Wednesday, February 13, 2019

A Heart-shaped Medley

Hello, my friends.
I can hardly believe that Valentine's Day is nearly upon us.
It seems that since the beginning of January, time has escaped me...
...but at least the weather is acting appropriately once again.
Remember those 70 and 80 degree temps I mentioned last week?
Well, this is what happened...too much too soon.
But beautiful, to say the least.

It has been cold and rainy ever since.
Oh is February, after all.
That's the way it behaves sometimes around these parts.
So I finally received the results of the second biopsy last Friday 
and it looks like I'm in for more of hurry up and wait.

The results came back as INCONCLUSIVE.

I want to pull my hair out.

Of course I'm very thankful that it wasn't positive.

I still want to pull my hair out.

I have an appointment on Valentine's Day with the 
Chief of Oncology Surgery at Duke University Medical Center 
to see what the next step towards a diagnosis will be.
If his skills are as good as his credentials, 
I am in the best hands possible...well, except for God's.
As soon as my appointment is over, 
we are heading for the hills of Tennessee for a long weekend.
Again, your love and prayers mean the world to me!
Okay, so let's get to the... see what questions Terri is asking us this week.
Of course you know they're all about Valentine's Day, right? 😉
Valentine’s Day began as St. Valentine’s Day, a liturgical celebration of one or more early Christian saints named Valentinus.  February 14th, Valentine’s, Day first became associated with romantic love during the High Middle Ages as the tradition of courtly love was then flourishing.  During 18th century England, this day evolved into an occasion in which lovers expressed their love for each other by presenting flowers, offering confectionery and sending Valentine cards.    

Get something special for your Valentine and use #ValentinesDay to post on social media.
Credit is traditionally given to Pope Gelasius for declaring February 14 as Saint Valentine’s Day around the year 496 to separate the church from the Roman celebration of Lupercalia, an ancient pagan fertility festival which occurred on February 15th.
1.  I think St. Valentine's Day is for everyone, whether you have a romantic love interest or not.  I received a Valentine card from my sister (thank you Patti!) - case in point.  It is all about LOVE, not just romantic love.  What are your traditions for celebrating Valentine's Day?

I've always believed that Valentine's Day was a day to celebrate love, in general, not just the romantic kind. The hubby is always the best at giving me fact, I already received red roses yesterday since he knew the 14th was already taken up with a doctor appointment and travel plans.

They are usually accompanied by some candy but I already warned him not to get me any or he'd be the one eating it...that's a no-no for me right now. I usually make Jim his favorite cherry cheese cake...but this year he will have to "settle" for the black raspberry pie that I will make for him and Adam when we get to Tennessee. Our boys, be they little or big, always get a special bag of goodies (and the wives too)...of course, the grand kids too. Since we will be visiting the youngest grands this year, I will be able to give them theirs in person. This brings back memories of last year...we had our plan in place to do the same thing. Parker's birthday is on the 17th so we were going to combine the celebrations. Well, Jim got sick and they all did too so we had to cancel our visit. Needless to say, the Valentine chocolate was not quite up to par by the time we were able to get together several months later.

2.  When you were in elementary school, did you decorate a shoe box and deliver those little valentines to all your classmates?   Perhaps in Sunday School?
I have sweet memories of making Valentine bags in elementary school by decorating brown paper lunch sacks with red, pink and white construction paper and those sweet heart-shaped paper doilies. We would parade around the room with our Valentine cards until all of them were distributed and then dig into them as we ate cupcakes, cookies and candy. Do kids still do that these days? I always loved getting the candy conversation hearts. Many of you may have heard on the news that they didn't make or sell them this year due to the company being bought out. They say they'll be back next year. Can you imagine Valentine's Day without those darling little hearts??

3.  Do you enjoy playing Cupid?  Have you ever introduced a couple who really clicked?
Yes...years ago when we lived in Kentucky, we introduced a friend that Jim worked with who was a widower with a young son to a friend of mine that I worked with. She was divorced and had twin boys near the same age as his son. We went on a family camping trip...girls in one tent, guys in one and all the boys were together (including our two). They started dating regularly and not too long after that, wedding bells were chiming. They are still together today. WE DONE GOOD!
4.  Which traditional Valentine's Day gift would you rather receive:  Chocolate, flowers, or a card with a personal message?

As I've already said, I get my fair share of flowers (more than I deserve) and I always enjoy having fresh bouquets on my table. Candy is something I'd rather do without...but a card with a personal message always goes straight to the heart.
5.  What is the best movie to watch on Valentine's Day?

