Sunday, December 31, 2017

Closing the Door on 2017

At the risk of sounding redundant, I just can't help but say it again... probably already guessed it.

Where did this year go?

I just don't ever remember time flying by as quickly as it does now. 
I guess it's God's way of letting us know that we're getting ---o--l--ol---d---OLD...
...there, I said it!
But this will be my mantra until the day I die...

or how about...

And then there's always this truth...

How would YOU answer this question?
How old would you be if you didn't know how old you were?
~Satchel Paige
I'll have to ponder that one for a bit. 😉
As I look back on my posts from this year,
it would seem that most of them were in the format of a hodgepodge.
Like it or not, I really try to make them as newsy as possible...or maybe you haven't noticed :)
But scattered among the usual trials and blessings that any new year brings,
2017 brought about more much needed updates to our home, some sweet surprises,
a milestone or two and the heartache of losing a beloved family member.
We began the year by having the whole house turned upside down by getting new floors...

...springtime brought about an opportunity to meet a sweet blog friend, Deborah...

...our oldest grandson, Dacey, graduated from high school in June...

...Jim earned his red, white and blue card by turning 65 in July...

...and late this summer my oldest brother Bob, lost his battle with cancer.

As you know, plans were put in motion for our upcoming retirement and move to TN.
The thought of that seems to have taken my brain captive on most days even though I try not to let it.
I've said before...we can have our plans but ultimately, it must be in alignment with God's.
So far, no doors have slammed shut so we continue to move forward.
As I was taking down the Christmas decorations yesterday,
it became more real that it would most likely be the last time I would be doing that here.
I specifically sought out the mini tree that I had among my other decorations,
anticipating that would most likely it would be the only tree I would have room for next year.

So here we were are...New Years Eve, 2017.
Whatever God has in store is yet to be seen but of this I know...
...2018 will most likely be a very HECTIC INTERESTING year!
I want to take this opportunity to thank you all for your love and support throughout the year
and that 2018 brings you many wonderful blessings!


  1. Happy New Year. I trust that for you and even for menthe new year will be filled with unexpected joys and blessings.

  2. You make me laugh and that is a good thing. Funny thing about that how old would you be question (if you didn’t know)...I have always felt old. I felt old when I was a kid. Ridiculous.

    So many things to look forward to. Just one step at a time...

    A blessed and wonderful 2018 to you!

  3. Oh I never say I am old, although some people might say I am :) I just say I am getting older.
    Happy new Year Debby.


  4. Happy New Year, Debby! 2018 will be a good year no matter the challenges we may face!

  5. You have an exciting year ahead!

    Its true that we don’t know what a year holds, but we know who holds the year!

    I love that verse you shared at the beginning of your post. I’m going to ponder it for my life, as I seek to walk in His ways and see this hoe He sees them!

    Happy New Year!

  6. Oh, sweet friend! I do trust 2018 will bring many, many blessings to you! The picture of you and your brother, Bob, touches my heart. I know you miss him and trust Jesus to comfort you in every moment of grief. I am so excited to travel along with you on your journey to your new home and all of the wonderful things God has in store for you there! All will work together for good, for you are surely His amazing daughter. You are such a dear blessing to me, and I cannot thank you enough for your friendship, kind words, support, and prayers. Sending lots of love and hugs to you on this Happy New Years Day!!

  7. You have an exciting year ahead of you, wishing you the best.

  8. I love the quotes on getting old, Debby, and loved seeing your dear photos. Funny thing is, I don't feel old, but I think I've always been an old soul, if that makes any sense. Happy New Year blessings to you, and I hope 2018 will be wonderful for you.

  9. Wonderful recap and oh how I can identify with those great quotes. Might have to steal some of them, too. Well...2018 has a lot of changes coming our way. May God continue his loving care and guidance on us!

  10. Debby, your pictures are so fitting with your words today. Yes, this was a year of change for me as well. I'm taking a blog break for awhile, but the girls will be filling in for me and post as often as they can. They are so busy right now, so it will probably be every couple weeks. Your flooring is so pretty. And I love that picture of Jim and his pie. Wow, 65, that's wonderful. I wish you well with this moving adventure you will be taking, and I hope the new year brings you so much peace and joy.


  11. I loved all the quotes you shared about getting old. They're all so true. Somehow it seems each year passes just a little faster than the previous one.

    Happy New Year!

  12. The quotes on getting old made me smile, I always tell my Grandchildren that I am 21. Hope all your plans work out for your move, it was the best thing that we did in 2017 move to our new home. Here's hoping that your move will be as successful as ours was. Happy New Year.

  13. It truly has been a year to remember, a few good things and what seemed like a lot of bad things....many of those are ongoing! My feelings about age fluctuate....some days I feel I'm still in my early 50's, but other times, about 80! I think your move sounds exciting, but I'm glad it is you and not me! Anyway, I do truly wish you and all of us, a healthy new year filled with much joy.


  14. We have lots of similarities going on this past year and in the upcoming year-except at least you have an idea of WHERE you are I don't even have that yet.
    If I didn't know my age I would think I was still in my late 30s---full of life and looking forward to what the next venture would be. I still feel young inside (except for the days when this inflammatory crap is out of control). lol

    I hope this year is blessed and full of unexpected happiness and joy- xo Diana

  15. Aw . . . so sweet I made the cut for the year's highlights! It certainly was one of mine!
    A big move like this sure can seem scary, but once it's done and the dust has settled, I'm sure you'll be feeling so thankful and grateful for the beautiful spot in TN that you will call home.
    Well I sure don't feel my age at all!! I still find it hard to believe the actual number. 6 - 0. It doesn't compute!
    Happy New Year to you Debby!
    xo Deborah

  16. I'm 66 but certainly don't feel like it. I'd probably say I would be about 40 if I didn't know how old I was. : )
    Life has some sad times and happy times but it is such a comfort to me to know that God really is in control.

  17. I got a card once showing two nuns playing that game with a paddle and small ball attached to it by elastic. And the card read, "How old would you be if you didn't know how old you were?" :-) I think retirement, at least for us, is a huge issue. At least you have plans but we haven't gotten any clear vision yet, and for me, it is a huge decision. As I look back on my life most of our big decisions sort of fell into place, were obvious. This one has us stymied. We just pray the way becomes clear and obvious in God's good time. I hope you are enjoying this cold weather--I am!

  18. Age is a funny thing. I wonder where the years went. I don't feel older (much), but the calendar tells me different. We're not quite thinking of retirement yet, but it's coming. Trusting God for the days are the way I can handle looking ahead.
    Our year had a loss, too - my mother-in-law. Christmas brings back so many memories, doesn't it? Blessings on you for 2018.

  19. Debby, the Lord has great plans for you. I am excited to see what God does for you in 2018. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  20. Yes 2017 seemed to fly by ... I enjoyed seeing your photographs and look back.
    Wishing you and yours a Happy New Year.

    All the best Jan


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