Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Late September Hodgepodge

Falling leaves hide the path so quietly.
~John Bailey
Yes, we can actually say it's officially fall, even though it doesn't quite feel like it yet.
It's in the air though...the mornings and evenings have that certain something about them
that let you know the atmosphere is changing.
I snapped these photos at our local Lake Michael last Friday morning.

I got there just in time to catch the sun peeking out from behind the trees.
Fog was hovering over the lake and it was really quite beautiful.

Just that little hint of color lets one know that it's only a matter of time.
And speaking of time, it's time for Joyce's Hodgepodge...

...where she asks the questions and we answer them on our blogs.
1. What pets did you have while growing up? Tell us a little something about them.

The first pet that I remember was Tippy, our sweet family mutt. He was a gold colored mixed breed that had a furry tail that curled up over his back.

He was a very even tempered dog...except for that one time. He was lying on the steps going into the house and he was in my way. When I couldn't get him to move, I just stepped right on him (I was really little) and he bit me in the leg. Served me right, didn't it?! He forgave me and I forgave him.

Throughout the years, there were several cats, none that I can remember having names although I'm sure they must have. I do remember dressing one of them in doll clothes and pushing it around in a baby buggy. My mom put her foot down on having any more cats right after she came into the kitchen and found one of them on top of the table eating noodles right out of the pot. BAD KITTY! There were a few other animals in later years, one being my tiny pet chameleon, Cam. He was beautiful and I enjoyed watching him change colors to match his surroundings. He would sometimes lie on his back in the palm of my hand and I would rub his belly. Then there was Bugger the hamster (yes, that was his name) and after a photo shoot (yes, even back then) in my mom's flower bed, he somehow got away from me. After hours and hours of searching for him, I finally gave up...he was lost in the great outdoors, never to be seen again.😢

2. What is one thing you absolutely must accomplish today?

Jim is home after working a 9-day stretch...laundry is on the to-do list or sure.

3. Where were you ten years ago? What were you doing there?

Ten years ago I was right here doing the very same thing (well, not blogging)...but I was living in the same house, working the same job, doing the same thing I have done for the past 24 years. There is something to be said about continuity but I have to say, am ready for a new adventure! Lord, are you listening?? 😩

4. September 26th is National Dumpling Day. Did you celebrate? Apple dumpling, xiao long bao (steamed Chinese dumpling), chicken and dumplings, pirogi, matzoh balls, or gnocchi...which dumpling on this list would be your dumpling of choice? Have you ever made homemade dumplings of any kind?

That's pretty funny, I just saw where it is National Pancake Day...but I guess they are somewhat related...I mean if you are talking about both being full of carbs, right? Actually, I don't eat much of any kind of dumplings but it's not because I don't like them. Jim is not fond of wet, bready substances but now if you are talking about an apple dumpling, well that might be a different story because he does love him some pie! My dumpling of choice would be either gnocchi (Olive Garden's Chicken Gnocchi Soup...YUM) or the good old fashioned chicken and dumplings my mom used to make. And no, I have never made any dumplings that I recall.

5. 'There are two kinds of adventurers: those who go truly hoping to find an adventure and those who go secretly hoping they don't.' William Trogdon
So which kind are you?

I really think I am the first kind. I have always had an adventuresome spirit and even though I can be perfectly content and satisfied by the normal day-to-day, a change of scenery and routine can be quite exciting...and a little bit scary, as I may be finding out soon!

6. Insert your own random thought here.

Temperatures are dropping here this weekend and we're planning to have one of these!

See you in October!


  1. I love toasted marshmallows. What a great idea for this weekend. Have a good week.

  2. Your series on Lake Michael could have been Lake Arthur and come from my camera down to the hazy morning yesterday---so many similarities. And a beautiful sample of Fall.

  3. Love your lake photos. Simply perfect. Your campfire looks so inviting. I'm doing laundry too!

  4. So glad to join you this morning Debby. I love the picture of roasting marshmallows. We always look forward to doing that with the grands. I have begin to the notice the sun going down sooner now in the evenings. But I am still hoping to FEEL some cooler temps soon. Well let me see what I can answer today.
    1. What pets did you have while growing up? Tell us a little something about them.
    We had lots of pets growing up. So many I can't even remember them all. We lived on a farm where we raised cattle as well as large gardening as that was our way of living so most often I considered the cows, hog and chickens our pets. We always had a yard dog of some kind. We had some hamsters too and I DISLIKED them very much. We had fish, and horses. The crazy thing was that I really was never much of an animal person. I hate saying that but I was one that could take them or leave them. Of course raising our girls we always had a yard dog of some kind. We didn't ask for CATS but somehow they would show up at my house and my youngest daughter loved them. Long story short here, she winded up with cat scratch fever and surgery so needless to say...NO MORE CATS ALLOWED! Now, I have two granddogs. And I like it that they don't live with me. LOL!

