Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Late October Hodgepodge

Happy Wednesday...
and welcome back to Joyce and her Hodgepodge.
She asks the questions and we answer them on our blogs.
So this has been a strange fall but we are finally just starting to get some pretty color.
It may be another week before I get some decent photos so in the mean time,
here are some spider webs.

I love lace doilies and I love it even more when the roadsides are decorated with them.

A favorite hay barn on a favorite country road.

Here are some milkweed pods I pulled from the archives since I haven't seen any this fall.
My go-to place where I normally find them growing has been mowed down several times this year.

I came across these lovelies in an old folder from a couple of years ago,

Trying out a newly acquired lens here...

...and here.

My lantana looks so out of place among all of the dry, fallen leaves...
...but it's still going strong!
So let's get on with the questions....

1. What's surprised you most about your life or life in general?

Wow, tough question! Life is certainly full of surprises...where do I begin?? I remember being a young girl and lying in bed at night and wondering how long I would have my parents with me since they were so much older than me. I also remember doing the math in my the time I was 20, they'd be in their the time I was 40, they may not even be living. What a tremendous blessing that they both lived to be in their 90s...Mom, into her late 90s and able to enjoy their many grand and even great-grand children. Also when I think back, the thought of leaving my home town never even crossed my mind or seemed like a possibility.  I am one of only two of us eight kids who's life took them away from home.

2.  Sweet potato fries, sweet potato casserole, a baked sweet potato, a bowl of butternut squash soup, a caramel apple or a slice of pumpkin have to order one thing on this list right now. Which one do you go for?

There is no one answer for me when it comes to sweet all depends on what I'm eating with it. If I'm eating a burger, I'd go for the fries...turkey, the casserole for sure (Thanksgiving just is not Thanksgiving without it)...steak, I'd go for baked. For dessert pumpkin pie, no doubt! Come on Joyce, how can you just pick one of these items from the menu??

3. What's a famous book set in your home state? Have you read it? On a scale of 1-5 (5 is fantastic) how many stars does it rate?

I did not know of any books that were set in Ohio...that is until I googled it. The list that came up were no books that I had ever heard of or fact, most were rather dark in nature...not my cup of tea anyway. I did however notice that "Beloved" was on the list. Somehow, I managed to see this movie when it was on TV but did not read the book. It was interesting but rather dark as well. If I was rating it, I'd give it maybe 2 stars.

4. There are 60 days until Christmas...have you started your shopping? How do you stay organized for the holidays?

No, I haven't...and I don't.

5. October 26th is National Tennessee Day. Have you ever lived or spent any time in Tennessee? Is this a state you'd like to visit one day?

Why, yes...I have spent LOTS of time there! I fell in love with Tennessee when I was a girl and first traveled through it on our way to SC to visit my brother. I often fantasized about living in those mountains one day. Little did I know then that years later, our youngest son would go to college in Nashville (Trevecca Nazarene University), meet his wife and wind up making his home there. Most you know that we also hope to make a home there as well, hopefully very soon.

The top rated tourist attractions in Tennessee are-

The Great Smoky Mountain National Park (Gatlinburg area) - yes, it's heavenly

and one of the great tunnels...
Elvis's Graceland (Memphis)
Birth of the Music Biz (Memphis and Nashville) - yes, many times
Dollywood (Pigeon Forge)
Tennessee's Military Heritage (many battlefields)
The Hermitage (Andrew Jackson's home)
The Parthenon (Nashville)
Oak Ridge American Museum of Science and Energy
Chattanooga and the Tennessee Valley Railroad - yes, honeymoon...does riding the Incline count?
Downtown Knoxville - yes...Jim had a job interview there once
Lookout Mountain - yes...honeymoon
The Titanic Museum (Pigeon Forge)
The Museum of Appalachia (Clinton)
The Lost Sea Adventure (Sweetwater)
How many on this list have you seen? Looks like about 5.
Which one on the list would you most like to see? I'd love to visit The Museum of Appalachia.
6.  Insert your own random thought here.

Can y'all believe that Thanksgiving is less than a month away? The years seriously seem to get shorter and shorter as I grow older and older. 

Until next time...


  1. The years do seem to get shorter. I don't think I like it. :) I adore Nashville and would love to move there. Daughter2 lives there and I seriously considered moving but then my first grandchild arrived and they live only 15 minutes from me. And then my second grandchild arrived the following year and they live only 15 minutes away from me so...LOL Nashville is filled with the nicest people I've ever met. And the talent! And the FOOD! Goodness! Have a wonderful Wednesday!

