Wednesday, July 24, 2019

A Makeover and a Medley

Hello my friends.....yes, I'm still kickin'!

I can't believe it's been since before July 4th that I have posted anything.
I don't really know why...I mean nothing earth shattering has happened to speak of.
Do you ever just get that way... and blogging almost becomes sort of a burden?
And steroid withdrawal didn't help matters either... the struggle is real, folks!

My excuse last week was that I took a week of "staycation".
All week long I was busy working on projects that I had been putting off for months and months needed done around the house...from early in the day until late in the afternoon.
Needless to say, the old gray blonde mare, she ain't what she used to be... least until I am able to get my mojo back!
I actually surprised myself by not falling off the step-stool as many times as I was up and down it!
There's still lots to do, mind you, but getting that tiny master bathroom redo accomplished
was a big check mark off my list.

So before I get to the Medley questions,
I'll give you a little peek at my teenie-weenie bathroom makeover.
There are no before pictures but believe me when I tell you it was quite a transformation.

I used the same wallpaper (yes, I said wallpaper) that I papered our bedroom with
a couple of years ago....and you do realize that wallpaper is making a comeback, right?

It never really went out of style in my world, at least.
Anyway, unless I wanted to put up all new sheetrock, wallpaper was pretty much a necessity.
Whoever built and decorated this house back in 1985,
chose to put wallpaper in nearly every room...right on top of raw sheetrock... sizing, no primer, nothing but raw sheetrock...and it and the wallpaper became one...
...impossible to remove without ripping layers of the that white chalky stuff.
So I have basically been re-papering the walls as long as we have lived here,
adhering any new paper to the original, irremovable paper!

The paper I replaced was a dark-ish, marble-ish, textured-ish looking paper.
WOW...what a difference this made in brightening up that tiny bathroom!
And I do mean tiny...another question mark as to why a master bathroom would be this small!
But if the room had been any larger, I may have actually died redecorating it! 😩

So now let's get on over to the Medley...

This week it's all about family...cousins, aunt & uncles to be precise.
So just copy and paste the questions from Terri's blog to yours...
...and well, you know what to do after that

1.  What can you tell us about your cousins, please, or someone who is close like a cousin?

Coming from a family the size of mine (8 kids) and since both of my parents also came from large families, I had so many cousins I couldn't keep track of all of them. Also, many of them lived quite a distance away from us, therefore we didn't see each other very often growing up and many of were not close. Oh yes, there were family reunions on both sides but it was really hard to keep track of that many people when you're a little girl.

Some of my older siblings among some of the cousins. I can't identify some of the!
My older siblings have a much better recollection of who everyone was and closer relationships as well. Since I was one of the younger ones, most my cousins were quite a bit older than me and I wasn't really super close to any of them. Of course I have many people in my life that are not actually "blood" family that I love dearly but comparing them to a cousin would be doing them an injustice since I didn't really have that experience.

2.  Do you still see your cousins and will you contact them on National Cousins Day?

I can't remember when I last saw one of my cousins...isn't that sad? Of course many of them still live up in Ohio and the family reunions of yesteryear just don't happen much if at all anymore...but when they do, I am rarely able to attend. When the aunts and uncles who were their parents passed on (which they just about all have), many of the cousins didn't keep the reunions as a priority. I have reconnected with a couple of my cousins on Facebook and even found an older cousin who I never knew until she stumbled upon my blog a few years ago. You can read about it here.

My long lost cousin, Sharon.

3.  Terri had a favorite aunt and uncle she will tell us about.  How about you?

Out of all my aunts and uncles, I did have had a few favorites. Among them was my Aunt Clara, one my mom's sisters and I have written about her on my other blog. She and Uncle Bud lived out in the country but pretty close to us. Their children were probably the closest in age to me and my siblings and we visited each other often. I loved visiting them at their old farm house with the wrap-around porch and the cow pasture across the road.
My sweet Aunt Clara who lived to be 103 years old!
4.  Did/does your family have reunions and can you tell us about them?

All throughout my childhood and beyond, family reunions were something I always looked forward to year after year. They were held every summer, always on a Sunday, at the same park in Troy, Ohio. This particular reunion was started by my mother's parents and was always known as the Davis Reunion. I don't remember any of my grandparents on either side but I do know they had LOTS of kids! The Davises had seven, each of the seven went on to have that many and more of their own. That gives you just a hint of how large these reunions were at one point.

My mom and five of my siblings at one of the Billheimer reunions.
My dad's family (the Billheimers) also had an annual reunion that I remember attending a few times but we were closer with Mom's side of the family. All of the Davis children are gone now and so are some of their children. Things change. For the past several years, my siblings have tried to keep up with our own reunion. We were unable to meet last year and of course we lost our dear oldest brother in 2017. We had a different kind of reunion that year...bittersweet as it was. Nothing has been planned for this year due to one reason or another but hopefully we can all get together in 2020!

