Wednesday, April 11, 2018

A Fine Feathered Hodgepodge

Hello and Happy Wednesday!

You know, sometimes every now and then, when we least expect it,
something is put in our path that changes the way we look at an ordinary day.
Some of you make think this is a little hokey but it really did make my day.
Last Friday morning I went out and about to look for some signs of spring,
 my cameras in tow, as usual.
I decided to head for our local Lake Michael, a place I have shared with you before.
I had missed the sunrise by just a few minutes and as I started walking towards the lake,
I noticed what I thought was a lone goose swimming close to the bank.

As I got closer I saw that he was not alone at all but instead, hovering near his mate.
I couldn't quite make out her form at first...
...her feathers were all fluffed up and her head tucked in under her wing.
Then I saw it...she was sitting on her nest right out in the open!
No tall grasses to cover or camouflage...nothing.

I got within maybe 10-15 feet and they just watched me as I began snapping away.
As I started to sit down on the bank to get down to their level,
Mamma Goose stood up, gave me a little hiss or two and flapped her wings.

I reassured her (yes, I spoke to her gently) that I would not hurt her and she calmed down...
 ...but while she was still standing, I got a peek at these...

...six of them from what I could see.

I just sat there for a while taking it all in.

Isn't she beautiful?
Papa Goose did not leave her side, not even for a moment.

It reminded me just how blessed and grateful I am to have a Heavenly Father
who guards and protects me every moment without fail.
I love it when that happens.
So, are you ready for the Hodgepodge?
Joyce asks the questions on her blog and we answer them on ours.
Welcome back, Joyce...we missed you!

Come on over and join the fun!
1. April is National Jazz Appreciation Month. Are you a fan? If so what's a favorite you'd recommend to someone new to jazz listening?

I never have been much of a fan of jazz although a little Kenny G as soft background music wouldn't bother me so much. (Is he even considered jazz?) I would not be the one to recommend jazz to anyone, simply because I am not familiar with the artists.

2. Mandolin, ukulele, harp, accordion or banjo...which would you be most interested in learning to play? Or do you already play one of the instruments listed?

I grew up in a family that was quite familiar with many kinds of stringed instruments. As long as I can remember, my three brothers played the guitar and mandolin mostly and messed around a bit with ukulele, fiddle (not violin) and banjo at one point. We girls all played around with them and learned some basic chords but never became accomplished like the brothers did. At one point, two of my sisters and I and a family friend would get together and play and sing a sis on guitar, the other on the mandolin, the friend on tambourine and me on the electric bass guitar. We called ourselves 3+1 (3 sisters plus 1 friend). Man, you shoulda heard us.......well, maybe not. LOL!

3. Do you judge a book by it's cover? Elaborate. You may answer in either/both the literal or figurative sense of the word.

I would be a liar if I said I have never judged a book by it's cover, figuratively speaking. Haven't we all been guilty of this at one point in our lives, or is it just me? I give thanks to the Holy Spirit for convicting me when I have done so but mostly teaching me about grace through some experiences of my own and in my family..."There but for the grace of God, go I". Do I always succeed? No, but thankfully He's still working on me.

4. According to a recent study the ten most nutritious foods are-almonds, cherimoya (supposed to taste like a cross between a pineapple/banana), ocean perch, flatfish (such as flounder and halibut), chia seeds, pumpkin seeds, swiss chard, pork fat (shocking! but I don't think they mean bacon), beet greens, and red snapper. Are any of these foods a regular part of your diet? Any you've never ever tasted? Which would you be most inclined to add to your diet?

Out of the list, I have never eaten (nor have I ever heard of it) cherimoya. I'm pretty sure my mom used to cook beet greens but I don't remember eating any. All of the fish varieties, except for ocean perch I eat but not on a weekly basis. Pumpkin seeds, chia seeds, and bacon (or pork fat) would be something you might find me eating most often. I really do like most greens but I don't cook them just for me...Jim would NOT eat them!😣

5. Besides a major holiday what is the most recent thing you've celebrated with your people? Tell us how.

Since we're not counting holidays, I would have to go back to September of last year when my family celebrated my brother's home going. Death isn't necessarily such a sad thing when you are certain they are with Jesus in heaven after being so sick for so long. The family celebrated after the service by going back to his home where everyone had gathered to eat, enjoy a family song fest and just love on one another.

6. Insert your own random thought here.

And the corners of my mouth will most definitely be turning upward, more than usual today since we are finally (maybe I should say hopefully) getting to make our trip to Tennessee tonight. I'm so excited! 
Enjoy the rest of your week, friends!


