Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Mishmash Medley

Hey y'all and Happy Wednesday!

We had a wonderful trip to Tennessee and made it back safely.
It is such a blessing when all of the grands can get together, which doesn't happen that often.
Aaron's boys, Dacey and Dylan were able to go with us and everyone had a great time...
...even though their ages range from nearly 20 down to nearly 10, it just doesn't matter.
The weather was less than perfect but that never stands in the way... was either rainy or bone chilling cold with winds that went right through you.
As usual I brought my camera but it never left the case the whole time.
There are no new pretty pictures this time so I will share from the archives.

Just picture this scene with rain coming down. 😊

And although this is last year's model too, I baked another just like it! 
The rain and cold did not affect our ability to watch Parker play his indoor soccer game
or attend his wrestling match the next day where he got a 2nd place medal in his weight class.

 He has the kindest heart and is always laughing...

...unless he is posing for team pictures.
He is one tough little wrestler and looks like a different kid here, doesn't he?
So it's back to the routine around here, including joining Terri for the...

Hop on over to her blog, copy and paste the questions, and link'll be fun!
1. With the holidays coming, what is your most essential appliance to help you prepare for the celebrations?

Well, I would definitely be lost without my oven/stove. Without it, we eat raw turkey...and there would be no dressing. That would be a disaster and there just might be a death in my family. 😐

2. What is your favorite (clean) word?

I don't necessarily have a favorite "clean" word (and I don't have a favorite "dirty" word either) .... but my favorite word that means clean would be pristine.

3. Are you a good judge of character?

Most of the time I think I am...although I have been wrong. The world is full of imposters but God is still teaching me that I am not anyone's judge.

4. What is the last thing you took a picture of? Can you share it with us?

I took this photo of my computer screen yesterday since I could not figure out how to print it from Google Maps. This is the street view of the property where we are building the farmhouse which I edited to illustrate the new path the driveway and bridge will take. Initially we thought it best to build the bridge over the creek right off the road (blue line) and the driveway along the fence line...until we met with the bridge guy this past weekend. A bridge over the deep ravine where the creek flows along the road would be quite costly. He suggested the driveway enter through the farm gate on the other end (yellow line) and to build the bridge over the shallow part of the creek as it flows through the tree line and continue up to the building site. This will save us $$$$ believe it or not. I have always wanted to live "down the lane" and we all agree it will make for a much more picturesque setting.

5. Tomorrow, November 15, is Clean Out Your Refrigerator Day. How do you intend to celebrate?

I celebrated this day back in October when when Hurricane Michael paid us a visit. Warm refrigerators are much easier to clean out! With that said, I will also be deliberately making room for all the Thanksgiving food I will be purchasing over the next week. I am still in denial a bit about it being a week away. 😏

6. Tell us something random about your week!

I always get thrown off course a bit after a trip out of town and I'm still trying to get back on track. Hubby is off the rest of this week until Friday and I am patiently waiting for him to go back so I can get started on the holiday preparations. Is it just me or is it difficult for anyone else to "work" around your better half??

So that's it for this week's medley.
I have had a few of you request my mom's recipe for her turkey dressing.
There is nothing fancy about it...just a plain old fashioned dressing.
So I do hope to get that posted within the next couple of days for those who have asked... is not something that I have written down...I just make it the same way every year,
no real I will do the best I can!

Until then....


  1. Mine is retired so to answer your a word-yes : ) Your new homesite looks lovely! I'm sure you're anxious to get going.

  2. I'm a bit in denial about Thanksgiving being a week away, too. And November will be HALF over tomorrow ... now that just doesn't seem possible!

  3. How lovely to share time away with your loved ones. Oh my, the photo of Parker in wresting mode certainly looks like he is in the zone, doesn't it. Oh a little bridge over the creek on the way to your home sounds idyllic. How fabulous your new adventure sounds.

  4. When hubby is home, somehow it feels like we are on holiday. I still do a few necessary things, but it's hard to get it in gear ...and he's home ALL the time! So yes. The answer is yes. What a lovely setting for a home and driveway and bridge. When I used to play cars in the flower bed, my pretend house always was on a hill with a long lane to it. Our son wrestled, and you're right, those poses seem to change their appearance. He's a handsome one. So glad you got the kids together. Fun! Your dinner sounds wonderful and although I love Thanksgiving, I just wish it was still September. Time is flying by too quickly.