5.  If you have children, are they enjoying relationships with their cousins, aunts, uncles?

Oh, they absolutely are! Our grandchildren range in age from 20 down to 10 and I can't remember a time when they weren't absolutely thrilled to be in each other's company, no matter what age they were. The older boys have always loved visiting the Tennessee Bunch...they LOVE their Uncle Adam...and Adam's two are always thrilled to see what "toys" their Uncle Aaron is tinkering with at any given time. The older ones even especially enjoy visiting the great aunts and uncles in Ohio and have frequently made those trips with us as well. And thanks to Facebook, my own two boys are probably closer to many of their aunts, uncles and cousins in Ohio and other states that they would not have had otherwise! So now, I shall bore you with some photos of my favorite group of cousins...

Cousins...when it was just the boys.

Cousins...and then there were four...finally, a girl!
Cousins just wanna have fun.
Cousins chowing down on some good grub and Parker's trademark silly!
Cousins chillin' in the pool.
Cousins with a moose.
Cousins/Uncle Adam group hunt.
The gang's all here!
6. Tell us something random about your week.
So I am back to work this week after my aforementioned staycation and it has been good to get back into my regular routine once again. To make things even better, the blood test results from last week's visit to my hematologist are coming back (there are a few still out) and so far, everything looks good. I think she took a dozen vials from me kidding. Since the first of the year when everything started to go haywire, my blood platelets had been dropping like flies... BUT...these tests revealed that they are on their way back up! It's comforting to know that I won't bleed to death when I have my upcoming surgery! Also, we are currently experiencing a nice break from the heat after a dozen days of 90+ temps...a few days were nearly 100 degrees! It was in the 70s earlier today and is in the 60s as I am writing this. I am savoring every moment, as short-lived as it will be. Fall, I am ready for you!


So that's it for me this week.
May your days be blessed until we "meet" again!


  1. Wow! You do have a lot of cousins. I was about to tell you that I know ALL my cousins, I realized that that is not true. There is one side of the family where I don’t even know how many there might be.

    Is that deer a cousin? 🙃

    Love the family all gathered picture. We have only one like that. We really need more and you do, too.

    Praise God that your numbers are coming back up. 🙏🏼 Keep us informed about that surgery so we can be prayed up.

  2. Oh heavens! I forgot to say how cute your tiny bathroom is with the new wallpaper. I am a wallpaper lover as well. It looks good way longer than paint. My bathroom is also tiny, but too big to redo for me just now. John could stand in the middle and by extending his arms could reach all the walls...well, if he had had two more arms. Ha!

  3. Our families sound similar growing up. I do have sweet memories of being with my parent's siblings from time to time, and regret that we cousins were not closer in age to have made more memories together. It is wonderful that your children and grands are so close. Yes, I can identify with your feelings and need to just avoid the blogging at times. I become so mentally dry that I have nothing to share, and all of a sudden I find inspiration and need for creating. Such is life and glad you are back among us once again.

  4. Yippee for your bathroom redo. I'm glad you could lighten it up! Love all the old and new cousin and family photos you shared. We never really had family reunions but families have come together at funerals and weddings. Glad your tests are coming back good. We are heating up out here. So happy for that Heat Pump that got installed!! Happy rest of the week to you!

  5. First, I am so happy to hear that your blood tests are coming back with good news! Yay! Your bathroom looks so nice and yes, wallpaper is making a comeback. I'm not a fan because I like to paint, but all the HGTV shows are doing wallpaper now. Thanks for joining the Medley! You do have a big family and isn't that just the best way to grow up! I really enjoyed seeing all the photos of your family!

  6. Your little bathroom renovation looks greta. I should be doing some of that as well.Interesting that you should be talking about cousins today. My sister and I are heading to a cousin reunion on August 10. I am looking forward to connecting with some who I haven't talked to in years.

  7. Love all your pics! We just got back from a staycation as well. Getting back into a routine is good..but hard! Have a great Wednesday!

  8. The bathroom makeover is lovely. Hard to work in a bathroom.
    I've only kept in touch with a few of my cousins.
    Hard now that all of our parents have died. Neither side of my family has ever had reunions.

  9. Your bathroom looks so pretty, Debby!! I happen to still love wallpaper, too, and I always have. I'm glad that you've reconnected with relatives, and I loved all the pics, especially the cousins pics. It's good to know about your blood tests coming back with good news. I know you'll be happy when the surgery is behind you...praying for you. xx

  10. You've been a busy bee with great results. Goodness, can't believe anyone would not prepare a wall properly before putting up wall paper. Ugh! So glad that things are looking up for you medically. Awesome!! Like you, I had not blogged in a while but I talk about that in today's post. Good to visit!

