Wednesday, December 20, 2017

A Very Merry Hodgepodge Christmas

Merry Christmas!

It's almost here!

Are you ready?

As we speak, I smell the cookies baking and they must be getting done.
More about them later.

It sure would be nice to have some snow but it sounds like we're going to get rain instead.
Oh well, one can only hope.

The other night I got a little misty-eyed as I paid special attention to this picture of Mom and Dad.
It must have been taken back in the late 80's or so.
We were at a Christmas gathering at my sister, Ruby's house...
...I remember there was mistletoe hanging in the doorway and Dad stole a kiss.
Ah...precious Christmas memories!
So we're here for Joyce's Hodgepodge...

...where she asks the questions and we answer them on our blogs.
Let's get right to them...
1. Where have you found unexpected magic or delight this holiday season?

Funny you should ask this question this week. My sister in Ohio called me last Saturday to ask me if I had the recipe for Mom's fudge. I told her I would look for it and let her know. I knew it would take some effort to find it since I was sure it was in amongst a bunch of recipe cards I kept in a basket on the top shelf of one of my cabinets that I rarely use. Yep, there it was, copied on a recipe  card written by me when my handwriting was much more legible. As I was looking for it, I came across another card, written in Mom's handwriting. My heart immediately soared as I recognized her penmanship, the card itself stained with spots of this and that as well.

It was a recipe for Cut and Color Cookies, a basic, simple buttery sugar cookie that Mom made every year at Christmas along with her melt-in-your-mouth orange rind cookies and chocolate and peanut butter fudge. Instead of making the colored corn syrup glaze for the top that the recipe called for, Mom left it off and just added red and green sugar sprinkles on top. My mind was transported back to my childhood as the images of these goodies permeated through my brain, making it almost possible to taste them! That's when I decided I wanted to make a batch of my own!  So...these are the cookies I was smelling earlier.

Just like Mama used to make. Unexpected delight? You bet!

2. What's your favorite type of holiday gathering? Will you/have you gathered in your favorite way this month?

I'm sure most of us will agree that being around family is what we love, especially at Christmas, no matter where we are. I love being at home OR in someone else's home. Two years ago, we spent Christmas in the Smokies at an indoor water park in Pigeon Forge with all of the grands. The kids had a blast and while we had a great time, it just didn't quite seem like was 80 degrees, even in the mountains! As you may remember, we have already had our main gathering a couple of weeks back and will have another, a more low-key version, again this weekend at our home. I am making lasagna because I am already tired of Christmasy-type foods!

3. Time has named 'The Silence Breakers' (women who came forward with stories of harassment)  'person of the year' for 2017. Would you agree? If not, who do you think deserves the title?

You know, I'm not really sure what I think about all of this mess. All I know is I'm pretty sick of hearing about it and I can think of many other reasons to "glorify" a person or persons other than for coming forth with their version of the "truth". There is absolutely NO justification for a man OR a woman to behave badly, no matter what. My question is why wait years and years...and then one comes forward and then they all come out the woodwork, it seems. And were all of them totally innocent, themselves? Did any of them flirt or give those men the wrong impressions? Who knows? Why now? Why all of a sudden? Not a popular answer, I realize. These men (and/or women) will have to answer to their Maker, as we all must do. In this day and age, I have no clue who deserves the title...glad I'm not on that board!

4. How did you spend your time this year? Are you happy about that? Elaborate

I worked, I played, I worried, I prayed. That is about the norm for me. Just let me say that it has all worked together and I have nothing to complain about. How about asking me this question in a year or so. 😐

5. Bid farewell to 2017 in ten words or less.

What's done's done, what's said's said...another chance in 2018.

6. Insert your own random thought here.

If I don't get a chance to post again before Monday,
I want to take this opportunity to wish you ALL a very Merry Christmas!