  1. My grandmother taught me to always smile. Not just to myself, but to others along my way. She said: "Smile at everyone, my dear. You never know when your smile might be the only one they see in a day!

  2. Nice to see the ducks taking care of their eggs. Smile is the only thing for all to make people feel relaxed:)

  3. Debby,

    Fabulous photo-op! Wouldn't that be grand to see first hand?! I certainly understand about death. My 95-year-old FIL went home to be with the Lord and reunited with the love of his life for 67 years last month. It's a bittersweet time but as you pointed out, death doesn't have to be a sad time but a time of rejoicing for those who open their eyes in Glory. I enjoyed reading your Hodgepodge responses and while I'm participating in the A2Z Challenge this month, I did include my usual WW linkup and hodgepodge answers. I hope you'll stop by for a visit when you get a chance. Happy Wednesday!

    ~Curious as a Cathy
    A2Z iPad Art Sketches 'Jars & Jelly'

  4. Such an awesome experience to witness the ducks guarding their nest. Gorgeous photos that you were kind enough to share the moment with us! How interesting that your brothers, sisters, you and friend are/were so musical. Would love to have heard you guys!

  5. Love the last thought, Debby. Gorgeous pics of the ducks. You need to frame them!! Have a great time in Tenn.

  6. What an awesome experience in seeing the geese and even gently talking to the Mama goose!
    I also loved reading again about your brother in going home, Debby, last September, and the reminder that death isn't always a sad time, but joy in being together.
    The last image and words are SO TRUE! May you have a happy week! xx

  7. Have a wonderful trip! Hope the weather is nice and you enjoy it. The geese....oh my! How extraordinary! To get to see the nest and eggs is just amazing! We have a pair nesting across a little pond but no way to get to them. I'm so glad you shared your photos! Hugs!

  8. I enjoyed reading all your answers and the beautiful thoughts in them. But I absolutely LOVE the photos of the geese. How blessed to be able to see that and capture with your camera. Just amazing.
    It truly is a celebration when we know our loved one is with Jesus. But I know you miss your brother.

  9. The goose shots are beautiful. You captured a special quality in these.I may have to use that last quote in the future. I think that is really good.

  10. What a precious reminder my friend of how our heavenly Father never leaves our side. NOPE, not for one minute. Just love the pictures. Made me surely smile this afternoon. Oh let me see if I can answer any of these questions today.

    1. April is National Jazz Appreciation Month. Are you a fan? If so what's a favorite you'd recommend to someone new to jazz listening?
    I am not a jazz fan either. And I am like you...thinking Kenny G might be???? I do have one of his CD's.

    2. Mandolin, ukulele, harp, accordion or banjo...which would you be most interested in learning to play? Or do you already play one of the instruments listed?
    I do good to play the radio and that's not often! I wanted to play piano. Actually took a few lessons but quit at an early age. Praise the Lord my oldest grandgirl can play piano and guitar and sings. If I had to choose one that you listed it would be banjo. My sweet fatherinlove loves banjo and I would learn for him.

    3. Do you judge a book by it's cover? Elaborate. You may answer in either/both the literal or figurative sense of the word.
    Well Yes I have and in both senses. Literally speaking, I remember once being given this book with the words from a friend that said, "Look at this, see what you think and do you think we could make this happen at church with some ladies". Well, to be honest my first thoughts, based on the looks of the outside cover of the book was NO! This won't work. Dang the cover is even ugly! Well, I began reading through the book and needless to say I was hooked! For three years, 13 groups of women-4 to group, met one night a week for one hour (this did not include regular Bible Study class time) and we PRAYED for our children! We were part of a group called Moms In Touch and I can tell that if was the best thing I ever became a part of. It was at a time that I was raising teenagers! Need I say more? The 4 of us in my group has continued to stay in touch and have had a reunion on occasion. 2 of the ladies still attend my church. We knew more about each other's children than anyone. The cool thing is that even today, I can see how long ago God blessed that union, and He has answered our prayers more than I can talk about. If we aren't praying for our children, then who is? That was the "GRAB my heart" part of the whole thing. But, had I based it on the cover of that old ugly book I would have never lead our ladies in that area.

    4. According to a recent study the ten most nutritious foods are-almonds, cherimoya (supposed to taste like a cross between a pineapple/banana), ocean perch, flatfish (such as flounder and halibut), chia seeds, pumpkin seeds, swiss chard, pork fat (shocking! but I don't think they mean bacon), beet greens, and red snapper. Are any of these foods a regular part of your diet? Any you've never ever tasted? Which would you be most inclined to add to your diet?
    Never had cherimoya either. What I have most often is Almonds and pork fat! LOL! Girl give me a pot of greens with a big old hamhock and I am good to go. Hee-hee. I love fish and my favorite way is grilled. I do not eat as much fish as I need too I am sure. But speaking of fish I plan to blacken some about Friday night! I blacken some Tilapia here while back and it was oh so good.

