Believe me when I tell you I am asking myself that question almost daily.
We're talking about the girl (me) who needs her space.
You know, the same one who doesn't like loud TV and endless sports programs.
The one who really has to have her quiet solitude.
Lord Jesus, help me...I'll need lots of grace, grace and more grace.

In my mind...

...I see myself spending quite a bit of time down by the creek on the swing,

or exploring all of the wonders of Haywood Hollow,

or making friends with the horses down the way,

or spending time up the hill at Adam & Carrie's place on the back porch swing,
and taking in this view...

...and trying not to wear out my welcome before the farmhouse is even built.

In my mind...

...I am pondering with great anticipation what a joy it will be to watch these two grow up.

In my mind...

 ...the farmhouse is already decorated with antiques and vintage pieces,
some that I have had for many years, others recently acquired from thrift stores and yard sales.
I have had this photo saved on my computer for a while now and I can't even find a link to it.
Although I won't be having what seems to be clusters of grapes on the wallpaper,
(but you can bet that there will be wallpaper)
I just love the comfortable, homey feel of this room and the design of the fireplace.

In my mind... 

...I am also seeing some things like these...

...and I really want some of these...

...and definitely some of these...
...and maybe even one of these.

I've always wanted a rooster...a real one.

In my mind...

...I feel like I should have been born a country girl.
Funny thing is, back in 2013 when I began My Favorite Things,
I started a random post that I never finished and titled it Country Girl Wannabe.
Actually, I just wrote the title and never wrote the first word of the post.

I guess we can never get too old to hold on to a dream, can we?
I may have to just go back and write that post and retitle it one day.

How does Old Lady in the Country sound? 


  1. Ahh, Debby - we are never too old to dream, are we? Your dream sounds so lovely and well thought out. You'll manage that crowded space because you have your dream to hang on to. How wonderful it will be to see it come to fruition.

  2. It all sounds good! You keep imagining it! You can handle the crowded space because its not forever. You will be able to see your house being built everyday! I love the design of your house.

    I will pray with you that it will be in the timing you'd like!

  3. I'd suggest you stick with the original title, sounds so much better. I do hope that your dreams and wishes are fulfilled in God's perfect timing.

  4. How exciting for you to be building a new house on your land. I know exactly how you feel!!
    I like the house and floor plan.

  5. Debby, you have all these ideas and your mind, how wonderful. I didn't realize you wanted to move to Tennessee. When Nel moved to Georgia, she visited Tennessee, and she really loved it. I've always wanted a rooster too. : ) Your flower picture is so pretty and enchanting. I'm wishing you all the best when you decide to move, and hoping everything goes as planned. My brother is in the process of building a home in the country, but they will rent in the meantime. Have you considered that? Glad you chose a one-story plan, that's a good idea. I'm so excited for you, and look forward to being on this journey with you.

    Happy August!


  6. It can't become reality without a lot of dreaming. It all sounds great to me, even the time spent in the camper.

  7. Oh, Debby, it's such to dream and I quite sure some of yours are going to happen. Tenn. is so beautiful! I'll enjoy following along when it all starts to happen. Blessings!

  8. It was a real joy to read this post, Debby! I love the house plans and can definitely see it with a red steel roof. And the porches. PORCHES!! Definitely a must. After living with porches for the past two years, I wonder how we lived without them for 26 years! They're wonderful living spaces. Love the photo of the kids. And I know that living in the camper is not fun (I have a friend who had to do it for several months as they built their new house, following a terrible fire that took their first home). BUT, it will pass and you'll have a darling house to live in and gorgeous countryside. And YES, you must get little goats! and chickens! I don't have them, but that's only because I hate the idea of trudging through two feet of snow to get to them in the winter time. You won't have that problem. I'm thrilled at the thought of your next step to the countryside. :-)

  9. Oh Debby, it sounds absolutely wonderful to me. I love Tennessee. My youngest daughter was born there. There's nothing like being in the country...and a farm house. I would be so excited!! I've been looking at 'cabins with land' for sale in the mountains. We seriously talk about doing that. Your dream will be worth living six months in the travel trailer.