I really am not much a movie watcher but occasionally there is one that comes out and we make a special effort to go to the movie theater. I never have actually associated Valentine's Day with watching a movie at all. 
6.  Tell us something random about your week!

Not getting any definitive answers to what's going on inside me has kind of taken the wind out of may sails this week. The not knowing has got to be worse than the knowing...well, kinda...but I'm trying real hard to remember this....

In the meantime, I plan to leave my worries behind me, enjoy my precious family, breathe in some fresh mountain air and bask in the glory of God's magnificent creation! 

♥♥♥ Have a very Happy Valentine's Day!♥♥♥


  1. Oh I ♥️ the matchmaker story! It is truly very special.

    You are approaching this “unknowing” in exactly the right way. Off for the weekend...time away and with family...mountain air and all sounds great.

  2. Oh, I hate that "hurry up and wait" with medical things...especially when you are waiting for news on something so important. Praying you get good news and that you have a wonderful weekend away.

  3. I love your thoughts of how you are handling this situation Debby, Duke is one of the best, and of course your faith is in the hands of One who has already gone ahead of you and has everything under control. One of the best medicines is to get away, with family and "Just Breath"! Sending much love, thoughts and prayers.

  4. Continued prayers for you, Debby. Oh that waiting!! So frustrating I'm sure. I'm glad you're getting away for a bit. That sounds nice. I *love* conversation hearts and Necco wafers, but don't dare have them in the house. I can't stay away from them once I start. Your rises are beautiful. Mr C used to get me a box of chocolates but got annoyed when I'd only take a tiny bite out of each one. That was the end of that. LOL

  5. Praying for the Lord's best outcome for you with no complications!!! enjoy your visit and have safe travels!! God bless!!!

  6. Good morning, sweetest Debby! You are such a ray of sunshine even when there are things going on in your life....bless you! You remain in my prayers, dear friend. Love to you!

  7. Continuing to pray for you, Debby! I hate the "inconclusive" result. So thankful that God knows already. Nothing is "inconclusive" with Him. After the appointment -- what a wonderful time for you to get away to TN and time with family. Enjoy every moment!

    And your roses ... just breathtaking! What a wonderful, thoughtful hubby you have.

  8. Inconclusive? How awful. Waiting is so difficult. I'm sending lots of patient thoughts your way and of course, prayers for a positive as can be outcome.
    Lots of Love,

  9. Sorry that you do not have a conclusive result yet. I am still sending prayers!

  10. Continued prayers for strength and patience. Happy Valentines and have a wonderful weekend away.

  11. Well geez. Just calls for more patience, huh? I know it’s so hard to be in the waiting room for so long, but still trusting for a positive outcome for you. Don’t pull your hair out! No, no! We also decorated the brown or white lunch sacks for valentines, but we didn’t open them until we got home. We did have cookies which had been made by the home room mothers. Your roses are gorgeous, but that first photo! Wow! Those trees are so beautiful. Enjoy your trip to Tennessee.

  12. You are so right, the unknown is a scary sphere in which to live for very long. Praying this trip will help put all that fear and dread behind you and boost your spirits big time. God is using this time to prepare and heal your body for whatever is ahead while He prepares that way for you. Walk by Faith! Blessings to you.

  13. Glad you are in earthly good hands, too. Hopefully he can shed some light for you. Do enjoy your long weekend in Tennessee! Prayers and hugs!

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. The red rose are beautiful, Debby. Loved the story of Elementary School. As I remember, we would make boxes with a cut-out for the Valentine's, and the whole class would participate in giving out Valentines, so no one was forgotten. That was nice.

    I hope the next follow-up appointment will bring good news. I will continue a prayer for you, Debby. Sending conversation hearts to you of hope and faith and love. : )


  16. Sorry to hear that you still have to wait longer to find the results but like you said at least it isn't positive.
    Hard to believe you had blooming trees already.
    I love those heart candies with the sayings.

  17. This waiting game you're playing must be awful. I hope you get some answers soon. Enjoyed reading your answers. Enjoy the family time.

