Friday, October 11, 2019



tran·​si·​tion | \ tran(t)-ˈsi-shən

passage from one state, stage, subject, or place to another CHANGE

a movement, development, or evolution from one form, stage, or style to another

Twenty-seven years of Ray Family history took place behind and beyond these doors.
Bittersweet is the only word I have in my vocabulary to describe how it felt to leave here.
Leaving behind our beloved son, a precious daughter-in-law, and three grands ain't easy, folks.
But it was time...God's perfect time.

These photos were taken just moments before our 5-vehicle caravan pulled out of the drive.
Adam drove truck #1, Jim drove truck #2, I was behind the wheel of my Honda, #3,
grand #1, Dacey was #4 in his Jeep, and finally grand #2, Dylan brought up the rear in Jim's car.
Did you get all of that?
Those two grandsons worked their little hineys off...well, actually everyone did.

And you may remember these sweet babies... don't know how tempted we were to take a couple of them with us.
The lady who treated our well water actually wound up adopting the tiniest one
and our former next door neighbor has been helping feed them all along so they will be fine.

But if there's one thing I'm sure of, it's this...
...if I never have the opportunity to read the back of  U-Haul again, it will be too soon.
Ask me anything you need to know about U-Hauls...
...I can quote you word for word all about their Built-in Value. 😏

It still doesn't seem real yet...
...aren't we really just on vacation and camping in Adam's backyard??
Oscar and Tasha have made themselves right at home, as usual,
but they have no idea they will never see the only home they've ever known again.
They will probably be better at this transitioning thing than we are!

And even though there is no house yet, we received our first housewarming gift!
Jim's sis and her hubby in Florida are always so very thoughtful.


BUT...we do have a mailbox!

Below, I'm standing near Adam's mailbox on the other side of the road looking down towards ours,
just to give you an idea that we won't be breathing down each other's neck.
That is, after we get moved down the mountain.😉

No...seriously, it's not like that at all but it will be nice to get over on our side of the road.

Temporary power pole for RV...

And that tiny light blue dot in the field to the right of the fence is Jim sitting on the "porch". 😄

Anyone have any great ideas of what I can do with this livestock feeder??

The creek bed is currently dry but as I write this post, it is raining cats and dogs.

It has been an unusually hot and dry summer here...high to mid 90s for weeks on end.
Adam says no worries...the creek always fills back up.

I do actually hope we get lots of rain so I can get my boots muddy. 😊

So it in the country.
God is GOOD.

Until next time...


  1. Hooray! Wait a had escaped me that you were leaving anyone behind. Bittersweet is the word. At least you’ll be visiting them and your former community again...maybe even the kitties. Such beautiful land you’ve purchased. Exciting times! You must find yourself pinching yourself to see if it’s all real. God is good. All the time!

  2. Congratulations!!! Very exciting time and a new season or chapter in your lives. I loved your mud boots, mine are not that cute! Take care and enjoy it all...
    Hugs, Love Roxy

  3. Just look at those cool gum boots.....all ready for life in the country! So, your new life begins, how fabulously exciting. 'Tis a li'l bit of God's paradise you have there, lovely Debby.

  4. Oh Debby, I'm so excited for you! You've come a long way, girl! You're making that long term plan a reality...a dream come true. We have 2 years, yet, and I'm bursting at the seams to make our move. Keep us in the loop as how it is all going. Sending hugs!

  5. We are so glad to have you with us on the mountain!

  6. And so you have begun a great new adventure. You have been dreaming of this move for a long time. Looks like a great site for your new house. It will be exciting watching your house being built. May it all go smoothly. We've been in our new house over a year already!

  7. And the adventure has begun! Can't wait to hear more about it, Debby.
    And I just love those boots:)

  8. Oh Debby, Debby, Debby, I want to go with you!! It is so beautiful there! and I want that pile of kittens on your front porch, and those chicken boots. please. :) You are so funny, talking about the back of that U-HAUL! and Jim sitting on the front porch. Oh, and that is the most beautiful pot of flowers I have ever seen. Can't wait for you to get started on your house. Will be watching for your next post!

  9. It seems like this all happened very fast, but I know it was a long time in the planning. Yet it wasn't long from retirement to your move, so you did well. I'm sure you're giving a big sigh of relief and now maybe you can relax a bit before you begin watching over the eventual construction of your new home. Looks like you will have some beautiful nature to enjoy as fall colors come!

  10. How very bittersweet! I do hope that you have a wonderful time at your new homestead! I'm sure each new part of this journey will be an adventure. With the feeder...why not get an animal to use it? or if that is not an would make a great raised bed for growing something.

  11. Welcome to country life! I made that move 8 years ago, and while I miss my friends, neighbors and the convenience, I would never go back! Well, at least not anytime soon.
    Best of luck on getting settled in,

  12. Oh, Debby! I am so excited for you! What a dream come true for you. It is bittersweet to leave the home you have loved for so long--as I did mine--but life moves us along, doesn't it?! Happy New Home to you! xo Diana

  13. I wish you all the very best. I know that this is all bittersweet, but I trust that as time goes on you will feel that it has been the best decision.

  14. What a wonderful journey you are beginning!! Thanks for taking us along! Joe and I moved two years ago after 28 years in our home. It isn't easy but we have never looked back. The memories are in our hearts, not between those old walls. xoxox

  15. Oh my Debby, I’m so happy for you!!!! It finally happened and a new chapter has begun in your life!! Blessings to you and Jim. 👏🏻❤️👏🏻

  16. I wish you good health and much happiness with the new chapter of your life, Debby! xx

  17. You did it!! You made the long-awaited move!! How exciting . . . although I know that the "bittersweet" is a very real part of it. I suppose every big change is full of bittersweetness. But I have no doubt that you are going to love your beautiful new place!!

  18. I love this post. Now that I am home I can see it better on my computer rather than my phone. I am so excited for you. God is doing wonderful things for you, and He will replace that which you have left behind.(although not your family...I don't mean that...just the "things") with good things and happy new adventures. I love that you have your mailbox up and ready. That was the first thing we did here at our new house too. Made us feel like it was really real! So happy for you!!!

  19. So glad to see what all you've been up too! Wonderful pictures my friend. I am still sorta giddy over how God has ordained all this. WOW! YES...gotta have a mailbox cause I might want to send you a card! LOL! Loving those rain boots sista! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  20. How exciting! I can't even imagine moving away from here, but part of me would like to and maybe in a couple years after we retire, we will. Who knows?

    Looking forward to "watching" you as you settle in.

  21. I finally made my rounds and was able to stop in for a visit! Where did this week go?!

    Bittersweet in deed, but oh my you are going to build your new home on a gorgeous piece of property.
    Your husband is already enjoying what seems to be a little piece of heaven.

    I am so, so excited for you guys and can't wait to see the stages you will go through.

    Take care sweet lady~

  22. Oh Debby!! Bittersweet indeed! Such exciting times to make this transition, it must be been hard to leave your family behind! I love your new property and it will be so fun to put your new boots to work! ;) I look forward to the progress on your new home! Hoping you get to enjoy some fall colors there too!! Blessings and hugs!!

  23. … and the adventure begins. It will be great to share it with you through your blog.
    Sending my good wishes, hope everything goes well.

    All the best Jan

    PS I do like your boots :)

  24. Wow Debby it looks like you are certainly into transition. Will be fun seeing your new home building process. Hugs!

  25. I felt sure I'd commented here, I remember seeing those boots - which I love!
    Enjoy your new adventure :)

    All the best Jan


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