  2. Your photos are positively gorgeous! The years certainly do get shorter. Enjoy your week Debby.

  3. I just love Lantana, yours is still pretty. It's 47 degrees here, at 9:30.
    Hate to give up my open toe shoes and Capri pants , but I must.

  4. I love your photos...beautiful! I agree that the days are getting shorter. Every year seems to go by faster than the last one. This month is nearing the end...where did it go? About the sweet potatoes, my fav is a baked sweet potato. I haven't ever tried the fries. Have a nice week!

  5. Great post- My parents were quite old (at that time) when I was born. My mother was 36 and my day was 53-almost 54. I was a first child for both of them. My dad died when I was 21 (Parkinson's) and my mother died when I was 35. Life is just the strangest of journeys sometimes, isn't it?

    We love Tennessee,too, and have friends who have made their home there..and they love it!

    Loved your answers today, Debby. Hope you have a blessed Wednesday- xo Diana

  6. I just love your photos, Debby. All of them (and the header) are so beautiful!

    And your Lantana ... love it. I've never tried to grow it, though. It's usually in the plantings at the Wilds of New England and I always admire it.

    Hubby and I are thinking seriously of going to Cracker Barrel for Thanksgiving this year...

  7. Love your photos and, of course, I love TN. Time does move more quickly the older we get. At least it seems that way.

  8. What lovely photos today to gaze upon. I do not believe I have ever heard the term doilies used for a spider web. That shot is amazing btw.

    1. What's surprised you most about your life or life in general?
    Tough question for me too. Mercy, I am surprised at so much till it's about more than I can think about at times. I guess one of things that really surprised me was when I felt the call of the Lord to teach women the Word of God. At that time of my life I felt like such an unlikely candidate for so many different reasons. I saw myself as always being a follower and worker when it came to church leadership, but never in a leadership position which would ultimately turn into a ministry that has reached thousands of women. In my little town at that. I have never once took that gift of God for granite but never in my life would have I have dreamed that I could be used in the lives of so many women. I could cry right now thinking about this.

    2. Sweet potato fries, sweet potato casserole, a baked sweet potato, a bowl of butternut squash soup, a caramel apple or a slice of pumpkin have to order one thing on this list right now. Which one do you go for?
    Mercy I like it all! But if I had to choose right now it would be the pumpkin pie.

    3. What's a famous book set in your home state? Have you read it? On a scale of 1-5 (5 is fantastic) how many stars does it rate?
    Well sir,guess I will have to google that one too! LOL!

    4. There are 60 days until Christmas...have you started your shopping? How do you stay organized for the holidays?
    Well yes and no. I have picked up a few stocking stuffers for the grands and tucked them away. Now not to forget where I put them will be the issue. I can remember a time when I used to have everything bought and wrapped before Thanksgiving Day. That ain't happened in a long time! LOL! I do try to make a list, stick to it, and be through by the first weekend of December now. Might not happen this year! LOL!

    5. October 26th is National Tennessee Day. Have you ever lived or spent any time in Tennessee? Is this a state you'd like to visit one day?
    I think Tn is a beautiful state and have visited quite a few times with our mountain trip vacations. (Which I haven't been in three years now)

    The top rated tourist attractions in Tennessee are-

    The Great Smoky Mountain National Park (Gatlinburg area) - yes, it's heavenly

    and one of the great tunnels...

    Elvis's Graceland (Memphis)
    Birth of the Music Biz (Memphis and Nashville) - yes, many times
    Dollywood (Pigeon Forge)
    Tennessee's Military Heritage (many battlefields)
    The Hermitage (Andrew Jackson's home)
    The Parthenon (Nashville)
    Oak Ridge American Museum of Science and Energy
    Chattanooga and the Tennessee Valley Railroad - yes, honeymoon...does riding the Incline count?
    Downtown Knoxville - yes...Jim had a job interview there once
    Lookout Mountain - yes...honeymoon
    The Titanic Museum (Pigeon Forge)
    The Museum of Appalachia (Clinton)
    The Lost Sea Adventure (Sweetwater)
    How many on this list have you seen? About 5 here too it looks like.
    Which one on the list would you most like to see? The Titanic Museum (Pigeon Forge)The only reason I did not visit it the last trip was due to "time". But, then I got back home and have several friends tell me it was not worth the money. So I don't know...

