Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Old MacDonald Had a Hodgepodge...


After a week of 90 degree heat, the autumn breezes are gracing us once again.
The cool down came just in time for the weekend, perfect weather for a campfire in the backyard... dogs with all the fixin's and s'mores too!
Oh, I just LOVE fall!
So it's Wednesday and that means it's Hodgepodge Day...

...where Joyce asks the questions and we answer them on our blogs.
Let's get right to them.
1.  Have you ever spent time on a farm? Tell us a little bit about it. Have you ever grown your own pumpkin? Been on a hayride? Driven a tractor? Milked a cow?

I only wish I could answer yes to every part of this question. The only times I have spent on a farm is when I was a young girl visiting my aunt and uncle or just visiting some sort of farm that was open to the public. I have always yearned to live on a farm or in the country in general. The closest I ever came to homegrown pumpkins is when my dad grew a wide array of gourds in his garden when I was still at home...but I guess that doesn't count as a "yes" does it? I have been on several hayrides in my day but have never driven a tractor or milked a cow. It looks like part of my life-long dream may be coming true as we are planning our move to the Tennessee countryside...AND...guess what?? Directly across the road from the meadow where we are building our farmhouse is a farm with just about every kind of farm animal you'd ever want to see.

Our future neighbors have a petting zoo. I think this is about as close as it's going to get for me...but I'll take it!

2. What's something younger you would like about you now?

I think the younger me would be happy to know that she still has a close friend...someone that she can relate to...a peer, so to speak. Although I consider myself much wiser and am thankful that I've learned many lessons over the years (some of them the hard way), I am also thankful that I still feel young inside...even though the outside of me is growing old. Having a young heart and a smarter brain can be a good combination...what's not to like, right?

3. What are three things you'd like to do more often? Three things you'd like to do less often?

More often: travel, spend time with the younger grands, get lost in the country
Less often: punch in, punch in, punch in.
Does it sound a little bit like I'm ready to retire?? 😏 

4. What's on your nachos?

This depends on where I am eating them. When I make chili (mmm...think I'll make some this weekend), I love to make nachos. I take a handful of tortilla chips, pour a generous serving of chili over them and top it off with shredded cheddar, lettuce, tomato, black olives (if I have them) and a dollop of sour cream on top. One of my go-to menu items at our favorite local Mexican place is their Fajitas Nachos...a bed of tortilla chips covered by a combo of grilled chicken, steak, onions and peppers and then smothered with queso sauce. Mmm-mmm, good!

5. What's the most random thing in your purse or wallet? Does it need to stay there?

Well, I just went through my purse and didn't find any random items. I guess finding that bread stick from Olive Garden from a couple of weeks ago was enough randomness to hold me over for a while. 

I am showing this photo again for those who may have missed it. Needless to say, it did NOT need to stay there and it didn't once I found it. As far as my wallet goes, the most random thing I found in it was a book of stamps...really not so random though, right?

6.  Insert your own random thought here.

The right words are just hard to find after the unspeakable tragedy in Las Vegas this week. May our merciful Lord give peace and comfort to everyone who has been affected by this horrific act of violence.

And so, another Wednesday, another Hodgepodge...
...before you know it, we will be wishing each other a Merry Christmas!
I don't know about you but I don't even want to think about that yet. 😟


  1. That bread stick in your purse just cracks me up! lol
    So very happy for you realizing your dream of living in the country in TN. I look forward to reading all about it! God bless you.

  2. Gotta love those breadsticks from OG! Have a good week!

  3. A bread stick in your purse? Now that's random and funny! You make me want to live on a farm and I am a little jealous of all the people who get to live in Tennessee. Your nachos sound amazing!

  4. I guess you and I like to put food in our purses, I had been carrying an apple around for a few weeks. I am so happy that you are building your new farmhouse in the country, you are going to enjoy living in the country. Thanks for sharing.

  5. LOL! My purse gets quite messy, but I haven't found a breadstick in it. LOVE IT!

  6. Oh retirement, it's so wonderful! I''m always finding random bits of food in my purse from I know not where.

  7. Oh friend, what a JOY to visit with you this morning. Finding the bread stick in your purse had me laughing out loud :)

    Autumn arrived here in the mountains and over the weekend we had lots of rain which turned to snow on Sunday and lasted until Monday evening. Cozy fires, hot coffee, knee-high boots, and scarves, here I come! Hugs to you!

  8. I hope that you can retire before too much longer, Debby. (I hope the same thing for my hubby. He's thinking maybe two more years. We will see.)

    I have never been much into nachos, but your descriptions had me wanting to have some! And it's not even 10 am!

    I so agree with your random thought. Your words were perfect. The God of all comfort is the only real source of comfort in a situation like this.

  9. I love OG's breadsticks so one would not stay in my purse for long. haha! I do hope you get to quit the punch in, punch in soon. You will love living in the country. The fall is a perfect time to be there. I live on the edge of town, so I have a little country in back. If I could only reroute the traffic out front! Have a nice day!

  10. Ahhh...retirement will be right around the corner for you. I know you're ready for it and all that it will bring.

  11. I am thrilled to hear that you are planning your move and living the dream. I truly hope that it all works out as you wish.

  12. It sounds like you are really looking forward to your new life in TN. And across the road is a working farm? That's a bonus! Hope it happens soon!

  13. Time marches on.In Canada we celebrate Thanksgiving this coming weekend.Hope you have a wonderful weekend.

  14. Great hodgepodge answers!

    You've made me hunger with your fajita nachos!

  15. Hodgepodge is such fun - I love reading answers - but omg you made me giggle out loud about that breadstick!

    When I was a little girl my little sister and I put Ponderosa's little butter pats in our purse cuz Dad was on a margarine kick and wouldn't let mom buy real butter. lol. We had those cool suade fringed itty bitty drawstring purse. What a great way to ruin a cute purse. Of course we were little girls and didn't know - so yes, I understand random crap in purses! LOL! My butter pats woulda gone nicely with your breadstick, haha.

    Hugs. ♥

  16. The campfire in the backyard sounds great, Debby.....and hot dogs and s'mores, even better. It's going to be nice seeing all those farm animals across the road where you plan on building. How funny that you found the bread stick in your purse from Olive Garden. Well, I guess if you're going to find left over food, Olive Garden is the best place for that. I love their Chicken Fettuccini. : )

    Happy October, Debby, and thank you for the birthday wishes for Jess.


  17. I know you're looking forward to your very own farmhouse and retirement, Debby! Now you have me thinking about nachos and all kinds of toppings.
    Yes, prayers for many prayers.

  18. You’ll be living next door to a petting zoo? Not everyone can say that! I’d like to find a bread stick in my purse about now. I love those things. Yes, it does sound as if you are ready to move on to new pursuits.

  19. How did I miss that you are moving and building in the country. How exciting that must be. Just let me recommend retirement. I have loved every minute of it.

  20. Your hodgepodge is always full of fun memories and a good chuckle too! I remember your OG breadstick story, too funny! I know you will love living in the country and how neat to be close to a petting farm! I too agree with your random thought, prayers continue for everyone!!!

  21. Hi Debby! My husband and I went away for the weekend to a rural area of Illinois. It always amazes me how much of my home state is rural! I live in a very urban area and the lure of a farm is definitely there.
    Three things I'd like to do more often...1) Get away with the hubby more 2) visit with friends 3) go on retreat. Heavenly!

  22. HI Debby! Oh, this was fun! I'm having to run to the bathroom after seeing your breadstick in your purse! :) Hope all if Falling well around you.
    Thanks for popping in to see me.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)


Thank you for stopping by today! Your sweet comments are such an encouragement to me.