  11. I am thrilled that your blood test results are doing so well, good news. Your bedroom and bathroom look beautiful, love the wallpaper and that stunning quilt.

  12. I am tickled pink about your good results and the platelets growing again! Your photos of what you've done in your home are wonderful! Good job and I love the comforter and drapes - also the bathroom changes. Wallpaper is a messy thing to deal with and I remember trying to pull off the foil wallpaper in my dining room. Remember that stuff? So cool about your long lost cousin and she looks like someone I know. hmmmmmm.

  13. I'm glad to read your health update and know that you are holding your own! You are a strong faith especially! Love the family photos! Hugs!

  14. A staycation can wear you out, can't it? But you have something lovely to show for it, so there's that. I can admire wallpaper because some of it, like yours, is quite pretty! But I have too short an attention span, I suppose, because every time I have wallpapered a room, it lasts way longer than my love for it.

    As I just told Judy (Cranberry Morning), I have only 5 first cousins and my husband has 24, but I am actually closer to some of his than mine.

    Saving the best for last . . .
    Such wonderful news about your numbers!! Rejoicing with you!!

  15. You certainly have one big family whether you know them or not.
    I always enjoy hearing of your family and this post was a treat.
    Your group photo is awesome!!

    My cousins were always close and we would get together, usually at my grandparents home and have a blast playing together.
    As we have aged our paths have gone in different directions and we rarely see one another.

    It's good to hear that your blood count is going up, praise the Lord!
    You must be feeling better in order to accomplish all that you have, good for you.
    I don't mind wall paper at all, and I can certainly see why you continue to use it.
    In one of our homes the previous owners had put up some type of foil paper and that was dreadful for removing!!
    We ended up taking chunks out of the dry wall just trying to remove the stuff!!
    My husband helped the walls by texturing them, so you never did see the gouges.

    So nice visiting with you, dear friend!

  16. I love all those family pictures! I have never stopped loving wallpaper. Never. I would love to have a textured wallpaper in the sewing room, bedroom, and both baths. Too many logs in living room and kitchen. You little bathroom looks beautiful. So glad you are feeling better.

  17. I love the new look of your bathroom! And, it was such a job to read about your cousins and days growing up in OH and hearing about your reunions at Troy! Made me homesick today! I didn't know you have an upcoming surgery, and oh, I will surely be praying for you, sweet friend. I am SO thankful to hear your platelets are coming up, and things are looking up for you. I know God never does a halfway job, and HE will continue to see you through all of this. I am so thankful we can pray for one another during these trying, difficult times. Dear Jesus, help us all. Sending much love and many hugs to you today!

  18. I sure hope those blood platelets continue to improve! You had lots of cousins too. I think all that cousin interaction makes for a fun childhood. About the wallpaper, we completely sized our walks before putting on wallpaper 30 years ago, and believe me, it is still totally one with the drywall paper! Our realtor is saying we have to get rid of it, but when we try to get it off, it takes off the drywall paper too. (As you were saying). What a pain! Your walls look great! So I think we'll just re-paper with something more subtle than out 1980s plum. LOL

    God bless you Debby.

  19. I always wished I was raised in a big family, but my extended family is quite large. As the older generation leaves this earth it seems harder to get the younger ones together for reunions, but your family seems to manage. Your bathroom re-do is pretty and I love the wall paper. It reminds me of what used to be in my sister's room when we were growing up. Amazing how large walls were all papered. I guess it's an awesome thought to be as I never did well at wallpapering. Especially small spaces like a bathroom where you realized not everything was straight!

  20. Oh my! What a wonderful big family you have. I know it is hard to stay in touch once the grandparents/parents are gone. MY family is trying to stay in touch and have an annual reunion, we have one scheduled in October in NC, at my brother's family home. My older brother passed away this year, so it will be very bittersweet. We will celebrate his life when we all get together, since that is what he requested we do rather than a memorial service when he died. So it will be a special time. Facebook has helped me to reconnect with many of my cousins, but we weren't all that close growing up due to living too far apart. We only have one grandson, so he doesn't have any cousins in our family except for some "2nd cousins", but again, we are all too far apart. That makes me sad. Oh, I LOVE your little bathroom makeover and also the picture of your bedroom is just lovely. I really love it. When we get moved into our new house I may be doing some "makeovers" of bathrooms eventually, as it is a manufactured home and it has that wallpaper pattern on the walls of the bathrooms and another one in the kitchen. IT will be okay for now, but I know I will want to change it eventually. But it is actually printed on the wallboard, so I will probably just paint over it. We shall see. YOu are good at wall papering. I'm not that brave! Glad you are feeling better and that your numbers are going up! God is so good. So happy for you.


Thank you for stopping by today! Your sweet comments are such an encouragement to me.