Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Happy New Year Hodgepodge

It's a brand new year and a brand new Hodgepodge!
Even though I say this every year, I hope to make this year better than last year,
not that 2017 was a bad year by any means...
but if I am able to step it up a notch at any one place where I am lacking,
and there are too many to count,
I will have accomplished that...only with the Lord's help.

So let's get down to the business at hand...the Hodgepodge...

...where Joyce asks the questions and we answer them on our blogs.
1. It's that time of year again...time for Lake Superior University to present a list of words (or phrases) they'd like to see banished (for over-use, mis-use, or genera uselessness) in 2018. You can read more about the decision making process and word meaning here, but this year's top vote getters are- 
unpack, dish (as in dish out the latest rumor), pre-owned, onboarding/offboarding, nothingburger, let that sink in, let me ask you this, impactful, Cofefe, drill down, fake news, hot water heater (hot water doesn't need to be heated), and gig economy
Which of these words/phrases would you most like to see banished from everyday speech and why? Is there a word not on the list you'd like to add?

Oh my, there are so many to choose from...some I've not really paid much attention to and others that are just plain silly. Of all that are on this list, I'd like to see "fake news" disappear...and not just the term...but the real thing, which sounds like an oxymoron. Remember the days when we used to be able to trust what we heard on the news and respect the people who brought it? I hope that day will return soon. Right now I can't think of another word to add to the list, although there surely must be more floating around out there.

2. What's something you need to get rid of in the new year?

Many, many things but mostly this one...

3. Where do you feel stuck?

Worrying too much. I know better.

4. January is National Soup Month. When did you last have a bowl of soup? Was it made from scratch or from a can? Your favorite canned soup? Your favorite soup to make from scratch on a cold winter's day?

If you consider Brunswick Stew soup, then that's my answer and it was on New Year's Eve at Aaron's house that he made from scratch. Click on the link if you northerners want to know it's origin and a little more about it. To tell you the truth, it's not my favorite but there is Brunswick Stew and then there is Brunswick Stew...

...and this was Brunswick Stew! 

It's a thing here in NC and large gatherings are usually held when folks are "doin' a stew". The taste is wonderful but it's the consistency that is my least favorite thing about it since you cook it so long that the meat is in strings. Some cook it even longer and the vegetables are no longer recognizable. That's when I say, "No thanks". Aaron's was actually very good! My favorite soup right out of the can would be the one and only Campbell's Chicken Noodle (with crackers) and my favorite from scratch on a cold winter's day is either chili or broccoli cheese...but any homemade soup on a cold winter's day hits the spot!

"I don't usually open my mouth this wide when I am eating Brunswick Stew,
but when I do, it's because I'm posing for the camera." 😉

5. Tell us one thing you're looking forward to in 2018.

Country living.

6. Insert your own random thought here.

Well, I hope that the first few days of 2018 have been goods ones for you
and that the next 362 are even better!



  1. Oh I do hope you get to fulfil your dreams and manage to move to the Country.

  2. You don't usually open your mouth that wide? Yeah right! hahaha! That stew looks fabulous! I haven't made it in a long time and it sure would be good this week. It's COLD all the way down here. Happy New year sweet friend. Hugs, Diane

    1. You know I'm teasing you because I love you...don't you? HUGS!!!

  3. Your stew looks so tasty! I did not know what Brunswick Stew was until I moved to Georgia, now I'm a huge fan! Wish I had some right now, it's so cold here in the mountains.
    Happy New Year,
    Lori in Blue Ridge, GA

  4. I like mine a little more chunky, less stringy too. That one looks good! It's definitely soup/stew weather around here. Happy New Year!

  5. I'm sure I've had Brunswick stew -- or a form of it, but where we live is not very southern--there are so many transplanted northerners (I'm one) to dilute the southern culture. But it looks hearty and perfect for cold day. We are soup lovers to an extreme. It's a tradition in our family--even extended family--to have a soup party over the holidays where there can be 10 different kinds of soup, along with recipes. Yum!

  6. One word that I would like to see or hear less is 'unthaw' If it's unthawed that means its frozen.Hope your new year is off to a great start.

  7. Oh Debbie, when I lived in Virginia I was introduced to Brunswick Stew and I could not stand the consistency either. Ugh!!!! But, give me some Beef Stew and I'm a happy gal! Sounds like an exciting year ahead for you. Hugs!