Love and hugs,


  1. Debby,

    I feel the same as you do on the subject of "person of the year" response. I've wondered the same thing and while there are some men who are totally guilty of charges how can a woman feel such shame to not say anything about the act of violence? If it were me, I'd move heaven and earth to see that my perpetrator is punished. Those who wait, you have to question and doubt the claims. Oh well, enough on that subject. I remember that Christmas in Smoky's when the temps were incredibly warm. In today's post I shared photos taken from 2015 in Gatlinburg. It was unbelievably warm for a mid-December day, too. We enjoyed it, though. Well, it's been fun sharing with you this year and I shall look forward to our continued friendship in the new year. Have a very Merry Christmas and may God bless you with good health and happiness in 2018!

  2. I think having recipes written by hand is so special. Several Christmases ago I wrote out all our favorite holiday recipes and put them in binders for my girls. I hope they’re a sweet memory maker for them one day too. Merry Christmas!

  3. I always love your beautiful photos and reading your Hodgepodge, Debby. Isn't it fun to come across an old recipe card of our moms. I have many too, and my mom's handwriting was beautiful, like yours. Mine went totally downhill after learning to type. Enjoy those cute cookies and have a wonderful Christmas.

  4. Debby.. Merry Christmas. Great answer to #5. Enjoy your weekend.

  5. Wishing you dear Debby and your family a Very Merry Christmas. I am changing things up a bit this year. Breaking away from some traditions but making new ones. And yes, that includes the menu! I love turkey and dressing and by the time Thanksgiving rolls around I am ready for it. BUT...then I am through with it! Not making it for Christmas this year. THAT IS A MAJOR CHANGE for me! LOL! But it's all about spending time with those you love and remember that if not for the Christ child we would have no Christmas. Hoping you have a wonderful Christmas. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  6. I treasure hand written recipes from my mother, grandmother and aunt! I agree with your answer to No. 5. Why wait 40 years to complain? Doesn't make sense to me. I have to wonder about some of the allegations. I always enjoy your posts and photos, Debby. Thanks for all your visits this year and I wish you and your family the very merriest of Christmases and a happy, healthy New Year!

  7. Debby, what a sweet magical moment to see that recipe and remember your dear mom. I enjoyed reading your hodgepodge. A very Merry Christmas to you and yours!

  8. Beautiful photos, you are blessed with some wonderful memories. Wishing you and yours a wonderful Christmas and best wishes for the new year.

  9. This was an enjoyable read, even the tougher bits that I totally agree with btw. So glad that your mama’s cookie recipe lived up to your expectations! Merry Christmas to you and yours...

  10. Debby I so enjoy that picture of your mom and dad -- and the hand-written recipe from you mom. Sad that those kinds of things will not be around for the coming generations with the loss of hand-writing ANYTHING - and I'm just as guilty. I HAVE taken to hand-writing on printed recipes or in books my "thoughts" or comments about a recipe such as when I served it, any changes I made to it, how was it received, etc. I've done that for years so it's fun to look back at my notes from when I was a young bride cooking for my husband! Love your hodge podge answers. One of the best Christmases I had was last year -- all of our kids were with us and we were all on an island in Georgia and it was in the 70's on Christmas Day -- pure heaven to me!

  11. So bright and cheerful and I do love that photo of your Mom and Dad...what a treasure!

    Have a very Merry Christmas Debby,

  12. That pic of your parents is precious. What a blessing to find your Mom's handwritten recipe, too. Oh, those cookies look good. Thank you for your blog friendship and I wish you and yours a Merry Christmas and may the Lord bless you in the new year. xoxo

  13. What a fun post! The pic of your parents, the recipe cards ... Christmas cookies can be very nostalgic can't they are often part of our tradition and take us back to much loved places and times. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas!

  14. What a precious photo of your parents! Oh, to have those sweet memories to hold on to! Merry Christmas my friend. Hugs, Diane

  15. Hi Debby, it's nice to meet you. I love it when I stumble across anything in my mother's hand writing. Your mother's handwriting looks amazingly like my mother's handwriting. Must have been the "style". I love all the photos in your post. I try to do the same to mine but it never quite looks as good as others I've seen. A work in progress.

