Monday, July 1, 2019

Summer Squash Spoonbread (with Pimento cheese)

Hello friends and Happy Monday!

And it's also the first day of JULY...that's just unbelievable.
So I have a recipe that I'd like to share with you that I made over the weekend.
Have you ever been leisurely paging through a magazine and a recipe just jumped off the page
and stopped you in your tracks...and you knew right away you had to make it?
Well, that's what happened to me a couple of days ago.

I won't tell you exactly where I was when I was paging through said magazine...
...I'll just leave that one right there...πŸ˜‰...ahem...

Not only did the recipe look super easy but I love anything with squash in it.
I thought it was unusual that it called for pimento cheese and we always have some on hand...
...even better!

I also love baking in an iron skillet and the directions were to preheat the pan.

The recipe also called for two cups of diced onion...two cups?
At first I wasn't going to put in that much but I decided to follow the recipe and I'm really glad I did.

Not too appetizing at this stage is it?

My 10" skillet nearly overflowed as you can see...YIKES!
I was just hoping it wouldn't bubble out while it baking, which it did not after all. 
Next time I do think I will use my 12" skillet though.

So here's the recipe...

Actually, I was pretty happy about how beautiful it looked after it baked...

...and I dug right in...and it wasn't even suppertime yet.
Now keep in mind that I make stuff like this when Jim's working so I can dig in whenever I want!

Oh was SO good y'all!

So I just had to have me a little snack!

And a couple hours later I had a little more with a side of my "pickles".

And in keeping with the upcoming Fourth of July holiday, 
there was also a little bit of red, white and blue action going on.

This dish is just perfect for an easy summer supper...actually, anytime at all.
I don't know about you, but I am learning more and more that I don't need a meat with every meal.
I had some again for lunch on Sunday with a baked sweet potato...really a great combination!

I am sometimes a little hesitant to post a recipe that I thought was really good 
for the fear that someone might try it and think it was really gross.
But isn't that always a chance we take whenever we try a new recipe?
Life is a gamble!

Anyway, I do hope that if any of you decide to give it a try, it will be to your liking!



  1. Okay. I believe you when you say that it is yummy. However, it has not stopped me in my tracks other than for me to, Debby, your food photography skills are very good. I’m still all about the mild, bland, smooth, and cold just now. A glass of milk is perfectly to my specs. Ha!

  2. Oh this looks delicious! I am saving this recipe to try. Mine kind of cooking. And oh...girl...I have my granny's old iron skillet that belonged to her mama and see here....that old gal can so her some cooking in that skillet! I made a squash casserole yesterday. We must have been thinking SQUASH! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  3. That looks really delicious. Pimento cheese is something I have never had in my fridge nor eaten. Do you think any other cheese might be substituted. You are so funny … I think everybody can figure out that location. Happy 4th to you! And thanks for the recipe.

  4. That really looks good!! Thanks for sharing the great photos and the recipe!

  5. awesome article.
    thanks for sharing :)

  6. That looks delicious! I may have to give this a try. Hope you are feeling well and that you and yours will have a wonderful 4th!

  7. I bet Roger would like this...not sure about me. But with all those onions, I just might. If I even smell an onion, I am automatically hungry!

  8. Oh, no, I don't have to have a meat for a meal, but Roger does! Good green beans and a pan of cornbread is a meal fit for a king in my opinion....or cornbread with wilted lettuce and onions! YUM!

  9. Looks delicious and like you we don't need meat with every meal.

  10. You make me laugh, Debby, especially with your “ahem”! The cornbread sounds wonderful, and I appreciate you sharing something that you loved. I’m loving your pretty blue transferware plate. Happy 4th of July! πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ❤️πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

  11. It sure does look good.
    We don't eat meat with every meal either.
    Your photos are super!

  12. Oh my it does sound delicious! I love zucchini and like to find new ways to use it! Thanks for sharing the recipe!

  13. Oh my goodness, this squash dish looks delicious. And it is displayed nicely on your pretty blue plate. Those old iron skillets are the best. I really want to get one of those.


  14. This does look good. Such a versatile vegetable, summer squash. I might try this with some almond flour and see if it holds together. Thanks for the recipe.

  15. Looks delicious, many thanks for sharing the recipe suggestion.

    All the best Jan


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