Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Testing, testing...

Comments are not coming to my email.

This is just a test.


  1. Replies
    1. Hello, Debbie! My comments not coming through again...UGH! Thanks for commenting! :)

    2. Frustrating! I'm still having an issue with my g-mail not allowing me to send messages from my phone. It's crazy!
      I hope you get it all worked out. :}

  2. I am here ... what a nuisance that your comments are not coming through again. Mine seem to be working okay so far.

  3. Hello lovely Debby....perhaps try doing what you did last time when fixing up the no email comments thingy. Go into your dashboard, delete your email name, save it and then go back into it and type in your email and save it.....perhaps that will work.

  4. If all else fails, you can use the "notify me" option right from comments. Course it requires your placing a comment when you post, which is a bit fussy and weird.

  5. Well, that is aggravating. Hope you've gotten it figured out.

  6. I have the same problem, so please let me know if you manage to figure out what is wrong. I will of course let you know if I do.

  7. Maybe I can help.

    In blogger admin go to settings...find 'email' click on it. When it opens add your email address in the motivation box. Save

    1. Not motivation (darned auto correct) instead of motivation it should be NOTIFICATION

  8. Did you check the settings on your blog? I had to adjust mine back months ago when Google and Blogspot made changes.


Thank you for stopping by today! Your sweet comments are such an encouragement to me.