Wednesday, August 9, 2017

You Light Up My Hodgepodge

Hello and Happy Wednesday!

Welcome back, Joyce and congratulations on that beautiful new grand baby boy!
And what a handsome little guy he is!
I guess you already know your life will never be the same, right?
And a week without the Hodgepodge is like a peanut butter sandwich without the jelly...'s like being at the movies with no popcorn...
...or having a lawn mower but you have no grass to mow.
It's like having a hummingbird feeder with no hummers swarming!
And speaking of hummers...

They have been swarming like flies recently...

...nearly dive-bombing you when you walk out onto the deck!

This little guy sees that SOMEONE is eating his food.

Awww...looks like he's gonna be nice and share! 😊
So come on over to the Hodgepodge where Joyce asks the questions...

...and we answer them on our blogs.
1. Do you try to set rules for yourself about how you use your time? Explain.

Sometimes yes, sometimes no. When I know there is some sort of deadline or time frame involved, then yes...but I have to tell you that I work better under pressure. If something needs to be accomplished a month from now, I can pretty much tell you that I won't be starting on it tomorrow... unless whatever it is will take a month to complete! One thing I do is make sure I get my quiet time with the Lord in and it isn't always the same time everyday. I think it's possible to get hung up on too many "rules" in our lives and sometimes doing so only adds to the stresses of every day life. Here are a few examples of my take on this... 

2. Monday was National Lighthouse Day. Have you ever visited a lighthouse? If not, do you have any desire to see one up close? 

I love lighthouses and you'd think that living here in NC for the past 25 years, I would have seen them all. Unfortunately, that is not the case...I have only seen what might be the most famous one, the Lighthouse at Cape Hatteras. You may remember seeing this on the national news back in 1999 when they began the delicate task of relocating it to keep it from falling into the sea. You can read about it here. We took Adam there the summer of 2000 before he headed off to college...Hatteras Island is a wonderful place. The lighthouse was already at it's new destination by then but unfortunately, wasn't open to visitors due to the new foundation that was not completed. I took some photos (non-digital) but was unable to locate them. Here's one I pulled from the web.

Of the 10 Most Beautiful that made this list which would you most like to see in person- Lindau Lighthouse (Germany), Fanad Lighthouse (Ireland), Portland Head Light (Maine), Yaquina Bay Light (Oregon) The St. Augustine Light (Florida), Peggys Point Lighthouse (Canada), Start Point Lighthouse (England), Tower of Hercules (Spain), Bass Harbor Head Station (Maine), and White Shoal Light (Michigan)  The Fanad Lighthouse in Ireland would be my pick since a trip to Ireland is on my bucket list :)

When you've been away, what's your 'lighthouse' telling you you're on the right road home?

Oh my...I think there are so many ways to answer this question. First of all, no matter where I've been or how long I've been gone, home is always a welcome Dorothy said "there's no place like home". Getting off of our exit from the highway is usually when the anticipation kicks in for me... home is just around the corner! I could also answer this by thinking back to when I was a young girl still living at home.  If any of us were out past dark, Mom always had the porch light burning so we could easily see the house when we returned home. There's just a special kind of comfort that memory brings with it. I could go on and on...but I won't :)

3. What have you unintentionally stopped doing? Is this something you need to pick back up and begin again, or is it something you need to let go of for now (or even permanently)?

Somewhere between February and now, I lost my vision and enthusiasm to finish my office/craft room redecorating project. I had a great start with brand new floors, even bought the fabric and had a plan for everything. I got as far as making the window valance, the room arranged like I wanted it and even got some organization started. I don't remember what exactly got in the way...I was on a roll! It is definitely something that I need to pick back up, regardless, but especially if we decide to put our home on the market in the spring.

4. We've had a full week of August. Share a GRAND moment from your month so far.

This past Monday, August 7 was our 41st wedding anniversary but I guess you couldn't really call it a grand moment because it came and went much like any other day. Jim was working a 9-day stretch so there really wasn't a good time to do anything special. I did have a little fun on Facebook by posting a photo of us in the back seat of our getaway car right after we were married. See below:
So forty-one years ago today, this happened. Over zealous friends and relatives thought it might be a good idea to write "funny" messages all over Jim's cherished Gran Prix that day. Did you know that black shoe polish doesn't come off of a white car? My new hubby was NOT a happy camper and had to get a new paint job after the honeymoon. Ah...the memories...

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We had many, many "Happy Anniversary" greetings, sweet comments and well wishes...some were from even several of you!

