Friday, October 25, 2019

Scenes from Haywood Hollow

Hello dear friends!

Although it still seems like we are on an extended vacation,
the fact remains that we are NOT!

This being retired business feels pretty strange too.
Among other things, I'm getting used to not getting up and getting myself all prettified for work.
Geesh...I used way too many gettings in that last sentence, didn't I?
See what happens when you retire?
But on the the upside, think of how much $$ I'll save on makeup!
And, I'm learning how to sleep in...
...instead of getting up at 4:30, I now sleep until 5:30...even 6:00 one day!
That's saying a lot since we are on central time and it was actually 7:00 eastern time.😁
And these guys certainly look right at home, don't they?

They don't care where they go as long they are with us.
And they also have new cousins (cousins???) to play with.
This is Millie...

...and this is Dolly, the two newest members of the family.

These sweet dogs were evidently dropped off down the road and hanging out together.
Dolly, an Australian Shepherd mix, is unrelated to what were three German Pointer pups,
including the one now known as Millie.
Adam took them all to the vet where they were checked out, vaccinated and the females spayed.
And they are now living the good life, getting lots of food, water and plenty of attention.
The other two pointer pups were also adopted very quickly.
So one beautiful but chilly morning this week while Jim was taking the kids to school,
I decided I needed a good, brisk walk so I donned my chicken boots and flannel jacket...

...and proceeded down the 1/2 mile plus decline to the bottom and then over to our land.

There was no frost up top but quite a heavy one down below.

Bonfire, anyone?

I could have used one right about then since the sun had not yet peeked up over the hill.
Too bad I had forgotten my matches. 😏

Some fall color is finally beginning to show it's beautiful face.

It's kind of amazing to see these lovely little wildflowers still blooming...

...among these dried up thistles.

I'm not sure what kind of tree or bush this is...
the branches were heavy laden with these clusters of berries.

But I do know what these (below) are and believe me, they are plentiful.

I am envisioning fresh blackberries included in many recipes next summer. 😋

Just a little nippy for swinging...I think I'll pass.
Time to trek back up to the "house"...

On my way back up the steep incline, my eye was drawn to this huge but familiar tree.
Adam, Carrie and the kids carved their initials into it when they first bought this land,
long before they built their lovely home.
But I think this was the first time I noticed that the tree had legs and a...crotch.

Well, what else would you call it? 

And this is a super cool way that the neighbors below get water for their livestock...
...the spring coming off the side of the mountain drains through this pipe under the gravel road
and empties into a hose that fills their watering trough below...pretty smart!😉

Up, up, up...

...finally I made it to the top.

I was tired...but it was exhilarating!
Just what I needed.
Such is life in Haywood Hollow...I still can't believe we're here...
...and as I always say, God is GOOD.


  1. Thank you for taking us with you on your early morning walk. I could feel the cold air as we walked along, but oooh for the beauty of that sunshine. :-)
    Your colors are beginning to look real pretty.
    Your pups have the perfect spot in the house, and oh boy, friends to play with!
    How wonderful that your son took those two precious dogs in, I just love hearing about those who have a heart for animals in need of a good home.

    Take care and enjoy the days ahead that God has planned for you.

  2. Debby, it looks like you're living the good life and really enjoying it. Ya made me laugh out loud when I read the about the tree having a crotch. You're so funny!

  3. Oh wow! I love this post, and loved walking with you. It's beautiful there! and I want chicken boots like yours. Those are so cute!! Your Travel trailer looks so warm and cozy, and it sure must be, looking at your sweet doggies. Those are such pretty dogs and to have been dropped off. Can't imagine. Isn't retirement wonderful. Back when I retired, instead of sleeping later I began waking up at 3:00 am...excited about being home. :) Enjoy every minute!

  4. And you know I am loving those cute boots and I am so ready for a little flannel! Loving all the beautiful pictures! Looks like all the pet babies are settling right in. Glad you are sleeping in a little girl. Sure won't hurt you a bit to get a little extra rest. I bet it does feel strange to be retired. God is good, good Father isn't He? Hugs and blessings, Cindy
    P.S. I need the new address. And, having problems with blogger again. Showing me as no-reply. CRAZY!

  5. God is Good. One of many reasons is that he blessed me with your post. Lovely.

  6. How beautiful it is there! Are you going to walk daily or as often as weather allows? Sounds as if your family has lots of doggy friends. (Too bad that dogs are being abandoned, but good that your son loves dogs and cares for them.) I suppose that all sorts of things are going on behind the scenes in getting things ready for your build. When will that process begin? Right off or in the spring?

  7. How exciting to be able to walk up to your property. Believe me I know exactly how you feel!!

    You notice all kinds of things when walking and taking a long a camera makes you look at things a new way too. So glad you enjoyed your walk!! :)

  8. Ah, I feel as if you've taken us along on your happy adventure, Debby! Thanks for sharing the stories & the photographs. And I just LOVE your boots! Abundant blessings to you & Haywood Hollow! Patiently waiting for your next installment:)

  9. Fun post, Debby, and so good to see your new surroundings! Thanks for taking us along on your morning walk!

  10. What a beautiful area and so happy for your retirement and now living "the good life." Thanks for sharing your lovely area with us.

