Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Mid-week Medley

Happy Wednesday and welcome to the Medley!

It seems like I always begin with talking about the weather, don't I?
Well I certainly don't want to shock anyone so let's talk about the weather, shall we?!

This past weekend was absolutely gorgeous and I have pictures to prove it.

I went for a hike on Friday and it was just a perfect fall day... was a bit overcast (which is the best for photo taking)
but still the brilliant foliage popped against the gray-ish skies.

I didn't notice the lady bug until I got the photos off my camera.

And there is nothing to compare to the solace of hiking a quiet trail in the woods in the fall.

My mums are hanging on for dear life even though their blooms are waning a bit.
It seems like everything is fading fast and with yesterday's wind and rain,
the leaves are falling like crazy.
I plan to savor every moment before it's I better not blink!
So were here for Terri's Wednesday Medley...let's get right to it.
Just copy the questions from her blog, paste them on yours and join n the fun!

1. What is your claim to fame?
If you would ask my #1 son this question, his answer would probably be my ability to duplicate his Grandma Billheimer's (my mom) Thanksgiving dressing. He gets his very own pan to take home every year. It's the little things....
2. What is something you like to do the old-fashioned way?
I think the older I get, the more I think about this. Even though I am a fan of many modern conveniences, there is a part of me that fantasizes about what it would have been like to grow up in the olden days. I thoroughly enjoy having a dishwasher but there are times when I just want to feel the warm, sudsy dish water on my hands. And that dressing I was talking about in the last question...well, you won't find me buying a bag of pre-cut bread cubes at the store for it. I toast about 3-4 loaves of bread the night before Thanksgiving and in the morning, tear the bread apart with my fingers...just like my mama did.

3. What did you think you would grow out of but haven’t?

There are many things I haven't grown out of yet, some that I'm not so proud of, but I guess my first response would be that I have never lost my instinctive desire for mischief (in a good way, of course) and my love to laugh. I probably don't need to tell you that there are some folks out there who think having fun stops when we get old become more mature. Jesus is still teaching me how to behave but I'm pretty sure He wants the laughter to continue.
4. What is the dumbest thing you’ve done that actually turned out pretty well?
I have done so many dumb things in my life and there is no way to narrow it down to just one. Needless to say, after I publish this post to the Wednesday Medley, all kinds of things will pop into my head. So, since I just can't think of something small like a decorating or cooking mistake that turned out not so bad, I guess I will get serious. In my younger days, when I was running from Jesus, I did so many stupid things...some that could have been really dangerous. But through His grace and mercy, He was always there to love me and catch me when I fell...until I finally fell into His arms. All those dumb things are now just a part of my testimony.
5. If you had to change your name, what would you change it to? 
Well...I guess I kind of did change my least the spelling of it. I changed the Debbie to Debby when I was in high school, just to be different since there were so many of us.

6. What is something random you can tell us about this week?
We will be heading very early on Thursday morning to Tennessee for the annual father/son/grandsons hunt. We always look forward to this time every year. Next year at this time, God willing, we won't be making this trip because we'll already be living snug as a bug in a rug in our little camper in the meadow. We shall see! ๐Ÿ˜‰

Enjoy the rest of your week!


  1. Good morning dear friend. I love, love, love those beautiful colors in the pictures. I actually took out my camera....which I haven't done in a long time...and snapped a few pics of my sunflowers. They bring me such joy.I am excited for you about your Tenn trip. Can't wait to hear all about it. Hoping this weekend that me and my youngest girl can do a little hunting together. Trying to work it out now. Well, lets see if I can play along with you today dear friend.
    1. What is your claim to fame? Well, that is funny because I think about my grands. My two oldest granddaughters thinks I make the best potato soup ever and especially when I add sausage. All my grands wants Nana's baked goods cause I make the best you know! LOL!

    2. What is something you like to do the old-fashioned way?
    Bake Biscuits or breads. Don't get me wrong...I will buy Mary B's quick like but when I have the time, I do enjoy making my biscuits and I make them just like my granny taught me. I LOVE baking fresh breads. Time consuming, Yes. the end of the day I can almost smell my grandmother! Oh I am about to get too mushy!

    3. What did you think you would grow out of but haven’t?
    Oh you and I would have such a wonderful time of laughing together! I got a feeling we'd both have to wear DEPENDS! LOL! I thought I might grow out of having such a lively, vivid imagination. NOPE! I still do and I love it. NOPE, I didn't need to be on medication, LOL, but I can sit there all day and imagine, dream, think, wish, and etc. At times in my life it has been my safe place to be me. Other times, the Lord has surely used it to speak to the innermost part of my soul.

    4. What is the dumbest thing you’ve done that actually turned out pretty well?
    Oh my gosh. I have done so many dumb things in my life that there's not enough paper or pen to write it all down. But right now I am thinking about a batch of chocolate bars I made last year. I was out of sugar and did not realize it and was not going to make a trip to the store. I used brown sugar instead...hey, sugar is sugar right? Well, those darn chocolate bars winded up being the best ever. Matter of fact my middle daughter told me I needed to always use the brown sugar after she tasted them. Plus, it gave them a richer color too boot!