5. Tell us one song you love with the word 'baby' in the title.

6.  Insert your own random thought here. 

It looks as if I will probably be making a trip next weekend to meet up with my siblings from Ohio as we gathering to visit my oldest brother, Bob, at his home in South Carolina. He has been suffering from cancer in several areas of his body and has recently decided on no more chemo. It looks like we may be having another family reunion of sorts...definitely not the one we had hoped for. Your prayers for him and his family would be most appreciated.
Enjoy the rest of your week, my friends!


  1. Happy Anniversary!
    That was a good song choice!

  2. I will absolutely be keeping you and your family in my prayers during this difficult time. I have been there myself. Your hummingbird photos are gorgeous, Debby! OK...what kind of camera/lens did you use for those shots? I love the photo of you and your hubby...Happy Anniversary and many more!

  3. Praying for you and your brother as you make plans for this sad and sweet reunion. Debby, your hummingbird photos are phenomenal! That last one should be framed. Happy anniversary to you two. And your mention of the porch light brought back sweet memories from my own childhood - just remembering that light as we were approaching our farm. Blessings on you and your siblings, Debby.


  4. Good morning sweet friend, First I want to say again, Happy Anniversary to you both. I have one coming up next month. So glad I can join in on hodgepodge today with you.

    1. Do you try to set rules for yourself about how you use your time? Explain.
    Well, yes and no and all depends on what's going on in my life. When I am working outside the home which is 3 days a week then I am more time focused on what needs to be done therefore I try to manage my time wisely. At home....NAH....not so much. And it all really depends on what's going on. I can make things happen when I need too and when I want too...LOL!

    2. Monday was National Lighthouse Day. Have you ever visited a lighthouse? If not, do you have any desire to see one up close? I have visited the Lighthouse in St. Augustine, Fl. I actually made a beautiful picture of it back in the day of film and have no clue where that picture is.
    Of the 10 Most Beautiful that made this list which would you most like to see in person- Lindau Lighthouse (Germany), Fanad Lighthouse (Ireland), Portland Head Light (Maine), Yaquina Bay Light (Oregon) The St. Augustine Light (Florida), Peggys Point Lighthouse (Canada), Start Point Lighthouse (England), Tower of Hercules (Spain), Bass Harbor Head Station (Maine), and White Shoal Light (Michigan)
    Ireland, Maine or England. I'd love to go to either place to see the lighthouse.

    When you've been away, what's your 'lighthouse' telling you you're on the right road home?

    As soon as I see that green sign that says, You are entering Baker County, I know I am home bound. But the farther away from (town) and the closer to the (woods) I get I know home is right around the corner.

    3. What have you unintentionally stopped doing? Is this something you need to pick back up and begin again, or is it something you need to let go of for now (or even permanently)?
    Oh my Debby, our answers are a little alike. I done a makeover in my little room that I called my Catch all room as it served as an office, sewing, craft and anything goes room and I am honestly through with it except for a rug and one more small piece of furniture and my grands pics on the wall and I just cannot get motivated to finish it! The room is actually my office and I love it but I am not finished. I am just mad at myself right now as I type for not finishing it up. My man says, "Your room is finished as you don't have to have a rug and etc. Well, that's not true in my mind.....It will be finished when I say it's finished.....LOL! But now I am gearing up for Bow Hunting and can't even think about the room. Okay, let me go on to the next question Debby.

    4. We've had a full week of August. Share a GRAND moment from your month so far. Well, I'm on round two of antibiotics with bronchitis. YES a bummer and not so GRAND. A grand moment that is standing out to me right now is our new pastor preached his first sermon this past Sunday and I am thrilled beyond measure at how God had blessed us.

    This has been fun Debby. But now I'm mad about my room again. LOL!!!
    Have a great day. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  5. I love the wedding photo. I did not know about black shoe polish. Why did they choose that I wonder.
    I am sorry about your brother. I am glad you all will have a chance to be together again. I will send a prayer up for you all.

  6. Great wedding photo and how sad about the shoe polish. I am truly sad for you about your brother, but glad you will be able to see him. Your answer about the porch light burning reminds me of the old commercial for Motel 6 about leaving the porch light on for you! Happy Anniversary and Congratulations.

  7. Happy Anniversary...those years fly by, don't they? Love your photos of the hummers...that are amazing! Makes me want to try to get some better ones. They sure are fun to watch! Enjoy your afternoon! Hugs, Diane

  8. Wonderful post, Debby. Happy Anniversary! August 7 was my daughter and son-in-law's 18th anniversary. I also have a car memory concerning our own getaway car -- it was a drizzly day and someone threw tapioca because they couldn't find rice. It stuck to the car and took the paint off every place it touched.

    Hope you will have a blessed family weekend with your brother and make many wonderful memories.