  5. I am so glad you enjoyed your trip and was with your family. Even if the weather is yukky at least being together is what is important. Well, when Marty and I are home together I put him to work so he usually finds something to do or he leave and goes to his dad's house. LOL! Loved the questions.
    1. With the holidays coming, what is your most essential appliance to help you prepare for the celebrations?
    YES, my stove top and oven for sure. Wish I had two ovens with the size of my family and them eating with me every Sunday. Praise the Lord for Electric roasting pans, crock pots and I love my instapots. Those items at times has surely been a time saver in the kitchen.

    2. What is your favorite (clean) word?
    Well mine is "Have mercy". LOL! My little 2 1/2 year old grandgirl was saying it recently. LOL!

    3. Are you a good judge of character?
    I surely do think age helps us with this. But yes, though I miss it at times I would say I am a pretty good judge of character. More so with women as I have taught women for 21 plus years now and believe me....I've had to pray for discernment many times.

    4. What is the last thing you took a picture of? Can you share it with us?
    My beautiful sunflowers! I am so happy with them.

    5. Tomorrow, November 15, is Clean Out Your Refrigerator Day. How do you intend to celebrate?
    Cleaned mine out yesterday matter of fact. Made some homemade chicken, veggie and rice soup so that will remain in there for a few days. It's always better a day later anyway.

    6. Tell us something random about your week!
    I am gearing up to be off all next week so this week I am really trying to get ahead of the game on my part time job and house work!

    Hoping you have a wonderful Thanksgiving dear friend. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  6. Whew! I'm glad I'm not the only one who cannot accomplish anything when hubby is around. I'm not sure if I'm really that patient while I wait for him to go back to work. And what in the world am I going to do when he retires? (smile)

  7. Okay, this is where it gets exciting. I remember writing a comment where I told you how lovely your property is. Did I forget to hit Publish? Anyway, I am glad that you had a nice trip. Parker reminds me of my own grandson who, depending upon the occasion, can look pretty fierce.

  8. Well that Parker looks like one tough kid! So fun to hear that he has a tender heart. :-) I promise not to tell anyone. That pie looks amazing. I haven't baked a berry pie in a long time and that is really shouting at me!!! I understand weather where the camera just stays put away. We've had that kind of weather until just the past couple days where it's been beastly cold, but at least sunny with blue skies. It's so fun to see the gang here on Wednesday Medley! God bless you.

  9. Why oh why, Debby, my friend, do you have to tempt me with that Black Raspberry pie??? You know how much I want a slice of it! LOL!! Your grandson does look does look like a tough wrestler! I like seeing your property and picturing where your home will be...down the lane...sounds perfect!

  10. What a lovely building site you have. How excited you must be to get started.

  11. So pleased to read that you had a wonderful trip to Tennessee and spent time together with your grands and family … it's so special.

    I loved seeing all of your photographs - the pie looks delicious.

    All the best Jan

  12. Parker is so handsome and yes, he does look like a different kid in his wrestling picture.
    What beautiful property you have bought for your new home! How exciting! Have a great week!

  13. Love your new home to be site. Absolutely lovely! Yes, Hubby isn't officially retired but he might as well be, as his staff of 5 pretty much run his business. I need for him to have some reason to get out of the house everyday. :o)) I'm having a local caterer make our dressing as I'm not that experienced at it and they do a great job. Happy day Debbie!

  14. Trying to get back in the groove after being away is hard! lol Parker is handsome and sounds like a great kid!

  15. Glad you were able to enjoy some quality family time, even without pictures.

  16. Thanks for joining in today!! I enjoyed your answers and the photos you shared! That wrestler of yours does look like a different guy in those two photos! Wow! The pie look delicious! I am still studying that photo of your new lane and bridge site. Please share the progress with us!!

  17. Boy...that is a real night and day photo of your grandson. Fabulous! Glad you made it to your future home and back safely and enjoyed the time. Looks like good plans are happening for your new digs. Hope you have a good rest of the week!

  18. I love the fall photo! Just gorgeous. So nice to visit and catch up with you today. Many blessings and hugs to you!

  19. Sounds like a great time, despite the weather. It's snowing as I type this . . . ugggg. We've had the most awful November . . . more like January. Good weather to stay inside if you can lol.

  20. Glad to hear you had such a good time. Oh boy does that pie look good!!
    Would love to be walking down that lane.

  21. I'm in denial too . . . I can't believe that Thanksgiving is only days away!

    It looks like your Tennessee trip was full of joys and special memories!

  22. Somehow I missed your latest posts. So I'm catching up today. Your dressing sounds delicious. We are big 'stuffing' eaters in our family. We prefer it almost to the turkey.

    That pie looked pretty yummy too! I think I could smell it (wink).

    Wishing you a great weekend, Debby.


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