  8. Born in Virginia, but have lived in the North for the vast majority of my life. I really like Brunswick stew and I have texture issues. I must have found the real McCoy. I am all for calling out fake news, but like you, I’d like “real” fake news to go away. I have been reading what Presidents Washington and Jefferson had to say about the press. I think fake news has been around a long time. Everything is going to go very well with your move to the country.

  9. Hi Debby, I so agree with you on No. 1!! If only. Your stew really looks good...I don't remember ever having Brunswick Stew. I do love my Beef Stew, tho! I know you're looking forward to your move to the country. We're all excited for you, too! Wishing you a great New Year with many blessings! Hugs, Cheryl

  10. Oh I love the sign at the end. We can trust that Author! The Brunswick stew reminds me of my chicken tomato soup. I would definitely prefer the chicken over opossum. Lol. Thanks for the link. That was fun to read. I hope you have a wonderful 2018 and enjoy your country living. xo

  11. I love the sign at the end also ... not random at all, but completely true and entirely relevant.

    And we have stew, soup, and chowder several times a week in cold weather. We just don't tire of it. Aaron's Brunswick Stew looks very good.

  12. Happy New Year, Debby!

    Like you, I worry - a lot, even though I know it doesn't get me anywhere, as the saying so wisely declares, apart from running around in circles, which can be exhausting!

    Your Brunswick stew looks and sounds scrumptious, and I agree with you, recognizing meat and veggies would make it more appetizing.

    Wishing you all the very best in health and happiness for 2018!


  13. I so agree with that much over-used "fake news," but would also have to add "tweeting, tweet, and the act of tweeting." That is definitely over-used...both the word and the act of doing it.

    Now you have me thinking about homemade soup!
    Hugs, Carol

  14. Well, so much of your podge resonates with me! Nodding my head as I read. Looks like we'll both become country mouses. May God make our transitions good and bless our new homes. That Stew looks duhlicious!!

  15. Your stew looks yummy and you are so stinking cute! I just adore you! Happy New Year my friend. May the Lord bless you ever so sweetly! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  16. Hey Debby! I agree with you on the Brunswick stew... I remember when I worked at Wilber's, it was gross to me..a blob in a bowl but folks loved it. I love soup though! We're having taco soup tonight. We got 3 inches of snow last night and soup is definitely on the menu! Love reading your hodgepodge! I don't always comment (I should) but I do read:)
    Happy New Year!
    Hugs, Sherry

  17. Oh, wow, that Brunswick Stew looked YUMMY! I haven't had that in a made me crave some. :) I am so thankful you had a great time with your loved ones, sweet friend. Happy, happy new year to you and yours!

  18. I love homemade soup!! Your son's Brunswick stew looks delicious! (I know what you mean about meat that's stringy and veggies that are mush. Why do that?!) Love that photo of you hamming it up! :)

    The thought that you ended with is so true. Onward into 2018 . . . with the Author!

  19. Aww, I so relate about the worry stuff. I keep filling my mind with encouraging verses but I still fall into it. Love your last quote! How about I pray for you and you pray for me :)

  20. Brunswick stew is a new one to me!
    I love the fact that January is soup month ...

    Happy New Year

    All the best Jan

  21. I enjoyed reading this...I am behind. I think I missed your last one. Sometimes it is hard to focus when I finally sit down to blog. But I always enjoy reading. I am going to have to look up the stew....see whether I think I will like it or not.

  22. You make me giggle, Debby! I love bopping over and checking out your posts. I haven't been by in awhile. So this was a nice little visit.
    Ya, we needn't worry, especially since God's got our back!
    That stew looks delicious! I'll have to google the recipe.
    I hope you get to enjoy your country living soon! I love it and wouldn't change it for anything! :)

    Thinking of you, my friend!
    Hugs, Amy

  23. I have never heard of Brunswick stew, but I would prefer your Aaron's style too! I don't particularly care to eat what looks like mush, lol! I loved the picture of you eating the stew Debby, you are so much fun :) I pray the New Year brings many blessings to you and your family! Many hugs to you today :)

  24. I love these thoughts for the new year. But more than anything, I love what you're eating. :P
    Happy 2018!

  25. Dear Fellow Worrier, I also know better! But I'm hoping that this is the year to get better at trust, and let it all fall into the lap of the Lord.
    I would love to see the word 'unpack' be banished. Hugely overused, and I'm done already!
    I'm a soup lover myself, love that photo of you digging in :)
    Grace and peace to you this New Year,


Thank you for stopping by today! Your sweet comments are such an encouragement to me.