Wednesday, October 24, 2018

A Medley on This Day

Well, fall is in full swing here in NC with just a hint of winter in the air.
We are finally starting to get some color in some places and it seems some are just drying up.
It's hard to believe that just a couple of weeks ago the air was so thick with humidity
that you could almost cut it with a knife.

Believe me when I say I'm not complaining one fact, this is my kind of weather!
The sound of the crisp, crackling leaves under foot delights my soul.
And while we're on the subject of crispy and crackly...

I was about to throw out these dried mums that had been in a bouquet of flowers.
After a while, they just started to dry up until there was no moisture left in them,
creating the most gorgeous color and texture to the petals and centers.

The blooms were small to begin with, less than 2 inches in diameter
and the photos were taken with my macro lens.

The older I get, I seem to appreciate wrinkles, more and more. 😉
And on a completely unrelated note, I thought I'd share our new "pet" with you.
Of course in order for an animal to be considered a pet,
that animal must let you pet least under ordinary circumstances.

This is least that's what I call her/him...isn't she/he pretty/handsome?
She/he is one of the strays that we have been feeding...
 especially since the day I saw her/him walking across the yard with a cardinal in her/his mouth.
Kiki is quite the tease, I might add but we are making progress.
One day, she/he might just let me get close enough to pet her/him.
I guess when and if that happens, she/he will officially be a pet!
So we're here for the Wednesday Medley... let get right to it.

Come join us as Terri, our friend from Florida, asks the questions on her blog
and we answer them on ours.
1.  On this day in 1908, Billy Murray hits the charts with his “Take Me Out to The Ball Game”.  Did you watch the MLB playoffs, and are you watching the World Series?
No and no.
2.  On this day in 1962, On this day in 1962, “The Manchurian Candidate”, directed by John Frankenheimer, starring Frank Sinatra and Laurence Harvey, was released.  What is your favorite Frank Sinatra song?
I can't say I was ever a huge fan of ol' Franks but if I had a favorite it would be "My Way".
3.  On this day in 1968, Mick Jagger and Marianne Faithful were busted for pot and released on £50 bail.  Has your state approved the sale of medical marijuana?  In a nutshell, what are your thoughts on the subject?
Currently, North Carolina has not legalized it's use but there are bills currently on the ballot that will allow a certain amount to be legal for personal use if passed...and we're not talking just for medical purposes. In a nutshell, my thoughts are "Jesus, take the wheel"...that's about as nutshell as I can make it.
4.  On this day in 1979, the Guinness Book of Records presented Paul McCartney with a rhodium disc as the all-time best-selling singer-songwriter. What is your favorite song by Paul McCartney?
I grew up listening to the Beatles and there were so many great songs so it's hard to pick a favorite...but "Let It Be" stands out as being at the top of the list.
5.  On this day in 2017, Albert Einstein’s “Theory of Happiness” written on a note as a tip for a bellboy in 1922, sold for $1.6 million.  His Theory of Happiness is: “A calm and modest life brings more happiness than the pursuit of success combined with constant restlessness.” Was Einstein right?
Oh, I absolutely believe he was right...but I think if he would have included the importance of having a relationship with God along with a calm and modest life, he would have hit the nail on the head.
6.  Tell us something random about your week so far…
I rescued this beautiful boy after he slammed into my kitchen window glass. Dazed and confused he was but after about 30-45 minutes, he was safe and sound among the leaves. 
Being able to help rescue this beautiful boy made my day!
Enjoy the rest of your week, my friends!


  1. The pictures are stunning. Loved them all. That red bird....So pretty. So glad you could rescue him. Well your wrinkled bouquet is beautiful my friend. I bet you are enjoying a little cooler weather and the feeling of fall. We had a couple of cool mornings and it was so nice. I actually wore my boots to church this past Sunday! Seemed so nice. Hoping you have a good rest of the week sweet friend. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  2. So sweet that you rescued that beautiful bird. Have you heard that many people think that a cardinal represents a loved one who has passed? Hope you have a great day, Debby.

  3. What a beautiful bird. So glad you rescued him. Love the black cat too.

  4. I always enjoy looking at your photos. I don't call them pics because they are so good. I like the cat and glad you rescued that beautiful cardinal. You are a life saver!! I'm not crazy about Frank either. I think I never liked him because of his character in Young at Heart. And probably his character period!! Those mums are pretty. Wish I had some leaves to crunch in.