    6. Insert your own random thought here.
    Now I am thinking about a piece of pumpkin pie! GOOD GRIEF!

    Have a wonderful Wednesday dear Debby. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  9. What a joy to visit your blog and see your stunning photos, you certainly have an eye for beauty.

  10. I enjoyed your pictures, both old and new. It can be fun going through the archives and finding older treasures.

  11. Love those dewy, lacy spider webs! I would love to see milkweed pods and they do make for great photos!

  12. The web photos are exceptional!

  13. First of all, those photos are gorgeous. And the answer to number one was very interesting to me because my parents were young when they married and I was born. Both of them died young. It never occurred to me they wouldn't be around to enjoy their grandchildren and made me sad.

    I like seeing somebody else want more than one choice. All the things you described are true for me, too. Burgers and sweet potato fries, yum!

  14. I enjoyed your answers. TN is a beautiful state. I hope your dream of living there comes true soon!

  15. I so agree with you about sweet potatoes, it all depends on what you are eating. And, TN is one of the most beautiful states and I so hope it will be home to you soon. You always post such pretty pictures!

  16. Oh Debby, your pictures are gorgeous! That first one of the spider web is stunning! You should enter it in some kind of contest. And question #2? Yes, all of them! haha We honeymooned in Gatlinburg, too. xo Deborah

  17. Loved this, just love this, Debby, from the beautiful photos to the facts about you. I love Tennessee, and would loved to have moved there years ago, I pray you get that home built soon.

  18. Love your spider's web photos! And you're right . . . how can one choose ONE item off of that list of autumn goodies?!

    Tennessee is a beautiful state (although it's been many years since I've seen it). I am sure that you're going to feel quite at home there.

  19. I am with you on the passing of time so quickly! Gracious, where did this year go to? Enjoyed your hodgepodge sharings as always, you are a great storyteller! So wonderful you got to enjoy your parents as they lived up into their 90s! TN is such a beautiful state, I haven't seen much of it, but would love to definitely visit the Smoky Mountains. Your spider web pictures are amazing... and I will be looking forward to your fall color pictures :) Your new lens is awesome! What kind of macro lens is it? Happy hugs to you :)

  20. Debby, I hate to break it to you, but today Christmas is less than two months away. You’re cutting it close, Friend. 😊 Oh, you have had a lot of quality time in Tennessee and one day soon you’ll be living there. Now that’s just cool. It strikes me that, even though your parents were older, you had lots of quality time with them...more than some with far younger parents. Now that is wonderful!

  21. The years do seem to go by faster and faster! Doesn't seem possible that Thanksgiving and Christmas will soon be upon us.

    I really enjoyed all your photos. Those spider webs are beautiful. I don't like them in my house, but outside, with dewdrops clinging to them ... just lovely!


  22. Love those spider web pics, Debby! Don't they make a beautiful image to admire?
    I guess both of us enjoy our sweet potatoes in various forms! Yes, Tennessee is a beautiful state. The Smoky Mountains have a special place in my heart. It was the first spot that my late Beloved took me camping when we were so young, and before we had kids. We camped in Cades Cove and I remember thinking that the surrounding area was one of the prettiest that I'd ever seen. I'd love to go back one day.

  23. The spider webs are beautiful, Debby. Your new lens really captured that leaf well. I love Mums at Autumn time. Those milk weed pods are so interesting. And that tunnel is awesome. There's just something about them. Where I live, we always honk our horns when we go through the tunnels. ; )


  24. So wonderful to visit with you, sweet friend. God bless you!

  25. Loving those webs & the milkweed pods. Also the shot of the Smoky Mtns. - Wonderful post.

  26. Hi Debby! That milkweed pod is so pretty! And doesn't that attract butterflies too?
    I don't like sweet potatoes, but I'd bend a little for fries. Anything friend has hope, right?
    I am going to visit No. Carolina this weekend, Asheville area. Is that your stomping grounds? I wondered if you'd have any ideas on what to see. My sisters and I are flying in for a fun gal-weekend. I'm really looking forward to it!

  27. Hi, Some how I missed this post last week. Wow, your photos are stunning. Love your new lens. I think one of my favorite foods is a baked sweet pot. with butter. Of course, I love them any ole' way! Yes, this year seems to have flown by! At least it is cooler now and we are seeing colors in the leaves. Take care and have a nice afternoon.


Thank you for stopping by today! Your sweet comments are such an encouragement to me.