  11. God is good indeed! Great photos. What a beautiful place to retire.

  12. Such glorious photos of a glorious walk. The first of many I should imagine. How beautiful is the sun peeking from behind the top of the road. There is nothing like a walk in a beautiful place to dwell upon the goodness of God, is there.

  13. It really is beautiful there and I'm so glad you are there too! It's good for the soul! Lovely leaves...especially with the frost! Happy weekend my friend!

  14. It looks so beautiful there! I am so thankful you are getting settled in and enjoying life in your new surroundings, sweet friend. :) Your little dogs look so content and at peace. Don't you wish you had their worries? HA! We should be like that in trusting our Heavenly Father and just be at peace assuming He will take care of us, no matter where we are or what is going on around us. I am striving to get to that point - it is my constant pursuit! So wonderful to visit with you today and hear what is going on in your life!

  15. This is such a beautiful post! How lovely everything is! I know you're having fun.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  16. Oh my, Debby, that is SO beautiful!! I can't wait to see more! I love it. So happy for you!!! Praise God for His blessings that are flowing!!!!

  17. Oh you seem so relaxed and at peace. I think I would love it there! Like a mountain getaway home. I guess that’s what you have forever! Beautiful!

  18. Thanks for taking us along on your walk. It's such a beautiful place! So happy for you as you settle in and make this your home. God's goodness never ends.

  19. Oh, I am excited with you as I walk along and see your new places! It feels like "home" . . . and a beautiful one! Yes, your furbabies look like they have settled in nicely and I am so happy for their new "cousins." Bless your son for being kind to these homeless creatures!

  20. Thank you for taking me along your walk in Haywood Hollow, Debby! I enjoyed seeing the beauty that you’ve shared. I would love waking up to that everyday! God is good.

  21. LOL Debbie on the tree. Too funny. Love seeing your little doxie's. They sleep just like Buddy. Wow people abandoning those beautiful dogs. Glad your son rescued them. What beautiful dogs. Happy New Week. That walk looks fabulous.

  22. You ARE livin' the dream my friend. What a beautiful place you've landed in. So glad everything is moving along and you are getting settled in!

  23. Oh how lovely. So glad to hear so many milestones have occurred since the last time I checked in or maybe since the last time you posted. The land looks lovely. I'm glad to hear you are good and enjoying life. Blessings!!

  24. Debby-I am so thrilled that you have found your 'forever' home and love the area you are in...what a blessing to find such a special spot. How wonderful about taking those sweet pups into their lives and finding homes for the others. Special people do special things!
    Have a wonderful Fall week! xo Diana

  25. I imagine the retired life and learning to live in TN is all quite a change for you, but still very exciting! Glad that you are seeing some beautiful colors! The pups look quite content where they are, and how sweet are the rescued dogs, they are just precious! I just love early morning walks, they truly are exhilarating, and really get my day going. We had a crazy snowstorm here on Monday, and the temps have been below freezing since. I walked yesterday and today in temps about 12 degrees or so. Talk about bitter cold, but at least the sun was shining! I think I looked like Jack Frost when I got back from my 5 mile trek, lol! But yes, it feels great to walk, I'm glad you have such a beautiful place to enjoy... and that tree, oh my, lol! Praying that all goes well with your new property, and getting your home built :) Blessings and hugs!

  26. Ah Debbie I so enjoyed seeing fall in your part of the world. North Carolina is such a beautiful state. Read that you are from Ohio originally and that is where I have lived all my life. Your dogs are looking so comfortable and sweet. Hikes this time of the year are just the best. It is like the Lord doesn't withhold one lovely color during this season. Smiled when I read about retiring - my hubby has just retired...we are still getting up at 4:30 - of course I am still working. ): Have a lovely day. Hugs!

  27. A beautiful post dearie! I don't know if we will ever get to retire, but I hope we find a way to love work to the end if that is required of us. Blessings, Laura of Harvest Lane Cottage

  28. A big, happy hello to you, my dear friend! Oh my, it's been too long since I popped in for a visit. I so enjoyed scrolling through your posts as I caught up a little bit. Your pictures are as lovely as ever. I have always ooohed and ahhhed at your photographs - you have such a wonderful talent for capturing beauty in all things. I am so excited for you, Debby, as you embark upon this new adventure. Ever since you share your news with me, I have been praying for you.

    Please know that I think of you often. Sending lots of love your way!

  29. Everyone looks so comfy in the second photo. Also, love the boots!

  30. Looks so beautiful, so nice to see all of your photographs.
    Take care, and happy November wishes to you.

    All the best Jan

  31. Hi Debby! Everything looks so beautiful and I hope you're having a great time! Thanks for popping in to see me.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)


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