Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Jack Frost Nipping at the Hodgepodge

Baby, it's COLD outside! 

As I write these words the wind is whistling through the rafters due to a cold front moving in,
making tonight's temperatures the coldest of the season so far.
Now I realize that 20 degrees might not seem that cold to some of you
but for us southerners, that's cold...
...although I am not forgetting the fact that in a week or two, 60 or 70 is likely to return!

We even had a little bit of snow over the weekend...and little bit are the keys words here.
While we only got about an inch, many folks to the south and west of us got bunches!
It was so beautiful coming down in huge flakes and just perfect timing as well,
making our early Christmas gathering even more festive and special.
 (once again, no camera in hand!)

We had a great time making merry on Friday that continued through Saturday.
We enjoyed a feast of  Honeybaked ham, yummy appetizers and desserts
and also celebrated Dylan's 17th can this be...17, really??
After the gifts were opened and the wrapping paper was cleared from the floor,
our dear DIL Carrie, introduced us to a little bit of fun called Bean Boozled.
It's all about taking a chance on eating a certain jelly bean... will either taste like something good or something very bad...but here's the catch...
the good and the bad jelly beans look identical and no sniffing allowed! 
And if you don't swallow it, you're out of the game!

 Let me just say this, they nailed the Spoiled Milk!
Oh. My. Word.
It took all evening to get that taste out of my mouth...BUT
from the expressions on Adam's and Dylan's faces,
I think Dead Fish and Canned Dog Food were right up there!
And YOU TOO can enjoy this fun family activity, available wherever games are sold!
So, like that old song says..."the party's over" least for now.
I think I'm going to just chill out a bit until Christmas Eve rolls around.

I want to just sit back and take in the beauty of the Christmas lights and the soft glow of candles.
I want to listen to some beautiful carols and reflect on that holy night of long ago. the meantime, 

...we have Hodgepodge questions from Joyce to be answered!

1. "Hurry less, worry less"...what's your strategy for making that happen this holiday season? How's it going so far?

The only strategy I have is to intentionally find time to just sit down and be quiet, even for a few moments...the room is dimly lit with Christmas lights only, no TV, no noise...(except for that angel on top of the tree that squeaks every time her wings move....remember, she's old.) I would like to be able to tell you that I have done neither hurrying or worrying but then I would be fibbing. I will tell you though, that having our main family gathering early this year...last Friday...has given me a chance to sit back and chill now that all the cleaning, wrapping, food prep, etc. is over....and Christmas Day hasn't even arrived yet. Jim will be working on the 25th so I imagine we will get together on Christmas Eve with Aaron's family to exchange gifts and a bit of merriment and I am anticipating a quiet, laid back Christmas. I am looking forward to the days between now and then to refresh my focus on that One perfect gift.

2. Do you have a list of to-dos that need accomplishing in order to prepare your home and/or property for the winter season? What are some of the jobs on your list? Are you a do-it-yourselfer or do you hire someone to accomplish these tasks?

There are several things that we normally do to winterize before the big chill but there is nothing particularly difficult about them so we do them ourselves. Among them are disconnecting water hoses, blow the mounds and mounds of remaining leaves away from the house and roof, and my personal favorite, covering the vents around the foundation with Gorilla Tape. In North Carolina you may not want to do too much winterizing...on any given day in the winter, you may have 70 degree temps and you just might want that garden hose handy in case you want to wash your car!

3. According to dietitians surveyed, the most popular health foods for 2018 will be -turmeric, sprouted foods (bean sprouts, breads with sprouted grains, etc), veggies in place of grains, dairy free milk, and pulses (lentils, chickpeas, etc).  What's the first thought that ran through your head when you read this list? Of the foods listed which one might you add to your regular diet? Also, can milk really be dairy free? Is it still milk?

As a matter if fact, I have just started to take turmeric capsules. Turmeric is touted to have many medicinal properties such as being a super anti-inflammatory, supports immune health, helps relieve pain, and can aid in digestion, among other things. And if Ezekiel bread wasn't so doggone expensive, I'd eat it everyday...but I do buy it occasionally because I love the texture. (For those of you who are not familiar with it, it's made with sprouted grains.) And just the other night (after sneaking a few bites of German Chocolate cake) that cup of ice cold almond milk was just about as close as it comes to the real thing and I am in awe that this is even possible...milk from nuts? Really? I have been drinking it for a while now...the unsweetened vanilla flavored I said, I'm a believer...30 calories and less than 1 carb is good with me!

