Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Little Red House in the Woods

I've been dreaming of it for years.
Now that it's finally a reality, I'm just tickled pink...but I'm seeing RED...
...in a good way! :)
Years ago when we first moved into our little brown house in the woods,
I really liked it's rustic charm but over time, the brown faded and became quite worn.

And after we had the garage built, we weren't able to match the browns exactly.
We lived with the slight difference in paint color for close to twenty years.
Yes. Twenty. Years.
It was time for a change.
WAY past time.
A couple of months ago, I posted an update and a little sneek peek of the upcoming changes.
It is still a work in progress but it's far enough along to finally be able to share.

It went from brown to primer gray to red.
Our contractor suggested that instead of replacing the old, decrepit front stoop,
he could build us a good sized front porch.
Ohhh...YES please!

We painted the existing shutters black and added new black ones to the back.

I painted the front door black...
...and sprayed the old green wrought iron patio set with oil rubbed bronze...
...and added new cushions and umbrella.

There is still some trim work to do and finials to add to the stairs,
but it was a happy day when just this past weekend we were finally able to use the new porch!

We have really missed having a front porch ever since we sold our cabin
and it has been exciting anticipating that fact we were going to add one here.
 I have been decorating it in my mind since June when the project began :)

Our vintage metal glider has been rescued from the garage since it's face lift...
...and is now at home on the new porch!

These wicker rockers were $3.00 (each) yard sale finds...

...repaired and sprayed with the same paint that I used on the glider.

The vintage ice cream table set was a present from my hubby for my birthday :)

We were trying to beat the clock to get the porch set up before our first visitors arrived...

...and we just made it with a few hours to spare.

This is my Nashville bunch, testing out the glider...
our first front porch guests.

And Buddy, their dog, made himself right at home, as you can see.
 It was little chilly to sit out there very long...

...but was much warmer sitting around the campfire in the back.

This is my oldest son with his two boys, his significant other, and her son.

And here's the whole bunch of us, all together at one time.
I was one happy Mama/Mawmaw, having the whole family gathered together :)
The home improvements are still a work in progress, like I said.
There is still plenty of work to be done.
The past few months have had it's share of stresses and there will be more before it's all completed.
And although I am thrilled with the newness of our surroundings,
there is nothing to compare to just being together under one roof...or sky...as the case may be.
 Brown house, red house...it simply doesn't matter.
Memories are memories and treasured wherever they happen :)
Sharing at:
Mosaic Monday


  1. What a beautiful home and beautiful family! I know you loved having everyone together. The red is perfect and the porch is so inviting. Good luck with the rest of your home improvements.

  2. Oh my goodness! I absolutely LOVE the changes! I'm a big fan of red, and I like the color on your house. It's a real pretty, muted sort of barn red, and it's perfect for you! The new porch looks absolutely inviting, cozy. And what better people to celebrate the changes with than your family! I know (and can see in the family photo) that your heart was full...


  3. Debby, your house is so charming. I love everything about it. It reminds me of my mother-in-law's cabin in the mountains. I love the red color of it, very nice. What a wonderful family picture this is. It's no wonder that you take such beautiful nature pictures. I am looking around at your area, and it's beautiful.


  4. Oh it just looks fabulous! Love the porch and I know that you will enjoy the days when you can be outside on good weather days. A lot of fun to see your whole family gathered together! Wonderful expression on your granddaughter's face...made me grin.

  5. Debby, It has turned out absolutely beautiful! I love the red. I love the new porch. We stained our cabin with "Redwood" stain about a year ago. It was scary, but we love the red.

  6. What a beautiful post, not only the beautiful new porch and all the stunning décor but the love you have for your family shone out. Some beautiful memories to treasure.

  7. I love the red house. It fits so well in the surroundings.

  8. Wow!!! I love it!! It gives me hope of what mine can be some day..:) Your family is beautiful...what a blessing to be all together! So happy for you! You have wonderful decorating skills woman.....would love a complete house tour...:) Hugs!!!

  9. really, really nice! and a great crew to have it for!

  10. You know I love your new porch and all the furnishings. How fun that your family could be there to 'christen' it. Wonderful photos!

  11. Debby I love the new color of your house and the porch is just perfect! You did a great job with furnishing it--those rockers are a find. Enjoy! It's getting warmer this weekend.

    1. Thank you...I'm looking forward to some porch time this weekend!

  12. Oh my Debby! I'm in love with your 'new' home! The colour is so rich and the black shutters go so well! And what a beautiful porch to enjoy! You have it set up so well!
    Enjoy for many more years to come!

  13. Perfect as perfect can be. All of it!

  14. It is just so cozy and just makes it all worth the wait! The red is just wonderful and cheery! I really enjoyed seeing these photos! You have a lovely family!!
    Hugs, Roxy

  15. I like the red paint and I think the porch is awesome! I'm sure it will be a great addition to your home.

  16. Wow Debby....it looks amazing!! I love the red with the black shutters! And your covered porch is a great added touch. I love your accent colors you picked. We have that same glider, but ours is white!
    Loved seeing the pictures of your family. What special treasures you have!

    Take Joy in it all!
    Hugs, Amy

  17. Wow Debby....it looks amazing!! I love the red with the black shutters! And your covered porch is a great added touch. I love your accent colors you picked. We have that same glider, but ours is white!
    Loved seeing the pictures of your family. What special treasures you have!

    Take Joy in it all!
    Hugs, Amy

  18. I love the new red exterior Debby and the added porch is so spacious and nicely decorated. It must feel like a new house - so excited for you! ♥

  19. I love your porch...and the red exterior of your home. So pretty!!

  20. I love that red in the woods! How pretty! And what an inviting and comfortable looking porch! :-) My parents have a glider but it isn't put up right now due to their porch not being covered. We were talking about ways to overcome that the other day. I like old fashioned gliders much better than swings! :-)

  21. Oh, wow! Love every photo. Your new look is gorgeous and you did such a great job choosing colours and design! I remember when you shared the glider and it is so perfect. Very dear family pics! Blessings dear friend!

