Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Wednesday Medley: Pumpkins and Other Things

Didn't we just turn the calendar page over to October?
How is it possible that it's half way over already??
That's just crazy!
We weathered yet another hurricane last week as Michael ripped his way through the country.
I snapped this shot on my way home from work as he began to make his presence known.

I've never seen such winds as what we had and it's truly a miracle that more damage wasn't done.
We lost power for only two days...and I say only because we were some of the more fortunate ones.
There are still a few areas around that are have not had theirs restored.
After seeing all of the heartbreaking devastation in Florida,
how dare I complain about spending a couple of days in the dark?
So here we are again for some Wednesday Medley...

...where our friend, Terri from Florida asks us the questions on her blog
and yes, you guessed it...we answer them on ours!
Why don't you copy and paste the questions and join in the fun?!

1.  The Circleville, Ohio, Pumpkin Festival starts today.  All things pumpkin are everywhere. What is your one very favorite pumpkin flavored food or drink?  Do you wish it was available all year or do you only want it in the Fall?

I do love me some pumpkin stuff but only in the fall...I don't want it all year long or it wouldn't seem like a treat. I am always willing to try new things that come out pumpkin spice are just some of the ones that I've tried.

At first I thought I really liked the yogurt and then after a few bites I was pretty much done. The sausage was...let me just say...interesting, the cereal was really good, and the bagels and cream cheese were alright but nothing that I'd write home about. Among my favorites was this granola.

And Lord knows, I could have used some of this stuff...

The mosquitoes are still attacking! Evidently they haven't gotten the message yet that summer is over.

2.  What product would you seriously stockpile if you found out they weren't going to sell it anymore?

I've already done this very thing and now I cannot find anymore, anywhere. This made me very sad and I wish I had every dollar back in my pocket for what I spent trying to find a good replacement. I had used this hairspray for years and I'm pretty sure I have bought up every. single. available. bottle. from ebay and Amazon. Vanity is a killer!

3.  What is the most interesting thing you have seen online this week?

This may not be what you would actually call "interesting" but it sure did bless my heart.

4.  Is it better to be a "big fish in a small pond" or a "small fish in a big pond"?

Seeing how I do not care to have much attention drawn to me, I think I would prefer the small fish, big pond thing. I have no desire to be famous or well known...that goes for everyone except my family and loved ones.

5.  My Joe has become obsessed with playing chess on the computer.  Do you play chess?  Are you good at it?

I never learned to play chess, nor have I ever tried to learn. It seems so intense and stressful. Give me a care-free, laid back game of checkers any day.

6.  Tell us something random about your week.

Saturday morning found me doing something I hadn't done in years and years...

It wasn't what I'd call fun but I did get three loads done in the time it would take me to do one at home. There is an up-side to everything. And speaking of up-sides, it took a hurricane and a loss of electricity to prod me into doing something that I absolutely out the fridge.

I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason. ðŸ˜‰

Until next time, my friends... 


  1. I am so glad that you did not have any more damage than you did friend. We were blessed as well. Our local businesses and several churches has gathering up donations and working in Panama City and surrounding areas. I use that brand hairspray too! I buy it in the can. Please tell me they are still making it!!!! Every now and then I switch out brands just to try something different. Speaking of mosquitoes, we have those little black pesky ones! I do believe that mosquitoes and yellow flies was birthed from hell! Hope you have a great rest of the week my friend. Hug and blessings, Cindy

  2. My goodness the youtube video was a real delight, it certainly blessed my heart too beautiful.

  3. Thank you for sharing the video on your blog. What a voice and such a powerful message, not to mention the acoustics. You do like your pumpkin, don't you. It's not my favorite so I don't experiment with anything that flavor. So glad you did not have more serious damage. So much loss from that storm. Enjoy your week.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I enjoyed visiting with you today, loved all your answers and pictures. I just finished a tub of Philadelphia Pumpkin Spice Cream Cheese, oh my goodness, it was awesome. I think I could eat it like pudding. Gotta have more, it's on my grocery list.

