Wednesday, October 31, 2018

A Halloween Medley

Hey y'all and welcome to another Wednesday Medley!
Today's questions are all about Halloween and things that go bump in the night.
If you want to join in, just go over to Terri, our friend from Florida's blog, copy the questions
and then answer them on your blog.

So these days, I really don't give Halloween much of a thought.
The day comes and goes and that's about it since there are no children here to enjoy it anymore.
Back in the day, Jim and I were known to dress up and party with the best of them.

Also, back in the day, when Halloween night was nothing but innocent fun, it was the highlight of fall and my childhood memories. In those days, no one in my circle of influence considered Halloween even remotely close to being demonic. The only people that I knew that weren't allowed to celebrate it were a couple of kids in my elementary school that were of a certain religion. I felt so sorry for them as they stood back away from the crowd during our annual Halloween costume parade with their sad little faces, unable to participate in the festivities. I remember how all of the classes would gather outside on those cool autumn days and parade around the neighborhood where the school was located. We also were given bags from our teachers and went trick-or-treating around to all of the classrooms. It was nothing but a good-spirited fun time when we got lots of candy...nothing more, nothing less.

At home the fun continued as my siblings and I would come up with ideas for our costumes and Mom and Dad would get ready for the beggars...because at my house, it was "Beggar's Night"...we didn't call it trick-or-treat. Anyway, the whole family got involved in the fun and because bad things didn't really happen much back then, there was no age limit imposed for the beggars. Most of my siblings who were of course all older than me got dressed up and walked the neighborhood just for the fun of it even though I doubt they were all begging for candy. Who knows...maybe they were! The costumes that we wore were usually made up of old clothes borrowed from Dad or someone, ranging from hobos to strange looking women and everything in between. I do remember getting a new, store-bought costume every now and then.

One in particular was a Heckle and Jeckle costume. Anyone remember those cartoons? Actually, I don't know if my costume was Heckle or Jeckle...since there were two of them. 😖 Then there were those awful, scary, monstrous looking rubber masks...false Mom would call them. To this very day, I have a vivid memory of the chest of drawers where my brothers stored those horrid things. If the drawer was open the little slightest bit, I wouldn't even walk by it thinking that one of them jump out and grab me!

When I think of the Halloweens of yesteryear, I remember bowls filled with candy, apples, and homemade popcorn balls and cookies...remember those days? Some homes that we would go to even gave out cups of apple cider! Then somewhere along the line, the world started going crazy. Some very mean and hurtful people started to do such terrible things like putting razor blades in apples, and slipping drugs or who knows what else into candy and other treats. I think that I was a young mother with small children of my own when all that scary stuff started happening.

And here they two many moons ago.

These days, with no young children or grands close by, Halloween comes and goes just like any other day. I haven't decorated for it in years and also the trick-or-treaters have all but stopped...last year was the first year that we had zero. Not too many parents want to drive their kids into a subdivision where the homes are on 1-2 acre lots, have long driveways and shrouded by tall trees. There are many local neighborhoods with large houses with small yards, all very well lit. Those neighborhoods are trick-or-treater's dream. 
So finally, here are this weeks questions...

1. You’re in a horror movie. Are you the final person left, the first to die, the comic relief, the skeptic, the smart one, or the killer?

I am not in to horror movies at all. If I ever found myself in one, it would only be in a dream and mostly likely, I would provide the comic relief.

2. While watching scary movies, are you the person who yells at the characters, the person with their eyes covered the whole time or the person who falls asleep?

As I said, I am not a fan of horror movies but if I found myself in this position, I would be the one covering my eyes. You just can't un-see some things.

3. If you were dared to spend the night in a “haunted house”, would you do it?

There may have been a time when I was way younger that I may have been tempted to but these days, the only spirit that care to be anywhere close to is the Holy Spirit. 👻

4. Favorite horror monster or villain?

Again, no real favorite here but back in my teen years, Barnabas Collins from the show "Dark Shadows" may have made the list.

5. Favorite horror or Halloween-themed song?

How many Halloween songs are there, anyway? The first one I thought of was "The Monster Mash"...then I found the one I learned in elementary school. Sound familiar?

6. Tell us something random about your week.

Nothing much going on here this week but I am looking forward to Saturday when we turn back the clocks...I turn mine back on Saturday afternoon since I know there's no way I will sleep that extra hour anyway. 😏

Until next time...


  1. Love the photos from back in the day! Fun. Your random got a chuckle out of me and I had to read it out loud to Dear...
    Happy Wednesday and Halloween to you. We are wondering if we'll get any trick or treaters at our country door tonight. Time will tell.

  2. I enjoyed this trip down memory lane, Debby. Have fun trick-or-treating.

  3. Loved the pictures of Halloweens of the past! Costumes were soooo much better back then even though the masks were soooo sweaty! HA! It is all just way too much these days! Happy Halloween!

