Wednesday, July 3, 2019

A Red, White & Blue Medley

I love celebrating the Fourth of July!
I love our beautiful flag, everything it stands for and I especially love taking photos of it.

Over the years, I have taken quite a few and have shared them here on my blog.

So until I get some new shots, I will re-share some of the ones you've already seen.

Hopefully by next year at this time, I'll have some new ones!

This one (below) is my favorite.

So it's that time again...Terri is asking the questions on her blog and we answer them on ours.
This week the Medley is all about...


Well, of course it is!

Terri shares a lot of interesting history about how and why we celebrate the way we do.
Head on over to the Wednesday Medley and read all about may learn something new!

1.  Please share a favorite July 4th memory with us.

It's hard to come up with just one favorite memory...there are many. It seemed like the July 4th holiday many times fell on or near the same time as our annual family reunions...always at the same park in Troy, Ohio for as long as I can remember. It was always such a special time of seeing aunts, uncles and cousins that we hadn't seen for a while. Of course the food was out of this world too. Later on, we would head home and it was time to let off some dad and brothers were notorious for sneaking around scaring the pants off of us. Mom would make her famous homemade ice cream which always turned out to be a family affair. These were the days before we had an electric ice cream churn and I remember Dad and my brothers all taking turns cranking that handle until it was done! We lived in a neighborhood that included a lake where we all swam as kids and on the 4th, a fireworks display was put on by the local fire department right on the shore of the lake. Oohing and aahing over the reflections of the fireworks on the water was like getting a double dose of excitement...especially when you're a kid!

2.  How do you plan to spend tomorrow?  If you are working, will you celebrate later?

Neither one of us has to work on the's great when a holiday is attached to a 3-day weekend making it a 4-day weekend! We plan to leave for Tennessee tonight (sometime after midnight so technically it will be Thursday) so Jim can get a few hours of sleep before the trip. We should get there mid-morning on the 4th and I imagine that we'll be doing some porch sitting and just chilling out once we arrive. It always seems to be cooler up there on top of the mountain with a lovely breeze. We will also be celebrating a couple of birthdays. Carrie's dad has been staying with them since he was diagnosed with cancer and is having treatments at Vanderbilt...the 4th is also his birthday and Adam's is the following week so we will be celebrating both of them. I'm sure there will some good food involved as well...there always is...and Adam is already scoping out the area for the best place to take in a great fireworks show...the perfect way to top off the day. 

3. Is there a favorite foods always reserved for your 4th of July

Watermelon...ya gotta have a good, sweet watermelon! I don't really know what all will be on our menu but I always love a good hotdog on the 4th of July too...there's just something so "American" about a great hotdog!

And lemonade is always good...but for some reason it tastes a little better on the Fourth of July!

4.  In Florida, you can buy all kinds of fireworks, including some that fly high and burst into pretty cascades.  Are fireworks legal in your state/community and does anyone you know put on a display for your neighborhood?

Fireworks that are illegal in North Carolina include firecrackers, ones that spin on the ground, roman candles, bottle rockets, or any aerial fireworks. Essentially, any firework that explodes or leaves the ground is not legal in North Carolina. Basically they are NOT the ones that you will find in Walmart or the grocery stores. Now Tennessee is a different story and there is a great place that sells all kinds of them right off the highway on our way. We have stopped there many times with the grandsons and...what is it that they say about a kid in a candy store??

5.  Do you have a favorite movie that you always watch sometime during the 4th of July?

Watching a movie is actually the furthest thing from my mind on the Fourth of July.

6.  Share something from your week, please.

A short work week always makes me happy but when I'm getting ready to travel, there is always so much extra to do. I baked banana-nut breads on Saturday to if I can just remember to get them out of the freezer along with the black raspberries to make the pie. Also on my list of things to do was to bathe the dogs and wash all of their bedding...done! I am finally beginning to feel more like my old self (is that a good thing or a bad thing??) after all of that brain fog and craziness when I was taking those high doses of steroids. I have been tapering off of them for the past several weeks and I take my last 5mg dose on Friday! YEEHAW! I am concentrating now on getting myself as fit as possible (for me) before my surgery...mostly working on my core, hoping for a quicker recovery period. And last but not least, I want to wish you all a HAPPY and SAFE Independence Day!



  1. "...the black raspberries to make the pie."

    That sounds good!

    Happy 4th and God bless America. :)

  2. It sounds like you will be having a "perfect" holiday weekend. Wishing you safe travels and a happy 4th!

  3. Gorgeous photos and that hot dog looks good enough to gobble!!!!Oh, wrong holiday! Have a great Fourth!!

  4. Oh my goodness... your flag pics are stunning! I love the one with the angle of looking up at it! Have a great 4th!!

  5. Your flag pictures are gorgeous!!! So professional looking. I enjoyed your memories and sounds like many more to be made tomorrow. Wishing I could be chilling out in a beautiful place like Tennessee! Happy 4th and safe travels.

