Wednesday, April 18, 2018

A Haywood Hollow Hodgepodge

We had a beautiful weekend visiting our Tennessee Bunch.
Spring was in full swing and it occurred to me that it was the first time 
we had actually experienced this season at Haywood Hollow.
There are many huge dogwoods and they were in all of their glory...

...just about everywhere you looked.

And we got our first live and in person look at what will be our new temporary digs!

It's really quite roomy...well, except for the bedroom...
...not quite sure how that is going to work out.
All I know is I have claimed the bunkhouse room as my space.
A throw rug here and there, a quilt or two, a few colorful pillows tossed around,
maybe a table runner...and the place will feel just like home.
Like I said, the weather was just perfect... 

...perfect for a picnic lunch down at the creek near where our home will be.
Whose white legs are those, anyway?
I'll never tell.

These pretty little purple flowers were growing profusely all along the creek bank.

Time seems to get away from us when we're there and it's hard to remember what day it is.
Saturday came and so did the rain but we were inside at Parker's wrestling tournament
most of the day so it really didn't matter much. 
Rain or shine, it's always so beautiful there and I am looking forward to the day... know.
So now, on the Hodgepodge...

Joyce asks the questions on her blog and we answer them on ours.
Here we go... 

1. Three things on your spring bucket list? If you don't have an actual list that's fine, pretend you do.

I'm just dying to shop for outside plants/flowers and get them's on the top of my list. In spite of this crazy spring weather, I hope to get it done this coming weekend or next. I've got a couple of closets that need thinning out so I'll add that to as well. Also on my list would be to visit the Billy Graham Library in Charlotte (which is only two hours away) and finally, get to the beach before the summer rush and rate increases.

2. Where do you find rest? What restores your soul? When was the last time you did whatever it was you answered here?

Rest, whether it be in the form of a noun or a verb is simply what we need to get through life. If I have been doing something strenuous or just running around like a chicken with it's head cut off, the best place for me to find rest is right in the comfort of my own home...either sitting down in my favorite chair or maybe on the front porch glider (weather permitting). When the things of life are weighing me down (and even when they're not) I find rest for my sometimes weary soul by getting somewhere quiet, preferably out among God's creation. Sometimes it's in the form of prayer, sometimes I worship through my photography and other times I might just need to literally cry out to Him. When was the last time? Just this past weekend in Tennessee. Between gazing off over the mountain while sitting on the back porch swing and getting lost in the glorious dogwoods, I was in my element!

3. April is National Celery Month. Who knew? Do you like celery? What's your favorite dish made with celery? On a veggie and dip platter which would you reach for first-carrot sticks, celery sticks, cucumbers or cherry tomatoes?

I didn't know there was a month set aside to celebrate celery but I'm not surprised. I do like celery (especially when it's spread with peanut butter or pimento cheese) but I wish I liked it more than I do. That way I would reach for it instead of something a cookie. 😏 Many things that I make just wouldn't be the same without my Thanksgiving dressing or chicken noodle soup. It would be a toss-up between the carrots and celery that I would reach for first but I also enjoy the cucumbers and tomatoes.

4. I read here eight things to do before 8 am to make your day less hectic-Start one load of laundry, drink water, empty the dishwasher, read your Bible, know what you're having for dinner, get dressed, brain dump (two lists-one what you're thankful for and one what's weighing on your mind), and after the brain dump make your to-list for the day...How many of these are you currently doing? Which one do you think would help the most if you added it to your early morning routine?

Since I get up at 5 AM every day, even when I don't need to (I just can't help it), I should make the time to do many of these things. Do I? No, not all of them by any means. On days when I work, it isn't even practical to try to accomplish that...although I do get my devotions in and get dressed. I am not a regular list-maker unless I have a bunch of tasks to do in a time crunch so mostly I only make a list if I'm heading out to the grocery store. I do the brain dump thing occasionally and not as often as I should. From the list, I would say that adding the brain dump lists to the Bible reading would be the most beneficial for me.