4. The Pantone Color of the Year for 2018 is Ultra Violet. According to the Pantone site 'Ultra Violet communicates originality, ingenuity, and visionary thinking pointing us to the future.' What say you? Do you like the color purple? Did you see the movie or read the book-ha!?  Is purple a color you wear often? Describe for us one purple item in your home without using the word purple.  If you were in charge of such things what color would you select for 2018?

I have never heard of Pantone so I googled it ...and all I have to say about that is "whatever". I  might like an iPhone or a laptop in that color but it would make for an odd looking outfit if you ask me. I do like purple though...and the movie is one of my fact if I am flipping channels and catch it on, you can bet I will stop to watch at least a portion of it. I do have a few purple-ish clothing items...the eggplant shade to be precise but I wouldn't say I wear it real often. I have no clue as to what color I'd select for 2018...anything except orange or yellow...anything matches my trademark black pants. 😁

5. Favorite book you read are reading this year?

Although I am not terribly bookish, I do like to read. This year I am enjoying the devotional book, "Jesus Always" by Sarah Young...among a few others.

6.  Insert your own random thought here.

This is our "new" temporary seems to be getting more real each day. This is what you do when you don't want to throw money away on rent for a year. 😉

Who knows...maybe we'll like the "glamping" lifestyle and forgo the farmhouse all together.
Somehow, I seriously doubt it.



  1. Thanks for listing the benefits of turmeric. I didn't know it came in capsule form and had so many ways that it could improve one's health. It sounds like something I would benefit from taking. Your investment vs. putting money into rent is smart. You could go anywhere you want in style and comfort now. I've often thought it would be fun and interesting to explore the U.S. like that. Hope you have a great week!

  2. Hi Debby! I love your snowy photo, and your glow-y one, too. I have a 17 year old grand, too, and can't believe how the years have flown by. Your temporary home will be cozy and a blessing as you await your farmhouse.
    I used to give my late beloved turmeric when he was undergoing chemo.
    I hope you have a wonderful week listening to carols and enjoying this blessed season.

  3. It is hard to believe a spice can have such health benefits, but like cinnamon is good for sugar levels, so is turmeric good for so much. Hubby takes a tablet plus his nasty drink every morning. It appears you are ready for this year of transition in preparation for living in your dream farm home. These new mobile homes can be as swanky as any home. Enjoy your restful week.

  4. The bean game sound hilarious. Enjoyed your post today.

  5. Debby see if this comes to your mailbox and let me know, ok? Your photos just shout peace and quiet and beauty! I'm a bit jealous of your quiet time now before Christmas Eve. And your temporary home looks like a cozy place to watch the new home arise! Now I'm thinking of turmeric in a capsule. I love to cook with curry but I don't think you get enough that way. Enjoy this week...

  6. A lovely post as always, sweet friend. Oh, that bean game...I have thought about playing it with my hubby and son, but I confess that I'm not brave enough - HA!

    Thinking of you, dear one. Love and hugs!

  7. Bean boozled is one of Kathleen's favorites, lol. She tries to get everyone to play when they come over. Her and Jerry did a YouTube video of it on her channel when she first got it. Their expressions are so funny! Have a great afternoon... stay warm ;-)


  8. Fun and interesting answers, Debby. I have recently begun taking the turmeric capsules also. My hubby has taken them for a couple of years and I really think they are benefiting him. Love your Christmasy photos, especially the one of the ornament with the lights in the background. I pinned it ... couldn't help myself!

  9. The jelly bean game looks like a lot of fun.
    What a beautiful ornament.
    NICE temporary home, you can even do a bit of traveling waiting for your new home to be built.

  10. Now that is downsizing for sure! Where are you storing all your stuff before the new home is built? Glad you had a good early celebration and still have some quiet ones in store. That's interesting about Tumeric. Enjoy those quiet moments with twinkling lights!

  11. 20 degrees is cold! lol We have been in the teens and not liking it! Stay warm!

  12. Let me go on record, saying that I will not be trying the Bean Boozled game.YUCK! I'll just sit and watch others be grossed out. Hope you get lots of time to enjoy the holiday season.