  4. Love seeing all the pics of from Halloweens past. I'm with you on the scary movies. No thank you. Have a great week.

  5. Especially laughed at your last joke! I don't like turning it clocks back because then it's dark at 4:30 PM. The days seem short enough. I too remember when Halloween was just good clean fun, nothing scary, and we could walk around our country neighborhood and not be accompanied by our parents and they didn't worry about abduction or razors in the candy!

  6. Debby, did we grow up in the same neighborhood? You described down to a T exactly what it was like when we were kids and, even as an adult, when we attended costume parties. I have some old pics very similar to yours because we sure came up with some good ones. I like yours. You have really good memories to share today and I especially love the only Spirit you want in your life as well. Me too.

  7. Fun photos of you, Debby. We here downunder don't really 'do' Halloween. I guess it is a thing you Americans celebrate. I always think the costumes come up with are fun. I too am not a fan of horror movies....I don't think I have ever really seen one, though there is Psycho...does that count.

  8. Debby, as I read your memories of your childhood and young adult life enjoying those wonderful days of dressing up, parading around the school neighborhood then going class to class with your bags for candy, why that could have been myself. I too remember those days and so enjoyed them.
    One of my sister's and I were just talking about those memories the other day and reminiscing of the good times saying 'why don't we do that again,dress up and have a great time'?
    I remember the first time a razor blade was found in a candy bar and what house it came from, things changed after that incident. :(
    Candy apples, pop corn balls and cider were always a joy to receive.
    Oh this was a fun post!! :)

    Loved your honest answers and I'm right there with you girl, on all of them!

    Enjoy your day, it's a beautiful one no matter what ~

  9. Heckle and Jeckle and Barnabas Collins!! We go way back, don't we?!! Dark Shadows was a favorite of mine in high school!! Thanks so much for joining in on the Medley today!! I enjoyed reading your answers!! Loved seeing the photos of your kiddos dressed up!! No little ones here anymore either!

  10. Oh, I remember Halloween just the way you described it as well. Those were the days!

  11. Sadly we don't bother much with Halloween now that we are not near the Grandchildren either. I didn't see any Halloween decor in our district at all, so I presume that people don't bother.

  12. What a great post on memory lane. Oh I can relate to so much that you said too. I remember just having so much fun and my grandparents buying tons of GOOD candy as we called it. We never thought about Halloween as being demonic as we just enjoyed having fun. I will never forget the first time an alert came about with kids finding razors and etc. in their candy that caused such a scare to all. It was after that that us kids could only go to the neighbors homes that we knew well. So, so sad! Now to answer your questions....
    1. You’re in a horror movie. Are you the final person left, the first to die, the comic relief, the skeptic, the smart one, or the killer? Girl, I ain't doing no haunted house! My girls tried to get me to go one in our county and I said "Heck to the No"! But I am like you...I would be the comic relief cause that would be the only way I could get through it!

    2. While watching scary movies, are you the person who yells at the characters, the person with their eyes covered the whole time or the person who falls asleep?
    I ain't watching no scary movie either! NOPE just ain't doing it!

    3. If you were dared to spend the night in a “haunted house”, would you do it?
    Lord have mercy NO!

    4. Favorite horror monster or villain?

    Barnabas Collins here too! I would sneak around and watch it when I could which was not often. I tried to get into the Twilight series and sorta did but gave up interest too fast. I guess I will stick to my Hallmark movies. They always end good! LOL!

    5. Favorite horror or Halloween-themed song? The Monster mash for sure! My grandbabies had a ball dancing to it the other night at our family fall party.

    6. Tell us something random about your week.
    Well, I have started making a Christmas list and actually have ordered a few things on line.

    Hoping you have a great weekend dear friend and as always, enjoyed tagging along today.

    Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  13. It was so fun to see photos of Halloween pasts, Debby! Halloween of long ago was so much fun, and I remember the sidewalks just filled with parents and kids. We did have trick or treaters last night, even though we had a very rainy afternoon and early evening.
    I am not a horror movie, or even scary movie person, either. I'm like Cindy and watch the Hallmark movies. They always have a happy ending.
    I hope you have a wonderful rest of the week! xxoo

  14. Such an adorable child you were all dressed up and you obviously passed that on to your children. They were so cute. I never went to that extreme with my kids, much to their displeasure. Enjoyed the song. I hadn't heard it but that was when music was rather musical. Have a great weekend.

  15. Darling memories. It reminds me of my Reminisce magazines, I too remember some of the more innocent things of the old time Halloweens.

    I thought I would hope over after seeing you comment on Debbie's blog. It's often nice to meet other sisters in the Lord through blogging!

    It looks like you have a sweet blog here. : )

    Blessings! ~Amelia

  16. Our childhoods were much alike, Debby, although we only ever celebrated at school. We lived so far out in the country (on top of a mountain) I think I had one Halloween costume that was purchased. It was one of a cartoon character and my brother had a clown mask. I put the clown mask on with the other costume by mistake (I think I was in 2nd grade) and all the older kids made fun of me when we paraded in front of the classes. Funny what sticks with you.

    I hope you have a wonderful, blessed week- xo Diana


Thank you for stopping by today! Your sweet comments are such an encouragement to me.