Monday, October 30, 2017

Well, well, well...

Well, how about that?!
We have a well!

After a slight delay, well over a month,
the well driller man got his well drilling rig working well again.

 And it's all well and good...
...the well driller man hit water at about 250 feet but went down just a bit further...
well, you know, for good measure.
Adam says our well is better than his well.
Well done, right Parker?

Well, I think the well has his stamp of approval.
All's well that begins well...(we hope)...
...but you know as well as I do...only too well actually,
building projects have a tendency to...well...
encourage one to practice that fruit of the Spirit known as longsuffering.
If a thing is worth doing, it's worth doing well...
...and it will be well worth it in the end.
So I'll leave well enough alone and end this post.
But just remember... never miss the water 'til the well runs dry.

Fare thee well!


  1. Okay, I can't think of way to use "well". But, this well post is just perfect! Cute as can be. Congratulations on the new well!

  2. Hey, me again. I was just catching up with your posts I had missed and left you a comment on the post about old broken down homes. That is such a great all your posts. :)

  3. Awesome, you have a well! I heard that's one of the pesky things you have to deal with when building a house. Yes, there will be many hurdles in this journey, but I do believe it's worth it. Hang in there, Debby, and just keep thinking about "home." : )


  4. Congratulations on getting your well dug. I know EXACTLY how you feel having our own dug a short time ago. 😊

  5. Yeah for a new well! Well - isn't that great! You are so cute with your post. Made me smile. Have a great day.

  6. Well, well, well, how many wells make a wiver? In the tradition of “well” comments... Congrats on the well and may it never run dry.

  7. I bet that is the best tasting water around, Debby, I know you are getting excited to begin to build. What a great adventure you are going on.

  8. This makes me wonder why we start--or at least I used to--but do I still?--so many sentences with "well."
    Well, anyway, I'm glad you struck water so easily! The beginning to things to come isn't it!

  9. Well that was fun! And so nice to have the well dug, isn't it. Funny how exciting a hole in the ground can be. But I completely understand it!! 250 feet is a long way down! My grandpa's well was 18'. Anyway, enjoyed hearing of the progress. Always a good thing!

  10. Oh my goodness Debby! You crack me up. Girl, ain't nothing better than some deep well water! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  11. Congratulations on your, well, wonderful progress on the well! God bless you, sweet friend. :)


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