Wednesday, January 31, 2018

January's Last Hodgepodge

Can you even believe it?
Wasn't it just last weekend when the ball dropped and we sang Auld Lang Syne?
Time is passing CRAZY fast!
And here it is, time for Joyce's Hodgepodge again already...

...where she writes the questions and we answer them on our blogs.
And this week's questions are.... 

1. Speaking of your wit's end, at loose ends, a dead end, burn the candle at both ends, all's well that end's well, or no end in sight...which 'end' phrase might best be applied to your life lately? Explain.

So I guess if anyone read my post from a couple of days ago, they could guess how I might answer this question. I have a monumental task ahead of me...getting the house ready to sell...and everything that goes along with that. I am not at wit's end or at a dead end...nor am I burning the candle at both ends...YET. You actually have to start before you can be any of those things, am I right? So that leaves things at loose ends because that basically means unfinished business. I'm sure once I finally get started, it will seem at times like there is no end in sight and finally, then and only then, I'll be able to say "All's well that ends well!"

2. What was a must have accessory when you were growing up? Did you own one? If so tell us what you remember about it.

Do shoes count as an accessory since they are plural?
If I have understood the question right, shoes would be my favorite accessory when I was growing up. With so many kids in the family, we weren't able to afford new ones very often but I was beyond excited when it was shoe shopping patent leather ones made my heart go pitter-patter. If you'd like to know more, you can read the details here over on my childhood memories blog. Oh yes, there were many other accessories that I had to have that were the latest thing, but I remember it was always about the shoes...I still love me some cute shoes!

3. Something that made you smile yesterday?

Meet Snickers, my new little grand puppy...Aaron and Michelle's newest addition as of yesterday. He is a Silky-haired Dachshund and is the color of.......a Snickers! ðŸ˜‰ Isn't he adorable? He sure made me smile!

4. January 30th is National Croissant Day. Do you like croissants? Sweet or savory? We're having chicken salad for lunch...would you rather have yours served on a croissant, a wrap, a bagel, bread, or a roll of some sort?

I do like croissants of all kinds but rarely do I eat them because I simply don't eat many breads or rolls of any kind for the most part. If someone came up with a low-carb version, I would be all over that puppy in a heartbeat. Even though I love the combination of chicken salad on a croissant, I would choose to have mine in a Mission Carb Balance flour tortilla wrap, thank you!
BUT...if I was invited for lunch and they were on the menu, I would eat it. Far be it from me to offend!

5. Sum up your January in fifteen words or less.

We had snow...lots of it and ate comfort food...lots of it.

6.  Insert your own random thought here.


  1. Debby,

    Your random list of stuff that goes together made me smile and I kept thinking we're going to see a lot these scenarios in the 30+ crowd fifty years from now. Of course, I won't be around or too old to care. It's going to be a weird sight! :D

  2. Good grief, Snickers is so cute! But cuter yet is that pic of little you with your fancy patent leather shoes. Adorable!!

  3. I love those tortillas. Your random thought is a riot. Enjoy your week.

  4. What a chuckle your random thought gave me and mental pictures that may plague me all day. Our family had a dog named Snickers and she is still our favorite though she's been gone many years.

  5. Your thoughts about preparing your house for sale fit well with mine about clearing out my childhood home and disposing of/selling the contents. Right now there seems no end in sight, I'm sure there will be a lot of burning the candle at both ends before I finish (because I am going to need to treat this as a full time job) and hopefully, some day several years hence, the end will finally be in sight!

    Snickers is adorable and so are you with your patent leather shoes! I had them and loved them too. We used to polish ours with vaseline.

  6. Well if anyone was short of smiles in January they should hurry to this post and get a bunch in before the end of the day! This was a good read for sure. Snickers is very cute. I remember shoe shopping day. We always got the oxfords for school and the patent leather for church! Cute photo of you showing the shoes! Your post from yesterday motivated me and I stepped outside and finished pruning the pear tree. Woohoo and thank you. One day at a time. Have a good Wednesday.

  7. Snickers is just as cute as can be. There is something about a dachshund that always makes me smile

  8. Your random thoughts made me laugh, I had to share them with Gerard as he was wondering what I as laughing at.

  9. LOL- I sure got a chuckle out of your random thoughts---SO true!! Love that sweet little face on Snickers. xo Diana

  10. Oh I love me some comfort food. :) I love your pup too! Snickers is an adorable name!

  11. Love the WAVE Goodbye piece! I actually snapped a picture of it cause I was thought it was so funny! Yes, January where have you gone?