  16. Merry Christmas to you.Love your beautiful decorations.The picture of your parents is priceless.

  17. A lovely post, a great photo of your Mum and Dad, precious. I agree with what you have to say in response to Q.3 and sick of hearing about it too.
    Have a wonderful Christmas, your biscuits look delcious :)


  18. You always have such beautiful Christmas pictures! That one of your mom and dad is really special. Christmas time brings back memories of my mom and dad too. Those really were the good old days. Hope you have a very Merry Christmas!!

  19. Always fun to read your hodgepodge. Yes, those handwritten recipe cards and Christmas cookies are the best! Hope you have a low-key and relaxed Christmas weekend. Lasagne sounds great. One nice thing about 2017 was that I got a chance to meet you! Blessings to you, and Merry Christmas. Love, Deborah

  20. So nice to have that picture of your mom and dad. : )
    I too agree with you on question number 3.

  21. As always, it is a joy visiting and learning a little bit more about you, dear, dear Debby.
    I appreciate your honesty when answering the questions, and I really appreciate it when you give God all the glory.
    I just love coming across those well used and stained recipe cards in my file. Some are actually hard to read any more they have been used so much.
    Your cookies sound delicious not to mention how wonderful they look.
    Such a sweet, sweet photo of your dear parents.

    Merry Christmas, dear friend~

    1. I appreciated your comment about some recipe cards being so hard to read anymore. That's definitely true of my brownie recipe, which I got years ago from our pastor's wife at the time. Fortunately I also have it written down elsewhere, but I can't bring myself to throw away that card (in my daughter's handwriting!).

  22. Merry Christmas, Debby!

    I love that you have a recipe in your mother's handwriting! So special!

  23. Loved reading your Hodgepodge answers, Debby! That photo of your parents ... priceless! As is the recipe, and the cookies look wonderful. I have my mother's Christmas notebook with a number of recipes in her handwriting. A real treasure.

  24. Aww...that picture of your parents is just priceless and precious! I know how much it hurts to miss parents at this time of year, especially. God bless and comfort you, dear friend. How sweet to find your dear Mom's recipe! Those cookies look scrumptious, and I just may have to try them! We made chocolate crinkle cookies, and so far, that is the only ones we've made this season. I pray you and your dear family have a wonderful Christmas filled with God's goodness. Sending love and hugs your way!

  25. Photographs are so special ...
    A wonderful post.

    Have a blessed Christmas
    My good wishes

    All the best Jan

  26. I love your beautiful photos and reading your Hodgepodge. Old recipes always make me think of my Mom since she loved to bake. Wishing you a wonderful Christmas.

  27. Bless you and yours, Debby, as we celebrate the joyful welcome of the Baby Jesus, Savior King.

    May your new year be filled with good health, love and joy. God Bless. Hugs.


  28. Oh my goodness, I had tears in my eyes seeing the pic of your parents 'neath the mistletoe, Debby. What a sentimental memory, and also then making your Mom's butter cookies with sprinkles. My heart melted....I hope you had a wonderful Christmas, my friend!

  29. Merry Christmas, Debby!

    Your description of finding your mother's handwritten recipe for her traditional Cut & Color cookies must have been the first of many wonderful highlights this holiday season. I bet that first bite was deliciously satisfying.

    Your snowflake ornament is so pretty! I am utterly amazed at the intricate structure of snowflakes and whenever I see macro shots of them, I find them unbelievably beautiful!

    Your last image perfectly illustrates one of the many serene sayings of the Christmas season. Wishing you bright and peaceful days for 2018, my friend.


  30. I enjoyed reading these...lets just say I agree and more with you on #3...I won't go on and on though I could. I just get so sick of not being able to find decent shows on TV...everything there is sticks nudity in it. I will leave it at that. You are right...we all have to answer someday. and I have enough of my own stuff to answer to.
    Every now and then I run across a letter my mom wrote and one from her best friend...they are so special. I letters from my best friend, and letters from a sister, and I just cannot get rid of them. If I live longer than they do, I can read their letters and feel like I am visiting with them again.


Thank you for stopping by today! Your sweet comments are such an encouragement to me.