  6. Oh, cleaning out the fridge is such drudgery! Thank you so much for joining in on the Medley today! I enjoyed your answers! Pumpkin Spice Off made me laugh!

  7. Debby... sounds like you're having technical difficulties like me. Anyway, I didn't know that Light & Fit makes a pumpkin yogurt. I am going on a search tomorrow. I hate when they discontinue things that I love. Enjoy your week!!

  8. Wow. She has a voice. The acoustics are quite amazing as well.

    Pumpkin everything... hmmm... I confess to thinking the pumpkin cream cheese could be amazing. Haven't seen it in our stores, though.

    I am sorry about the mosquitoes. They really need to go. I packed up my Dynatrap today. We've had a hard frost and that's what the directions said to do. It will be odd not to see that perpetual blue light special and hear the low whir of the fan.

    Your photos are spectacular as the pumpkin and flowers..magazine worthy.

  9. I do agree that everything happens for a reason.Sometimes its just hard to see the value of the testing.

  10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  11. I'm glad you came out of Michael with no damage. Having the power off is a good motivation for cleaning out the fridge. Pumpkin flavours don't really appeal to me. I'll eat a piece of pumpkin pie, but it's not my favourite. I do enjoy a pumpkin cake with cranberries that I make in the fall. Haven't made one yet, though, perhaps next week.

  12. What an amazing voice!! Thank you for sharing that with us, I too was blessed.
    I love pumpkin in the fall but not so much the rest of the year. I'm not like you though,I don't usually venture out and try new things. :)
    I agree with you, all things happen for a reason, don't they, and I'm always looking to see what it is that God has for me in everything, the bad and the good.
    We do not have television so we get our news on the internet, but while I was away with mom I watched the news and wow! Such devastation with that hurricane, it's more graphic on television.

    Have a blessed day friend~

  13. I'm glad you didn't get any bad damage! I hate that high wind and it sure was awful. We didn't have anything here but you don't have to drive far to see the devastation. It makes me very sad. Love your answers...that granola looks yummy! Hugs!

  14. Debby, glad you weathered the storm and got some benefits from it, too. I'll have to consider this Wednesday meme now that Hodgepodge is gone...

  15. I think that pumpkin granola would be good. I am glad you made it through the hurricane winds and came out all right. So scary. I had another friend who said the same thing about the laundromat just this week. I am now reminded I took a bowl out of the freezer that I need to go check on right now before I need some of that pumpkin spray in the kitchen. Haha!

  16. Debby, your photos as always are just fantastic. I laughed at your last comment about the refrigerator. That is SO ME! LOL Especially after we've had a grand get together, there's way too much in my refrigerator. I think that I don't like pumpkin spice anything, except for my soap of course, LOL and for homemade pumpkin pie, my Betty Crocker recipe with my mom's recipe for the crust. It is incredible and I only dare make it at Thanksgiving because I could eat a lot of it.
    Have a wonderful weekend.

  17. Oh, there's the pumpkin crunch cereal again. I've gotten two boxes since you told me about it. : ) What a pretty picture of the Mums and pumpkin. And the clouds are beautiful. This woman has a lovely voice on the small video you shared. All these pumpkin goodies made my heart sing.


    ps....I have another blog friend who does the Wednesday Medley posts. : )

  18. I hate when a hair product I use is discontinued. You're right about the hidden cost involved in finding a replacement!

    I'm afraid that I love the pumpkin bagels (but with plain cream cheese). Nothing like a breakfast full of carbs. (Yikes!)

    I am relieved that you fared so well during Hurricane Michael. Yes, when you look at devastation, inconvenience seems less important.

    Love your opening shot of all that autumn goodness!

  19. Such colorful squash and fabulous clouds. I can't imagine Pumpkin Spice Sausage, ew...

  20. Good evening, sweet friend. Your posts always bless my heart and I so enjoy visiting with you. The way you write makes me feel as though I'm chatting with a close friend.

    I laughed at the pumpkin mosquito repellent....too funny :) And oh, that song! It gave me chills.

    Have a wonderful weekend. Love and hugs!


Thank you for stopping by today! Your sweet comments are such an encouragement to me.