  5. Such an enjoyable posting, Debby!
    I hope your little Kiki makes friendly with you, because I know he/she will have a good loving home.🐾
    What a beautiful cardinal who I'm sure is very thankful for his rescue.
    You always have such wonderful answers to these questions, and I love it when you add God to your answers.

    Have a terrific day ~

  6. I love your answers, Debby, and this is MY time of year,too. It just goes way tooooo fast!!! You did a good job rescuing that cardinal. They are beautiful, aren't they?

    I thought I was the only one that wasn't a big fan of Sinatra. If I had to pick one song it would be the same one you chose...My Way.

    Have a wonderful Wednesday- xo Diana

  7. That cardinal you saved is absolutely beautiful!!!!!!!! I, too, love the wrinkly leaves and will not throw out flowers until they are deader than a door nail! HA! Kiki is beautiful too...I love that you decided to feed him rather than get angry about the bird. I know some people that would then try to kill him or feed him poison since he killed a bird which is paying him back for doing what he does in nature??? Thank you for being a beautiful human!!

  8. So glad you were able to rescue the cardinal, Debby. They're such beautiful creatures. I see it as our God-given responsibility (and joy) to care for his creatures. Hope Kiki warms up soon and decided to trust you. It would be so much to his/her advantage. I see a spiritual metaphor here.

  9. Glad you were able to rescue the cardinal. Such beautiful birds.
    I like fall too but I like all the change of seasons.

  10. You have a couple of beautiful rescues there...hope they never meet. So glad that autumn fouund you and that you are loving it.

  11. I really enjoyed your post - cats and flowers - my two favourite things! Your pictures taken with your macro lens are great. Your little stray is so cute - he or she looks a character! We don't have red cardinals in Britain, but they're very exotic looking, with beautiful colouring. I'm glad you managed to rescue him.

  12. Oh Debby!!! How wonderful you were able to help that birdie! So sweet! Loved your answers! Happy Wednesday!

  13. The dried mums are beautiful! Great photography!! Thanks so much for joining in on today's Medley! I enjoyed reading your answers! I wonder if Einstein was a Christian or was he Jewish? I should look it up! Bless you for saving the Cardinal! My office window was big and birds would hit it often. Always sad.

  14. Awww . . . you are saving things right and left these days! I'm glad that you were able to save the handsome cardinal. And Kiki. Oh my. Yes, such a pretty/handsome gal/guy! I hope you are able to make Kiki a pet. Sometimes it takes a while, but once they trust you, they forget they were ever strays!

  15. Those dried up flowers are so pretty. There is a special beauty about them at that stage.

  16. Hello dear Debby! I enjoyed your Medley post and all the lovely photos. Hats off to you for rescuing that sweet bird. I do want to join in on this new Wednesday meme, soon. Enjoyed your answers. Happy week to you!

  17. What a joy that must have been to be so close to that gorgeous bird and to have a hand in keeping it safe. You were God's instrument in caring for one of His special creatures. What a blessing.

  18. Gorgeous fall photos and a sweet kitty. Doesn't get much better.

  19. Lovely photos,as always, Debby! You did a great job with answering those questions. I looked at them and just drew a blank. A different post came to mind for Wednesday so I went with that instead of the medley this week.

  20. Lovely words and photos, Debby. I'm glad things are cooling off and drying up for you. Autumn is such a beautiful time of year. You may have heard that cannabis was legalized in Canada this past week. What can one say? These are strange and interesting times. So glad our hope is in the Lord and not our governments.

  21. Hi Deb - what a wonderful post. I tell ya the flowers pic with yellow and purple together, how lovely.

    That black cat is gorgeous - your little Halloween buddy! Hope he/she learns to trust you and becomes a true pet. It will be cold this winter.

    That cardinal is so beautiful - glad he was okay - he's little compared to huge cardinals around here - must be different breeds or something- aren't they something?

    Thank you for your visit and sweet comment about my grand. ♥

    Blessings to you this week. Hugs. ♥


Thank you for stopping by today! Your sweet comments are such an encouragement to me.