Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Six More Weeks of...Hodgepodge?

So ol' Phil saw his shadow and you know what that means...
...six more weeks of winter.
But many of you already knew that you'd have six more weeks of winter anyway,
depending on where you're at on the map.
Of course, here in NC, it could go either's a coin flip to say the least!
The calendar says it's still winter until March 21st or around there,
so we might as well just let it happen.
So settle in by the fire or wherever (it's warm and rainy here today)...
...and let's get ready for another edition of Joyce's Hodgepodge.

She asks the questions and we answer them on our blogs... why not come on over and join the fun?
Gee, I sure hope we're in for more than six more weeks of the Hodgepodge!

1. February can be a little bit tricky given the weather and the winter and the whatnot. I read a list (here) of things you can do to make your February brighter which included-start planning your next trip, take more baths, make your own chocolate covered strawberries, and exercise in preparation for swimsuit season. Anything on the list you might try? Which suggestion on the list appeals to you most? Tell us something not on the list that helps make your February brighter.

This is an easy one. We are planning a trip to TN in a little over a week. Even though it is a trip we make pretty often, it's still a trip and there are always things to do to prepare for it. We will be able to watch Parker wrestle in a tournament, get a first time live look at our RV and hopefully meet with our builder to discuss plans for the creek bridge, which is the next step before anything else can happen. Although I haven't actually planned this, part of your question reminded me that I have chocolate dipping sauce AND strawberries in my fridge as we speak. Hmmm...I am thinking I see some chocolate dipped strawberries in my very near future.

UPDATE: Actually, they are in my past now...and in my tummy. Thanks for the reminder Joyce! And this may seem a little strange to some but I always look forward to February since it is the month when we normally have the most snow....yeah, you heard me right. If you'd like, you can click on the link to reminisce with me about My Snowy Valentine from a few years ago. Oh...and just so you know, I could try until either the cows come home or Jesus comes back and my body would never be swimsuit ready.

2. Tell us about something you've seen or done recently that you'd say was 'super'?

The fact that I have finally been able to lose the five pounds I gained over the holidays. Hey, slow progress is better than no progress, right? Still doesn't do much for swimsuit issue though.

3. Best thing you ate in a 'bowl' last week?

It would have to be the yummy salad that I made for myself one day for lunch last week...crispy romaine, sliced chicken breast, strawberries, feta cheese, a few crunchy pecans with balsamic vinaigrette dressing. I wish I would have taken a photo...I must be slipping...the colors were so pretty.

4. Something you're 'cheering' for right now?

Maybe the fact that I was able to put a small dent in my office/craft #1...over the weekend. Just getting started was a major reason to cheer....HIP, HIP, HOORAY! I just had to get a picture of the first box I packed...

...but as you can see below, believe me when I said it was a small dent.😉

5. The Winter Olympics begin Friday, February 9th in Pyeong Chang, South Korea. On a scale of 1-10 (with 10 being all in and 1 being no interest whatsoever) how interested are you in the games? Which event do you most want to see (you'll find a list here).

I will probably watch some of the events but I will not be glued to the interest level may fall somewhere around a 3 or 4. And whether I watch or not will also depend on Jim being at home...when he's there, it's quite likely going to be on so I will no doubt be watching more than I normally would. I could possibly even tune in on my own to watch some figure skating or ice dancing. 

6. Insert your own random thought here.

As I was ready to walk out of the house for work yesterday morning, keys in hand, I turned to leave and caught the golden morning sunlight peaking through the blinds, creating this bright spot on the dining room table. I put down my keys and whipped out my phone to try to capture the moment. 

Of course this picture doesn't do it one bit of justice (it looked way better on my phone). I love it when God shows off like that. 😊

Happy Hump Day!


  1. I’m not sure I knew you were getting an RV. Do you have a big trip planned? Good luck with the packing up. Baby steps are still steps!

  2. Debby,

    Living in the neighboring state of Tennessee then our weather is quite similar to y'alls. We're in that rollercoaster pattern of mild to cold temps. I'll take the mild over the cold any day! Have fun visiting TN! I love the sunlight coming through your window casting its cheery face on your flowers and flooding the room with happiness. Have a good week!

  3. Congrats on the loss of those 5 pounds. I think I found them. Enjoy your week.

  4. Your photo now has me wishing I had some chocolate covered strawberries! Congrats on the 5 pounds. Your comment on your body never being swimsuit-ready, cracked me up. My office/library/craft room looks very similar to your picture. I'm hoping to make a dent in it today since I'm off due to a snow day. Hope you have a good week!

  5. Even without a photo, your salad sounds delicious!

  6. The salad sounds delicious, the chocolate covered strawberries look fabulous, and I love the light in that picture with the flowers. Just beautiful!

    Oh, and good for you getting started with the packing up! It's a step! I can really relate because I also have a huge task in front of me. I don't have the Etsy shop open yet, but I have started and have begun listing items. Hopefully in a few days it will be up and running; meanwhile, I'll keep listing things. Very small steps, but steps that must be taken and I have to start somewhere, as do you. Now you have! Yay!

  7. Have a safe, fun trip when you head out. You can have ALL my snow- I would be glad to pack it up and ship it to you. I like snow for Christmas day and then wish it would disappear for a year. No such luck in Wisconsin.

    Congrats on the is a whole lot easier to gain than lose! xo Diana

  8. The last picture made me smile. It is beautiful and it is also what I would be doing.I am so thankful for those ever ready phones to capture the moment.

  9. I just love how the light shined on those beautiful flowers. God was showing off a little wasn't He? I know what you mean about making a small dent! Mercy I felt that way trying to clean out my She-Shed so I can only imagine what you are feeling my friend! On to joining you today.