  13. Hello!! How delightful it is coming here for a visit and learning more of you. :-)
    First let me say,I LOVE that photo of your ornament!
    Having time to relax and reflect on the birth of our Savior sounds like a great thing. We too will be having our immediate family Christmas early, but then as a whole family we will be getting together at my sister's who's home is easy for mom to get in to. Mom will not be going to Wyoming for Christmas after all, she still needs time in rehab, but they are letting her out on Christmas day. :-)
    That's a mighty fine temporary home and a great way to save money while building your new home. Good plan.
    That jelly bean game sounds horrible!
    I've heard of it before.
    Your weather is crazy, but so has our weather. We hardly have any snow, no asking yet for my husband.

    Enjoy the remainder of your Holidays and have a very Merry Christmas.

  14. Always enjoy stopping by your lovely blog and I've heard about that Jellybean game and am praying my Grans do not show up with it. :o)) I hope to have 3-4 days to stop and reflect after our daughter leaves next week. We'll have our Christmas next Wed. and then she'll go home on Friday and it will be very quiet and my work will be over. Glamping for a specified time will likely be okay but for the rest of your life might not be quite so much fun. Blessings abundant!

  15. That game? Well I am always looking for a great family game, but I don’t think that’s the one. 😆

    Your holidays are sounding so relaxing. Boo hiss on your husband’s having to work, but you’re doing a great job of making it Christmas when you need it.

  16. I could not play Bean Boozled! No way! lol!

    I'm excited for you with your plans to build on your sons land.

  17. It sounds like you had a wonderful gathering, sweet friend! Now, you can just sit back and relax, as you said, and take in the preciousness of this season. I love your camper! I think it will be an amazing adventure to live like that for a year, and the memories you will make with be very special to you later. :) I have heard of that game, but I never had the nerve to ever try it!! I wonder how on earth they get those flavors to be so authentic and capture them into something as small as a jelly bean? We probably don't want to know! LOL! The sour milk sounds awful! I'm glad you had fun and trust the rest of this Christmas season will be very peaceful, healthy, and filled with joy for you!! God bless you always!

  18. Your early Christmas celebration sounds like it was a lot of fun - except maybe, for that BeanBoozled game. I don't know if I would be able to swallow some of those. Your building plans are getting closer and closer - living in the RV won't be so bad (I hope).
    Enjoy your quieter and calmer days! I'm looking forward to mine come the 22nd when school's out. The kids are all getting squirrely.

  19. I have a bottle of turmeric in the cupboard but haven't taken many. I need to start and keep it up. I'm bad about that.
    The camper looks like a comfy, temporary home! I know you are getting excited to start on your new home.
    Loved the photo of the ornament with the bokeh in the background! Lovely!

  20. Debby, it snowed there, that's awesome! The jelly bean game sounds fun. I've been thinking of a game to play with all the family at Christmas as well. The picture with the ornament and the lights in the distance is just beautiful. I have to tell you that the color Purple is my favorite color. There's just something about it that gets to me.

    Peace be with you this Christmas season, Debby, and spend some time just gazing at those pretty colored lights on your tree. They will be gone before we know it. : )


  21. 20 degrees is cold and we've been in the teens at night for the passed few weeks. Brr!! We got a little bit of snow this morning but it was gone within the hour.

    I like the color purple, but I'd prefer a darker purple to wear.

    Glamping is fun if its only for a little while. Don't get me wrong I'm a camping girl, but I still love my stable no wheels home. A camper is a much better investment than renting any ol day!

    Enjoy the season my friend!!

    Hugs, Amy

  22. My grandchildren played the game BeanBoozled last Christmas. I did not join the game. ~shudder~

    ~shudder~ again

    I doubt that you're going to want to trade in your farmhouse style for that cute vintage camper permanently, but I'll bet you'll enjoy it for a while! Adventure awaits!

    Merry Christmas to you and yours!!

  23. brrrr...20 degrees is COLD.I love your camper...Mr. Sweet and I had the sweetest one and had so so many good times in it...

  24. I am trying to play catch up dear friend and mercy I am getting slower and slower these days. Love all of your pictures as always. You do awesome photography. I have a friend that says she will never go without taking a turmeric capsule. Oh your glamping will be worth it to the money you will save. I am getting excited for you. 20 degrees is cold. It is suppose to be 80 degrees here on Christmas day. GRR! Hoping you have a wonderful week dear friend. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  25. The Bean Game sounds fun!

    All the best Jan


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