    5. If you had to change your name, what would you change it to?
    HUM.....Well, growing up, I did not like my name...Cynthia Fay. (Cindy) But most kids don't. However, I think I would leave it just plain on Cindy.

    6. What is something random you can tell us about this week?
    Well, I lost a friend this past Saturday morning to cancer. She was a young 65 years old. My heart has been a little heavy this week to be honest. But yesterday in the midst of cleaning, cooking, washing clothes and all that good stuff we have to do when we home to do it...the Lord gave me the verse, Weeping may tarry for the night but joy comes with the morning. Yes...weep! But Joy will come and my joy is knowing that I will see her beautiful face again one day.

    So glad I could join in today dear friend. I hope you have a great little trip. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  2. A cherry good morning to you, my lovely friend. Ah, what a fun post :) I always enjoy your amazing pictures and sweet words. It still looks like autumn in your neck of the woods....we have lost our leaves here in the mountains and everything is brown. We had a nice little snow storm the other day.

    Thanks for the delightful post. Thinking of you and wishing you a wonderful day. Love and hugs sent your way!

  3. Our answer to #4 is similar. I think only someone who has known personally the forgiveness and mercy from a loving God can understand that. I am forever grateful to know that He is in control of all my foolishness and brings about good for those who are called according to His service. Those pictures are amazing. What beauty!

  4. LOL! I did the same thing with my name...I went from Ann to Anne because there were too many Ann's and it was too short and boring. My mother was not thrilled! HA! Have a great week!

  5. Oh,my, your photos are just gorgeous. And, I so enjoyed your answers. It's always such fun to read how differently we all answer them. Look out TN, here you come!

  6. You have had such gorgeous color. We are now living in a black and white world until spring.

  7. My favorite picture is the second one. Love the orange, yellow, and green together.
    Smiled at number 2. I don't even own a dish washer or a dryer. I actually like to wash dishes and hang out clothes. : )

  8. Hello dear Lady! I so enjoyed reading your answers to the Medley and was nodding my head reading through your answers. I always think...why didn't I think of that. It's so good to be around people with a sense of humor. Enjoy your hunting trip. We had our annual hunting time in October. I did not see your name or link up at Terri's btw. Wonder if I'm seeing the right linky...

  9. Your pics of the Fall beauty are just perfection, Debby (who changed the spelling!!). I hope we always have fun and laughter, too, my friend. Have you ever shared the dressing recipe? I love that your son gets his very own pan! Have safe travels to Tennessee, and ahhhh next year, it will be wonderful!

  10. Autumn is beautiful around your neck of the woods, Debby. We have similar colors here with the oranges, reds, and golds. And it warmed my heart when I saw the lady bug, as it has a special meaning to me. Even your Mums are graced with the Autumn colors. : ) Your pictures are truly lovely, Debby.


  11. The pictures of the trees are gorgeous! It seems like the color did not last long here where I live.
    I hope you have a wonderful trip! Loved your answers! Have a nice week.

  12. I enjoyed reading your thoughtful answers and thank you, Debby, for joining in on this week's Medley!

  13. You mean that your name really isn’t Debby? I am shocked! ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Oh my! Your autumn is just gorgeous! Hope that you have a wonderful weekend! Oh, if you are inclined to share more about your stuffing recipe (cuz I have those awful boxes you mentioned), I’d be all ears.

  14. My, my, my. We have so much in common I am learning. It also continues to sound as though we grew up in the same neighborhood. You must have been the dishwasher when growing up. I washed and sister dried. I still don't mind washing dishes as it is very therapeutic. And I changed my name from Connie to Coni! I went to Oklahoma and Arkansas for a few days and saw some gorgeous colors, but your photos of the colors could bring tears to my eyes. I love it! Enjoy your trip. You lucky girl getting to move there next year. How wonderful.

  15. Oh my. Your autumn photos are gorgeous! I hope I remember to come back to take a peek at them in February when I am tiring of grey day after grey day! Such beauty!

    My mouth is watering just thinking about your dressing. That is my favorite part of Thanksgiving dinner. Kati makes the dressing for our family and I won't tell you how much butter is in it. ๐Ÿ‘€

  16. What amazing color and you always capture it so well with your camera! Enjoy your weekend! Be safe and have fun! Hugs, Diane

  17. Beautiful pictures Debby! As always! I would love to have your dressing recipe. Have you shared it on your blog? Hope you’re having a great weekend with the family. Hugs!

  18. Such beautiful photographs, the colours are simply gorgeous.

    All the best Jan

  19. Your autumn photos are spectacular! Wow. And the mums are really holding out -- such gorgeous colours.


Thank you for stopping by today! Your sweet comments are such an encouragement to me.