    5. Besides a major holiday what is the most recent thing you've celebrated with your people? Tell us how.
    Well if we are talking about my side of family it would be having lunch with my mom at the nursing home a few weeks ago which included my only brother. He doesn't come often so we made a luncheon out of him coming to visit.

    6. I hope you have a great trip my friend. Enjoy. Stay safe.

    Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  11. Great goose pictures. I also admire the flower pictures especially the close ups. I love doing that myself, the insides of flowers just show how much of a miracle they really are.

  12. What a wonderful time spent with the geese. It would have made my day too. : )

  13. Have a wonderful trip...perhaps you are already there. The geese did not choose too wisely it seems. I hope that they’ll be okay. I have never seen a mama goose giving a tongue lashing. ☺️

  14. Debby!! I am so glad that you're finally getting to make this long-awaited trip!

    Perhaps you'll even pick up some cherimoya while you're away? I have never heard of this either. I have seen rambutan in my local Walmart but have not had the nerve to try it! Wonder if cherimoya is more visually appealing? I'll google it as soon as I finish this comment.

    We have a large population of Canada geese in our area and I have seen them nest in some really odd places! They are generally contrary creatures, but you have to admire their parenting skills as well as their loyalty to one another.

  15. You certainly went out looking for signs of spring and God richly blessed your efforts!
    How awesome is that!! Maybe they will allow you to see their babies when the time comes?
    This winter we had 43, yes,43 wild turkeys on our property that I fed hen scratch to and oh what a delightful time I had. Over the years we get anywhere from 18 to 20 some, but this year was crazy. Sadly though,I never get see the young babies, only when they are in their teen years. Ha! I know where they nest, but I do not bother them.
    We have some geese and mallard ducks that come to our pond every year, but they have not arrived as of yet.
    Thank you for sharing your terrific spring find with us, just beautiful.
    As always,a great Hodgepodge. :-)

    Have a wonderful time in Tennessee~

  16. You certainly did find beautiful signs of Spring.. Your pictures are fabulous... I enjoyed your hodgepodge answers...I will have to check out those cherimoya ... Are they cherries? Please do have a wonderful trip...Hugs

  17. That was a very special moment. It's not often you get to see the eggs in a nest like that. Very enjoyable post.

  18. Oh Debby ... What beautiful pictures and message ... thanks for sharing. It made my day. I don't have time to blog right now, but still make time to visit my favorite blogs.

  19. So lovely to see your photographs of the geese and babies.

    "and the corners of my mouth will most definitely be turning upward, more than usual today since we are finally (maybe I should say hopefully) getting to make our trip to Tennessee tonight. I'm so excited!"

    Enjoy your trip.

    All the best Jan

    1. How was your trip to my home state Jan? Where were you headed?

  20. I love to photograph ducks and swans, they don't appear to be camera shy! I have lots of pics of them. Great shots....Loved reading the answers to your questions.

  21. I'm glad you're able to be in TN and hope the weather is "pretty" for you. I enjoyed all your answers and that's a great quote at the end!

  22. Seeing the goose eggs was a special gift. Have a great trip to Tennessee!

  23. Oh, I LOVE those photos of the geese! What a beautiful peek into their world! Thank you so much for sharing, sweet friend. I am praying for you every day and sending love and hugs your way!

  24. Loved reading your answers today and especially seeing the photos of the geese. Canada geese are a real problem at some of our local lakes ... they leave horrible droppings all over the lake shore and are just a nuisance. One town is using coyote decoys and moving them about daily to keep the geese off the shore. That said, your photos are truly precious and I so enjoyed seeing them. It was a real blessing from the Lord that you could observe and photograph those moments.

    Enjoyed your random ... hope you are having a wonderful time in TN!

  25. I'm always a big fan of your photography skills, Debby, and you really did a fine job on the geese...just so precious to see such loving behavior in the animal world.

    I smile most of the time and enjoy seeing the reaction of strangers when I smile at them. I think smiling at someone instantly changes how they feel about may only be for a few seconds or it might carry them throughout the rest of their day. I think smiling is one of the easiest, but truly beneficial, ways to pay it forward.

    Hope you have a delightful day and week ahead, Debby!


Thank you for stopping by today! Your sweet comments are such an encouragement to me.