    1. Speaking of your wit's end, at loose ends, a dead end, burn the candle at both ends, all's well that end's well, or no end in sight...which 'end' phrase might best be applied to your life lately? Explain.
    Well it seemed that I felt I was at a dead end with several things going on in my life but that has passed and right this very moment, which change in a heart beat I would say all's well that end's well.

    2. What was a must have accessory when you were growing up? Did you own one? If so tell us what you remember about it.
    Earrings! My mother had my ears pierced when I was around 9 years old. The old fashion way too might I add. You know, the freeze your ear lobe with ice grit your teeth kind of pierce. But I can remember to this day of owning a pair of cross earrings and I thought I had the cutest ears around! Still love me some earrings. AND SOME SHOES!

    3. Something that made you smile yesterday?
    Your Snickers is the cutest ever. I have a grandpup named Bo and one named Ginger.
    Well, yesterday I smiled because I was obedient in an area of my life with the Lord that I am having to discipline myself about. I smiled at the end of the day knowing I had done and said the right thing and made the correct decision that Christ would be pleased with.

    4. January 30th is National Croissant Day. Do you like croissants? Sweet or savory? We're having chicken salad for lunch...would you rather have yours served on a croissant, a wrap, a bagel, bread, or a roll of some sort?
    Yes, I do like croissants. I do not buy them however but once in a blue moon. And I do love GOOD homemade chicken salad on a nice croissant.

    5. Sum up your January in fifteen words or less.
    I have had a love/hate relationship with our weather in Florida.

    6. Insert your own random thought here
    A poem I read this morning.
    If you desire to be happy
    And get rid of the misery of dread,
    Just give up supposin' the worst things
    And look for the best things instead.

    Spoke to me this morning!

    Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  12. Snickers is just adorable! We love the low carb wraps here favorite thing to do with them is fry them and dip in salsa!

  13. Love those sweet little Mary Janes. They will always be my favorite little girl shoes. We had a Snickers many years ago and she is still our favorite pet. I attended a Pritikin cooking class this morning and she made breakfast quesadillas with corn tortillas. They looked so good, I made me one for dinner. I thought it was funny too that we both were so considerate of anyone offering us a croissant with our salad.

  14. About the random thoughts.I have waved goodbye to all of those many years ago. Actually many I have never even had.Am I old -fashioned?Maybe,but that's ok.The little puppy is a cutie.

  15. Oh, I use to get so excited over a new pair of shoes as a child. I had one pair and one pair only! Bless you in your quest to ready your house for sale. We finally got an offer and accepted it today on our old house that has been for sale 2 1/2 years and we got about half of what it is worth. Very sad! But, we are glad to get rid of it. Always enjoy your answers.

  16. That random thought is so funny! Cute grand pup, and I hear ya about the low carb croissant! I like mission low carb tortillas, too!

  17. Such a sweet pic of Little Girl You. You do have a whole lot going on! Your parting thought is a hoot and true!

  18. Oh my Debby, what a cute little girl you were with those patent shoes! Snickers is an awfully cute looking grand puppy, too. I certainly agree with all those combos at the true!!

  19. My head seems to be spinning with how fast January flew by! Just last week, it felt like the month should have been only half over. Cute, cute pic of you with those black patents. Snickers is adorable, and that is such a cute name!

    Warm hugs,

  20. Snickers would make anyone smile! And I had the same shoes. I just told Judy how proud I was of them when they were patent leather! And you sent a smile with your final comment! What a hoot.

  21. I loved the Random Thoughts...I'm still grinning after reading those! haha! Picturing some of these made me LOL! Your grand-pup is sure a cutie. And I remember how special it was to get new shoes, especially when I finally got to quit wearing special made shoes with arch supports to correct my flat feet. Ugh, I hated those things. :)

  22. Oh my goodness. Your "reason to smile" made me smile too . . . but then your random thought made me smile again! Yes, those are all things to avoid in the later years!! :D

    If you ever come to lunch at my house, I will be sure to serve you chicken salad on a croissant! You're welcome. :)

  23. I always love your hodgepodge Debby! Getting ready to sell, oh my, does that ever bring back memories! I don't envy you that task one bit! It is a bit daunting, but once you begin, it gets easier, perhaps the anticipation is the worst! LOL... I had to laugh about your shoes collecting as a child, fun memories! What a sweetie Snickers is, I just love that name, such a sweet face! Hope you are having a lovely week :)


Thank you for stopping by today! Your sweet comments are such an encouragement to me.