5. Describe the view from your window.

At this moment, I have no view from my window because it's dark outside. The only thing I see is the neighbor's motion activated security light come on every now and then. But if it was daytime, I would be see trees that are FINALLY getting green leaves on them and that's exciting. No doubt I would also see many birds and squirrels fighting over the feeders.

6. Insert your own random thought here.

I just heard the sad news that Barbara Bush has passed away. I have always admired and respected her as our First Lady. She was definitely a class act. Prayers for the Bush family.


  1. Debby, Your temp home is lovely! I enjoyed your trip photos. The dogwoods are just beautiful. I've been cleaning out closets/kitchen cabinets too. We purchased 6 lantana plants yesterday - hopefully the weather will cooperate!
    Wishing you a nice day.

  2. Oh that location... Perfection! It could be great fun to live in the temporary home. It will surely have its charms.

  3. Love your temporary digs. Quite roomy. Safe travels.

  4. I enjoyed your post today. Really beautiful photos! Glad you had such nice weather.

  5. Your temporary home is really nice! I'd claim the bunk room too! The beauty of where you will live is life giving, isn't it?

    I also admired Barbara Bush. Sad for their family.

  6. The dogwoods are in full bloom here right now too and I love them. We have several wild ones on our property and I love that something so beautiful just grows. How long do you anticipate being in the temporary digs? Will you take it on the road or just park it while you build? I'm ready for some color in the pots and around the house too, but it's supposed to get down into the 30's tomorrow night so I guess we'll wait a bit longer before planting outdoors.

  7. Oh Debby, your temporary home is going to be wonderful, and will create many a memory for you and your hubby. Your outdoor pics are so pretty, and the dogwoods are stunning.
    Yes, so sad about Barbara Bush...what a woman!

  8. I could easily live in your temporary home. Looks nice and roomy enough while the farmhouse is going up. And nice location! Hope you are feeling well!

  9. Your temporary home looks cozy and fun! I like the list for before 8. I find when I do those things (not all but at least some) the day goes so much easier. Glad you had a good weekend, the dogwood are gorgeous!

  10. So nice to see you out and enjoying Spring. It's feeling nicer here today and the snow is slowly disappearing, so our turn is coming!

    Have a good week,

  11. Happy Happy Camper .. It looks so spacious and roomy inside...Y You are going to have so much fun exploring ...The pictures are beautiful ... as is your lovely painting of the flowers... So happy that your weather is cooperating ... SUNSHINE ( Yeah)... Have a exciting time in your temporary home..It will be a grand adventure.... Thanks for sharing... Hugs

  12. You certainly worshipped with those beautiful photos today! I so enjoyed your answers and see we have much in common. Not sure why I haven't followed you in the past, but, as of today, I am.

  13. Oh I am love with your new beauty! Dang girl, that's big too. Well, it won't seem big though will it compared to your home. But at least you will have some comfort. Home is where we are together....that's the words I heard myself saying to my man many years ago when we lost our home to a fire. I didn't care where that was as along as we were together. That was just on my mind! LOL! Okay lets see what answers I might have today.
    Three things on your spring bucket list? If you don't have an actual list that's fine, pretend you do.
    1: Finishing my kitchen makeover
    2: Planting my little veggie, herb and flowers
    3: Cleaning up mt front porch! SO NEEDED.

    2. Where do you find rest? What restores your soul? When was the last time you did whatever it was you answered here?
    That's kinda hard for me because I find this in different ways. Mornings, I sit in my favorite chair with coffee and pray, try to listen to His still small voice, read a devotional and charge my day which charges me. When I work, I always go to lunch at a City Park. That is where I do my bible study. I journal sometimes. Other times I simply just try and rest my mind. My mind tends to get way ahead of me at times and believe me, needs to rest! But I must say my favorite time is when I get to go to the beach and do NOTHING! Just simply listen to the ocean, listen to God, talk to good and be still. That's hard for me to still. So I find myself not being distracted when at the beach.

    3. April is National Celery Month. Who knew? Do you like celery? What's your favorite dish made with celery? On a veggie and dip platter which would you reach for first-carrot sticks, celery sticks, cucumbers or cherry tomatoes?
    I do like celery and especially dipped in ranch dressing. Celery sticks is my first go on a veggie tray but I always want the dip! LOL! I also like to cook with celery.