    2. What is one thing you absolutely must accomplish today?
    Pick up paper work for blood work. I keep putting it off!!!

    3. Where were you ten years ago? What were you doing there?
    About the same thing I am doing now. Same job, same town, same home, same everything and it's all good for me.

    4. September 26th is National Dumpling Day. Did you celebrate? Apple dumpling, xiao long bao (steamed Chinese dumpling), chicken and dumplings, pirogi, matzoh balls, or gnocchi...which dumpling on this list would be your dumpling of choice? Have you ever made homemade dumplings of any kind?

    Well I guess NO I did not celebrate dumpling day. LOL! But I do love chicken and dumplings. I used to make my dumplings from scratch but got smart and decided to HELP MYSELF, I use can biscuits and we love it!

    5. 'There are two kinds of adventurers: those who go truly hoping to find an adventure and those who go secretly hoping they don't.' William Trogdon
    So which kind are you?

    I always GO EVERYWHERE hoping to find an adventure. Of course I want it to be a good one!

    6. Insert your own random thought here.
    I just want to give God the Praise for 40 years of marriage. Living in a society that "Commitment" is not in their vocabulary I am truly thankful that God has helped us to be committed. Even when we didn't want too!

    Hugs and blessings dear Debby. Oh I wish we lived close enough to go to Olive Garden and enjoy some of that good soup!


  5. The photos today were a real joy, the mist over the water was stunning. What a lovely idea to light a fire and toast marshmallows, there is something so comforting watching the flames. Looking forward to hearing more about your next adventure.

  6. Lovely and funny!!
    You always inspire me and make me smile!
    Hugs, Roxy

  7. Hi Debby! Gorgeous early morning photos of the lake! So serene!
    That's the good thing about dogs - they forgive and forget! We had a similar dog which was so sweet!

  8. mmm... my grand ma made the best dumplin's in the whole world... good old fashion country ones. THEBEST

  9. I really like that leaf-strewn path.I love walking through the crisp leaves and hear that crunch under my feet.

  10. Cooler temperatures are surely welcome! Love your old time photos!

  11. He worked a nine-day stretch? Yikes!

    🌋Enjoy the bonfire and the cooler temps... (Don't you agree that the volcano looks a bit like a bonfire 🔥?

  12. My goodness, Debby, you should hang some of your photos in frames. They are so beautiful! I loved seeing the old photos, too. The campfire will be fun with toasty marshmallows!
    Chicken and dumplings is one of my favorite meals (I make the fluffy kind!).

  13. Yes, your photos are beautiful! Cute story about your dog and cats. I heard it was National Pancake Day as well and I would much prefer pancakes over dumplings. Enjoyed your answers Debby, always enjoy stopping by.

  14. (I am not going to let myself think about Bugger.)

    Hey, I can picture you as an adventurer! Hope your new adventure is all that you dreamed!

    Oh, I certainly hope it's cool enough for a bonfire and s'mores this weekend.

  15. Love the photos, but it sure doesn't feel like fall here in the South does it? LOL ;-) Great post! Enjoy the rest of your week.


  16. Oh, I love this time of the year and your photos are so pretty. We are hoping for a cooler weekend! Wishing you a blessed evening.

  17. Love your photos and your thoughts! Apple dumplings are sounding pretty good to me :)

  18. Hi there Debby, those first 3 photos up there, oh my goodness those are just beautiful!! Haven't seen anything like that in a long time--we just dont get Fall like that here. That little Tippy dog sure looked sweet! Cute photo of all the kids together too, I remember little hats like those, and plaid skirts and little shoes like those.Loved the marshmallows in the flames picture too and I love chicken and dumplings and havent' made any in YEARS! lol Happy weekend, have a great one!

  19. I've enjoyed all the photos, Debby, but that second one of the sun is stunning. The weather is beautiful here as well, if a little hot, and I'm enjoying all the little hints of the changing season.

  20. Love the first picture. Great walking path.
    I LOVE toasted marshmallows!!

  21. Breathtaking photos, Debby! I feel your normal every day may be changing, just a bit, in the next little while. Enjoy your Fall days.


Thank you for stopping by today! Your sweet comments are such an encouragement to me.