  6. Loved all these beautiful pictures of the flag flying high. I’m one of those who loves the Grand Old Flag and I love seeing it displayed. It is a particular thrill.

    Sounds as if you have your 4th of July under control. Have a wonderful time and Happy Trails!

  7. Lovely photos of the flag, Debby. The hot dog and lemonade look sooooo good. I bought some Polish sausages recently and with a bun, catsup, and mustard, they tasted great. Happy Fourth of July! I hope you have a pleasant, fun, and safe day. Yes, always watermelon! : )


  8. Your pictures are beautiful! I think we have the most gorgeous flag!
    I hope you have a safe trip to Tennessee and have fun! I am so glad you are almost finished with the steroids and you are feeling better now too! That is great news! Loved your answers! Have a Happy 4th of July!

  9. Debby, your photos are always gorgeous! Hope you'll come back from your vacation with a few to share. Enjoy this wonderful time with family . . . making new memories, rejoicing in answers to prayer, and celebrating birthdays!

    I am happy to hear that you're coming out of the steroid-induced brain fog. I had to take a high dose of steroids (19 years ago) for a different health crisis, and that stuff is no joke.

  10. Sounds like you are headed to have a fun filled 4th. Awesome! And, almost finished with those steroids, yea!! Your flag pics are just gorgeous!

  11. Your photos are absolutely gorgeous, Debby! The flag photos are amazing and inspiring, and the hot dog and lemonade look so scrumptious.

    It sounds like a wonderful long weekend for you all. Enjoy!

  12. Even if I didn't like what you say (but I do) I'd visit just for your spectacular photos. There is not much more beautiful than our flag "furlin'" if that's a word. Hope you have a safe ride tonight and wonderful chilling on the porch. Sounds wonderful.

  13. Have a wonderful July 4th, making more happy memories with your family.

  14. Good afternoon, Debby. Thank you for your sweet comments about Galax..Yes, both of my parents were from Galax and the environs... THey moved to Roanoke to raise me, then retired back in Galax so most of my family lived in the hills of Grayson and Carroll County! I am actually going to a huge family reunion of the Cox clan mid July at the small country church my parents attended.. I am going because some of my immediate family are going otherwise I porb woldnt remember who anyone was. Small world isnt it.. So glad you mentioned about Galax.. It is a beautiful community!!! God bless for a great Fourth... I hope my hot dogs come out looking half as good as your's!

  15. A hot dog and some watermelon sound like a great 4th to me!

  16. Your 4th of July reunions sound like they were great fun! Your photos are beautiful. Thanks for joining the Medley today!! I enjoyed reading your responses!! Happy 4th!

  17. I love seeing the flag blowing in the breeze.
    Ken and I met on the 4th of July many years ago!!

  18. Great flag shots....Happy 4th of July! Glad you get to go to Tennessee.

  19. Those are great flag photos! A mountain breeze sounds wonderful right about now :) Enjoy your long weekend - safe travels!

  20. I love your flag photos, Debby! You have wonderful memories of the 4th of July. Enjoy your time away celebrating birthdays and family time. I see that some lucky people are going to get a black raspberry pie!! Happy Independence Day, my friend, and safe travels.

  21. I enjoyed seeing your flag photographs.
    Happy 4th of July, enjoy time with family.

    All the best Jan

  22. Nice to visit with you, Debby! Happy Independence Day, my friend. Many blessings and hugs to you. :)

  23. I loved every one of your flag pictures. They are beautiful and you could post them every year as far as I'm concerned. I am commenting on Friday so know that your 4th with your family was spectacular.

  24. Have any pictures of the pie? Would love to see it, but better yet, to taste it! LOL. We always made home made ice cream in my family, the old fashioned way. If you didn't take a turn cranking, you couldn't have any ice cream (well, we never denied anyone a dish, but it was all part of the fun). Now we have an electric motor for ours, but this year we didn't do it. Too much to do to move. I'm so glad you are enjoying a long weekend with your family in a beautiful place. Sounds divine!!! Have a wonderful time, and keep working toward that goal of getting healthier day by day. Praying for you.

  25. Hey Debby. I'm trying to catch up. Thank you for the sweet comment you left on Lynn's post. Oh, is there anything any more beautiful than our flag against a blue sky?? Your pictures are so good. I got goosebumps looking at them. I do love anything patriotic.

  26. Hi Debby! Oh, your pictures are just stunning! You are a marvelous photographer! Hope all is well in your world.
    Be a sweetie,
    shelia ;)


Thank you for stopping by today! Your sweet comments are such an encouragement to me.