  9. Yes, moms always leave the light on. It's so comforting and welcoming as you say. We've had a few humming birds around our flowers lately, dive bombing, just missing our window. What a hard time you will have with your siblings this weekend but I hope you can remember happy times together.

  10. Hi Debby, I love your photos of the hummers, I haven't seen many around my flowers this year. Maybe they didn't like the heat, either. :) Happy Anniversary, I loved seeing your backseat photo. I'll be praying for your brother and family, have a safe trip to be with him and your siblings.

  11. Happy Anniversary! I'm so sorry to hear about your brother and will add you to my prayers as you travel and visit with him. Take care.

  12. Happy Anniversary! Good thing about anniversaries...they can be celebrated when we need them. What a fun pic of you and your Beloved. Yes, praying for your family...this is a sacred time like all the big moments of life. Have a blessed visit.

  13. Your Hummingbird shots are fantastic.

  14. Beautiful photos! Oh, my daughters sorority sisters painted her new black car with white shoe polish and I thought her Daddy was going to have a literal stroke because white paint doesn't come off a black car. She will never forget that incident for sure.

    Happy anniversary!

  15. Love your hummingbird photos!

    Happy anniversary to you! "Celebrate when you can" is my motto! (I have a similar story about Ron's car. Eek!)

    I will be praying for your brother and for your family. May the Lord show His mercy to you all.

  16. Debby, these have got to be the best hummingbird photos I've seen in blog land. Truly amazing. I just love this little fellow. You hardly ever one with a bright red neck, that's stunning. What an awesome picture of the bee and the hummingbird. The lighthouse is a cool picture too. Jess lives 5 minutes from the ocean, and there's a lighthouse that I see every time I visit. I hope you finish your craft room project. That would be so nice for you.

    Happy Anniversary, and 41 years is so very special. : )


    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. ps.....I looooove this song. I used to sing it to my children. Thanks for letting me hear it again. : )

  17. Happy Anniversary to you both!! It is so wonderful to look back over the years and see how God has blessed. I am SO sorry to hear about your brother, Bob, and I do trust the Lord will grant all of you to be there with him, as you plan to. Sure would love to hear that he has been healed. God be with you all and give you strength and courage, my friend. :)

  18. Congrats on the anniversary! Where does the time go? So sorry about your brother. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.

  19. Hey, happy anniversary. I like your visitor like there. Majestic creature.

  20. I loved the hummingbird pics that you shared, Debby! You take great photos. I also loved the quotes that you meaningful to me. I'm sorry about your brother, but all of you gathering should cheer him up. God bless him and all of you.

  21. How fun to read all of this about you and yours.I adore your humming bird photos. Hope you are enjoying your summer.

  22. Debby, I am so sorry to hear about your brother...and Happy Anniversary! July 29th was our 41st...

    Your song with Baby in it is one of my favorites! I hope you can get back on track with your craft room!

  23. I love that wedding photo and wishes for many more happy anniversaries. Your Hummingbird photos are amazing! Do you use a tripod when taking these?

    Prayers for you and your family concerning your brother and his health.

    Blessing stopping by to visit with you!

  24. What a fun post! The pictures are great of those hummingbirds and the wedding pic, well, classic 70's!! Love it! That is awful about his car...why would someone think black shoe polish was a good thing to write with?! So sorry to hear of your brother's health. Prayers to you and all for a wonderful reunion.

  25. Hi Debby, what a fun post and your photos are amazing. You sure captured the hummer beautifully. Love your wedding pic and Congrats on 41 years. I know it flies by so fast doesn't it? 44 years for us already last week on the 11th. Love the car story. Oh my goodness that would send my hubby into orbit. haha Prayers for your brother's health issue.
    Wishing you a wonderful week. xo

  26. Sorry I'm late, but I hope you had an amazing Anniversary! I haven't been blogging much this summer. Hopefully I can get on soon, well that is if I can think of something to write about. ;)

    Quick question, how did you get those amazing shots of the hummingbirds? I have been trying all summer and those little birdies are quick little buggers. Ha! I'm a bit jealous my friend! They are my favorite bird!

    I hope you have a delightful week Debby!

    Hugs, Amy

    PS. Praying for your brother!

  27. Sorry I'm late, but I hope you had an amazing Anniversary! I haven't been blogging much this summer. Hopefully I can get on soon, well that is if I can think of something to write about. ;)

    Quick question, how did you get those amazing shots of the hummingbirds? I have been trying all summer and those little birdies are quick little buggers. Ha! I'm a bit jealous my friend! They are my favorite bird!

    I hope you have a delightful week Debby!

    Hugs, Amy

    PS. Praying for your brother!


Thank you for stopping by today! Your sweet comments are such an encouragement to me.