    1. February can be a little bit tricky given the weather and the winter and the whatnot. I read a list (here) of things you can do to make your February brighter which included-start planning your next trip, take more baths, make your own chocolate covered strawberries, and exercise in preparation for swimsuit season. Anything on the list you might try? Which suggestion on the list appeals to you most? Tell us something not on the list that helps make your February brighter.

    Well I can tell you what's not on my Feb. list! Exercising to get in a bathing suit! LOL! My little Nana bathing suit I HOPE fits from last year. If not, I'll just a new one. HA! I love baths and every now and then I indulge in a long bubble bath. I haven't done that in a while. Might be just what the doctor has ordered for Feb. But DANG those strawberries look good!

    2. Tell us about something you've seen or done recently that you'd say was 'super'?
    Well, I actually made headway in She-Shed and I am here to tell you I felt SUPER cause I can now walk in the shed!

    3. Best thing you ate in a 'bowl' last week?
    Shrimp and cheese grits! Oh yeah!

    4. Something you're 'cheering' for right now?
    Right now I am doing lots of cheering on Saturday mornings while watching my grandson play basketball. He is so much fun to watch.

    5. The Winter Olympics begin Friday, February 9th in Pyeong Chang, South Korea. On a scale of 1-10 (with 10 being all in and 1 being no interest whatsoever) how interested are you in the games? Which event do you most want to see (you'll find a list here).
    I am probably a 3. And like you my interest would be ice skating. I am becoming just like my precious Motherinlove who went to be with the Lord some years ago. She made good intentions on doing certain things but if something came up better she done that! LOL! THAT IS ME!

    6. Insert your own random thought here.
    Kick off tonight for our new class on the Armor of God by Priscilla Shirer. I am praying for God to show Himself in a mighty way.

    Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  10. I will never be swimsuit ready either, I still haven't lost the weight I put on over the holidays but I will carry on trying. Well done for making a start, there is certainly a lot to sort through.

  11. Yeah, I'm never glued to the TV for sports event either, but will enjoy the skiing, luge, and bobsled if there's not a good British mystery to watch. I should be packing, just to downsize. Why is it I have no motivation for downsizing in the wintertime. I guess we do tend to hibernate up here. Have a great rest of your week. Love that strawberry photo! (as well as the others!)

  12. Oh my those strawberries look delicious.
    I'd be happy with only 6 more weeks of winter. : )

  13. Drooling over your chocolate covered strawberries . . .

    And hearing your words about swimsuit season coming out of my own mouth. I haven't been ready for swimsuit season in many, many years.

    Moving on . . .
    Indeed that is a lovely scene of the morning sun shining on your pretty flowers!

  14. I live in California so it's not ever very cold. This last week we had temps in the 70s. But I long for Spring. I enjoyed reading your thoughts here.

  15. LOL here we say if he sees his shadow and that means it's six more weeks of winter, that's a GOOD thing since it seems like winter lasts until May around here haha! Have fun on your trip - hopefully good weather for you! Congrats on the loss - slow and steady is good!

  16. Such exciting times in the beginning stages of your new home, Debby!! I'll bet it's hard for you to know it's about to come true.
    I love chocolate covered strawberries!! Also, your salad is almost identical to one that I eat everyday (except I use chopped cabbage nowadays because cabbage stays fresh for so long!).
    Enjoy your time away to Tennessse and safe travels.

  17. I knew you were going to be moving to TN, but I didn't know you were going to be living in a motor home. I must have missed that that true? Sounds like you will be having some adventures!

    I had to laugh about the "swim-suit body." I actually had a swimwear body at one time, MANY years ago, but definitely not anymore!

    Continued good luck on the packing and purging!


  18. Hello Debby,

    Just dropping by to say I really enjoyed your hodgepodge. I, too, am a transplanted Southern Belle. I lived in Alabama until about 6 months ago when I picked up and moved to Colorado.

    I feel your pain about the phone camera not being able to capture beautiful moments. I've seen some spectacular sunrises here in CO, but my phone just doesn't capture the colors. Hopefully, I can splurge on a good digital camera at the end of the year.

    Have a great rest of the week.

  19. Hope it's warmer in TN for your time there than it's been here. It looks like spring out so it's a shock to go out and realize how chilly it is. I enjoyed your last cheery, sunny photo.

  20. Oh girl! Five pounds down and a box packed, fabulous! Then you get to see your future temporary digs! Fun times. Enjoy your time in Tennessee! Beautiful sunlight photo!

  21. Oh, I know what you mean...I always feel so sad and forlorn when winter leaves! I LOVE the snow and almost everything to do with winter. :) And, congrats on getting started on your craft room! I love fly lady's method of setting a timer and only doing what you can in a certain period of time, so as to not become overwhelmed. God bless you, sweet friend.

  22. Chocolate covered strawberries!! Oh my...nothing else should matter now! Ha!
    Yay for 5 pounds down! You go girl!
    That salad sounds yummy and I bet it was pretty...

    Enjoy your trip!!

    Hugs, Amy

  23. I always just love your hodgepodge Debby, you make me laugh, especially with your swimsuit comment, ha, I can certainly agree with you on that, lol! Some things are just better covered up... especially strawberries covered in chocolate, lol! I hope you are having a wonderful February, and that the packing goes along as planned. Never an easy task! We don't have a TV, so we won't be watching the Olympics, although I enjoy hearing about them. We like the quiet simple life here :) Have a lovely restful Sunday evening!


Thank you for stopping by today! Your sweet comments are such an encouragement to me.