    4. I read here eight things to do before 8 am to make your day less hectic-Start one load of laundry, drink water, empty the dishwasher, read your Bible, know what you're having for dinner, get dressed, brain dump (two lists-one what you're thankful for and one what's weighing on your mind), and after the brain dump make your to-list for the day...How many of these are you currently doing? Which one do you think would help the most if you added it to your early morning routine?
    Well I drink water every time I wake up during night as I keep a bottle on my dresser. Got this habit from my granny. Might be why I wake up off and on through the night. LOL! Sometimes I empty dishwasher. And I am a list maker and always make a note about something! Most often I start a load a clothes. I always have some quiet time with my coffee and Jesus. A could of mornings a week if time allows a child hood friend calls me and we chat for about 15 minutes. That is my normal start off my day.

    5. Describe the view from your window.
    The over growth of green shrubbery that needs cutting back.

    6. Insert your own random thought here.
    Wishing I was at the beach today. Missing my motherinlove. So many times recently I have found myself just wanting to ask her advice and share my children and grandchildren's life with her.

    Hugs and blessings dear friend.

  14. Haywood Hollow looks like a refreshing, relaxing and inspiring place.I know you will love it, once you get to be there.Your new,temporary home will be just fine as well.It will be like playing house.

  15. Hubby and I had at one thought we would retire and buy a motor home and just travel and park it close to our children and grandchildren. That did not happen, but when I hear of someone actually doing it, I feel a little envious. Your new home is lovely and I know you will make it as comfortable a place for you as possible. I always enjoy your photography. You could give me lessons.

  16. The temporary home looks great to me! I would also claim that bunkroom. I need my space, too!

  17. Sweet Debby, your temporary home is simply lovely!

    Thank you for a wonderful post, my friend. I always enjoy visiting you. Hugs!

  18. A joy to visit. What a stunning area, such beauty. Your temporary home looks very homely.

  19. oh what an amazing post,, your photos are a joy to see, that trailer is amazing!! I love reading posts like this because we get to know so much more about our friends,

  20. Love the dogwood blossoms, so pretty.
    Your new temporary home looks wonderful. Very NICE.

  21. I so enjoyed reading and looking at your post.
    Your photographs are just lovely and you had a wonderful time.
    Those dogwood blossoms are so pretty and your temporary home looks good.

    My good wishes

    All the best Jan

  22. Your temporary home looks quite inviting! I have no doubt that you'll enjoy your time there!

    My first thought on #4: That's a lot of stuff to do before 8 am! (I am not a morning person.)

    I am glad to hear that your trip to Tennessee was so enjoyable . . . but then, I never doubted that it would be!

  23. Oh, Debby, your temporary home looks wonderful! It's a "Tiny House" on will be so "on trend!" It certainly is located in a beautiful setting. I miss Dogwood trees and a number of other trees and shrubs that were plentiful in Oregon (where we lived before AZ), but I definitely do not miss the rain and humidity that make them so beautiful! I'll just have to enjoy your always lovely photos.

    I'm guessing Parker is your grandson, right? Our one and only grandson is a "Parker," too! The rest of our grands are all girls!

    Just wondering if you have been back to check on Mother Goose and the Mister? She might do more than hiss and squawk if she has some little ones to watch over!

    I'm so glad you are finally getting some Spring weather...I hope it lasts! Have a lovely weekend, Debby!
    Warm hugs,

  24. Does this great temporary home belong to you??? Wowser!!! Love it! I could get used to that! I don’t know why it takes me so long to get over here. I love to read your writings and I miss you so!

  25. Oh, what a beautiful home! Dear friend, I am SO excited for you!!!! I think you will adjust very well, and I don't blame you for wanting that bunk room as your space...that is just perfect! You will have it looking like a dollhouse in no time. I am so thankful you were able to go and enjoy some time with your loved ones and see your new place. God has amazing things ahead for you, and it will be so wonderful to hear how the journey unfolds. Sending love and hugs to you today!


Thank you for stopping by today! Your sweet comments are such an encouragement to me.