  18. I'm keeping you in my prayers! Have fun on your get-away!! Thanks for joining in today!!

  19. I love that you said that your oncologist you will be visiting tomorrow is the best, but that you credit God for being the the very best hands to be in. Enjoy your family time this Valentine weekend, Debby! Love will surround you! 💕🌹❤️

  20. I am so sorry you still have to wait for answers, Debby. Let's hope that the very credentialed surgeon can shed some light on your diagnosis. Enjoy your little getaway with your family. Have the best time encircled by all their love♥

  21. Really and truly, inconclusive it so much better than it being positive for cancer! I will continue to keep you in my prayers.

  22. Oh Debby! Inconclusive. Well, that is not bad news. We will just keep praying and that is always a good thing.
    I love flowers too! So much!
    Enjoy your trip! Loved your answers! Happy Valentine's Day!

  23. Hope you have an absolutely wonderful time with your family and for at least a few days can put the concerns for your health out of your mind. Praying that you will get a proper diagnosis soon and then a plan for treatment.

  24. The perfect scripture, Debby. I stand in prayer with your loved ones and followers.
    Safe and happy travels, my friend.

  25. Happy Valentine’s Day dear friend ❤️ I love that Jim gives you flowers off and on through the year and not just on v-day . How Precious. Praying this morning as you go to meet with the doctor for answers. Oh the waiting game will make me nuts too! That’s what plays on your nerves . He does have you in the palm of His hand we know . The weekend getaway will be just what the doctor ordered . Praying without ceasing . God’t Got This ❤️ Love you so much . Cindy

  26. That tree is beautiful, some are blooming around here also. Have a Happy Valentine Day.

  27. It's hard not to worry...I know! I hope you enjoy some time in the hills of TN though! That will be wonderful! Happy Valentine's day!

  28. Safe travels and wonderful times with family in TN. It's so hard to wait. Hugs and prayers, Lorrie

  29. Praying for you as you have your appointment today, and then hope that you will have a wonderfully blessed weekend with your loved ones. That sounds like just what you need right now!! Have a blessed and beautiful Valentine's Weekend.

  30. Praying every day and so glad you have the chance to get away! Keep us all posted!
    Love In Christ Jesus Today and Always...
    Peace and strength...

  31. Good Morning lovely lady!
    You just leave that pretty hair alone!!
    I can remember when mom was going through all her health issues, it was a constant "hurry up and WAIT"! But those waiting periods can be such a tremendous time of looking to our Precious Savior and peacefully waiting in His Loving Arms. He knows we need that, so I often wonder if that's why it's a hurry up and wait game?

    You are a dear sweet mom to love on your family like you do, bless you!
    My husband was telling me he heard that Valentine's Day isn't just about the giving if gifts, but also in sharing your love and appreciation for someone, I like that. Telling them how much you appreciate them.

    My prayers continue to be with you.
    Enjoy your time away with family,I just know you will be blessed!

  32. Oh, how I rejoice and praise God with you that the results weren't the worst! I am continuing to stand in faith with you that "inconclusive" will turn into wonderful and amazing and a miracle, and all will be well with you, my friend! I know God has you in the palm of His loving hand, and He already knows the outcome. I believe He has beautiful things in your future, in spite of all satan is trying to do. One day, your testimony will be even more effective because of all God is doing right now. So, so thankful to read this news!

  33. Sending only good thoughts your way, dear Debby.

  34. Wait -- what?!?! I'm going to scroll back and see if I can find out what's going on. I've been AWOL again. I'll be praying Debby. xoxo

  35. Inconclusive. That stinks. Will continue to pray for CONCLUSIVE results. As for the question about the school valentines . . . I think they DON'T do that today. It's not politically correct, inclusive, blah blah blah. And they certainly don't have cupcakes and candy . . . too many allergies. Poor kids today are really missing out on so many of the fun, simple things while being wrapped in bubble wrap and over-medicated lol. That's my rant for the week haha!

  36. Continuing to stand believing with you in prayer that all of this will end in a miraculous healing touch, maybe they need to do the MRI again, and see that there's nothing there to see! :) God's healing hand took it away!!!! I am believing that all is well, sweet friend! Trust and believe Him, praise Him when the doubts come into your heart!

    I enjoyed your thoughts on Valentine's and reminsced with you, it was a big deal in elementary to write out all the names on the cards, and to have the fun party and share our Valentine's with the class. So sad if they don't do that anymore!

    I am thankful you are getting away to get some fresh mountain air! Every time the Lord brings you to mind, I will praise and thank Him for your healing! Have a blessed time with your family, and my goodness, I sure would love a piece of your blackberry pie :D Blessings and hugs!


Thank you for stopping by today! Your sweet comments are such an encouragement to me.