  22. Debby, your changes are amazing and that color is one of my favorites. It just pops off the page and I'm sure it's even better in person. And what a great family photo.

  23. Hello Debby, the new color is just gorgeous. I love it! Wonderful photos of your place and family. Enjoy and have a happy day!

  24. Oh I love a red house but a red house in the woods is wonderful. You are truly blessed with your darling home in such a lovely setting.

  25. Oh Debby!!! This post made me smile. I LOVE your new red house and the porch is amazing... the first photo of the glider and rocking chairs, well... I thought it was an inspiration picture from pinterest or something but NO, it's your actual porch all done and soooo pretty!!! I love the family pictures and the firepit! All of it! A fun post and ENJOY your new porch! Early mornings, late afternoon coffee's... I'll be right over :)

  26. Oh Debby!!! This post made me smile. I LOVE your new red house and the porch is amazing... the first photo of the glider and rocking chairs, well... I thought it was an inspiration picture from pinterest or something but NO, it's your actual porch all done and soooo pretty!!! I love the family pictures and the firepit! All of it! A fun post and ENJOY your new porch! Early mornings, late afternoon coffee's... I'll be right over :)

  27. I love your red house! I love your porch and you have fixed it up so nice!!! What a wonderful place! visiting from talented Connie's blog. Nancy

  28. I love your red house! I love your porch and you have fixed it up so nice!!! What a wonderful place! visiting from talented Connie's blog. Nancy

  29. Wow, what a lovely transformation, Debby! The red with the black shutters looks so pretty. You are so right, it doesn't matter where we gather as a family.

  30. Oh my goodness Debby! Your updates are adorable! I know you will enjoy the fruits of your labor for many years with family and friends. Can't wait to see that porch dressed up for Christmas!
    Blessings from Lynda at Still Woods Farmhouse

  31. You're making memories...how wonderful! And the red looks so nice in that setting. Love your porch too. You'll really get a lot of use with it! Hugs!

  32. Hi Debby, WOW I love your red transformation home and gorgeous porch. The accent with black for the door is just awesome. What a wonderful update. I just love your vintage glider. I had my grandmother's years ago and when we moved I was not able to bring it. I so would love to find another. Your family is beautiful and I love your photos of you all together. What a special time you enjoyed. Blessings for many more memories to follow. xo

  33. Hi Debby, WOW I love your red transformation home and gorgeous porch. The accent with black for the door is just awesome. What a wonderful update. I just love your vintage glider. I had my grandmother's years ago and when we moved I was not able to bring it. I so would love to find another. Your family is beautiful and I love your photos of you all together. What a special time you enjoyed. Blessings for many more memories to follow. xo

  34. Hi Debby! Oh, I love love love your new red paint color on your house! That porch is absolutely marvelous and you have it dressed beautifully! Love the glider and what a steal on the wicker chairs. How nice your family could all be with you, love the family snap! I love your pretty new header too! Thanks for popping in to see me.
    be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  35. Your whole place is going to be beautiful! I love red and with all the trees, it will be gorgeous. I love the porch and the glider is wonderful....looks so well with the wicker, too. Keep going and before you know it ......you will be eating dinner out there, too!!! Susannah

  36. No wonder you look so happy, Debby, this is beautiful. And what a lovely family you have.

  37. OOO, Debbie...what an adorable little red house in the woods...I know you are just beside yourself with such a darling cottage.
    You have a sweet family and I know how much you love being with all of them.....
    LOVE this whole post.

  38. Hi Deb! Wow. Just wow. It all looks brand new, and brand gorgeous! What an eye for color you have, and I love the red touches on your new porch. Your back yard looks so inviting too. What a blessing for your whole family! (Love the pics too, I always do.)

    I know you'll just sit quietly on your new porch, tea in hand, and thank God for all His gifts. Love it!

  39. Wow, what a difference ! I love the red! And the front porch is just fabulous! It looks so cozy and perfect for gatherings, or just a solitary sit with a cup of tea. Loved seeing the family pic -- lots of menfolk in your clan!! Happy memories and happy times. Nothing like a camp fire on a crisp autumn evening.

  40. It's perfect! Love the colors, your porch is amazing and I would never want to leave the glider. Such a beautiful family too!

  41. Oh I love the improvements made to your house. A great color and oh that porch is wonderful. What a great job you did decorating it. I Love it all. How nice that all the family was there to enjoy time together.

  42. Beautiful absolutely beautiful Debbie, and I agree Memories being made is all that matters, you have a beautiful family, keep making those memories!.

  43. What a fabulous transformation...and that front porch is so delightful and inviting....I love the green furniture!

  44. Oooh! You guys did an awesome job! Everything is so beautiful, looks great! And very nice to see your lovely family as well!

  45. oh my goodness it looks wonderful! And that glider...I swear it's a twin to the one that I sat on as a child down at my grandparent's house...how wonderful everything on the porch looks and you are all a beautiful family! :)

  46. I somehow missed this post! I love the red siding. I know you are loving it. Red is my favorite color and as I told someone I don't have any surrounding me now. To have all of your family around to enjoy it must have been precious. When I get a house, I'm gonna have me a glider.

  47. I like the red, it's such a warm, welcoming color. I doubt I'd ever see the day my hubby would go for red! $3 rockers! Now that's a deal! How nice to have your family all together.

    1. Thanks, Patti...we are real happy with the red house :)


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