  10. What a wonderful dream, Debby, and to think that one day it will come true!! I love seeing all your pictures, and dreaming right along with you. You'll have plenty of places to walk about to explore and getaway. Let us know when your dream and God's plan come together. ❤️

  11. Love.... Love this post !!! Go for it !!!!!!!!!! oh those hills of Tennessee !!!!! My home away from home!! ( so to speak... ) lolol... we vacation in the Smokies every year.... never get tired of it!!! We have dear friends and even some family who left our State of Florida and moved to Tennessee many years ago... not regretted it one single day !!

  12. In my mind Debby, I see you doing all that you've dreamed. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  13. Tennessee is such a beautiful state. I know you are looking forward to the move.

  14. Hold on to your dreams, Debby. It will happen at the right time. It will be an adventure, living in a camper...but it's only for a little while. I love your floor plans and the porches on each end will be so nice!

  15. Aww...what a lovely house and such wonderful dreams you have! I trust the Lord will let every, single one of them come true for you, my friend! Actually, living in an RV calls to me...we have minimized ALMOST to the point that we could comfortably live in a space this small. I love the feeling of freedom of NO mortgage and NO debt and just being able to pick up and GO, at God's command. So, yeah, RV living sounds perfect! Thanks for sharing your dreams and this lovely post...I know God is going to give you the desires of your heart, because you delight yourself in HIM. Sending love and hugs to you!

  16. Hey, I knew some of your dreamy plans from the last time we 'talked'. Where is it in TN you're planning to move to? I'm asking because things have changed for us and we will be moving to there within 4 years. We could be neighbors! And your grandchildren are adorable.

  17. The nice thing about your dreams is that they have reality in them. And the more you dream the better your ideas and plans will become clearer. Seems to me in a glorious place like that it might not be so bad to live in a small place-then you can give your opinion on that small house trend--lol--I love the house plans too. Looks perfect!

  18. Lovely post, I'm sure everything will happen at the right time.
    As always your photographs were a joy to see.

    All the best Jan

  19. I loved getting a little peek into your mind and your dreams and your plans. I think that all of the dreaming and planning helps so much when the time comes, don't you? It helps to have mulled it over before the moment of decision.

    When His time is right, you are going to be ready!

  20. Awww...Debby. You can do the trailer thing. We lived on a 36' cruiser for 3 summers in a row and I absolutely LOVED it---thought I would hate it. It's like-there is only so much you can do and then you can read or do something else that is fun. I am a 'big rooms' sort of gal so I was dreading the transition but it was really a good one.

    I hope it all works out and you can make the move. We, too, are hoping to move in the spring or early summer of next year...again...depending on timing and just praying that it all lines up. If it doesn't---well, we will all deal with that then, won't we? Love to you- xo Diana

  21. It sounds as if your, "country girl wannabee" is going to happen very soon. How exciting for you. Sounds rather bliss to me. As for the trailer, just think of the gorgeous little home that will be sitting on your little plot of land in all it's glory. I so hope you and the Good Lord's plans coincide.

  22. Oh Debby, Your dream sounds so lovely. I love your house plans. With a screened porch. Bliss! I agree with Lorrie, you'll manage that so-close space because you have the dream to keep rehearsing in your mind and heart. So very excited and pleased for you!

  23. It is so nice to have dreams...and to be able to fulfill them. I know what you mean about TV too loud...hopefully your TV will have a headjack...that is what we used to do. Made a huge mistake with our present does not have a headphone jack.

  24. Oh, it's going to be just wonderful! Love it all, including the cozy chair by the fire, the beautiful view from your son's, the chickens, the porches. Yay! The trailer time will go by in a flash, and you'll have so much outdoor exploring to do and dreams to dream, you'll be fine. I'm looking forward to seeing all the beautiful pics you will post. xo Deborah

  25. Hi Debby, I think you have it all planned ahead and now all you have to do is follow your direction and your heart will lead the way. God bless you on the adventure to come. Living in the motor home will go fast because you know the end has a purpose and is coming. I love your photos and the dream they give way to the future. Lovely post sweet friend. Have a great week! xo

  26. Oh Debby...I love your dream and know that the journey will make the reality all the more amazing! I so love your inspiration pictures, the wallpaper...(all that yummy RED!)...and those precious children!!! I can identify with your dream as we continue on with ours and I am in North Carolina!!! Dream, dream and plan sweet friend; I'll be following along! :)

  27. Beautiful post, Debby. Loved it all! Your house plan is just perfect. One day we may downsize ... and Tennessee would be my dream as well.


Thank you for stopping by today! Your sweet comments are such an encouragement to me.